Documents Ganeti version 2.1
Currently in Ganeti the admin has to specify the exact locations for an instance’s node(s). This prevents a completely automatic node evacuation, and is in general a nuisance.
The iallocator framework will enable automatic placement via external scripts, which allows customization of the cluster layout per the site’s requirements.
There are two parts of the ganeti operation that are impacted by the auto-allocation: how the cluster knows what the allocator algorithms are and how the admin uses these in creating instances.
An allocation algorithm is just the filename of a program installed in a defined list of directories.
At configure time, the list of the directories can be selected via the --with-iallocator-search-path=LIST option, where LIST is a comma-separated list of directories. If not given, this defaults to $libdir/ganeti/iallocators, i.e. for an installation under /usr, this will be /usr/lib/ganeti/iallocators.
Ganeti will then search for allocator script in the configured list, using the first one whose filename matches the one given by the user.
The node selection options in instanece add and instance replace disks can be replace by the new --iallocator=NAME option (shortened to -I), which will cause the auto-assignement of nodes with the passed iallocator. The selected node(s) will be show as part of the command output.
The protocol for communication between Ganeti and an allocator script will be the following:
The input message will be the JSON encoding of a dictionary containing the following:
a dictionary containing the request data:
The following keys are needed in allocate/relocate mode:
If the request is an allocation, then there are extra fields in the request dictionary:
list of dictionaries holding the disk definitions for this instance (in the order they are exported to the hypervisor):
a list of dictionaries holding the network interfaces for this instance, containing:
If the request is of type relocate, then there is one more entry in the request dictionary, named relocate_from, and it contains a list of nodes to move the instance away from; note that with Ganeti 2.0, this list will always contain a single node, the current secondary of the instance.
The multi-evacuate mode has instead a single request argument:
a dictionary with the data for the cluster’s node groups; it is keyed on the group UUID, and the values are a dictionary with the following keys:
a dictionary with the data for the current existing instance on the cluster, indexed by instance name; the contents are similar to the instance definitions for the allocate mode, with the addition of:
dictionary with the data for the nodes in the cluster, indexed by the node name; the dict contains [*] :
No allocations should be made on nodes having either the drained or offline flags set. More details about these of node status flags is available in the manpage ganeti(7).
[*] | Note that no run-time data is present for offline, drained or non-vm_capable nodes; this means the tags total_memory, reserved_memory, free_memory, total_disk, free_disk, total_cpus, i_pri_memory and i_pri_up memory will be absent |
The response message is much more simple than the input one. It is also a dict having three keys:
the output of the algorithm; even if the algorithm failed (i.e. success is false), this must be returned as an empty list
for allocate/relocate, this is the list of node(s) for the instance; note that the length of this list must equal the requested_nodes entry in the input message, otherwise Ganeti will consider the result as failed
for multi-evacuation mode, this is a list of lists; each element of the list is a list of instance name and the new secondary node
Current Ganeti version accepts either result or nodes as a backwards-compatibility measure (older versions only supported nodes)
Input message, new instance allocation:
"cluster_tags": [],
"request": {
"required_nodes": 2,
"name": "",
"tags": [
"type": "allocate",
"disks": [
"mode": "w",
"size": 1024
"mode": "w",
"size": 2048
"nics": [
"ip": null,
"mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
"bridge": null
"vcpus": 1,
"disk_template": "drbd",
"memory": 2048,
"disk_space_total": 3328,
"os": "debootstrap+default"
"cluster_name": "",
"instances": {
"": {
"tags": [],
"should_run": false,
"disks": [
"mode": "w",
"size": 64
"mode": "w",
"size": 512
"nics": [
"ip": null,
"mac": "aa:00:00:00:60:bf",
"bridge": "xen-br0"
"vcpus": 1,
"disk_template": "plain",
"memory": 128,
"nodes": [
"os": "debootstrap+default"
"": {
"tags": [],
"should_run": false,
"disks": [
"mode": "w",
"size": 512
"mode": "w",
"size": 256
"nics": [
"ip": null,
"mac": "aa:00:00:55:f8:38",
"bridge": "xen-br0"
"vcpus": 1,
"disk_template": "drbd",
"memory": 512,
"nodes": [
"os": "debootstrap+default"
"version": 1,
"nodes": {
"": {
"total_disk": 858276,
"primary_ip": "",
"secondary_ip": "",
"tags": [],
"free_memory": 3505,
"free_disk": 856740,
"total_memory": 4095
"": {
"total_disk": 858240,
"primary_ip": "",
"secondary_ip": "",
"tags": ["test"],
"free_memory": 3505,
"free_disk": 848320,
"total_memory": 4095
"": {
"total_disk": 572184,
"primary_ip": "",
"secondary_ip": "",
"tags": [],
"free_memory": 3505,
"free_disk": 570648,
"total_memory": 4095
Input message, reallocation. Since only the request entry in the input message is changed, we show only this changed entry:
"request": {
"relocate_from": [
"required_nodes": 1,
"type": "relocate",
"name": "",
"disk_space_total": 832
Input message, node evacuation:
"request": {
"evac_nodes": [
"type": "multi-evacuate"
Successful response message:
"info": "Allocation successful",
"result": [
"success": true
Failed response message:
"info": "Can't find a suitable node for position 2 (already selected:",
"result": [],
"success": false
Successful node evacuation message:
"info": "Request successful",
"result": [
"success": true
# gnt-instance add -t plain -m 2g --os-size 1g --swap-size 512m --iallocator hail -o debootstrap+default instance3
Selected nodes for the instance:
* creating instance disks...
# gnt-instance add -t plain -m 3400m --os-size 1g --swap-size 512m --iallocator hail -o debootstrap+default instance4
Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation:
Can't compute nodes using iallocator 'hail': Can't find a suitable node for position 1 (already selected: )
# gnt-instance add -t drbd -m 1400m --os-size 1g --swap-size 512m --iallocator hail -o debootstrap+default instance5
Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation:
Can't compute nodes using iallocator 'hail': Can't find a suitable node for position 2 (already selected:
Ganeti’s default iallocator is “hail” which is part of the separate ganeti-htools project. In order to see its source code please clone git:// Note that htools is implemented using the Haskell programming language.