module Test.Ganeti.JSON (testJSON) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
import Test.Ganeti.Types ()
import qualified Ganeti.BasicTypes as BasicTypes
import Ganeti.JSON (nestedAccessByKey, nestedAccessByKeyDotted)
import qualified Ganeti.JSON as JSON
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (JSON.MaybeForJSON a) where
arbitrary = liftM JSON.MaybeForJSON arbitrary
instance Arbitrary JSON.TimeAsDoubleJSON where
arbitrary = liftM JSON.TimeAsDoubleJSON arbitrary
prop_toArray :: [Int] -> Property
prop_toArray intarr =
let arr = map J.showJSON intarr in
case JSON.toArray (J.JSArray arr) of
BasicTypes.Ok arr' -> arr ==? arr'
BasicTypes.Bad err -> failTest $ "Failed to parse array: " ++ err
prop_toArrayFail :: Int -> String -> Bool -> Property
prop_toArrayFail i s b =
forAll (elements [J.showJSON i, J.showJSON s, J.showJSON b]) $ \item ->
case JSON.toArray item::BasicTypes.Result [J.JSValue] of
BasicTypes.Bad _ -> passTest
BasicTypes.Ok result -> failTest $ "Unexpected parse, got " ++ show result
arrayMaybeToJson :: (J.JSON a) => [Maybe a] -> String -> JSON.JSRecord
arrayMaybeToJson xs k = [(k, J.JSArray $ map sh xs)]
sh x = case x of
Just v -> J.showJSON v
Nothing -> J.JSNull
prop_arrayMaybeFromObj :: String -> [Maybe Int] -> String -> Property
prop_arrayMaybeFromObj t xs k =
case JSON.tryArrayMaybeFromObj t (arrayMaybeToJson xs k) k of
BasicTypes.Ok xs' -> xs' ==? xs
BasicTypes.Bad e -> failTest $ "Parsing failing, got: " ++ show e
prop_arrayMaybeFromObjFail :: String -> String -> Property
prop_arrayMaybeFromObjFail t k =
case JSON.tryArrayMaybeFromObj t [] k of
BasicTypes.Ok r -> property
(fail $ "Unexpected result, got: " ++ show (r::[Maybe Int])
:: Gen Property)
BasicTypes.Bad e -> conjoin [ Data.List.isInfixOf t e ==? True
, Data.List.isInfixOf k e ==? True
prop_MaybeForJSON_serialisation :: JSON.MaybeForJSON String -> Property
prop_MaybeForJSON_serialisation = testSerialisation
prop_TimeAsDoubleJSON_serialisation :: JSON.TimeAsDoubleJSON -> Property
prop_TimeAsDoubleJSON_serialisation = testSerialisation
isJError :: J.Result a -> Bool
isJError (J.Error _) = True
isJError _ = False
case_nestedAccessByKey :: Assertion
case_nestedAccessByKey = do
J.Ok v <- return $ J.decode "{\"key1\": {\"key2\": \"val\"}}"
nestedAccessByKey [] v @?= J.Ok v
nestedAccessByKey ["key1", "key2"] v
@?= J.Ok (J.JSString $ J.toJSString "val")
assertBool "access to nonexistent key should fail"
. isJError $ nestedAccessByKey ["key1", "nonexistent"] v
case_nestedAccessByKeyDotted :: Assertion
case_nestedAccessByKeyDotted = do
J.Ok v <- return $ J.decode "{\"key1\": {\"key2\": \"val\"}}"
assertBool "access to empty key should fail"
. isJError $ nestedAccessByKeyDotted "" v
nestedAccessByKeyDotted "key1.key2" v
@?= J.Ok (J.JSString $ J.toJSString "val")
assertBool "access to nonexistent key should fail"
. isJError $ nestedAccessByKeyDotted "key1.nonexistent" v
testSuite "JSON"
[ 'prop_toArray
, 'prop_toArrayFail
, 'prop_arrayMaybeFromObj
, 'prop_arrayMaybeFromObjFail
, 'prop_MaybeForJSON_serialisation
, 'prop_TimeAsDoubleJSON_serialisation
, 'case_nestedAccessByKey
, 'case_nestedAccessByKeyDotted