module Ganeti.HTools.Loader
( mergeData
, clearDynU
, checkData
, assignIndices
, setMaster
, lookupNode
, lookupInstance
, lookupGroup
, eitherLive
, commonSuffix
, extractExTags
, updateExclTags
, RqType(..)
, Request(..)
, ClusterData(..)
, isAllocationRequest
, emptyCluster
, extractDesiredLocations
, updateDesiredLocationTags
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.Time (ClockTime(..))
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Moves as Moves
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Tags as Tags
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Tags.Constants as TagsC
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.Utils
import Ganeti.Types (EvacMode)
data RqType
= Allocate Instance.Instance Cluster.AllocDetails (Maybe [String])
| AllocateSecondary Idx
| Relocate Idx Int [Ndx]
| NodeEvacuate [Idx] EvacMode
| ChangeGroup [Gdx] [Idx]
| MultiAllocate [(Instance.Instance, Cluster.AllocDetails)]
deriving (Show)
data Request = Request RqType ClusterData
deriving (Show)
isAllocationRequest :: RqType -> Maybe (Maybe String)
isAllocationRequest (Allocate _ (Cluster.AllocDetails _ grp) _) = Just grp
isAllocationRequest (MultiAllocate reqs) = Just $
case ordNub . catMaybes
$ map (\(_, Cluster.AllocDetails _ grp) -> grp) reqs of
[grp] -> Just grp
_ -> Nothing
isAllocationRequest _ = Nothing
data ClusterData = ClusterData
{ cdGroups :: Group.List
, cdNodes :: Node.List
, cdInstances :: Instance.List
, cdTags :: [String]
, cdIPolicy :: IPolicy
} deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyCluster :: ClusterData
emptyCluster = ClusterData Container.empty Container.empty Container.empty []
lookupNode :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> String -> m Ndx
lookupNode ktn inst node =
maybe (fail $ "Unknown node '" ++ node ++ "' for instance " ++ inst) return $
M.lookup node ktn
lookupInstance :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> m Idx
lookupInstance kti inst =
maybe (fail $ "Unknown instance '" ++ inst ++ "'") return $ M.lookup inst kti
lookupGroup :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> String -> m Gdx
lookupGroup ktg nname gname =
maybe (fail $ "Unknown group '" ++ gname ++ "' for node " ++ nname) return $
M.lookup gname ktg
assignIndices :: (Element a) =>
[(String, a)]
-> (NameAssoc, Container.Container a)
assignIndices name_element =
let (name_idx, idx_element) =
unzip . map (\ (idx, (k, v)) -> ((k, idx), (idx, setIdx v idx)))
. zip [0..] $ name_element
in (M.fromList name_idx, Container.fromList idx_element)
setMaster :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> Node.List -> String -> m Node.List
setMaster node_names node_idx master = do
kmaster <- maybe (fail $ "Master node " ++ master ++ " unknown") return $
M.lookup master node_names
let mnode = Container.find kmaster node_idx
return $ Container.add kmaster (Node.setMaster mnode True) node_idx
setLocationScore :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
setLocationScore nl inst =
let pnode = Container.find (Instance.pNode inst) nl
snode = Container.find (Instance.sNode inst) nl
in Moves.setInstanceLocationScore inst pnode snode
fixNodes :: Node.List
-> Instance.Instance
-> Node.List
fixNodes accu inst =
let pdx = Instance.pNode inst
sdx = Instance.sNode inst
pold = Container.find pdx accu
pnew = Node.setPri pold inst
ac2 = Container.add pdx pnew accu
in if sdx /= Node.noSecondary
then let sold = Container.find sdx accu
snew = Node.setSec sold inst
in Container.add sdx snew ac2
else ac2
setNodePolicy :: Group.List -> Node.Node -> Node.Node
setNodePolicy gl node =
let grp = Container.find ( node) gl
gpol = Group.iPolicy grp
in Node.setPolicy gpol node
updateExclTags :: [String] -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
updateExclTags tl inst =
let allTags = Instance.allTags inst
exclTags = filter (\tag -> any (`isPrefixOf` tag) tl) allTags
in inst { Instance.exclTags = exclTags }
updateDesiredLocationTags :: [String] -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
updateDesiredLocationTags tl inst =
let allTags = Instance.allTags inst
dsrdLocTags = filter (\tag -> any (`isPrefixOf` tag) tl) allTags
in inst { Instance.dsrdLocTags = Set.fromList dsrdLocTags }
updateMovable :: [String]
-> [String]
-> Instance.Instance
-> Instance.Instance
updateMovable selinsts exinsts inst =
if inst `elem` exinsts ||
not (null selinsts || inst `elem` selinsts)
then Instance.setMovable inst False
else inst
disableSplitMoves :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
disableSplitMoves nl inst =
if not . isOk . Cluster.instanceGroup nl $ inst
then Instance.setMovable inst False
else inst
setArPolicy :: [String]
-> Group.List
-> Node.List
-> Instance.List
-> ClockTime
-> Instance.List
setArPolicy ctags gl nl il time =
let getArPolicy' = flip getArPolicy time
cpol = fromMaybe ArNotEnabled $ getArPolicy' ctags
gpols = (fromMaybe cpol . getArPolicy' . Group.allTags) gl
ipolfn = getArPolicy' . Instance.allTags
nlookup = flip Container.find nl . Instance.pNode
glookup = flip Container.find gpols . . nlookup
updateInstance inst = inst {
Instance.arPolicy = fromMaybe (glookup inst) $ ipolfn inst }
in updateInstance il
getArPolicy :: [String] -> ClockTime -> Maybe AutoRepairPolicy
getArPolicy tags time =
let enabled = mapMaybe (autoRepairTypeFromRaw <=<
chompPrefix TagsC.autoRepairTagEnabled) tags
suspended = mapMaybe (chompPrefix TagsC.autoRepairTagSuspended) tags
futureTs = filter (> time) . map (flip TOD 0) $
mapMaybe (tryRead "auto-repair suspend time") suspended
case () of
_ | "" `elem` suspended -> Just $ ArSuspended Forever
| not $ null futureTs -> Just . ArSuspended . Until . maximum $ futureTs
| not $ null enabled -> Just $ ArEnabled (minimum enabled)
| otherwise -> Nothing
longestDomain :: [String] -> String
longestDomain [] = ""
longestDomain (x:xs) =
foldr (\ suffix accu -> if all (isSuffixOf suffix) xs
then suffix
else accu)
"" $ filter (isPrefixOf ".") (tails x)
extractExTags :: [String] -> [String]
extractExTags = filter (not . null) . mapMaybe (chompPrefix TagsC.exTagsPrefix)
extractDesiredLocations :: [String] -> [String]
extractDesiredLocations =
filter (not . null) . mapMaybe (chompPrefix TagsC.desiredLocationPrefix)
commonSuffix :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> String
commonSuffix nl il =
let node_names = map $ Container.elems nl
inst_names = map $ Container.elems il
in longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)
addMigrationTags :: [String]
-> Node.Node -> Node.Node
addMigrationTags ctags node =
let ntags = Node.nTags node
migTags = Tags.getMigRestrictions ctags ntags
rmigTags = Tags.getRecvMigRestrictions ctags ntags
in Node.setRecvMigrationTags (Node.setMigrationTags node migTags) rmigTags
addLocationTags :: [String]
-> Node.Node -> Node.Node
addLocationTags ctags node =
let ntags = Node.nTags node
in Node.setLocationTags node $ Tags.getLocations ctags ntags
mergeData :: [(String, DynUtil)]
-> [String]
-> [String]
-> [String]
-> ClockTime
-> ClusterData
-> Result ClusterData
mergeData um extags selinsts exinsts time cdata@(ClusterData gl nl il ctags _) =
let il2 = setArPolicy ctags gl nl il time
il3 = foldl' (\im (name, n_util) ->
case Container.findByName im name of
Nothing -> im
Just inst ->
let new_i = inst { Instance.util = n_util }
in Container.add (Instance.idx inst) new_i im
) il2 um
allextags = extags ++ extractExTags ctags
dsrdLocTags = extractDesiredLocations ctags
inst_names = map $ Container.elems il3
selinst_lkp = map (lookupName inst_names) selinsts
exinst_lkp = map (lookupName inst_names) exinsts
lkp_unknown = filter (not . goodLookupResult) (selinst_lkp ++ exinst_lkp)
selinst_names = map lrContent selinst_lkp
exinst_names = map lrContent exinst_lkp
node_names = map (Container.elems nl)
common_suffix = longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)
il4 = (computeAlias common_suffix .
updateExclTags allextags .
updateDesiredLocationTags dsrdLocTags .
updateMovable selinst_names exinst_names) il3
nl2 = (addLocationTags ctags) nl
il5 = (setLocationScore nl2) il4
nl3 = foldl' fixNodes nl2 (Container.elems il5)
nl4 = (setNodePolicy gl .
computeAlias common_suffix .
(`Node.buildPeers` il4)) nl3
il6 = (disableSplitMoves nl3) il5
nl5 = (addMigrationTags ctags) nl4
in if' (null lkp_unknown)
(Ok cdata { cdNodes = nl5, cdInstances = il6 })
(Bad $ "Unknown instance(s): " ++ show(map lrContent lkp_unknown))
clearDynU :: ClusterData -> Result ClusterData
clearDynU cdata@(ClusterData _ _ il _ _) =
let il2 = (\ inst -> inst {Instance.util = zeroUtil }) il
in Ok cdata { cdInstances = il2 }
checkData :: Node.List -> Instance.List
-> ([String], Node.List)
checkData nl il =
(\ msgs node ->
let nname = node
delta_mem = truncate (Node.tMem node)
Node.nMem node
Node.fMem node
nodeImem node il
delta_dsk = truncate (Node.tDsk node)
Node.fDsk node
nodeIdsk node il
newn = node `Node.setXmem` delta_mem
umsg1 =
if delta_mem > 512 || delta_dsk > 1024
then printf "node %s is missing %d MB ram \
\and %d GB disk"
nname delta_mem (delta_dsk `div` 1024):msgs
else msgs
in (umsg1, newn)
) [] nl
nodeImem :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
nodeImem node il =
let rfind = flip Container.find il
il' = map rfind $ Node.pList node
oil' = filter Instance.usesMemory il'
in sum . map Instance.mem $ oil'
nodeIdsk :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
nodeIdsk node il =
let rfind = flip Container.find il
in sum . map (Instance.dsk . rfind)
$ Node.pList node ++ Node.sList node
eitherLive :: (Monad m) => Bool -> a -> m a -> m a
eitherLive True _ live_data = live_data
eitherLive False def_data _ = return def_data