{-| Implementation of command-line functions.

This module holds the common command-line related functions for the
binaries, separated into this module since "Ganeti.HTools.Utils" is
used in many other places and this is more IO oriented.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Ganeti.HTools.CLI
    ( Options(..)
    , OptType
    , parseOpts
    , shTemplate
    , defaultLuxiSocket
    , maybePrintNodes
    , maybePrintInsts
    , maybeShowWarnings
    -- * The options
    , oDataFile
    , oDiskMoves
    , oDiskTemplate
    , oDynuFile
    , oEvacMode
    , oExInst
    , oExTags
    , oExecJobs
    , oGroup
    , oIDisk
    , oIMem
    , oIVcpus
    , oInstMoves
    , oLuxiSocket
    , oMachineReadable
    , oMaxCpu
    , oMaxSolLength
    , oMinDisk
    , oMinGain
    , oMinGainLim
    , oMinScore
    , oNoHeaders
    , oNodeSim
    , oOfflineNode
    , oOneline
    , oOutputDir
    , oPrintCommands
    , oPrintInsts
    , oPrintNodes
    , oQuiet
    , oRapiMaster
    , oReplay
    , oSaveCluster
    , oSelInst
    , oShowHelp
    , oShowVer
    , oTieredSpec
    , oVerbose
    ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Version
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.IO
import System.Info
import System
import Text.Printf (printf)

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Version as Version(version)
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils

-- * Constants

-- | The default value for the luxi socket.
-- This is re-exported from the "Ganeti.Constants" module.
defaultLuxiSocket :: FilePath
defaultLuxiSocket = C.masterSocket

-- * Data types

-- | Command line options structure.
data Options = Options
    { optDataFile    :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Path to the cluster data file
    , optDiskMoves   :: Bool           -- ^ Allow disk moves
    , optInstMoves   :: Bool           -- ^ Allow instance moves
    , optDiskTemplate :: DiskTemplate  -- ^ The requested disk template
    , optDynuFile    :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Optional file with dynamic use data
    , optEvacMode    :: Bool           -- ^ Enable evacuation mode
    , optExInst      :: [String]       -- ^ Instances to be excluded
    , optExTags      :: Maybe [String] -- ^ Tags to use for exclusion
    , optExecJobs    :: Bool           -- ^ Execute the commands via Luxi
    , optGroup       :: Maybe GroupID  -- ^ The UUID of the group to process
    , optSelInst     :: [String]       -- ^ Instances to be excluded
    , optISpec       :: RSpec          -- ^ Requested instance specs
    , optLuxi        :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Collect data from Luxi
    , optMachineReadable :: Bool       -- ^ Output machine-readable format
    , optMaster      :: String         -- ^ Collect data from RAPI
    , optMaxLength   :: Int            -- ^ Stop after this many steps
    , optMcpu        :: Double         -- ^ Max cpu ratio for nodes
    , optMdsk        :: Double         -- ^ Max disk usage ratio for nodes
    , optMinGain     :: Score          -- ^ Min gain we aim for in a step
    , optMinGainLim  :: Score          -- ^ Limit below which we apply mingain
    , optMinScore    :: Score          -- ^ The minimum score we aim for
    , optNoHeaders   :: Bool           -- ^ Do not show a header line
    , optNodeSim     :: [String]       -- ^ Cluster simulation mode
    , optOffline     :: [String]       -- ^ Names of offline nodes
    , optOneline     :: Bool           -- ^ Switch output to a single line
    , optOutPath     :: FilePath       -- ^ Path to the output directory
    , optSaveCluster :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Save cluster state to this file
    , optShowCmds    :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Whether to show the command list
    , optShowHelp    :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the help
    , optShowInsts   :: Bool           -- ^ Whether to show the instance map
    , optShowNodes   :: Maybe [String] -- ^ Whether to show node status
    , optShowVer     :: Bool           -- ^ Just show the program version
    , optTieredSpec  :: Maybe RSpec    -- ^ Requested specs for tiered mode
    , optReplay      :: Maybe String   -- ^ Unittests: RNG state
    , optVerbose     :: Int            -- ^ Verbosity level
    } deriving Show

-- | Default values for the command line options.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions  = Options
 { optDataFile    = Nothing
 , optDiskMoves   = True
 , optInstMoves   = True
 , optDiskTemplate = DTDrbd8
 , optDynuFile    = Nothing
 , optEvacMode    = False
 , optExInst      = []
 , optExTags      = Nothing
 , optExecJobs    = False
 , optGroup       = Nothing
 , optSelInst     = []
 , optISpec       = RSpec 1 4096 102400
 , optLuxi        = Nothing
 , optMachineReadable = False
 , optMaster      = ""
 , optMaxLength   = -1
 , optMcpu        = defVcpuRatio
 , optMdsk        = defReservedDiskRatio
 , optMinGain     = 1e-2
 , optMinGainLim  = 1e-1
 , optMinScore    = 1e-9
 , optNoHeaders   = False
 , optNodeSim     = []
 , optOffline     = []
 , optOneline     = False
 , optOutPath     = "."
 , optSaveCluster = Nothing
 , optShowCmds    = Nothing
 , optShowHelp    = False
 , optShowInsts   = False
 , optShowNodes   = Nothing
 , optShowVer     = False
 , optTieredSpec  = Nothing
 , optReplay      = Nothing
 , optVerbose     = 1

-- | Abrreviation for the option type.
type OptType = OptDescr (Options -> Result Options)

-- * Command line options

oDataFile :: OptType
oDataFile = Option "t" ["text-data"]
            (ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optDataFile = Just f }) "FILE")
            "the cluster data FILE"

oDiskMoves :: OptType
oDiskMoves = Option "" ["no-disk-moves"]
             (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optDiskMoves = False}))
             "disallow disk moves from the list of allowed instance changes,\
             \ thus allowing only the 'cheap' failover/migrate operations"

oDiskTemplate :: OptType
oDiskTemplate = Option "" ["disk-template"]
                (ReqArg (\ t opts -> do
                           dt <- dtFromString t
                           return $ opts { optDiskTemplate = dt }) "TEMPLATE")
                "select the desired disk template"

oSelInst :: OptType
oSelInst = Option "" ["select-instances"]
          (ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optSelInst = sepSplit ',' f }) "INSTS")
          "only select given instances for any moves"

oInstMoves :: OptType
oInstMoves = Option "" ["no-instance-moves"]
             (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optInstMoves = False}))
             "disallow instance (primary node) moves from the list of allowed,\
             \ instance changes, thus allowing only slower, but sometimes\
             \ safer, drbd secondary changes"

oDynuFile :: OptType
oDynuFile = Option "U" ["dynu-file"]
            (ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optDynuFile = Just f }) "FILE")
            "Import dynamic utilisation data from the given FILE"

oEvacMode :: OptType
oEvacMode = Option "E" ["evac-mode"]
            (NoArg (\opts -> Ok opts { optEvacMode = True }))
            "enable evacuation mode, where the algorithm only moves \
            \ instances away from offline and drained nodes"

oExInst :: OptType
oExInst = Option "" ["exclude-instances"]
          (ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optExInst = sepSplit ',' f }) "INSTS")
          "exclude given instances from any moves"

oExTags :: OptType
oExTags = Option "" ["exclusion-tags"]
            (ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optExTags = Just $ sepSplit ',' f })
             "TAG,...") "Enable instance exclusion based on given tag prefix"

oExecJobs :: OptType
oExecJobs = Option "X" ["exec"]
             (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optExecJobs = True}))
             "execute the suggested moves via Luxi (only available when using\
             \ it for data gathering)"

oGroup :: OptType
oGroup = Option "G" ["group"]
            (ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optGroup = Just f }) "ID")
            "the ID of the group to balance"

oIDisk :: OptType
oIDisk = Option "" ["disk"]
         (ReqArg (\ d opts -> do
                    dsk <- annotateResult "--disk option" (parseUnit d)
                    let ospec = optISpec opts
                        nspec = ospec { rspecDsk = dsk }
                    return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "DISK")
         "disk size for instances"

oIMem :: OptType
oIMem = Option "" ["memory"]
        (ReqArg (\ m opts -> do
                   mem <- annotateResult "--memory option" (parseUnit m)
                   let ospec = optISpec opts
                       nspec = ospec { rspecMem = mem }
                   return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "MEMORY")
        "memory size for instances"

oIVcpus :: OptType
oIVcpus = Option "" ["vcpus"]
          (ReqArg (\ p opts -> do
                     vcpus <- tryRead "--vcpus option" p
                     let ospec = optISpec opts
                         nspec = ospec { rspecCpu = vcpus }
                     return $ opts { optISpec = nspec }) "NUM")
          "number of virtual cpus for instances"

oLuxiSocket :: OptType
oLuxiSocket = Option "L" ["luxi"]
              (OptArg ((\ f opts -> Ok opts { optLuxi = Just f }) .
                       fromMaybe defaultLuxiSocket) "SOCKET")
              "collect data via Luxi, optionally using the given SOCKET path"

oMachineReadable :: OptType
oMachineReadable = Option "" ["machine-readable"]
          (OptArg (\ f opts -> do
                     flag <- parseYesNo True f
                     return $ opts { optMachineReadable = flag }) "CHOICE")
          "enable machine readable output (pass either 'yes' or 'no' to\
          \ explicitely control the flag, or without an argument defaults to\
          \ yes"

oMaxCpu :: OptType
oMaxCpu = Option "" ["max-cpu"]
          (ReqArg (\ n opts -> Ok opts { optMcpu = read n }) "RATIO")
          "maximum virtual-to-physical cpu ratio for nodes (from 1\
          \ upwards) [64]"

oMaxSolLength :: OptType
oMaxSolLength = Option "l" ["max-length"]
                (ReqArg (\ i opts -> Ok opts { optMaxLength = read i }) "N")
                "cap the solution at this many moves (useful for very\
                \ unbalanced clusters)"

oMinDisk :: OptType
oMinDisk = Option "" ["min-disk"]
           (ReqArg (\ n opts -> Ok opts { optMdsk = read n }) "RATIO")
           "minimum free disk space for nodes (between 0 and 1) [0]"

oMinGain :: OptType
oMinGain = Option "g" ["min-gain"]
            (ReqArg (\ g opts -> Ok opts { optMinGain = read g }) "DELTA")
            "minimum gain to aim for in a balancing step before giving up"

oMinGainLim :: OptType
oMinGainLim = Option "" ["min-gain-limit"]
            (ReqArg (\ g opts -> Ok opts { optMinGainLim = read g }) "SCORE")
            "minimum cluster score for which we start checking the min-gain"

oMinScore :: OptType
oMinScore = Option "e" ["min-score"]
            (ReqArg (\ e opts -> Ok opts { optMinScore = read e }) "EPSILON")
            "mininum score to aim for"

oNoHeaders :: OptType
oNoHeaders = Option "" ["no-headers"]
             (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optNoHeaders = True }))
             "do not show a header line"

oNodeSim :: OptType
oNodeSim = Option "" ["simulate"]
            (ReqArg (\ f o -> Ok o { optNodeSim = f:optNodeSim o }) "SPEC")
            "simulate an empty cluster, given as 'num_nodes,disk,ram,cpu'"

oOfflineNode :: OptType
oOfflineNode = Option "O" ["offline"]
               (ReqArg (\ n o -> Ok o { optOffline = n:optOffline o }) "NODE")
               "set node as offline"

oOneline :: OptType
oOneline = Option "o" ["oneline"]
           (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optOneline = True }))
           "print the ganeti command list for reaching the solution"

oOutputDir :: OptType
oOutputDir = Option "d" ["output-dir"]
             (ReqArg (\ d opts -> Ok opts { optOutPath = d }) "PATH")
             "directory in which to write output files"

oPrintCommands :: OptType
oPrintCommands = Option "C" ["print-commands"]
                 (OptArg ((\ f opts -> Ok opts { optShowCmds = Just f }) .
                          fromMaybe "-")
                 "print the ganeti command list for reaching the solution,\
                 \ if an argument is passed then write the commands to a\
                 \ file named as such"

oPrintInsts :: OptType
oPrintInsts = Option "" ["print-instances"]
              (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowInsts = True }))
              "print the final instance map"

oPrintNodes :: OptType
oPrintNodes = Option "p" ["print-nodes"]
              (OptArg ((\ f opts ->
                            let (prefix, realf) = case f of
                                  '+':rest -> (["+"], rest)
                                  _ -> ([], f)
                                splitted = prefix ++ sepSplit ',' realf
                            in Ok opts { optShowNodes = Just splitted }) .
                       fromMaybe []) "FIELDS")
              "print the final node list"

oQuiet :: OptType
oQuiet = Option "q" ["quiet"]
         (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optVerbose = optVerbose opts - 1 }))
         "decrease the verbosity level"

oRapiMaster :: OptType
oRapiMaster = Option "m" ["master"]
              (ReqArg (\ m opts -> Ok opts { optMaster = m }) "ADDRESS")
              "collect data via RAPI at the given ADDRESS"

oSaveCluster :: OptType
oSaveCluster = Option "S" ["save"]
            (ReqArg (\ f opts -> Ok opts { optSaveCluster = Just f }) "FILE")
            "Save cluster state at the end of the processing to FILE"

oShowHelp :: OptType
oShowHelp = Option "h" ["help"]
            (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowHelp = True}))
            "show help"

oShowVer :: OptType
oShowVer = Option "V" ["version"]
           (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optShowVer = True}))
           "show the version of the program"

oTieredSpec :: OptType
oTieredSpec = Option "" ["tiered-alloc"]
             (ReqArg (\ inp opts -> do
                          let sp = sepSplit ',' inp
                          prs <- mapM (\(fn, val) -> fn val) $
                                 zip [ annotateResult "tiered specs memory" .
                                     , annotateResult "tiered specs disk" .
                                     , tryRead "tiered specs cpus"
                                     ] sp
                          tspec <-
                              case prs of
                                [dsk, ram, cpu] -> return $ RSpec cpu ram dsk
                                _ -> Bad $ "Invalid specification: " ++ inp ++
                                     ", expected disk,ram,cpu"
                          return $ opts { optTieredSpec = Just tspec } )
             "enable tiered specs allocation, given as 'disk,ram,cpu'"

oReplay :: OptType
oReplay = Option "" ["replay"]
          (ReqArg (\ stat opts -> Ok opts { optReplay = Just stat } ) "STATE")
          "Pre-seed the random number generator with STATE"

oVerbose :: OptType
oVerbose = Option "v" ["verbose"]
           (NoArg (\ opts -> Ok opts { optVerbose = optVerbose opts + 1 }))
           "increase the verbosity level"

-- * Functions

-- | Helper for parsing a yes\/no command line flag.
parseYesNo :: Bool         -- ^ Default whalue (when we get a @Nothing@)
           -> Maybe String -- ^ Parameter value
           -> Result Bool  -- ^ Resulting boolean value
parseYesNo v Nothing      = return v
parseYesNo _ (Just "yes") = return True
parseYesNo _ (Just "no")  = return False
parseYesNo _ (Just s)     = fail $ "Invalid choice '" ++ s ++
                            "', pass one of 'yes' or 'no'"

-- | Usage info.
usageHelp :: String -> [OptType] -> String
usageHelp progname =
    usageInfo (printf "%s %s\nUsage: %s [OPTION...]"
               progname Version.version progname)

-- | Command line parser, using the 'Options' structure.
parseOpts :: [String]               -- ^ The command line arguments
          -> String                 -- ^ The program name
          -> [OptType]              -- ^ The supported command line options
          -> IO (Options, [String]) -- ^ The resulting options and leftover
                                    -- arguments
parseOpts argv progname options =
    case getOpt Permute options argv of
      (o, n, []) ->
            let (pr, args) = (foldM (flip id) defaultOptions o, n)
            po <- (case pr of
                     Bad msg -> do
                       hPutStrLn stderr "Error while parsing command\
                                        \line arguments:"
                       hPutStrLn stderr msg
                       exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
                     Ok val -> return val)
            when (optShowHelp po) $ do
              putStr $ usageHelp progname options
              exitWith ExitSuccess
            when (optShowVer po) $ do
              printf "%s %s\ncompiled with %s %s\nrunning on %s %s\n"
                     progname Version.version
                     compilerName (Data.Version.showVersion compilerVersion)
                     os arch :: IO ()
              exitWith ExitSuccess
            return (po, args)
      (_, _, errs) -> do
        hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command line error: "  ++ concat errs
        hPutStrLn stderr $ usageHelp progname options
        exitWith $ ExitFailure 2

-- | A shell script template for autogenerated scripts.
shTemplate :: String
shTemplate =
    printf "#!/bin/sh\n\n\
           \# Auto-generated script for executing cluster rebalancing\n\n\
           \# To stop, touch the file /tmp/stop-htools\n\n\
           \set -e\n\n\
           \check() {\n\
           \  if [ -f /tmp/stop-htools ]; then\n\
           \    echo 'Stop requested, exiting'\n\
           \    exit 0\n\
           \  fi\n\

-- | Optionally print the node list.
maybePrintNodes :: Maybe [String]       -- ^ The field list
                -> String               -- ^ Informational message
                -> ([String] -> String) -- ^ Function to generate the listing
                -> IO ()
maybePrintNodes Nothing _ _ = return ()
maybePrintNodes (Just fields) msg fn = do
  hPutStrLn stderr ""
  hPutStrLn stderr (msg ++ " status:")
  hPutStrLn stderr $ fn fields

-- | Optionally print the instance list.
maybePrintInsts :: Bool   -- ^ Whether to print the instance list
                -> String -- ^ Type of the instance map (e.g. initial)
                -> String -- ^ The instance data
                -> IO ()
maybePrintInsts do_print msg instdata =
  when do_print $ do
    hPutStrLn stderr ""
    hPutStrLn stderr $ msg ++ " instance map:"
    hPutStr stderr instdata

-- | Function to display warning messages from parsing the cluster
-- state.
maybeShowWarnings :: [String] -- ^ The warning messages
                  -> IO ()
maybeShowWarnings fix_msgs =
  unless (null fix_msgs) $ do
    hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: cluster has inconsistent data:"
    hPutStrLn stderr . unlines . map (printf "  - %s") $ fix_msgs