module Ganeti.MaintD.Balance
( balanceTask
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&))
import Control.Exception.Lifted (bracket)
import Control.Monad (liftM, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes ( ResultT, mkResultT, mkResultT'
, GenericResult(..), Result)
import Ganeti.Cpu.Types (emptyCPUavgload, CPUavgload(..))
import Ganeti.HTools.AlgorithmParams (AlgorithmOptions(..), defaultOptions)
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Backend.MonD as MonD
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Metrics as Metrics
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster.Utils as ClusterUtils
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import Ganeti.JQueue (currentTimestamp)
import Ganeti.JQueue.Objects (Timestamp)
import Ganeti.Jobs (submitJobs)
import Ganeti.HTools.Types ( zeroUtil, DynUtil(cpuWeight), addUtil, subUtil
, MoveJob, iPolicyMemoryRatio)
import Ganeti.Logging.Lifted (logDebug)
import Ganeti.MaintD.MemoryState ( MemoryState, getEvacuated
, addEvacuated, rmEvacuated)
import Ganeti.MaintD.Utils (annotateOpCode)
import qualified Ganeti.Luxi as L
import Ganeti.OpCodes (MetaOpCode)
import qualified Ganeti.Path as Path
import qualified Ganeti.Query.Language as Qlang
import Ganeti.Types (JobId)
import Ganeti.Utils (logAndBad)
data AllReports = AllReports { rTotal :: MonD.Report
, rIndividual :: MonD.Report
, rMem :: MonD.Report
emptyReports :: AllReports
emptyReports = AllReports (MonD.CPUavgloadReport emptyCPUavgload)
(MonD.InstanceCpuReport Map.empty)
(MonD.InstanceRSSReport Map.empty)
queryNode :: Node.Node -> ResultT String IO AllReports
queryNode node = do
let getReport dc = mkResultT
. liftM (maybe (Bad $ "Failed collecting "
++ MonD.dName dc
++ " from " ++ node) Ok
. MonD.mkReport dc)
$ MonD.fromCurl dc node
if Node.offline node
then return emptyReports
else do
total <- getReport MonD.totalCPUCollector
xeninstances <- getReport MonD.xenCPUCollector
rssinstances <- getReport MonD.kvmRSSCollector
return $ AllReports total xeninstances rssinstances
queryLoad :: Node.List -> ResultT String IO (Container.Container AllReports)
queryLoad = Traversable.mapM queryNode
getXenInstances :: ResultT String IO (Set.Set String)
getXenInstances = do
let query = L.Query (Qlang.ItemTypeOpCode Qlang.QRInstance)
["name", "hypervisor"] Qlang.EmptyFilter
luxiSocket <- liftIO Path.defaultQuerySocket
raw <- bracket (mkResultT . liftM (either (Bad . show) Ok)
. tryIOError $ L.getLuxiClient luxiSocket)
(liftIO . L.closeClient)
$ mkResultT' . L.callMethod query
answer <- L.extractArray raw >>= mapM (mapM L.fromJValWithStatus)
let getXen [name, hv] | hv `elem` ["xen-pvm", "xen-hvm"] = [name]
getXen _ = []
return $ Set.fromList (answer >>= getXen)
findInstanceLoad :: String -> AllReports -> Maybe Double
findInstanceLoad name r | MonD.InstanceCpuReport m <- rIndividual r =
Map.lookup name m
findInstanceLoad _ _ = Nothing
updateCPUInstance :: Node.List
-> Container.Container AllReports
-> Set.Set String
-> [String]
-> Instance.Instance
-> Result Instance.Instance
updateCPUInstance nl reports xeninsts evacuated inst =
let name = inst
nidx = Instance.pNode inst
in if name `Set.member` xeninsts
then let onNodeLoad = findInstanceLoad name (Container.find nidx reports)
allLoads = mapMaybe (findInstanceLoad name)
$ Container.elems reports
in case () of
_ | Just load <- onNodeLoad ->
return $ inst { Instance.util = zeroUtil { cpuWeight = load } }
_ | (load:_) <- allLoads ->
return $ inst { Instance.util = zeroUtil { cpuWeight = load } }
_ | Node.offline $ Container.find nidx nl ->
return $ inst { Instance.util = zeroUtil }
_ | inst `elem` evacuated ->
return $ inst { Instance.util = zeroUtil }
_ -> fail $ "Xen CPU data unavailable for " ++ name
else let rep = rTotal $ Container.find nidx reports
in case rep of MonD.CPUavgloadReport (CPUavgload _ _ ndload) ->
let w = ndload * fromIntegral (Instance.vcpus inst)
/ (fromIntegral . Node.uCpu
$ Container.find nidx nl)
in return $ inst { Instance.util =
zeroUtil { cpuWeight = w }}
_ -> fail $ "CPU data unavailable for node of " ++ name
updateCPULoad :: (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> Container.Container AllReports
-> Set.Set String
-> [ String ]
-> Result (Node.List, Instance.List)
updateCPULoad (nl, il) reports xeninsts evacuated = do
il' <- Traversable.mapM (updateCPUInstance nl reports xeninsts evacuated) il
let addNodeUtil n delta = n { Node.utilLoad = addUtil (Node.utilLoad n) delta
, Node.utilLoadForth =
addUtil (Node.utilLoadForth n) delta
let updateNodeUtil nnl inst_old inst_new =
let delta = subUtil (Instance.util inst_new) $ Instance.util inst_old
nidx = Instance.pNode inst_old
n = Container.find nidx nnl
n' = addNodeUtil n delta
in Container.add nidx n' nnl
let nl' = foldl (\nnl i -> updateNodeUtil nnl (Container.find i il)
$ Container.find i il') nl $ Container.keys il
return (nl', il')
cleanUpEvacuation :: IORef MemoryState
-> Instance.List
-> Container.Container AllReports
-> String
-> IO ()
cleanUpEvacuation memstate il reports name = do
let insts = filter ((==) name . $ Container.elems il
case insts of
[] -> do
logDebug $ "Instnace " ++ name ++ "no longer on the cluster"
rmEvacuated memstate name
inst:_ -> do
let nidx = Instance.pNode inst
when (isJust . findInstanceLoad name
$ Container.find nidx reports) $ do
logDebug $ "Load data for " ++ name ++ " available again"
rmEvacuated memstate name
moveToJob :: Timestamp -> (Node.List, Instance.List) -> MoveJob -> [MetaOpCode]
moveToJob now (nl, il) (_, idx, move, _) =
let opCodes = Cluster.iMoveToJob nl il idx move
in map (annotateOpCode "auto-balancing the cluster" now) opCodes
iterateBalance :: AlgorithmOptions
-> Cluster.Table
-> [MoveJob]
-> [MoveJob]
iterateBalance opts ini_tbl cmds =
let Cluster.Table ini_nl ini_il _ _ = ini_tbl
m_next_tbl = Cluster.tryBalance opts ini_tbl
in case m_next_tbl of
Just next_tbl@(Cluster.Table _ _ _ plc@(curplc:_)) ->
let (idx, _, _, move, _) = curplc
plc_len = length plc
(_, cs) = Cluster.printSolutionLine ini_nl ini_il 1 1 curplc plc_len
afn = Cluster.involvedNodes ini_il curplc
cmds' = (afn, idx, move, cs):cmds
in iterateBalance opts next_tbl cmds'
_ -> cmds
evacuatedInsts :: (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> MoveJob
-> [String]
evacuatedInsts (nl, il) (_, idx, _, _) =
let inst = Container.find idx il
node = Container.find (Instance.pNode inst) nl
in [ inst | Node.offline node]
balanceGroup :: IORef MemoryState
-> Set.Set String
-> L.Client
-> Set.Set Int
-> Double
-> (Int, (Node.List, Instance.List))
-> ResultT String IO [JobId]
balanceGroup memstate xens client allowedNodes threshold (gidx, (nl, il)) = do
logDebug $ printf "Balancing group %d, %d nodes, %d instances." gidx
(Container.size nl) (Container.size il)
let ini_cv = Metrics.compCV nl
ini_tbl = Cluster.Table nl il ini_cv []
opts = defaultOptions { algAllowedNodes = Just allowedNodes
, algMinGain = threshold
, algMinGainLimit = 10 * threshold
cmds = iterateBalance opts ini_tbl []
tasks = take 1 $ Cluster.splitJobs cmds
logDebug $ "First task group: " ++ show tasks
now <- liftIO currentTimestamp
let jobs = tasks >>= map (moveToJob now (nl, il))
evacs = filter (`Set.member` xens)
(concat tasks >>= evacuatedInsts (nl, il))
if null jobs
then return []
else do
unless (null evacs) $ do
logDebug $ "Evacuation of instances " ++ show evacs
liftIO $ addEvacuated memstate evacs
jids <- liftIO $ submitJobs jobs client
case jids of
Bad e -> mkResultT . logAndBad
$ "Failure submitting balancing jobs: " ++ e
Ok jids' -> return jids'
weightFromMemRatio :: Double -> Double
weightFromMemRatio f = 0.0 `max` (f 1) * 5.0
useMemData :: Double
-> Container.Container AllReports
-> (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> ResultT String IO (Node.List, Instance.List)
useMemData ratio allreports (nl, il) = do
logDebug "Taking dynamic memory data into account"
let memoryReports =
map (flip Container.find nl *** rMem) $ IntMap.toList allreports
mkResultT . return . liftM (MonD.scaleMemoryWeight (weightFromMemRatio ratio))
$ MonD.useInstanceRSSData memoryReports (nl, il)
balanceTask :: IORef MemoryState
-> (Node.List, Instance.List)
-> Set.Set Int
-> Double
-> ResultT String IO [JobId]
balanceTask memstate (nl, il) okNodes threshold = do
logDebug "Collecting dynamic load values"
evacuated <- getEvacuated memstate
logDebug $ "Not expecting load data from: " ++ show evacuated
reports <- queryLoad nl
xenInstances <- getXenInstances
(nl', il') <- mkResultT . return
$ updateCPULoad (nl, il) reports xenInstances evacuated
liftIO $ mapM_ (cleanUpEvacuation memstate il reports) evacuated
let memoryOvercommitment =
maximum . (0.0:) . map (iPolicyMemoryRatio .Node.iPolicy)
$ IntMap.elems nl
logDebug $ "Memory over-commitment ratio is " ++ show memoryOvercommitment
(nl'', il'') <- if memoryOvercommitment > 1.0
then useMemData memoryOvercommitment reports (nl', il')
else return (nl', il')
logDebug . (++) "Dynamic node load: " . show
. map ( &&& Node.utilLoad) $ Container.elems nl''
let ngroups = ClusterUtils.splitCluster nl'' il''
luxiSocket <- liftIO Path.defaultQuerySocket
bracket (liftIO $ L.getLuxiClient luxiSocket) (liftIO . L.closeClient) $ \c ->
liftM concat $ mapM (balanceGroup memstate xenInstances c okNodes threshold)