module Ganeti.Query.Network
( getGroupConnection
, getNetworkUuid
, instIsConnected
, fieldsMap
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.List (find, foldl', intercalate)
import Ganeti.JSON
import Ganeti.Network
import Ganeti.Objects
import Ganeti.Query.Language
import Ganeti.Query.Common
import Ganeti.Query.Types
import Ganeti.Types
networkFields :: FieldList Network NoDataRuntime
networkFields =
[ (FieldDefinition "name" "Network" QFTText "Name",
FieldSimple (rsNormal . networkName), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "network" "Subnet" QFTText "IPv4 subnet",
FieldSimple (rsNormal . networkNetwork), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "gateway" "Gateway" QFTOther "IPv4 gateway",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeUnavail . networkGateway), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "network6" "IPv6Subnet" QFTOther "IPv6 subnet",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeUnavail . networkNetwork6), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "gateway6" "IPv6Gateway" QFTOther "IPv6 gateway",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeUnavail . networkGateway6), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "mac_prefix" "MacPrefix" QFTOther "MAC address prefix",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeUnavail . networkMacPrefix), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "free_count" "FreeCount" QFTNumber "Number of available\
\ addresses",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeNoData . fmap getFreeCount . createAddressPool),
, (FieldDefinition "map" "Map" QFTText "Actual mapping",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeNoData . fmap getMap . createAddressPool),
, (FieldDefinition "reserved_count" "ReservedCount" QFTNumber
"Number of reserved addresses",
FieldSimple (rsMaybeNoData . fmap getReservedCount . createAddressPool),
, (FieldDefinition "group_list" "GroupList" QFTOther
"List of nodegroups (group name, NIC mode, NIC link)",
FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . getGroupConnections cfg . networkUuid),
, (FieldDefinition "group_cnt" "NodeGroups" QFTNumber "Number of nodegroups",
FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . length . getGroupConnections cfg
. networkUuid), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "inst_list" "InstanceList" QFTOther "List of instances",
FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . getInstances cfg . networkUuid),
, (FieldDefinition "inst_cnt" "Instances" QFTNumber "Number of instances",
FieldConfig (\cfg -> rsNormal . length . getInstances cfg
. networkUuid), QffNormal)
, (FieldDefinition "external_reservations" "ExternalReservations" QFTText
"External reservations",
FieldSimple getExtReservationsString, QffNormal)
] ++
timeStampFields ++
uuidFields "Network" ++
serialFields "Network" ++
fieldsMap :: FieldMap Network NoDataRuntime
fieldsMap =
Map.fromList $ map (\v@(f, _, _) -> (fdefName f, v)) networkFields
getGroupConnections ::
ConfigData -> String -> [(String, String, String, String)]
getGroupConnections cfg network_uuid =
mapMaybe (getGroupConnection network_uuid)
((Map.elems . fromContainer . configNodegroups) cfg)
getGroupConnection ::
String -> NodeGroup -> Maybe (String, String, String, String)
getGroupConnection network_uuid group =
let networks = fromContainer . groupNetworks $ group
in case Map.lookup network_uuid networks of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just net ->
Just (groupName group, getNicMode net, getNicLink net, getNicVlan net)
getNicMode :: PartialNicParams -> String
getNicMode nic_params =
maybe "-" nICModeToRaw $ nicpModeP nic_params
getNicLink :: PartialNicParams -> String
getNicLink nic_params = fromMaybe "-" (nicpLinkP nic_params)
getNicVlan :: PartialNicParams -> String
getNicVlan nic_params = fromMaybe "-" (nicpVlanP nic_params)
getInstances :: ConfigData -> String -> [String]
getInstances cfg network_uuid =
map instName (filter (instIsConnected network_uuid)
((Map.elems . fromContainer . configInstances) cfg))
instIsConnected :: String -> Instance -> Bool
instIsConnected network_uuid inst =
network_uuid `elem` mapMaybe nicNetwork (instNics inst)
getNetworkUuid :: ConfigData -> String -> Maybe String
getNetworkUuid cfg name =
let net = find (\n -> name == fromNonEmpty (networkName n))
((Map.elems . fromContainer . configNetworks) cfg)
in fmap networkUuid net
getReservations :: Ip4Network -> String -> [Ip4Address]
getReservations (Ip4Network net _) =
reverse .
fst .
foldl' (\(accu, addr) c ->
let addr' = nextIp4Address addr
accu' = case c of
'1' -> addr:accu
'0' -> accu
_ ->
in (accu', addr')) ([], net)
getExtReservationsString :: Network -> ResultEntry
getExtReservationsString net =
let addrs = getReservations (networkNetwork net)
(fromMaybe "" $ networkExtReservations net)
in rsNormal . intercalate ", " $ map show addrs