module Ganeti.HTools.Dedicated
( isDedicated
, testInstances
, allocationVector
, Metric
, lostAllocationsMetric
, allocateOnSingle
, allocateOnPair
, findAllocation
, runDedicatedAllocation
) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, (<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Monad (unless, liftM, foldM, mplus)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.List (sortBy, intercalate)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes (iterateOk, Result, failError)
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.AlgorithmParams as Alg
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.IAlloc as IAlloc
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.AllocationSolution as AllocSol
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Utils as ClusterUtils
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Loader as Loader
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as T
isDedicated :: Loader.ClusterData -> Maybe String -> Bool
isDedicated cdata maybeGroup =
let groups =
. IntMap.filter (maybe ((/=) T.AllocUnallocable . Group.allocPolicy)
(\name -> (==) name . maybeGroup)
$ Loader.cdGroups cdata
in F.all (liftA2 (||) Node.exclStorage
$ not . (`IntSet.member` groups) .
$ Loader.cdNodes cdata
minimallyCompliantInstance :: T.ISpec -> Instance.Instance
minimallyCompliantInstance spec =
Instance.create "minimalspecinstance"
(T.iSpecMemorySize spec)
(T.iSpecDiskSize spec)
(T.iSpecCpuCount spec)
T.Running [] False Node.noSecondary Node.noSecondary T.DTPlain
(T.iSpecSpindleUse spec)
[] False
testInstances :: T.IPolicy -> [Instance.Instance]
testInstances =
map minimallyCompliantInstance
. sortBy (flip compare `on` T.iSpecDiskSize)
. map T.minMaxISpecsMinSpec
. T.iPolicyMinMaxISpecs
allocationVector :: [Instance.Instance] -> Node.Node -> [Int]
allocationVector insts node =
map (\ inst -> length $ iterateOk (`Node.addPri` inst) node) insts
type Metric = ([Int], Int)
lostAllocationsMetric :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> [Instance.Instance]
-> Instance.Instance
-> Node.Node
-> T.OpResult (Metric, Node.Node)
lostAllocationsMetric opts insts inst node = do
let allocVec = allocationVector insts
before = allocVec node
force = Alg.algIgnoreSoftErrors opts
node' <- Node.addPriEx force node inst
let after = allocVec node'
disk = Node.fDsk node'
return ((zipWith () before after, disk), node')
allocateOnSingle :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> T.Ndx
-> T.OpResult (AllocSol.GenericAllocElement Metric)
allocateOnSingle opts nl inst new_pdx = do
let primary = Container.find new_pdx nl
policy = Node.iPolicy primary
testInst = testInstances policy
excl = Node.exclStorage primary
new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst new_pdx Node.noSecondary
Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst policy excl
(metrics, new_p) <- lostAllocationsMetric opts testInst inst primary
let new_nl = Container.add new_pdx new_p nl
return (new_nl, new_inst, [new_p], metrics)
allocateOnPair :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> Node.List
-> Instance.Instance
-> T.Ndx
-> T.Ndx
-> T.OpResult (AllocSol.GenericAllocElement Metric)
allocateOnPair opts nl inst pdx sdx = do
let primary = Container.find pdx nl
secondary = Container.find sdx nl
policy = Node.iPolicy primary
testInst = testInstances policy
inst' = Instance.setBoth inst pdx sdx
Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst policy (Node.exclStorage primary)
((lAllP, dskP), primary') <- lostAllocationsMetric opts testInst inst' primary
secondary' <- Node.addSec secondary inst' pdx
let lAllS = zipWith () (allocationVector testInst secondary)
(allocationVector testInst secondary')
dskS = Node.fDsk secondary'
metric = (zipWith (+) lAllP lAllS, dskP + dskS)
nl' = Container.addTwo pdx primary' sdx secondary' nl
return (nl', inst', [primary', secondary'], metric)
findAllocation :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> Group.List
-> Node.List
-> T.Gdx
-> Instance.Instance
-> Int
-> Result (AllocSol.GenericAllocSolution Metric, [String])
findAllocation opts mggl mgnl gdx inst count = do
let nl = Container.filter ((== gdx) . mgnl
group = Container.find gdx mggl
unless (Cluster.hasRequiredNetworks group inst) . failError
$ "The group " ++ group ++ " is not connected to\
\ a network required by instance " ++ inst
allocNodes <- Cluster.genAllocNodes opts mggl nl count False
solution <- case allocNodes of
(Right []) -> fail "Not enough online nodes"
(Right pairs) ->
let sols = foldl AllocSol.sumAllocs AllocSol.emptyAllocSolution
$ map (\(p, ss) -> foldl
(\cstate ->
AllocSol.concatAllocs cstate
. allocateOnPair opts nl inst p)
AllocSol.emptyAllocSolution ss)
in return $ AllocSol.genericAnnotateSolution show sols
(Left []) -> fail "No online nodes"
(Left nodes) ->
let sols = foldl (\cstate ->
AllocSol.concatAllocs cstate
. allocateOnSingle opts nl inst)
AllocSol.emptyAllocSolution nodes
in return $ AllocSol.genericAnnotateSolution show sols
return (solution, AllocSol.solutionDescription (group, return solution))
findMGAllocation :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> Group.List
-> Node.List
-> Instance.List
-> Instance.Instance
-> Int
-> Result (AllocSol.GenericAllocSolution Metric)
findMGAllocation opts gl nl il inst count = do
let groups_by_idx = ClusterUtils.splitCluster nl il
genSol (gdx, (nl', _)) =
liftM fst $ findAllocation opts gl nl' gdx inst count
sols = map (flip Container.find gl . fst &&& genSol) groups_by_idx
goodSols = Cluster.sortMGResults $ Cluster.filterMGResults sols
all_msgs = concatMap AllocSol.solutionDescription sols
case goodSols of
[] -> fail $ intercalate ", " all_msgs
(final_group, final_sol):_ ->
let sel_msg = "Selected group: " ++ final_group
in return $ final_sol { AllocSol.asLog = sel_msg : all_msgs }
runDedicatedAllocation :: Alg.AlgorithmOptions
-> Loader.Request
-> (Maybe (Node.List, Instance.List), String)
runDedicatedAllocation opts request =
let Loader.Request rqtype (Loader.ClusterData gl nl il _ _) = request
allocresult =
case rqtype of
Loader.Allocate inst (Cluster.AllocDetails count (Just gn)) rNds -> do
gdx <- Group.idx <$> Container.findByName gl gn
let opts' = opts { Alg.algRestrictToNodes =
Alg.algRestrictToNodes opts `mplus` rNds }
(solution, msgs) <- findAllocation opts' gl nl gdx inst count
IAlloc.formatAllocate il $ solution { AllocSol.asLog = msgs }
Loader.Allocate inst (Cluster.AllocDetails count Nothing) rNds ->
let opts' = opts { Alg.algRestrictToNodes =
Alg.algRestrictToNodes opts `mplus` rNds }
in findMGAllocation opts' gl nl il inst count
>>= IAlloc.formatAllocate il
Loader.MultiAllocate insts ->
IAlloc.formatMultiAlloc =<< foldM
(\(nl', il', res)
(inst, Cluster.AllocDetails count maybeGroup) -> do
ares <- maybe (findMGAllocation opts gl nl' il' inst count)
(\gn -> do
gdx <- Group.idx <$> Container.findByName gl gn
liftM fst
$ findAllocation opts gl nl gdx inst count)
let sol = AllocSol.asSolution ares
nl'' = AllocSol.extractNl nl' il' sol
il'' = AllocSol.updateIl il' sol
return (nl'', il'', (inst, ares):res))
(nl, il, []) insts
_ -> fail "Dedicated Allocation only for proper allocation requests"
in IAlloc.formatIAllocResult allocresult