module Ganeti.MaintD.Autorepairs
( harepTasks
) where
import Control.Arrow (second, (***))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import Ganeti.Errors (formatError)
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import Ganeti.HTools.Repair
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.JQueue (currentTimestamp)
import Ganeti.Jobs (execJobsWaitOkJid, submitJobs)
import Ganeti.Logging.Lifted
import qualified Ganeti.Luxi as L
import Ganeti.MaintD.Utils (annotateOpCode)
import Ganeti.OpCodes (OpCode(..))
import qualified Ganeti.Path as Path
import Ganeti.Types (JobId, JobStatus(..), TagKind(..), mkNonNegative)
import Ganeti.Utils (newUUID, logAndBad)
commitChange :: L.Client
-> InstanceData
-> ResultT String IO (InstanceData, [JobId])
commitChange client instData = do
now <- liftIO currentTimestamp
let arData = getArData $ arState instData
iname = $ arInstance instData
rmTags = tagsToRemove instData
addJobs <- if isJust arData
then do
let tag = arTag $ fromJust arData
logDebug $ "Adding tag " ++ tag ++ " to " ++ iname
mkResultT $ execJobsWaitOkJid
[[ annotateOpCode "harep state tagging" now
. OpTagsSet TagKindInstance [tag]
$ Just iname ]]
else return []
rmJobs <- if null rmTags
then return []
else do
logDebug $ "Removing tags " ++ show rmTags ++ " from " ++ iname
mkResultT $ execJobsWaitOkJid
[[ annotateOpCode "harep state tag removal" now
. OpTagsDel TagKindInstance rmTags
$ Just iname ]]
return (instData { tagsToRemove = [] }, addJobs ++ rmJobs)
processPending :: L.Client
-> InstanceData
-> IO (Result (InstanceData, [JobId]))
processPending client instData = runResultT $ case arState instData of
(ArPendingRepair arData) -> do
sts <- liftIO . L.queryJobsStatus client $ arJobs arData
time <- liftIO getClockTime
case sts of
Bad e -> mkResultT . logAndBad
$ "Could not check job status: " ++ formatError e
Ok sts' ->
if any (<= JOB_STATUS_RUNNING) sts' then
return (instData, [])
else do
let iname = $ arInstance instData
srcSt = arStateName $ arState instData
arState' =
if all (== JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS) sts' then
ArHealthy . Just
. updateTag $ arData { arResult = Just ArSuccess
, arTime = time }
ArFailedRepair . updateTag
$ arData { arResult = Just ArFailure, arTime = time }
destSt = arStateName arState'
instData' = instData { arState = arState'
, tagsToRemove = delCurTag instData
logInfo $ "Moving " ++ iname ++ " form " ++ show srcSt ++ " to "
++ show destSt
commitChange client instData'
_ -> return (instData, [])
doRepair :: L.Client
-> InstanceData
-> (AutoRepairType, [OpCode])
-> IO (Result ([Idx], [JobId]))
doRepair client instData (rtype, opcodes) = runResultT $ do
let inst = arInstance instData
ipol = Instance.arPolicy inst
iname = inst
case ipol of
ArEnabled maxtype -> do
uuid <- liftIO newUUID
time <- liftIO getClockTime
if rtype > maxtype then do
let arState' = ArNeedsRepair (
updateTag $ AutoRepairData rtype uuid time [] (Just ArEnoperm) "")
instData' = instData { arState = arState'
, tagsToRemove = delCurTag instData
logInfo $ "Not performing repair of type " ++ show rtype ++ " on "
++ iname ++ " because only repairs up to " ++ show maxtype
++ " are allowed"
(_, jobs) <- commitChange client instData'
return ([], jobs)
else do
now <- liftIO currentTimestamp
logInfo $ "Executing " ++ show rtype ++ " repair on " ++ iname
let opcodes' = OpTestDelay { opDelayDuration = 10
, opDelayOnMaster = True
, opDelayOnNodes = []
, opDelayOnNodeUuids = Nothing
, opDelayRepeat = fromJust $ mkNonNegative 0
, opDelayInterruptible = False
, opDelayNoLocks = False
} : opcodes
jids <- liftIO $ submitJobs
[ map (annotateOpCode "harep-style repair" now)
opcodes'] client
case jids of
Bad e -> mkResultT . logAndBad $ "Failure submitting repair jobs: "
++ e
Ok jids' -> do
let arState' = ArPendingRepair (
updateTag $ AutoRepairData rtype uuid time jids' Nothing "")
instData' = instData { arState = arState'
, tagsToRemove = delCurTag instData
(_, tagjobs) <- commitChange client instData'
let nodes = filter (>= 0) [Instance.pNode inst, Instance.sNode inst]
return (nodes, jids' ++ tagjobs)
otherSt -> do
logDebug $ "Not repairing " ++ iname ++ " because it is in state "
++ show otherSt
return ([], [])
harepTasks :: (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> Set.Set Int
-> ResultT String IO (Set.Set Int, [JobId])
harepTasks (nl, il) nidxs = do
logDebug $ "harep tasks on nodes " ++ show (Set.toList nidxs)
iniData <- mkResultT . return . mapM setInitialState $ Container.elems il
luxiSocket <- liftIO Path.defaultQuerySocket
either_iData <- liftIO . tryIOError
. bracket (L.getLuxiClient luxiSocket) L.closeClient
$ forM iniData . processPending
(iData', jobs) <- mkResultT $ case either_iData of
Left e -> logAndBad $ "Error while harep status update: "
++ show e
Right r ->
if any isBad r
then logAndBad $ "Bad harep processing pending: "
++ show (justBad r)
else return . Ok . second concat . unzip $ justOk r
let repairs = map (detectBroken nl . arInstance) iData'
let repairIfHealthy c i = case arState i of
ArHealthy _ -> doRepair c i
_ -> const . return $ Ok ([], [])
maybeRepair c (i, r) = maybe (return $ Ok ([], []))
(repairIfHealthy c i) r
either_repairJobs <- liftIO . tryIOError
. bracket (L.getLuxiClient luxiSocket) L.closeClient
$ forM (zip iData' repairs) . maybeRepair
(ntouched, jobs') <- mkResultT $ case either_repairJobs of
Left e -> logAndBad $ "Error while attempting repair: "
++ show e
Right r ->
if any isBad r
then logAndBad $ "Error submitting repair jobs: "
++ show (justBad r)
else return . Ok . (concat *** concat) . unzip
$ justOk r
return (nidxs Set.\\ Set.fromList ntouched, jobs ++ jobs' )