module Ganeti.Locking.Allocation
( LockAllocation
, emptyAllocation
, OwnerState(..)
, lockOwners
, listLocks
, listAllLocks
, listAllLocksOwners
, holdsLock
, LockRequest(..)
, requestExclusive
, requestShared
, requestRelease
, updateLocks
, freeLocks
) where
import Prelude ()
import Ganeti.Prelude
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Arrow (second, (***))
import Control.Monad (unless, guard, foldM, when)
import Data.Foldable (for_, find)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import Ganeti.JSON (toArray)
import Ganeti.Locking.Types
data OwnerState = OwnShared | OwnExclusive deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
type IndirectOwners a b = M.Map (a, b) OwnerState
data AllocationState a b = Exclusive b (IndirectOwners a b)
| Shared (S.Set b) (IndirectOwners a b)
deriving (Eq, Show)
indirectOwners :: (Ord a, Ord b) => M.Map (a, b) OwnerState -> S.Set b
indirectOwners = snd . M.keysSet
indirectExclusives :: (Ord a, Ord b) => M.Map (a, b) OwnerState -> S.Set b
indirectExclusives = indirectOwners . M.filter (== OwnExclusive)
data LockAllocation a b =
LockAllocation { laLocks :: M.Map a (AllocationState a b)
, laOwned :: M.Map b (M.Map a OwnerState)
deriving (Eq, Show)
emptyAllocation :: (Ord a, Ord b) => LockAllocation a b
emptyAllocation =
LockAllocation { laLocks = M.empty
, laOwned = M.empty
lockOwners :: Ord b => LockAllocation a b -> [b]
lockOwners = M.keys . laOwned
listLocks :: Ord b => b -> LockAllocation a b -> M.Map a OwnerState
listLocks owner = fromMaybe M.empty . M.lookup owner . laOwned
listAllLocks :: Ord b => LockAllocation a b -> [a]
listAllLocks = M.keys . laLocks
toOwnersList :: AllocationState a b -> [(b, OwnerState)]
toOwnersList (Exclusive owner _) = [(owner, OwnExclusive)]
toOwnersList (Shared owners _) = map (flip (,) OwnShared) . S.elems $ owners
listAllLocksOwners :: LockAllocation a b -> [(a, [(b, OwnerState)])]
listAllLocksOwners = M.toList . toOwnersList . laLocks
holdsLock :: (Ord a, Ord b)
=> b -> a -> OwnerState -> LockAllocation a b -> Bool
holdsLock owner lock state = (>= Just state) . M.lookup lock . listLocks owner
data LockRequest a = LockRequest { lockAffected :: a
, lockRequestType :: Maybe OwnerState
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance J.JSON a => J.JSON (LockRequest a) where
showJSON (LockRequest a Nothing) = J.showJSON (a, "release")
showJSON (LockRequest a (Just OwnShared)) = J.showJSON (a, "shared")
showJSON (LockRequest a (Just OwnExclusive)) = J.showJSON (a, "exclusive")
readJSON (J.JSArray [a, J.JSString tp]) =
case J.fromJSString tp of
"release" -> LockRequest <$> J.readJSON a <*> pure Nothing
"shared" -> LockRequest <$> J.readJSON a <*> pure (Just OwnShared)
"exclusive" -> LockRequest <$> J.readJSON a <*> pure (Just OwnExclusive)
_ -> J.Error $ "malformed request type: " ++ J.fromJSString tp
readJSON x = J.Error $ "malformed lock request: " ++ show x
requestExclusive :: a -> LockRequest a
requestExclusive lock = LockRequest { lockAffected = lock
, lockRequestType = Just OwnExclusive }
requestShared :: a -> LockRequest a
requestShared lock = LockRequest { lockAffected = lock
, lockRequestType = Just OwnShared }
requestRelease :: a -> LockRequest a
requestRelease lock = LockRequest { lockAffected = lock
, lockRequestType = Nothing }
updateAllocState :: (Ord a, Ord b)
=> (Maybe (AllocationState a b) -> AllocationState a b)
-> LockAllocation a b -> a -> LockAllocation a b
updateAllocState f state lock =
let !locks' = M.alter (find (/= Shared S.empty M.empty) . Just . f)
lock (laLocks state)
in state { laLocks = locks' }
updateLock :: (Ord a, Ord b)
=> b
-> LockAllocation a b -> LockRequest a -> LockAllocation a b
updateLock owner state (LockRequest lock (Just OwnExclusive)) =
let locks = laLocks state
lockstate' = case M.lookup lock locks of
Just (Exclusive _ i) -> Exclusive owner i
Just (Shared _ i) -> Exclusive owner i
Nothing -> Exclusive owner M.empty
!locks' = M.insert lock lockstate' locks
ownersLocks' = M.insert lock OwnExclusive $ listLocks owner state
!owned' = M.insert owner ownersLocks' $ laOwned state
in state { laLocks = locks', laOwned = owned' }
updateLock owner state (LockRequest lock (Just OwnShared)) =
let ownersLocks' = M.insert lock OwnShared $ listLocks owner state
!owned' = M.insert owner ownersLocks' $ laOwned state
locks = laLocks state
lockState' = case M.lookup lock locks of
Just (Exclusive _ i) -> Shared (S.singleton owner) i
Just (Shared s i) -> Shared (S.insert owner s) i
_ -> Shared (S.singleton owner) M.empty
!locks' = M.insert lock lockState' locks
in state { laLocks = locks', laOwned = owned' }
updateLock owner state (LockRequest lock Nothing) =
let ownersLocks' = M.delete lock $ listLocks owner state
owned = laOwned state
owned' = if M.null ownersLocks'
then M.delete owner owned
else M.insert owner ownersLocks' owned
update (Just (Exclusive x i)) = if x == owner
then Shared S.empty i
else Exclusive x i
update (Just (Shared s i)) = Shared (S.delete owner s) i
update Nothing = Shared S.empty M.empty
in updateAllocState update (state { laOwned = owned' }) lock
updateIndirectSet :: (Ord a, Ord b)
=> (IndirectOwners a b -> IndirectOwners a b)
-> LockAllocation a b -> a -> LockAllocation a b
updateIndirectSet f =
let update (Just (Exclusive x i)) = Exclusive x (f i)
update (Just (Shared s i)) = Shared s (f i)
update Nothing = Shared S.empty (f M.empty)
in updateAllocState update
updateIndirects :: (Lock a, Ord b)
=> b
-> LockAllocation a b -> LockRequest a -> LockAllocation a b
updateIndirects owner state req =
let lock = lockAffected req
fn = case lockRequestType req of
Nothing -> M.delete (lock, owner)
Just tp -> M.insert (lock, owner) tp
in foldl' (updateIndirectSet fn) state $ lockImplications lock
updateLocks :: (Lock a, Ord b)
=> b
-> [LockRequest a]
-> LockAllocation a b -> (LockAllocation a b, Result (S.Set b))
updateLocks owner reqs state = genericResult ((,) state . Bad) (second Ok) $ do
unless ((==) (length reqs) . S.size . S.fromList $ map lockAffected reqs)
. runListHead (return ())
(fail . (++) "Inconsitent requests for lock " . show) $ do
r <- reqs
r' <- reqs
guard $ r /= r'
guard $ lockAffected r == lockAffected r'
return $ lockAffected r
let current = listLocks owner state
unless (M.null current) $ do
let (highest, _) = M.findMax current
notHolding = not
. any (uncurry (==) . ((M.lookup `flip` current) *** Just))
orderViolation l = fail $ "Order violation: requesting " ++ show l
++ " while holding " ++ show highest
for_ reqs $ \req -> case req of
LockRequest lock (Just OwnExclusive)
| lock < highest && notHolding ((,) <$> lock : lockImplications lock
<*> [OwnExclusive])
-> orderViolation lock
LockRequest lock (Just OwnShared)
| lock < highest && notHolding ((,) <$> lock : lockImplications lock
<*> [OwnExclusive, OwnShared])
-> orderViolation lock
_ -> Ok ()
let sharedsHeld = M.keysSet $ M.filter (== OwnShared) current
exclusivesRequested = map lockAffected
. filter ((== Just OwnExclusive) . lockRequestType)
$ reqs
runListHead (return ()) fail $ do
x <- exclusivesRequested
i <- lockImplications x
guard $ S.member i sharedsHeld
return $ "Order violation: requesting exclusively " ++ show x
++ " while holding a shared lock on the group lock " ++ show i
++ " it belongs to."
let blockedOn (LockRequest _ Nothing) = S.empty
blockedOn (LockRequest lock (Just OwnExclusive)) =
case M.lookup lock (laLocks state) of
Just (Exclusive x i) ->
S.singleton x `S.union` indirectOwners i
Just (Shared xs i) ->
xs `S.union` indirectOwners i
_ -> S.empty
blockedOn (LockRequest lock (Just OwnShared)) =
case M.lookup lock (laLocks state) of
Just (Exclusive x i) ->
S.singleton x `S.union` indirectExclusives i
Just (Shared _ i) -> indirectExclusives i
_ -> S.empty
let indirectBlocked Nothing _ = S.empty
indirectBlocked (Just OwnShared) lock =
case M.lookup lock (laLocks state) of
Just (Exclusive x _) -> S.singleton x
_ -> S.empty
indirectBlocked (Just OwnExclusive) lock =
case M.lookup lock (laLocks state) of
Just (Exclusive x _) -> S.singleton x
Just (Shared xs _) -> xs
_ -> S.empty
let direct = S.unions $ map blockedOn reqs
indirect = reqs >>= \req ->
map (indirectBlocked (lockRequestType req))
. lockImplications $ lockAffected req
let blocked = S.delete owner . S.unions $ direct:indirect
let state' = foldl' (updateLock owner) state reqs
state'' = foldl' (updateIndirects owner) state' reqs
return (if S.null blocked then state'' else state, blocked)
manipulateLocksPredicate :: (Lock a, Ord b)
=> (a -> LockRequest a)
-> (a -> Bool)
-> b -> LockAllocation a b -> LockAllocation a b
manipulateLocksPredicate req prop owner state =
fst . flip (updateLocks owner) state . map req
. filter prop
. M.keys
$ listLocks owner state
freeLocksPredicate :: (Lock a, Ord b)
=> (a -> Bool)
-> LockAllocation a b -> b -> LockAllocation a b
freeLocksPredicate prop = flip $ manipulateLocksPredicate requestRelease prop
freeLocks :: (Lock a, Ord b) => LockAllocation a b -> b -> LockAllocation a b
freeLocks = freeLocksPredicate (const True)
instance J.JSON OwnerState where
showJSON OwnShared = J.showJSON "shared"
showJSON OwnExclusive = J.showJSON "exclusive"
readJSON (J.JSString x) = let s = J.fromJSString x
in case s of
"shared" -> J.Ok OwnShared
"exclusive" -> J.Ok OwnExclusive
_ -> J.Error $ "Unknown owner type " ++ s
readJSON _ = J.Error "Owner type not encoded as a string"
readLockOwnerstate :: (J.JSON a) => J.JSValue -> J.Result (a, OwnerState)
readLockOwnerstate (J.JSArray [x, y]) = liftA2 (,) (J.readJSON x) (J.readJSON y)
readLockOwnerstate x = fail $ "lock-ownerstate pairs are encoded as arrays"
++ " of length 2, but found " ++ show x
readOwnerLock :: (J.JSON a, J.JSON b)
=> J.JSValue -> J.Result (b, [(a, OwnerState)])
readOwnerLock (J.JSArray [x, J.JSArray ys]) =
liftA2 (,) (J.readJSON x) (mapM readLockOwnerstate ys)
readOwnerLock x = fail $ "Expected pair of owner and list of owned locks,"
++ " but found " ++ show x
toRequest :: (a, OwnerState) -> LockRequest a
toRequest (a, OwnExclusive) = requestExclusive a
toRequest (a, OwnShared) = requestShared a
allocationFromOwners :: (Lock a, Ord b, Show b)
=> [(b, [(a, OwnerState)])]
-> J.Result (LockAllocation a b)
allocationFromOwners =
let allocateOneOwner s (o, req) = do
let (s', result) = updateLocks o (map toRequest req) s
when (result /= Ok S.empty) . fail
. (++) ("Inconsistent lock status for " ++ show o ++ ": ")
$ case result of
Bad err -> err
Ok blocked -> "blocked on " ++ show (S.toList blocked)
return s'
in foldM allocateOneOwner emptyAllocation
instance (Lock a, J.JSON a, Ord b, J.JSON b, Show b)
=> J.JSON (LockAllocation a b) where
showJSON = J.showJSON . M.toList . M.toList . laOwned
readJSON x = do
xs <- toArray x
owned <- mapM readOwnerLock xs
allocationFromOwners owned