module Ganeti.HTools.ExtLoader
( loadExternalData
, commonSuffix
, maybeSaveData
, queryAllMonDDCs
, pMonDData
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes)
import Network.Curl
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Text.Printf (hPrintf)
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import qualified Ganeti.DataCollectors.CPUload as CPUload
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Luxi as Luxi
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Rapi as Rapi
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Simu as Simu
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Text as Text
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.IAlloc as IAlloc
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader (mergeData, checkData, ClusterData(..)
, commonSuffix, clearDynU)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import Ganeti.Cpu.Types
import Ganeti.DataCollectors.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.CLI
import Ganeti.JSON
import Ganeti.Logging (logWarning)
import Ganeti.Utils (sepSplit, tryRead, exitIfBad, exitWhen)
wrapIO :: IO (Result a) -> IO (Result a)
wrapIO = handle (\e -> return . Bad . show $ (e::IOException))
parseUtilisation :: String -> Result (String, DynUtil)
parseUtilisation line =
case sepSplit ' ' line of
[name, cpu, mem, dsk, net] ->
rcpu <- tryRead name cpu
rmem <- tryRead name mem
rdsk <- tryRead name dsk
rnet <- tryRead name net
let du = DynUtil { cpuWeight = rcpu, memWeight = rmem
, dskWeight = rdsk, netWeight = rnet }
return (name, du)
_ -> Bad $ "Cannot parse line " ++ line
loadExternalData :: Options
-> IO ClusterData
loadExternalData opts = do
let mhost = optMaster opts
lsock = optLuxi opts
tfile = optDataFile opts
simdata = optNodeSim opts
iallocsrc = optIAllocSrc opts
setRapi = mhost /= ""
setLuxi = isJust lsock
setSim = (not . null) simdata
setFile = isJust tfile
setIAllocSrc = isJust iallocsrc
allSet = filter id [setRapi, setLuxi, setFile]
exTags = case optExTags opts of
Nothing -> []
Just etl -> map (++ ":") etl
selInsts = optSelInst opts
exInsts = optExInst opts
exitWhen (length allSet > 1) "Only one of the rapi, luxi, and data\
\ files options should be given."
util_contents <- maybe (return "") readFile (optDynuFile opts)
util_data <- exitIfBad "can't parse utilisation data" .
mapM parseUtilisation $ lines util_contents
input_data <-
case () of
_ | setRapi -> wrapIO $ Rapi.loadData mhost
| setLuxi -> wrapIO . Luxi.loadData $ fromJust lsock
| setSim -> Simu.loadData simdata
| setFile -> wrapIO . Text.loadData $ fromJust tfile
| setIAllocSrc -> wrapIO . IAlloc.loadData $ fromJust iallocsrc
| otherwise -> return $ Bad "No backend selected! Exiting."
now <- getClockTime
let ignoreDynU = optIgnoreDynu opts
eff_u = if ignoreDynU then [] else util_data
ldresult = input_data >>= (if ignoreDynU then clearDynU else return)
>>= mergeData eff_u exTags selInsts exInsts now
cdata <- exitIfBad "failed to load data, aborting" ldresult
cdata' <- if optMonD opts then queryAllMonDDCs cdata opts else return cdata
let (fix_msgs, nl) = checkData (cdNodes cdata') (cdInstances cdata')
unless (optVerbose opts == 0) $ maybeShowWarnings fix_msgs
return cdata' {cdNodes = nl}
maybeSaveData :: Maybe FilePath
-> String
-> String
-> ClusterData
-> IO ()
maybeSaveData Nothing _ _ _ = return ()
maybeSaveData (Just path) ext msg cdata = do
let adata = Text.serializeCluster cdata
out_path = path <.> ext
writeFile out_path adata
hPrintf stderr "The cluster state %s has been written to file '%s'\n"
msg out_path
data DataCollector = DataCollector
{ dName :: String
, dCategory :: Maybe DCCategory
data Report = CPUavgloadReport CPUavgload
collectors :: Options -> [DataCollector]
collectors opts =
if optIgnoreDynu opts
then []
else [ DataCollector CPUload.dcName CPUload.dcCategory ]
type MonDData = (String, [DCReport])
type MapMonDData = Map.Map String [DCReport]
pMonDData :: String -> Result [MonDData]
pMonDData input =
loadJSArray "Parsing MonD's answer" input >>=
mapM (pMonDN . J.fromJSObject)
pMonDN :: JSRecord -> Result MonDData
pMonDN a = do
node <- tryFromObj "Parsing node's name" a "node"
reports <- tryFromObj "Parsing node's reports" a "reports"
return (node, reports)
queryAllMonDDCs :: ClusterData -> Options -> IO ClusterData
queryAllMonDDCs cdata opts = do
map_mDD <-
case optMonDFile opts of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just fp -> do
monDData_contents <- readFile fp
monDData <- exitIfBad "can't parse MonD data"
. pMonDData $ monDData_contents
return . Just $ Map.fromList monDData
let (ClusterData _ nl il _ _) = cdata
(nl', il') <- foldM (queryAllMonDs map_mDD) (nl, il) (collectors opts)
return $ cdata {cdNodes = nl', cdInstances = il'}
queryAllMonDs :: Maybe MapMonDData -> (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> DataCollector -> IO (Node.List, Instance.List)
queryAllMonDs m (nl, il) dc = do
elems <- mapM (queryAMonD m dc) (Container.elems nl)
let elems' = catMaybes elems
if length elems == length elems'
let il' = foldl updateUtilData il elems'
nl' = zip (Container.keys nl) elems'
in return (Container.fromList nl', il')
else do
logWarning $ "Didn't receive an answer by all MonDs, " ++ dName dc
++ "'s data will be ignored."
return (nl,il)
fromCurl :: DataCollector -> Node.Node -> IO (Maybe DCReport)
fromCurl dc node = do
(code, !body) <- curlGetString (prepareUrl dc node) []
case code of
CurlOK ->
case J.decodeStrict body :: J.Result DCReport of
J.Ok r -> return $ Just r
J.Error _ -> return Nothing
_ -> do
logWarning $ "Failed to contact node's " ++ node
++ " MonD for DC " ++ dName dc
return Nothing
mkReport :: DataCollector -> Maybe DCReport -> Maybe Report
mkReport dc dcr =
case dcr of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just dcr' ->
case () of
_ | CPUload.dcName == dName dc ->
case fromJVal (dcReportData dcr') :: Result CPUavgload of
Ok cav -> Just $ CPUavgloadReport cav
Bad _ -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Nothing
fromFile :: DataCollector -> Node.Node -> MapMonDData -> Maybe DCReport
fromFile dc node m =
let matchDCName dcr = dName dc == dcReportName dcr
in maybe Nothing (L.find matchDCName) $ Map.lookup ( node) m
queryAMonD :: Maybe MapMonDData -> DataCollector -> Node.Node
-> IO (Maybe Node.Node)
queryAMonD m dc node = do
dcReport <-
case m of
Nothing -> fromCurl dc node
Just m' -> return $ fromFile dc node m'
case mkReport dc dcReport of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just report ->
case report of
CPUavgloadReport cav ->
let ct = cavCpuTotal cav
du = Node.utilLoad node
du' = du {cpuWeight = ct}
in return $ Just node {Node.utilLoad = du'}
updateUtilData :: Instance.List -> Node.Node -> Instance.List
updateUtilData il node =
let ct = cpuWeight (Node.utilLoad node)
n_uCpu = Node.uCpu node
upd inst =
if Node.idx node == Instance.pNode inst
let i_vcpus = Instance.vcpus inst
i_util = ct / fromIntegral n_uCpu * fromIntegral i_vcpus
i_du = Instance.util inst
i_du' = i_du {cpuWeight = i_util}
in inst {Instance.util = i_du'}
else inst
in upd il
prepareUrl :: DataCollector -> Node.Node -> URLString
prepareUrl dc node = node ++ ":" ++ show C.defaultMondPort ++ "/"
++ show C.mondLatestApiVersion ++ "/report/" ++
getDCCName (dCategory dc) ++ "/" ++ dName dc
getDCCName :: Maybe DCCategory -> String
getDCCName dcc =
case dcc of
Nothing -> "default"
Just c -> getCategoryName c