module Test.Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Text (testHTools_Backend_Text) where
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Time (ClockTime(..))
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
import Test.Ganeti.TestHTools
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Instance (genInstanceSmallerThanNode,
import Test.Ganeti.HTools.Node (genNode, genOnlineNode, genEmptyOnlineNode
, genUniqueNodeList)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import Ganeti.Types (InstanceStatus(..))
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.AlgorithmParams as Alg
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.Text as Text
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Loader as Loader
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
import qualified Ganeti.Utils as Utils
toYN :: Bool -> String
toYN True = "Y"
toYN False = "N"
prop_Load_Instance :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Types.InstanceStatus
-> NonEmptyList Char -> String
-> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
-> Types.DiskTemplate -> Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
-> [String] -> Property
prop_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
(NonEmpty pnode) snode
(NonNegative pdx) (NonNegative sdx) autobal dt su
(NonNegative spindles) forth ignoredFields =
pnode /= snode && pdx /= sdx ==>
let vcpus_s = show vcpus
dsk_s = show dsk
mem_s = show mem
su_s = show su
status_s = Types.instanceStatusToRaw status
ndx = if null snode
then [(pnode, pdx)]
else [(pnode, pdx), (snode, sdx)]
nl = Map.fromList ndx
tags = ""
sbal = toYN autobal
sdt = Types.diskTemplateToRaw dt
inst = Text.loadInst nl $
[name, mem_s, dsk_s, vcpus_s, status_s,
sbal, pnode, snode, sdt, tags, su_s, show spindles, toYN forth]
++ ignoredFields
fail1 = Text.loadInst nl
[name, mem_s, dsk_s, vcpus_s, status_s,
sbal, pnode, pnode, tags]
in case inst of
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load instance: " ++ msg
Ok (_, i) -> counterexample "Mismatch in some field while\
\ loading the instance" $ i == name &&
Instance.vcpus i == vcpus &&
Instance.mem i == mem &&
Instance.pNode i == pdx &&
Instance.sNode i == (if null snode
then Node.noSecondary
else sdx) &&
Instance.autoBalance i == autobal &&
Instance.spindleUse i == su &&
Instance.getTotalSpindles i == Just spindles &&
Instance.forthcoming i == forth &&
isBad fail1
prop_Load_InstanceFail :: [(String, Int)] -> [String] -> Property
prop_Load_InstanceFail ktn fields =
length fields < 10 ==>
case Text.loadInst nl fields of
Ok _ -> failTest "Managed to load instance from invalid data"
Bad msg -> counterexample ("Unrecognised error message: " ++ msg) $
"Invalid/incomplete instance data: '" `isPrefixOf` msg
where nl = Map.fromList ktn
genInstanceNodes :: Gen (Instance.Instance, Node.List, Types.NameAssoc)
genInstanceNodes = do
(nl, na) <- genUniqueNodeList genOnlineNode
inst <- genInstanceOnNodeList nl
return (inst, nl, na)
prop_InstanceLSIdempotent :: Property
prop_InstanceLSIdempotent =
forAll genInstanceNodes $ \(inst, nl, assoc) ->
(Text.loadInst assoc . Utils.sepSplit '|' . Text.serializeInstance nl)
inst ==? Ok ( inst, inst)
prop_Load_Node :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
-> Int -> Bool -> Bool
prop_Load_Node name tm nm fm td fd tc fo =
let conv v = if v < 0
then "?"
else show v
tm_s = conv tm
nm_s = conv nm
fm_s = conv fm
td_s = conv td
fd_s = conv fd
tc_s = conv tc
fo_s = toYN fo
any_broken = any (< 0) [tm, nm, fm, td, fd, tc]
gid = Group.uuid defGroup
in case Text.loadNode defGroupAssoc
[name, tm_s, nm_s, fm_s, td_s, fd_s, tc_s, fo_s, gid] of
Nothing -> False
Just (name', node) ->
if fo || any_broken
then Node.offline node
else node == name' && name' == name &&
Node.alias node == name &&
Node.tMem node == fromIntegral tm &&
Node.nMem node == nm &&
Node.fMem node == fm &&
Node.tDsk node == fromIntegral td &&
Node.fDsk node == fd &&
Node.tCpu node == fromIntegral tc
prop_Load_NodeFail :: [String] -> Property
prop_Load_NodeFail fields =
length fields < 8 ==> isNothing $ Text.loadNode Map.empty fields
prop_Load_NodeSuccess :: String -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> Bool -> NonNegative Int
-> Bool -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-> NonNegative Int -> [String] -> Property
prop_Load_NodeSuccess name (NonNegative tm) (NonNegative nm) (NonNegative fm)
(NonNegative td) (NonNegative fd) (NonNegative tc) fo
(NonNegative spindles) excl_stor
(NonNegative free_spindles) (NonNegative nos_cpu)
(NonNegative cpu_speed) ignoredFields =
forAll genTags $ \tags ->
let node' = Text.loadNode defGroupAssoc $
[ name, show tm, show nm, show fm
, show td, show fd, show tc
, toYN fo, Group.uuid defGroup
, show spindles
, intercalate "," tags
, toYN excl_stor
, show free_spindles
, show nos_cpu
, show cpu_speed
] ++ ignoredFields
in case node' of
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load node: " ++ msg
Ok (_, node) -> conjoin [ node ==? name
, Node.tMem node ==? fromIntegral tm
, Node.nMem node ==? nm
, Node.fMem node ==? fm
, Node.tDsk node ==? fromIntegral td
, Node.fDsk node ==? fd
, Node.tCpu node ==? fromIntegral tc
, Node.nTags node ==? tags
, Node.fSpindles node ==? free_spindles
, Node.nCpu node ==? nos_cpu
, Node.tCpuSpeed node ==? fromIntegral cpu_speed
prop_NodeLSIdempotent :: Property
prop_NodeLSIdempotent =
forAll (genNode (Just 1) Nothing) $ \node ->
let n = Node.setPolicy Types.defIPolicy $
node { Node.failN1 = True, Node.offline = False }
(Text.loadNode defGroupAssoc.
Utils.sepSplit '|' . Text.serializeNode defGroupList) n ==?
Just ( n, n)
prop_ISpecIdempotent :: Types.ISpec -> Property
prop_ISpecIdempotent ispec =
case Text.loadISpec "dummy" . Utils.sepSplit ',' .
Text.serializeISpec $ ispec of
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
Ok ispec' -> ispec' ==? ispec
prop_MultipleMinMaxISpecsIdempotent :: [Types.MinMaxISpecs] -> Property
prop_MultipleMinMaxISpecsIdempotent minmaxes =
case Text.loadMultipleMinMaxISpecs "dummy" . Utils.sepSplit ';' .
Text.serializeMultipleMinMaxISpecs $ minmaxes of
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load min/max ispecs: " ++ msg
Ok minmaxes' -> minmaxes' ==? minmaxes
prop_IPolicyIdempotent :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
prop_IPolicyIdempotent ipol =
case Text.loadIPolicy . Utils.sepSplit '|' $
Text.serializeIPolicy owner ipol of
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
Ok res -> res ==? (owner, ipol)
where owner = "dummy"
prop_CreateSerialise :: Property
prop_CreateSerialise =
forAll genTags $ \ctags ->
forAll (choose (1, 20)) $ \maxiter ->
forAll (choose (2, 10)) $ \count ->
forAll genEmptyOnlineNode $ \node ->
forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat`
(\i -> Instance.runSt i `elem` [ StatusDown
, StatusOffline
, ErrorDown
, ErrorUp
, Running
, UserDown
])) $ \inst ->
let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
reqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
opts = Alg.defaultOptions
in case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>= \allocn ->
Cluster.iterateAlloc opts nl Container.empty (Just maxiter) inst allocn
[] []
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to allocate: " ++ msg
Ok (_, _, _, [], _) -> counterexample
"Failed to allocate: no allocations" False
Ok (_, nl', il, _, _) ->
let cdata = Loader.ClusterData defGroupList nl' il ctags
saved = Text.serializeCluster cdata
in case Text.parseData saved >>= Loader.mergeData [] [] [] [] (TOD 0 0)
Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load/merge: " ++ msg
Ok (Loader.ClusterData gl2 nl2 il2 ctags2 cpol2) ->
let (_, nl3) = Loader.checkData nl2 il2
in conjoin [ ctags2 ==? ctags
, cpol2 ==? Types.defIPolicy
, il2 ==? il
, gl2 ==? defGroupList
, nl3 ==? nl'
testSuite "HTools/Backend/Text"
[ 'prop_Load_Instance
, 'prop_Load_InstanceFail
, 'prop_InstanceLSIdempotent
, 'prop_Load_Node
, 'prop_Load_NodeFail
, 'prop_Load_NodeSuccess
, 'prop_NodeLSIdempotent
, 'prop_ISpecIdempotent
, 'prop_MultipleMinMaxISpecsIdempotent
, 'prop_IPolicyIdempotent
, 'prop_CreateSerialise