.. This file is automatically updated at build time from man/gnt-debug.gen. .. Do not edit. gnt-debug ========================================== Name ---- gnt-debug - Debug commands Synopsis -------- **gnt-debug** {command} [arguments...] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **gnt-debug** is used for debugging the Ganeti system. COMMANDS -------- IALLOCATOR ~~~~~~~~~~ **iallocator** [\--debug] [\--dir *direction*] {\--algorithm *allocator* } [\--mode *mode*] [\--mem *memory*] [\--disks *diskS*] [\--disk-template *template*] [\--nics *nics*] [\--os-type *OS*] [\--vcpus *vcpus*] [\--tags *tags*] {*instance-name*} Executes a test run of the *iallocator* framework. The command will build input for a given iallocator script (named with the ``--algorithm`` option), and either show this input data (if *direction* is ``in``) or run the iallocator script and show its output (if *direction* is ``out``). If the *mode* is ``allocate``, then an instance definition is built from the other arguments and sent to the script, otherwise (*mode* is ``relocate``) an existing instance name must be passed as the first argument. This build of Ganeti will look for iallocator scripts in the following directories: /usr/local/lib/ganeti/iallocators; for more details about this framework, see the HTML or PDF documentation. DELAY ~~~~~ **delay** [\--debug] [\--no-master] [\--interruptible] [-n *node-name*...] {*duration*} Run a test opcode (a sleep) on the master and on selected nodes (via an RPC call). This serves no other purpose but to execute a test operation. The ``-n`` option can be given multiple times to select the nodes for the RPC call. By default, the delay will also be executed on the master, unless the ``--no-master`` option is passed. The ``--interruptible`` option allows a running delay opcode to be interrupted by communicating with a special domain socket. If any data is sent to the socket, the delay opcode terminates. If this option is used, no RPCs are performed, but locks are still acquired. The *delay* argument will be interpreted as a floating point number. SUBMIT-JOB ~~~~~~~~~~ **submit-job** [\--verbose] [\--timing-stats] [\--job-repeat *n*] [\--op-repeat *n*] [\--each] {opcodes_file...} This command builds a list of opcodes from files in JSON format and submits a job per file to the master daemon. It can be used to test options that are not available via command line. The ``verbose`` option will additionally display the corresponding job IDs and the progress in waiting for the jobs; the ``timing-stats`` option will show some overall statistics inluding the number of total opcodes, jobs submitted and time spent in each stage (submit, exec, total). The ``job-repeat`` and ``op-repeat`` options allow to submit multiple copies of the passed arguments; job-repeat will cause N copies of each job (input file) to be submitted (equivalent to passing the arguments N times) while op-repeat will cause N copies of each of the opcodes in the file to be executed (equivalent to each file containing N copies of the opcodes). The ``each`` option allow to submit each job separately (using ``N`` SubmitJob LUXI requests instead of one SubmitManyJobs request). TEST-JOBQUEUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **test-jobqueue** Executes a few tests on the job queue. This command might generate failed jobs deliberately. TEST_OSPARAMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **test-osparams** {--os-parameters-secret *param*=*value*... } Tests secret os parameter transmission. LOCKS ~~~~~ | **locks** [\--no-headers] [\--separator=*separator*] [-v] | [-o *[+]field,...*] [\--interval=*seconds*] Shows a list of locks in the master daemon. The ``--no-headers`` option will skip the initial header line. The ``--separator`` option takes an argument which denotes what will be used between the output fields. Both these options are to help scripting. The ``-v`` option activates verbose mode, which changes the display of special field states (see **ganeti**\(7)). The ``-o`` option takes a comma-separated list of output fields. The available fields and their meaning are: ``mode`` Mode in which the lock is currently acquired (exclusive or shared) ``name`` Lock name ``owner`` Current lock owner(s) ``pending`` Threads waiting for the lock If the value of the option starts with the character ``+``, the new fields will be added to the default list. This allows one to quickly see the default list plus a few other fields, instead of retyping the entire list of fields. Use ``--interval`` to repeat the listing. A delay specified by the option value in seconds is inserted. METAD ~~~~~ | **metad** echo *text* Tests the WConf daemon by invoking its ``echo`` function. A given text is sent to Metad through RPC, echoed back by Metad and printed to the console. WCONFD ~~~~~~ | **wconfd** echo *text* Tests the WConf daemon by invoking its ``echo`` function. A given text is sent to WConfd through RPC, echoed back by WConfd and printed to the console. | **wconfd** cleanuplocks A request to clean up all stale locks is sent to WConfd. | **wconfd** listlocks *job-id* A request to list the locks owned by the given job id is sent to WConfd and the answer is displayed. | **wconfd** listalllocks A request to list all locks in use, directly or indirectly, is sent to WConfd and the answer is displayed. | **wconfd** listalllocks A request to list all locks in use, directly or indirectly, together with their respective direct owners is sent to WConfd and the answer is displayed. | **wconfd** flushconfig A request to ensure that the configuration is fully distributed to the master candidates. .. vim: set textwidth=72 : .. 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