archive {id...}
This command can be used to archive job by their IDs. Only jobs that have finished execution (i.e either success, error or canceled jobs).
autoarchive {age | all}
Archive jobs by their age. This command can archive jobs older than age seconds, or alternatively all finished jobs can be archived if the string all is passed.
cancel {id}
Cancel the job identified by the given id. Only jobs that have not yet started to run can be canceled; that is, jobs in either the queued or waiting state.
info {id...}
Show detailed information about the given job id(s). If no job id is given, all jobs are examined (warning, this is a lot of information).
list [--no-headers] [--separator=SEPARATOR]
[-o [+]FIELD,...]
Lists the jobs and their status. By default, the job id, job status, and a small job description is listed, but additional parameters can be selected.
The --no-headers
option will skip the initial
header line. The --separator
option takes an
argument which denotes what will be used between the output
fields. Both these options are to help scripting.
The -o
option takes a comma-separated list of
output fields. The available fields and their meaning are:
the job id
the status of the job
the timestamp the job was received
the timestamp when the job was started
the timestamp when the job was ended
a summary of the opcodes that define the job
the list of opcodes defining the job
the list of opcode results
the list of opcode statuses
the list of opcode logs
the list of opcode start times (before acquiring locks)
the list of opcode execution start times (after acquiring any necessary locks)
the list of opcode end times
If the value of the option starts with the character
, the new fields will be added to the
default list. This allows to quickly see the default list plus
a few other fields, instead of retyping the entire list of
Report bugs to or contact the developers using the Ganeti mailing list <>.
Ganeti overview and specifications: ganeti(7) (general overview), ganeti-os-interface(7) (guest OS definitions).
Ganeti commands: gnt-cluster(8) (cluster-wide commands), gnt-job(8) (job-related commands), gnt-node(8) (node-related commands), gnt-instance(8) (instance commands), gnt-os(8) (guest OS commands), gnt-backup(8) (instance import/export commands), gnt-debug(8) (debug commands).
Ganeti daemons: ganeti-watcher(8) (automatic instance restarter), ganeti-cleaner(8) (job queue cleaner), ganeti-noded(8) (node daemon), ganeti-masterd(8) (master daemon), ganeti-rapi(8) (remote API daemon).
Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Google Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.