module Ganeti.HTools.CLI
( Options(..)
, OptType
, parseOpts
, shTemplate
, defaultLuxiSocket
, maybePrintNodes
, maybePrintInsts
, maybeShowWarnings
, oDataFile
, oDiskMoves
, oDiskTemplate
, oDynuFile
, oEvacMode
, oExInst
, oExTags
, oExecJobs
, oGroup
, oIDisk
, oIMem
, oIVcpus
, oInstMoves
, oLuxiSocket
, oMachineReadable
, oMaxCpu
, oMaxSolLength
, oMinDisk
, oMinGain
, oMinGainLim
, oMinScore
, oNoHeaders
, oNodeSim
, oOfflineNode
, oOneline
, oOutputDir
, oPrintCommands
, oPrintInsts
, oPrintNodes
, oQuiet
, oRapiMaster
, oReplay
, oSaveCluster
, oSelInst
, oShowHelp
, oShowVer
, oTieredSpec
, oVerbose
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Version
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.IO
import System.Info
import System
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Version as Version(version)
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
defaultLuxiSocket :: FilePath
defaultLuxiSocket = C.masterSocket
data Options = Options
{ optDataFile :: Maybe FilePath
, optDiskMoves :: Bool
, optInstMoves :: Bool
, optDiskTemplate :: DiskTemplate
, optDynuFile :: Maybe FilePath
, optEvacMode :: Bool
, optExInst :: [String]
, optExTags :: Maybe [String]
, optExecJobs :: Bool
, optGroup :: Maybe GroupID
, optSelInst :: [String]
, optISpec :: RSpec
, optLuxi :: Maybe FilePath
, optMachineReadable :: Bool
, optMaster :: String
, optMaxLength :: Int
, optMcpu :: Double
, optMdsk :: Double
, optMinGain :: Score
, optMinGainLim :: Score
, optMinScore :: Score
, optNoHeaders :: Bool
, optNodeSim :: [String]
, optOffline :: [String]
, optOneline :: Bool
, optOutPath :: FilePath
, optSaveCluster :: Maybe FilePath
, optShowCmds :: Maybe FilePath
, optShowHelp :: Bool
, optShowInsts :: Bool
, optShowNodes :: Maybe [String]
, optShowVer :: Bool
, optTieredSpec :: Maybe RSpec
, optReplay :: Maybe String
, optVerbose :: Int
} deriving Show
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optDataFile = Nothing
, optDiskMoves = True
, optInstMoves = True
, optDiskTemplate = DTDrbd8
, optDynuFile = Nothing
, optEvacMode = False
, optExInst = []
, optExTags = Nothing
, optExecJobs = False
, optGroup = Nothing
, optSelInst = []
, optISpec = RSpec 1 4096 102400
, optLuxi = Nothing
, optMachineReadable = False
, optMaster = ""
, optMaxLength = 1
, optMcpu = defVcpuRatio
, optMdsk = defReservedDiskRatio
, optMinGain = 1e-2
, optMinGainLim = 1e-1
, optMinScore = 1e-9
, optNoHeaders = False
, optNodeSim = []
, optOffline = []
, optOneline = False
, optOutPath = "."
, optSaveCluster = Nothing
, optShowCmds = Nothing
, optShowHelp = False
, optShowInsts = False
, optShowNodes = Nothing
, optShowVer = False
, optTieredSpec = Nothing
, optReplay = Nothing
, optVerbose = 1
type OptType = OptDescr (Options -> Result Options)
oDataFile :: OptType
oDataFile = Option "t" ["text-data"]
(ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optDataFile = Just f }) "FILE")
"the cluster data FILE"
oDiskMoves :: OptType
oDiskMoves = Option "" ["no-disk-moves"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optDiskMoves = False}))
"disallow disk moves from the list of allowed instance changes,\
\ thus allowing only the 'cheap' failover/migrate operations"
oDiskTemplate :: OptType
oDiskTemplate = Option "" ["disk-template"]
(ReqArg (\ t opts -> do
dt <- dtFromString t
return $ opts { optDiskTemplate = dt }) "TEMPLATE")
"select the desired disk template"
oSelInst :: OptType
oSelInst = Option "" ["select-instances"]
(ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optSelInst = sepSplit ',' f }) "INSTS")
"only select given instances for any moves"
oInstMoves :: OptType
oInstMoves = Option "" ["no-instance-moves"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optInstMoves = False}))
"disallow instance (primary node) moves from the list of allowed,\
\ instance changes, thus allowing only slower, but sometimes\
\ safer, drbd secondary changes"
oDynuFile :: OptType
oDynuFile = Option "U" ["dynu-file"]
(ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optDynuFile = Just f }) "FILE")
"Import dynamic utilisation data from the given FILE"
oEvacMode :: OptType
oEvacMode = Option "E" ["evac-mode"]
(NoArg (\opts -> Ok opts { optEvacMode = True }))
"enable evacuation mode, where the algorithm only moves \
\ instances away from offline and drained nodes"
oExInst :: OptType
oExInst = Option "" ["exclude-instances"]
(ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optExInst = sepSplit ',' f }) "INSTS")
"exclude given instances from any moves"
oExTags :: OptType
oExTags = Option "" ["exclusion-tags"]
(ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optExTags = Just $ sepSplit ',' f })
"TAG,...") "Enable instance exclusion based on given tag prefix"
oExecJobs :: OptType
oExecJobs = Option "X" ["exec"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optExecJobs = True}))
"execute the suggested moves via Luxi (only available when using\
\ it for data gathering)"
oGroup :: OptType
oGroup = Option "G" ["group"]
(ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optGroup = Just f }) "ID")
"the ID of the group to balance"
oIDisk :: OptType
oIDisk = Option "" ["disk"]
(ReqArg (\ d opts -> do
dsk <- annotateResult "--disk option" (parseUnit d)
let ospec = optISpec opts
nspec = ospec { rspecDsk = dsk }
return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "DISK")
"disk size for instances"
oIMem :: OptType
oIMem = Option "" ["memory"]
(ReqArg (\ m opts -> do
mem <- annotateResult "--memory option" (parseUnit m)
let ospec = optISpec opts
nspec = ospec { rspecMem = mem }
return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "MEMORY")
"memory size for instances"
oIVcpus :: OptType
oIVcpus = Option "" ["vcpus"]
(ReqArg (\ p opts -> do
vcpus <- tryRead "--vcpus option" p
let ospec = optISpec opts
nspec = ospec { rspecCpu = vcpus }
return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "NUM")
"number of virtual cpus for instances"
oLuxiSocket :: OptType
oLuxiSocket = Option "L" ["luxi"]
(OptArg ((\ f opts -> Ok opts { optLuxi = Just f }) .
fromMaybe defaultLuxiSocket) "SOCKET")
"collect data via Luxi, optionally using the given SOCKET path"
oMachineReadable :: OptType
oMachineReadable = Option "" ["machine-readable"]
(OptArg (\ f opts -> do
flag <- parseYesNo True f
return $ opts { optMachineReadable = flag }) "CHOICE")
"enable machine readable output (pass either 'yes' or 'no' to\
\ explicitely control the flag, or without an argument defaults to\
\ yes"
oMaxCpu :: OptType
oMaxCpu = Option "" ["max-cpu"]
(ReqArg (\ n opts -> Ok opts { optMcpu = read n }) "RATIO")
"maximum virtual-to-physical cpu ratio for nodes (from 1\
\ upwards) [64]"
oMaxSolLength :: OptType
oMaxSolLength = Option "l" ["max-length"]
(ReqArg (\ i opts -> Ok opts { optMaxLength = read i }) "N")
"cap the solution at this many moves (useful for very\
\ unbalanced clusters)"
oMinDisk :: OptType
oMinDisk = Option "" ["min-disk"]
(ReqArg (\ n opts -> Ok opts { optMdsk = read n }) "RATIO")
"minimum free disk space for nodes (between 0 and 1) [0]"
oMinGain :: OptType
oMinGain = Option "g" ["min-gain"]
(ReqArg (\ g opts -> Ok opts { optMinGain = read g }) "DELTA")
"minimum gain to aim for in a balancing step before giving up"
oMinGainLim :: OptType
oMinGainLim = Option "" ["min-gain-limit"]
(ReqArg (\ g opts -> Ok opts { optMinGainLim = read g }) "SCORE")
"minimum cluster score for which we start checking the min-gain"
oMinScore :: OptType
oMinScore = Option "e" ["min-score"]
(ReqArg (\ e opts -> Ok opts { optMinScore = read e }) "EPSILON")
"mininum score to aim for"
oNoHeaders :: OptType
oNoHeaders = Option "" ["no-headers"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optNoHeaders = True }))
"do not show a header line"
oNodeSim :: OptType
oNodeSim = Option "" ["simulate"]
(ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optNodeSim = f:optNodeSim o }) "SPEC")
"simulate an empty cluster, given as 'num_nodes,disk,ram,cpu'"
oOfflineNode :: OptType
oOfflineNode = Option "O" ["offline"]
(ReqArg (\ n o -> Ok o { optOffline = n:optOffline o }) "NODE")
"set node as offline"
oOneline :: OptType
oOneline = Option "o" ["oneline"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optOneline = True }))
"print the ganeti command list for reaching the solution"
oOutputDir :: OptType
oOutputDir = Option "d" ["output-dir"]
(ReqArg (\ d opts -> Ok opts { optOutPath = d }) "PATH")
"directory in which to write output files"
oPrintCommands :: OptType
oPrintCommands = Option "C" ["print-commands"]
(OptArg ((\ f opts -> Ok opts { optShowCmds = Just f }) .
fromMaybe "-")
"print the ganeti command list for reaching the solution,\
\ if an argument is passed then write the commands to a\
\ file named as such"
oPrintInsts :: OptType
oPrintInsts = Option "" ["print-instances"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowInsts = True }))
"print the final instance map"
oPrintNodes :: OptType
oPrintNodes = Option "p" ["print-nodes"]
(OptArg ((\ f opts ->
let (prefix, realf) = case f of
'+':rest -> (["+"], rest)
_ -> ([], f)
splitted = prefix ++ sepSplit ',' realf
in Ok opts { optShowNodes = Just splitted }) .
fromMaybe []) "FIELDS")
"print the final node list"
oQuiet :: OptType
oQuiet = Option "q" ["quiet"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optVerbose = optVerbose opts 1 }))
"decrease the verbosity level"
oRapiMaster :: OptType
oRapiMaster = Option "m" ["master"]
(ReqArg (\ m opts -> Ok opts { optMaster = m }) "ADDRESS")
"collect data via RAPI at the given ADDRESS"
oSaveCluster :: OptType
oSaveCluster = Option "S" ["save"]
(ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optSaveCluster = Just f }) "FILE")
"Save cluster state at the end of the processing to FILE"
oShowHelp :: OptType
oShowHelp = Option "h" ["help"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowHelp = True}))
"show help"
oShowVer :: OptType
oShowVer = Option "V" ["version"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowVer = True}))
"show the version of the program"
oTieredSpec :: OptType
oTieredSpec = Option "" ["tiered-alloc"]
(ReqArg (\ inp opts -> do
let sp = sepSplit ',' inp
prs <- mapM (\(fn, val) -> fn val) $
zip [ annotateResult "tiered specs memory" .
, annotateResult "tiered specs disk" .
, tryRead "tiered specs cpus"
] sp
tspec <-
case prs of
[dsk, ram, cpu] -> return $ RSpec cpu ram dsk
_ -> Bad $ "Invalid specification: " ++ inp ++
", expected disk,ram,cpu"
return $ opts { optTieredSpec = Just tspec } )
"enable tiered specs allocation, given as 'disk,ram,cpu'"
oReplay :: OptType
oReplay = Option "" ["replay"]
(ReqArg (\ stat opts -> Ok opts { optReplay = Just stat } ) "STATE")
"Pre-seed the random number generator with STATE"
oVerbose :: OptType
oVerbose = Option "v" ["verbose"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optVerbose = optVerbose opts + 1 }))
"increase the verbosity level"
parseYesNo :: Bool
-> Maybe String
-> Result Bool
parseYesNo v Nothing = return v
parseYesNo _ (Just "yes") = return True
parseYesNo _ (Just "no") = return False
parseYesNo _ (Just s) = fail $ "Invalid choice '" ++ s ++
"', pass one of 'yes' or 'no'"
usageHelp :: String -> [OptType] -> String
usageHelp progname =
usageInfo (printf "%s %s\nUsage: %s [OPTION...]"
progname Version.version progname)
parseOpts :: [String]
-> String
-> [OptType]
-> IO (Options, [String])
parseOpts argv progname options =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
(o, n, []) ->
let (pr, args) = (foldM (flip id) defaultOptions o, n)
po <- (case pr of
Bad msg -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "Error while parsing command\
\line arguments:"
hPutStrLn stderr msg
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
Ok val -> return val)
when (optShowHelp po) $ do
putStr $ usageHelp progname options
exitWith ExitSuccess
when (optShowVer po) $ do
printf "%s %s\ncompiled with %s %s\nrunning on %s %s\n"
progname Version.version
compilerName (Data.Version.showVersion compilerVersion)
os arch :: IO ()
exitWith ExitSuccess
return (po, args)
(_, _, errs) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command line error: " ++ concat errs
hPutStrLn stderr $ usageHelp progname options
exitWith $ ExitFailure 2
shTemplate :: String
shTemplate =
printf "#!/bin/sh\n\n\
\# Auto-generated script for executing cluster rebalancing\n\n\
\# To stop, touch the file /tmp/stop-htools\n\n\
\set -e\n\n\
\check() {\n\
\ if [ -f /tmp/stop-htools ]; then\n\
\ echo 'Stop requested, exiting'\n\
\ exit 0\n\
\ fi\n\
maybePrintNodes :: Maybe [String]
-> String
-> ([String] -> String)
-> IO ()
maybePrintNodes Nothing _ _ = return ()
maybePrintNodes (Just fields) msg fn = do
hPutStrLn stderr ""
hPutStrLn stderr (msg ++ " status:")
hPutStrLn stderr $ fn fields
maybePrintInsts :: Bool
-> String
-> String
-> IO ()
maybePrintInsts do_print msg instdata =
when do_print $ do
hPutStrLn stderr ""
hPutStrLn stderr $ msg ++ " instance map:"
hPutStr stderr instdata
maybeShowWarnings :: [String]
-> IO ()
maybeShowWarnings fix_msgs =
unless (null fix_msgs) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: cluster has inconsistent data:"
hPutStrLn stderr . unlines . map (printf " - %s") $ fix_msgs