Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
Implementation of the doc strings for the opcodes.
opClusterPostInit :: StringSource
opClusterDestroy :: StringSource
opClusterQuery :: StringSource
opClusterVerify :: StringSource
opClusterVerifyConfig :: StringSource
opClusterVerifyGroup :: StringSource
opClusterVerifyDisks :: StringSource
opGroupVerifyDisks :: StringSource
opClusterRepairDiskSizes :: StringSource
opClusterConfigQuery :: StringSource
opClusterRename :: StringSource
opClusterSetParams :: StringSource
opClusterRedistConf :: StringSource
opClusterActivateMasterIp :: StringSource
opClusterDeactivateMasterIp :: StringSource
opClusterRenewCrypto :: StringSource
opQueryFields :: StringSource
opOobCommand :: StringSource
opRestrictedCommand :: StringSource
opRepairCommand :: StringSource
opNodeRemove :: StringSource
opNodeQuery :: StringSource
opNodeQueryvols :: StringSource
opNodeQueryStorage :: StringSource
opNodeModifyStorage :: StringSource
opRepairNodeStorage :: StringSource
opNodeSetParams :: StringSource
opNodePowercycle :: StringSource
opNodeMigrate :: StringSource
opNodeEvacuate :: StringSource
opInstanceCreate :: StringSource
opInstanceMultiAlloc :: StringSource
opInstanceReinstall :: StringSource
opInstanceRemove :: StringSource
opInstanceRename :: StringSource
opInstanceStartup :: StringSource
opInstanceShutdown :: StringSource
opInstanceReboot :: StringSource
opInstanceReplaceDisks :: StringSource
opInstanceFailover :: StringSource
opInstanceMigrate :: StringSource
opInstanceMove :: StringSource
opInstanceConsole :: StringSource
opInstanceActivateDisks :: StringSource
opInstanceDeactivateDisks :: StringSource
opInstanceRecreateDisks :: StringSource
opInstanceQuery :: StringSource
opInstanceQueryData :: StringSource
opInstanceSetParams :: StringSource
opInstanceGrowDisk :: StringSource
opInstanceChangeGroup :: StringSource
opGroupAdd :: StringSource
opGroupAssignNodes :: StringSource
opGroupQuery :: StringSource
opGroupSetParams :: StringSource
opGroupRemove :: StringSource
opGroupRename :: StringSource
opGroupEvacuate :: StringSource
opOsDiagnose :: StringSource
opExtStorageDiagnose :: StringSource
opBackupQuery :: StringSource
opBackupPrepare :: StringSource
opBackupExport :: StringSource
opBackupRemove :: StringSource
opTagsSearch :: StringSource
opTestDelay :: StringSource
opTestAllocator :: StringSource
opTestJqueue :: StringSource
opTestOsParams :: StringSource
opTestDummy :: StringSource
opNetworkAdd :: StringSource
opNetworkRemove :: StringSource
opNetworkSetParams :: StringSource
opNetworkConnect :: StringSource
opNetworkDisconnect :: StringSource
opNetworkQuery :: StringSource