module Ganeti.Objects.Disk where
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import Data.Char (isAsciiLower, isAsciiUpper, isDigit)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Text.JSON (showJSON, readJSON, JSValue(..))
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Ganeti.JSON (Container, fromObj)
import Ganeti.THH
import Ganeti.THH.Field
import Ganeti.Types
import Ganeti.Utils.Validate
devType :: String
devType = "dev_type"
type DiskParams = Container JSValue
type DRBDSecret = String
data LogicalVolume = LogicalVolume { lvGroup :: String
, lvVolume :: String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show LogicalVolume where
showsPrec _ (LogicalVolume g v) =
showString g . showString "/" . showString v
instance Validatable LogicalVolume where
validate (LogicalVolume g v) = do
let vgn = "Volume group name"
nonEmpty vgn g
validChars vgn g
notStartsDash vgn g
notIn vgn g [".", ".."]
let lvn = "Volume name"
nonEmpty lvn v
validChars lvn v
notStartsDash lvn v
notIn lvn v [".", "..", "snapshot", "pvmove"]
reportIf ("_mlog" `isInfixOf` v) $ lvn ++ " must not contain '_mlog'."
reportIf ("_mimage" `isInfixOf` v) $ lvn ++ "must not contain '_mimage'."
nonEmpty prefix x = reportIf (null x) $ prefix ++ " must be non-empty"
notIn prefix x =
mapM_ (\y -> reportIf (x == y)
$ prefix ++ " must not be '" ++ y ++ "'")
notStartsDash prefix x = reportIf ("-" `isPrefixOf` x)
$ prefix ++ " must not start with '-'"
validChars prefix x =
reportIf (not . all validChar $ x)
$ prefix ++ " must consist only of [a-z][A-Z][0-9][+_.-]"
validChar c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || isDigit c
|| (c `elem` "+_.-")
instance J.JSON LogicalVolume where
showJSON = J.showJSON . show
readJSON (J.JSString s) | (g, _ : l) <- break (== '/') (J.fromJSString s) =
either fail return . evalValidate . validate' $ LogicalVolume g l
readJSON v = fail $ "Invalid JSON value " ++ show v
++ " for a logical volume"
data DiskLogicalId
= LIDPlain LogicalVolume
| LIDDrbd8 String String Int Int Int (Private DRBDSecret)
| LIDFile FileDriver String
| LIDSharedFile FileDriver String
| LIDGluster FileDriver String
| LIDBlockDev BlockDriver String
| LIDRados String String
| LIDExt String String
deriving (Show, Eq)
lidDiskType :: DiskLogicalId -> DiskTemplate
lidDiskType (LIDPlain {}) = DTPlain
lidDiskType (LIDDrbd8 {}) = DTDrbd8
lidDiskType (LIDFile {}) = DTFile
lidDiskType (LIDSharedFile {}) = DTSharedFile
lidDiskType (LIDGluster {}) = DTGluster
lidDiskType (LIDBlockDev {}) = DTBlock
lidDiskType (LIDRados {}) = DTRbd
lidDiskType (LIDExt {}) = DTExt
lidEncodeType :: DiskLogicalId -> [(String, JSValue)]
lidEncodeType v = [(devType, showJSON . lidDiskType $ v)]
encodeDLId :: DiskLogicalId -> JSValue
encodeDLId (LIDPlain (LogicalVolume vg lv)) =
JSArray [showJSON vg, showJSON lv]
encodeDLId (LIDDrbd8 nodeA nodeB port minorA minorB key) =
JSArray [ showJSON nodeA, showJSON nodeB, showJSON port
, showJSON minorA, showJSON minorB, showJSON key ]
encodeDLId (LIDRados pool name) = JSArray [showJSON pool, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDFile driver name) = JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDSharedFile driver name) =
JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDGluster driver name) = JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDBlockDev driver name) = JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDExt extprovider name) =
JSArray [showJSON extprovider, showJSON name]
encodeFullDLId :: DiskLogicalId -> (JSValue, [(String, JSValue)])
encodeFullDLId v = (encodeDLId v, lidEncodeType v)
decodeDLId :: [(String, JSValue)] -> JSValue -> J.Result DiskLogicalId
decodeDLId obj lid = do
dtype <- fromObj obj devType
case dtype of
DTDrbd8 ->
case lid of
JSArray [nA, nB, p, mA, mB, k] ->
<$> readJSON nA
<*> readJSON nB
<*> readJSON p
<*> readJSON mA
<*> readJSON mB
<*> readJSON k
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for DRBD8 type"
DTPlain ->
case lid of
JSArray [vg, lv] -> LIDPlain <$>
(LogicalVolume <$> readJSON vg <*> readJSON lv)
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for plain type"
DTFile ->
case lid of
JSArray [driver, path] ->
<$> readJSON driver
<*> readJSON path
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for file type"
DTSharedFile ->
case lid of
JSArray [driver, path] ->
<$> readJSON driver
<*> readJSON path
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for shared file type"
DTGluster ->
case lid of
JSArray [driver, path] ->
<$> readJSON driver
<*> readJSON path
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for shared file type"
DTBlock ->
case lid of
JSArray [driver, path] ->
<$> readJSON driver
<*> readJSON path
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for blockdev type"
DTRbd ->
case lid of
JSArray [driver, path] ->
<$> readJSON driver
<*> readJSON path
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for rdb type"
DTExt ->
case lid of
JSArray [extprovider, name] ->
<$> readJSON extprovider
<*> readJSON name
_ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for extstorage type"
DTDiskless ->
fail "Retrieved 'diskless' disk."
$(buildObjectWithForthcoming "Disk" "disk" $
[ customField 'decodeDLId 'encodeFullDLId ["dev_type"] $
simpleField "logical_id" [t| DiskLogicalId |]
, defaultField [| [] |]
$ simpleField "children" (return . AppT ListT . ConT $ mkName "Disk")
, defaultField [| [] |] $ simpleField "nodes" [t| [String] |]
, defaultField [| "" |] $ simpleField "iv_name" [t| String |]
, simpleField "size" [t| Int |]
, defaultField [| DiskRdWr |] $ simpleField "mode" [t| DiskMode |]
, optionalField $ simpleField "name" [t| String |]
, optionalField $ simpleField "spindles" [t| Int |]
, optionalField $ simpleField "params" [t| DiskParams |]
++ uuidFields
++ serialFields
++ timeStampFields)
instance UuidObject Disk where
uuidOf = UTF8.toString . diskUuid
instance ForthcomingObject Disk where
isForthcoming = diskForthcoming
includesLogicalId :: LogicalVolume -> Disk -> Bool
includesLogicalId lv disk =
case diskLogicalId disk of
Just (LIDPlain lv') -> lv' == lv
Just (LIDDrbd8 {}) ->
any (includesLogicalId lv) $ diskChildren disk
_ -> False