{-| Implementation of cluster-wide logic.

This module holds all pure cluster-logic; I\/O related functionality
goes into the /Main/ module for the individual binaries.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Ganeti.HTools.Cluster
     -- * Types
    , EvacSolution(..)
    , Table(..)
    , CStats(..)
    , AllocStats
    -- * Generic functions
    , totalResources
    , computeAllocationDelta
    -- * First phase functions
    , computeBadItems
    -- * Second phase functions
    , printSolutionLine
    , formatCmds
    , involvedNodes
    , splitJobs
    -- * Display functions
    , printNodes
    , printInsts
    -- * Balacing functions
    , checkMove
    , doNextBalance
    , tryBalance
    , compCV
    , compCVNodes
    , compDetailedCV
    , printStats
    , iMoveToJob
    -- * IAllocator functions
    , genAllocNodes
    , tryAlloc
    , tryMGAlloc
    , tryReloc
    , tryEvac
    , tryNodeEvac
    , tryChangeGroup
    , collapseFailures
    -- * Allocation functions
    , iterateAlloc
    , tieredAlloc
     -- * Node group functions
    , instanceGroup
    , findSplitInstances
    , splitCluster
    ) where

import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Control.Monad

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.HTools.Compat
import qualified Ganeti.OpCodes as OpCodes

-- * Types

-- | Allocation\/relocation solution.
data AllocSolution = AllocSolution
  { asFailures  :: [FailMode]          -- ^ Failure counts
  , asAllocs    :: Int                 -- ^ Good allocation count
  , asSolutions :: [Node.AllocElement] -- ^ The actual result, length
                                       -- of the list depends on the
                                       -- allocation/relocation mode
  , asLog       :: [String]            -- ^ A list of informational messages

-- | Node evacuation/group change iallocator result type. This result
-- type consists of actual opcodes (a restricted subset) that are
-- transmitted back to Ganeti.
data EvacSolution = EvacSolution
    { esMoved   :: [(Idx, Gdx, [Ndx])]  -- ^ Instances moved successfully
    , esFailed  :: [(Idx, String)]      -- ^ Instances which were not
                                        -- relocated
    , esOpCodes :: [[OpCodes.OpCode]]   -- ^ List of jobs

-- | Allocation results, as used in 'iterateAlloc' and 'tieredAlloc'.
type AllocResult = (FailStats, Node.List, Instance.List,
                    [Instance.Instance], [CStats])

-- | A type denoting the valid allocation mode/pairs.
-- For a one-node allocation, this will be a @Left ['Node.Node']@,
-- whereas for a two-node allocation, this will be a @Right
-- [('Node.Node', 'Node.Node')]@.
type AllocNodes = Either [Ndx] [(Ndx, Ndx)]

-- | The empty solution we start with when computing allocations.
emptyAllocSolution :: AllocSolution
emptyAllocSolution = AllocSolution { asFailures = [], asAllocs = 0
                                   , asSolutions = [], asLog = [] }

-- | The empty evac solution.
emptyEvacSolution :: EvacSolution
emptyEvacSolution = EvacSolution { esMoved = []
                                 , esFailed = []
                                 , esOpCodes = []

-- | The complete state for the balancing solution.
data Table = Table Node.List Instance.List Score [Placement]
             deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Cluster statistics data type.
data CStats = CStats { csFmem :: Integer -- ^ Cluster free mem
                     , csFdsk :: Integer -- ^ Cluster free disk
                     , csAmem :: Integer -- ^ Cluster allocatable mem
                     , csAdsk :: Integer -- ^ Cluster allocatable disk
                     , csAcpu :: Integer -- ^ Cluster allocatable cpus
                     , csMmem :: Integer -- ^ Max node allocatable mem
                     , csMdsk :: Integer -- ^ Max node allocatable disk
                     , csMcpu :: Integer -- ^ Max node allocatable cpu
                     , csImem :: Integer -- ^ Instance used mem
                     , csIdsk :: Integer -- ^ Instance used disk
                     , csIcpu :: Integer -- ^ Instance used cpu
                     , csTmem :: Double  -- ^ Cluster total mem
                     , csTdsk :: Double  -- ^ Cluster total disk
                     , csTcpu :: Double  -- ^ Cluster total cpus
                     , csVcpu :: Integer -- ^ Cluster virtual cpus (if
                                         -- node pCpu has been set,
                                         -- otherwise -1)
                     , csXmem :: Integer -- ^ Unnacounted for mem
                     , csNmem :: Integer -- ^ Node own memory
                     , csScore :: Score  -- ^ The cluster score
                     , csNinst :: Int    -- ^ The total number of instances
            deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Currently used, possibly to allocate, unallocable.
type AllocStats = (RSpec, RSpec, RSpec)

-- * Utility functions

-- | Verifies the N+1 status and return the affected nodes.
verifyN1 :: [Node.Node] -> [Node.Node]
verifyN1 = filter Node.failN1

{-| Computes the pair of bad nodes and instances.

The bad node list is computed via a simple 'verifyN1' check, and the
bad instance list is the list of primary and secondary instances of
those nodes.

computeBadItems :: Node.List -> Instance.List ->
                   ([Node.Node], [Instance.Instance])
computeBadItems nl il =
  let bad_nodes = verifyN1 $ getOnline nl
      bad_instances = map (`Container.find` il) .
                      sort . nub $
                      concatMap (\ n -> Node.sList n ++ Node.pList n) bad_nodes
    (bad_nodes, bad_instances)

-- | Zero-initializer for the CStats type.
emptyCStats :: CStats
emptyCStats = CStats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

-- | Update stats with data from a new node.
updateCStats :: CStats -> Node.Node -> CStats
updateCStats cs node =
    let CStats { csFmem = x_fmem, csFdsk = x_fdsk,
                 csAmem = x_amem, csAcpu = x_acpu, csAdsk = x_adsk,
                 csMmem = x_mmem, csMdsk = x_mdsk, csMcpu = x_mcpu,
                 csImem = x_imem, csIdsk = x_idsk, csIcpu = x_icpu,
                 csTmem = x_tmem, csTdsk = x_tdsk, csTcpu = x_tcpu,
                 csVcpu = x_vcpu,
                 csXmem = x_xmem, csNmem = x_nmem, csNinst = x_ninst
            = cs
        inc_amem = Node.fMem node - Node.rMem node
        inc_amem' = if inc_amem > 0 then inc_amem else 0
        inc_adsk = Node.availDisk node
        inc_imem = truncate (Node.tMem node) - Node.nMem node
                   - Node.xMem node - Node.fMem node
        inc_icpu = Node.uCpu node
        inc_idsk = truncate (Node.tDsk node) - Node.fDsk node
        inc_vcpu = Node.hiCpu node
        inc_acpu = Node.availCpu node

    in cs { csFmem = x_fmem + fromIntegral (Node.fMem node)
          , csFdsk = x_fdsk + fromIntegral (Node.fDsk node)
          , csAmem = x_amem + fromIntegral inc_amem'
          , csAdsk = x_adsk + fromIntegral inc_adsk
          , csAcpu = x_acpu + fromIntegral inc_acpu
          , csMmem = max x_mmem (fromIntegral inc_amem')
          , csMdsk = max x_mdsk (fromIntegral inc_adsk)
          , csMcpu = max x_mcpu (fromIntegral inc_acpu)
          , csImem = x_imem + fromIntegral inc_imem
          , csIdsk = x_idsk + fromIntegral inc_idsk
          , csIcpu = x_icpu + fromIntegral inc_icpu
          , csTmem = x_tmem + Node.tMem node
          , csTdsk = x_tdsk + Node.tDsk node
          , csTcpu = x_tcpu + Node.tCpu node
          , csVcpu = x_vcpu + fromIntegral inc_vcpu
          , csXmem = x_xmem + fromIntegral (Node.xMem node)
          , csNmem = x_nmem + fromIntegral (Node.nMem node)
          , csNinst = x_ninst + length (Node.pList node)

-- | Compute the total free disk and memory in the cluster.
totalResources :: Node.List -> CStats
totalResources nl =
    let cs = foldl' updateCStats emptyCStats . Container.elems $ nl
    in cs { csScore = compCV nl }

-- | Compute the delta between two cluster state.
-- This is used when doing allocations, to understand better the
-- available cluster resources. The return value is a triple of the
-- current used values, the delta that was still allocated, and what
-- was left unallocated.
computeAllocationDelta :: CStats -> CStats -> AllocStats
computeAllocationDelta cini cfin =
    let CStats {csImem = i_imem, csIdsk = i_idsk, csIcpu = i_icpu} = cini
        CStats {csImem = f_imem, csIdsk = f_idsk, csIcpu = f_icpu,
                csTmem = t_mem, csTdsk = t_dsk, csVcpu = v_cpu } = cfin
        rini = RSpec (fromIntegral i_icpu) (fromIntegral i_imem)
               (fromIntegral i_idsk)
        rfin = RSpec (fromIntegral (f_icpu - i_icpu))
               (fromIntegral (f_imem - i_imem))
               (fromIntegral (f_idsk - i_idsk))
        un_cpu = fromIntegral (v_cpu - f_icpu)::Int
        runa = RSpec un_cpu (truncate t_mem - fromIntegral f_imem)
               (truncate t_dsk - fromIntegral f_idsk)
    in (rini, rfin, runa)

-- | The names and weights of the individual elements in the CV list.
detailedCVInfo :: [(Double, String)]
detailedCVInfo = [ (1,  "free_mem_cv")
                 , (1,  "free_disk_cv")
                 , (1,  "n1_cnt")
                 , (1,  "reserved_mem_cv")
                 , (4,  "offline_all_cnt")
                 , (16, "offline_pri_cnt")
                 , (1,  "vcpu_ratio_cv")
                 , (1,  "cpu_load_cv")
                 , (1,  "mem_load_cv")
                 , (1,  "disk_load_cv")
                 , (1,  "net_load_cv")
                 , (2,  "pri_tags_score")

-- | Holds the weights used by 'compCVNodes' for each metric.
detailedCVWeights :: [Double]
detailedCVWeights = map fst detailedCVInfo

-- | Compute the mem and disk covariance.
compDetailedCV :: [Node.Node] -> [Double]
compDetailedCV all_nodes =
        (offline, nodes) = partition Node.offline all_nodes
        mem_l = map Node.pMem nodes
        dsk_l = map Node.pDsk nodes
        -- metric: memory covariance
        mem_cv = stdDev mem_l
        -- metric: disk covariance
        dsk_cv = stdDev dsk_l
        -- metric: count of instances living on N1 failing nodes
        n1_score = fromIntegral . sum . map (\n -> length (Node.sList n) +
                                                   length (Node.pList n)) .
                   filter Node.failN1 $ nodes :: Double
        res_l = map Node.pRem nodes
        -- metric: reserved memory covariance
        res_cv = stdDev res_l
        -- offline instances metrics
        offline_ipri = sum . map (length . Node.pList) $ offline
        offline_isec = sum . map (length . Node.sList) $ offline
        -- metric: count of instances on offline nodes
        off_score = fromIntegral (offline_ipri + offline_isec)::Double
        -- metric: count of primary instances on offline nodes (this
        -- helps with evacuation/failover of primary instances on
        -- 2-node clusters with one node offline)
        off_pri_score = fromIntegral offline_ipri::Double
        cpu_l = map Node.pCpu nodes
        -- metric: covariance of vcpu/pcpu ratio
        cpu_cv = stdDev cpu_l
        -- metrics: covariance of cpu, memory, disk and network load
        (c_load, m_load, d_load, n_load) = unzip4 $
            map (\n ->
                     let DynUtil c1 m1 d1 n1 = Node.utilLoad n
                         DynUtil c2 m2 d2 n2 = Node.utilPool n
                     in (c1/c2, m1/m2, d1/d2, n1/n2)
                ) nodes
        -- metric: conflicting instance count
        pri_tags_inst = sum $ map Node.conflictingPrimaries nodes
        pri_tags_score = fromIntegral pri_tags_inst::Double
    in [ mem_cv, dsk_cv, n1_score, res_cv, off_score, off_pri_score, cpu_cv
       , stdDev c_load, stdDev m_load , stdDev d_load, stdDev n_load
       , pri_tags_score ]

-- | Compute the /total/ variance.
compCVNodes :: [Node.Node] -> Double
compCVNodes = sum . zipWith (*) detailedCVWeights . compDetailedCV

-- | Wrapper over 'compCVNodes' for callers that have a 'Node.List'.
compCV :: Node.List -> Double
compCV = compCVNodes . Container.elems

-- | Compute online nodes from a 'Node.List'.
getOnline :: Node.List -> [Node.Node]
getOnline = filter (not . Node.offline) . Container.elems

-- * Balancing functions

-- | Compute best table. Note that the ordering of the arguments is important.
compareTables :: Table -> Table -> Table
compareTables a@(Table _ _ a_cv _) b@(Table _ _ b_cv _ ) =
    if a_cv > b_cv then b else a

-- | Applies an instance move to a given node list and instance.
applyMove :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance
          -> IMove -> OpResult (Node.List, Instance.Instance, Ndx, Ndx)
-- Failover (f)
applyMove nl inst Failover =
    let old_pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        old_sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        old_p = Container.find old_pdx nl
        old_s = Container.find old_sdx nl
        int_p = Node.removePri old_p inst
        int_s = Node.removeSec old_s inst
        force_p = Node.offline old_p
        new_nl = do -- Maybe monad
          new_p <- Node.addPriEx force_p int_s inst
          new_s <- Node.addSec int_p inst old_sdx
          let new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst old_sdx old_pdx
          return (Container.addTwo old_pdx new_s old_sdx new_p nl,
                  new_inst, old_sdx, old_pdx)
    in new_nl

-- Replace the primary (f:, r:np, f)
applyMove nl inst (ReplacePrimary new_pdx) =
    let old_pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        old_sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        old_p = Container.find old_pdx nl
        old_s = Container.find old_sdx nl
        tgt_n = Container.find new_pdx nl
        int_p = Node.removePri old_p inst
        int_s = Node.removeSec old_s inst
        force_p = Node.offline old_p
        new_nl = do -- Maybe monad
          -- check that the current secondary can host the instance
          -- during the migration
          tmp_s <- Node.addPriEx force_p int_s inst
          let tmp_s' = Node.removePri tmp_s inst
          new_p <- Node.addPriEx force_p tgt_n inst
          new_s <- Node.addSecEx force_p tmp_s' inst new_pdx
          let new_inst = Instance.setPri inst new_pdx
          return (Container.add new_pdx new_p $
                  Container.addTwo old_pdx int_p old_sdx new_s nl,
                  new_inst, new_pdx, old_sdx)
    in new_nl

-- Replace the secondary (r:ns)
applyMove nl inst (ReplaceSecondary new_sdx) =
    let old_pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        old_sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        old_s = Container.find old_sdx nl
        tgt_n = Container.find new_sdx nl
        int_s = Node.removeSec old_s inst
        force_s = Node.offline old_s
        new_inst = Instance.setSec inst new_sdx
        new_nl = Node.addSecEx force_s tgt_n inst old_pdx >>=
                 \new_s -> return (Container.addTwo new_sdx
                                   new_s old_sdx int_s nl,
                                   new_inst, old_pdx, new_sdx)
    in new_nl

-- Replace the secondary and failover (r:np, f)
applyMove nl inst (ReplaceAndFailover new_pdx) =
    let old_pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        old_sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        old_p = Container.find old_pdx nl
        old_s = Container.find old_sdx nl
        tgt_n = Container.find new_pdx nl
        int_p = Node.removePri old_p inst
        int_s = Node.removeSec old_s inst
        force_s = Node.offline old_s
        new_nl = do -- Maybe monad
          new_p <- Node.addPri tgt_n inst
          new_s <- Node.addSecEx force_s int_p inst new_pdx
          let new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst new_pdx old_pdx
          return (Container.add new_pdx new_p $
                  Container.addTwo old_pdx new_s old_sdx int_s nl,
                  new_inst, new_pdx, old_pdx)
    in new_nl

-- Failver and replace the secondary (f, r:ns)
applyMove nl inst (FailoverAndReplace new_sdx) =
    let old_pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        old_sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        old_p = Container.find old_pdx nl
        old_s = Container.find old_sdx nl
        tgt_n = Container.find new_sdx nl
        int_p = Node.removePri old_p inst
        int_s = Node.removeSec old_s inst
        force_p = Node.offline old_p
        new_nl = do -- Maybe monad
          new_p <- Node.addPriEx force_p int_s inst
          new_s <- Node.addSecEx force_p tgt_n inst old_sdx
          let new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst old_sdx new_sdx
          return (Container.add new_sdx new_s $
                  Container.addTwo old_sdx new_p old_pdx int_p nl,
                  new_inst, old_sdx, new_sdx)
    in new_nl

-- | Tries to allocate an instance on one given node.
allocateOnSingle :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Ndx
                 -> OpResult Node.AllocElement
allocateOnSingle nl inst new_pdx =
    let p = Container.find new_pdx nl
        new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst new_pdx Node.noSecondary
    in  Node.addPri p inst >>= \new_p -> do
      let new_nl = Container.add new_pdx new_p nl
          new_score = compCV nl
      return (new_nl, new_inst, [new_p], new_score)

-- | Tries to allocate an instance on a given pair of nodes.
allocateOnPair :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Ndx -> Ndx
               -> OpResult Node.AllocElement
allocateOnPair nl inst new_pdx new_sdx =
    let tgt_p = Container.find new_pdx nl
        tgt_s = Container.find new_sdx nl
    in do
      new_p <- Node.addPri tgt_p inst
      new_s <- Node.addSec tgt_s inst new_pdx
      let new_inst = Instance.setBoth inst new_pdx new_sdx
          new_nl = Container.addTwo new_pdx new_p new_sdx new_s nl
      return (new_nl, new_inst, [new_p, new_s], compCV new_nl)

-- | Tries to perform an instance move and returns the best table
-- between the original one and the new one.
checkSingleStep :: Table -- ^ The original table
                -> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to move
                -> Table -- ^ The current best table
                -> IMove -- ^ The move to apply
                -> Table -- ^ The final best table
checkSingleStep ini_tbl target cur_tbl move =
        Table ini_nl ini_il _ ini_plc = ini_tbl
        tmp_resu = applyMove ini_nl target move
      case tmp_resu of
        OpFail _ -> cur_tbl
        OpGood (upd_nl, new_inst, pri_idx, sec_idx) ->
            let tgt_idx = Instance.idx target
                upd_cvar = compCV upd_nl
                upd_il = Container.add tgt_idx new_inst ini_il
                upd_plc = (tgt_idx, pri_idx, sec_idx, move, upd_cvar):ini_plc
                upd_tbl = Table upd_nl upd_il upd_cvar upd_plc
              compareTables cur_tbl upd_tbl

-- | Given the status of the current secondary as a valid new node and
-- the current candidate target node, generate the possible moves for
-- a instance.
possibleMoves :: Bool      -- ^ Whether the secondary node is a valid new node
              -> Bool      -- ^ Whether we can change the primary node
              -> Ndx       -- ^ Target node candidate
              -> [IMove]   -- ^ List of valid result moves

possibleMoves _ False tdx =
    [ReplaceSecondary tdx]

possibleMoves True True tdx =
    [ReplaceSecondary tdx,
     ReplaceAndFailover tdx,
     ReplacePrimary tdx,
     FailoverAndReplace tdx]

possibleMoves False True tdx =
    [ReplaceSecondary tdx,
     ReplaceAndFailover tdx]

-- | Compute the best move for a given instance.
checkInstanceMove :: [Ndx]             -- ^ Allowed target node indices
                  -> Bool              -- ^ Whether disk moves are allowed
                  -> Bool              -- ^ Whether instance moves are allowed
                  -> Table             -- ^ Original table
                  -> Instance.Instance -- ^ Instance to move
                  -> Table             -- ^ Best new table for this instance
checkInstanceMove nodes_idx disk_moves inst_moves ini_tbl target =
        opdx = Instance.pNode target
        osdx = Instance.sNode target
        nodes = filter (\idx -> idx /= opdx && idx /= osdx) nodes_idx
        use_secondary = elem osdx nodes_idx && inst_moves
        aft_failover = if use_secondary -- if allowed to failover
                       then checkSingleStep ini_tbl target ini_tbl Failover
                       else ini_tbl
        all_moves = if disk_moves
                    then concatMap
                         (possibleMoves use_secondary inst_moves) nodes
                    else []
      -- iterate over the possible nodes for this instance
      foldl' (checkSingleStep ini_tbl target) aft_failover all_moves

-- | Compute the best next move.
checkMove :: [Ndx]               -- ^ Allowed target node indices
          -> Bool                -- ^ Whether disk moves are allowed
          -> Bool                -- ^ Whether instance moves are allowed
          -> Table               -- ^ The current solution
          -> [Instance.Instance] -- ^ List of instances still to move
          -> Table               -- ^ The new solution
checkMove nodes_idx disk_moves inst_moves ini_tbl victims =
    let Table _ _ _ ini_plc = ini_tbl
        -- we're using rwhnf from the Control.Parallel.Strategies
        -- package; we don't need to use rnf as that would force too
        -- much evaluation in single-threaded cases, and in
        -- multi-threaded case the weak head normal form is enough to
        -- spark the evaluation
        tables = parMap rwhnf (checkInstanceMove nodes_idx disk_moves
                               inst_moves ini_tbl)
        -- iterate over all instances, computing the best move
        best_tbl = foldl' compareTables ini_tbl tables
        Table _ _ _ best_plc = best_tbl
    in if length best_plc == length ini_plc
       then ini_tbl -- no advancement
       else best_tbl

-- | Check if we are allowed to go deeper in the balancing.
doNextBalance :: Table     -- ^ The starting table
              -> Int       -- ^ Remaining length
              -> Score     -- ^ Score at which to stop
              -> Bool      -- ^ The resulting table and commands
doNextBalance ini_tbl max_rounds min_score =
    let Table _ _ ini_cv ini_plc = ini_tbl
        ini_plc_len = length ini_plc
    in (max_rounds < 0 || ini_plc_len < max_rounds) && ini_cv > min_score

-- | Run a balance move.
tryBalance :: Table       -- ^ The starting table
           -> Bool        -- ^ Allow disk moves
           -> Bool        -- ^ Allow instance moves
           -> Bool        -- ^ Only evacuate moves
           -> Score       -- ^ Min gain threshold
           -> Score       -- ^ Min gain
           -> Maybe Table -- ^ The resulting table and commands
tryBalance ini_tbl disk_moves inst_moves evac_mode mg_limit min_gain =
    let Table ini_nl ini_il ini_cv _ = ini_tbl
        all_inst = Container.elems ini_il
        all_inst' = if evac_mode
                    then let bad_nodes = map Node.idx . filter Node.offline $
                                         Container.elems ini_nl
                         in filter (any (`elem` bad_nodes) . Instance.allNodes)
                    else all_inst
        reloc_inst = filter Instance.movable all_inst'
        node_idx = map Node.idx . filter (not . Node.offline) $
                   Container.elems ini_nl
        fin_tbl = checkMove node_idx disk_moves inst_moves ini_tbl reloc_inst
        (Table _ _ fin_cv _) = fin_tbl
      if fin_cv < ini_cv && (ini_cv > mg_limit || ini_cv - fin_cv >= min_gain)
      then Just fin_tbl -- this round made success, return the new table
      else Nothing

-- * Allocation functions

-- | Build failure stats out of a list of failures.
collapseFailures :: [FailMode] -> FailStats
collapseFailures flst =
    map (\k -> (k, foldl' (\a e -> if e == k then a + 1 else a) 0 flst))

-- | Update current Allocation solution and failure stats with new
-- elements.
concatAllocs :: AllocSolution -> OpResult Node.AllocElement -> AllocSolution
concatAllocs as (OpFail reason) = as { asFailures = reason : asFailures as }

concatAllocs as (OpGood ns@(_, _, _, nscore)) =
    let -- Choose the old or new solution, based on the cluster score
        cntok = asAllocs as
        osols = asSolutions as
        nsols = case osols of
                  [] -> [ns]
                  (_, _, _, oscore):[] ->
                      if oscore < nscore
                      then osols
                      else [ns]
                  -- FIXME: here we simply concat to lists with more
                  -- than one element; we should instead abort, since
                  -- this is not a valid usage of this function
                  xs -> ns:xs
        nsuc = cntok + 1
    -- Note: we force evaluation of nsols here in order to keep the
    -- memory profile low - we know that we will need nsols for sure
    -- in the next cycle, so we force evaluation of nsols, since the
    -- foldl' in the caller will only evaluate the tuple, but not the
    -- elements of the tuple
    in nsols `seq` nsuc `seq` as { asAllocs = nsuc, asSolutions = nsols }

-- | Given a solution, generates a reasonable description for it.
describeSolution :: AllocSolution -> String
describeSolution as =
  let fcnt = asFailures as
      sols = asSolutions as
      freasons =
        intercalate ", " . map (\(a, b) -> printf "%s: %d" (show a) b) .
        filter ((> 0) . snd) . collapseFailures $ fcnt
  in if null sols
     then "No valid allocation solutions, failure reasons: " ++
          (if null fcnt
           then "unknown reasons"
           else freasons)
     else let (_, _, nodes, cv) = head sols
          in printf ("score: %.8f, successes %d, failures %d (%s)" ++
                     " for node(s) %s") cv (asAllocs as) (length fcnt) freasons
             (intercalate "/" . map Node.name $ nodes)

-- | Annotates a solution with the appropriate string.
annotateSolution :: AllocSolution -> AllocSolution
annotateSolution as = as { asLog = describeSolution as : asLog as }

-- | Reverses an evacuation solution.
-- Rationale: we always concat the results to the top of the lists, so
-- for proper jobset execution, we should reverse all lists.
reverseEvacSolution :: EvacSolution -> EvacSolution
reverseEvacSolution (EvacSolution f m o) =
    EvacSolution (reverse f) (reverse m) (reverse o)

-- | Generate the valid node allocation singles or pairs for a new instance.
genAllocNodes :: Group.List        -- ^ Group list
              -> Node.List         -- ^ The node map
              -> Int               -- ^ The number of nodes required
              -> Bool              -- ^ Whether to drop or not
                                   -- unallocable nodes
              -> Result AllocNodes -- ^ The (monadic) result
genAllocNodes gl nl count drop_unalloc =
    let filter_fn = if drop_unalloc
                    then filter (Group.isAllocable .
                                 flip Container.find gl . Node.group)
                    else id
        all_nodes = filter_fn $ getOnline nl
        all_pairs = liftM2 (,) all_nodes all_nodes
        ok_pairs = filter (\(x, y) -> Node.idx x /= Node.idx y &&
                                      Node.group x == Node.group y) all_pairs
    in case count of
         1 -> Ok (Left (map Node.idx all_nodes))
         2 -> Ok (Right (map (\(p, s) -> (Node.idx p, Node.idx s)) ok_pairs))
         _ -> Bad "Unsupported number of nodes, only one or two  supported"

-- | Try to allocate an instance on the cluster.
tryAlloc :: (Monad m) =>
            Node.List         -- ^ The node list
         -> Instance.List     -- ^ The instance list
         -> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to allocate
         -> AllocNodes        -- ^ The allocation targets
         -> m AllocSolution   -- ^ Possible solution list
tryAlloc nl _ inst (Right ok_pairs) =
    let sols = foldl' (\cstate (p, s) ->
                           concatAllocs cstate $ allocateOnPair nl inst p s
                      ) emptyAllocSolution ok_pairs

    in if null ok_pairs -- means we have just one node
       then fail "Not enough online nodes"
       else return $ annotateSolution sols

tryAlloc nl _ inst (Left all_nodes) =
    let sols = foldl' (\cstate ->
                           concatAllocs cstate . allocateOnSingle nl inst
                      ) emptyAllocSolution all_nodes
    in if null all_nodes
       then fail "No online nodes"
       else return $ annotateSolution sols

-- | Given a group/result, describe it as a nice (list of) messages.
solutionDescription :: Group.List -> (Gdx, Result AllocSolution) -> [String]
solutionDescription gl (groupId, result) =
  case result of
    Ok solution -> map (printf "Group %s (%s): %s" gname pol) (asLog solution)
    Bad message -> [printf "Group %s: error %s" gname message]
  where grp = Container.find groupId gl
        gname = Group.name grp
        pol = apolToString (Group.allocPolicy grp)

-- | From a list of possibly bad and possibly empty solutions, filter
-- only the groups with a valid result. Note that the result will be
-- reversed compared to the original list.
filterMGResults :: Group.List
                -> [(Gdx, Result AllocSolution)]
                -> [(Gdx, AllocSolution)]
filterMGResults gl = foldl' fn []
    where unallocable = not . Group.isAllocable . flip Container.find gl
          fn accu (gdx, rasol) =
              case rasol of
                Bad _ -> accu
                Ok sol | null (asSolutions sol) -> accu
                       | unallocable gdx -> accu
                       | otherwise -> (gdx, sol):accu

-- | Sort multigroup results based on policy and score.
sortMGResults :: Group.List
             -> [(Gdx, AllocSolution)]
             -> [(Gdx, AllocSolution)]
sortMGResults gl sols =
    let extractScore (_, _, _, x) = x
        solScore (gdx, sol) = (Group.allocPolicy (Container.find gdx gl),
                               (extractScore . head . asSolutions) sol)
    in sortBy (comparing solScore) sols

-- | Finds the best group for an instance on a multi-group cluster.
-- Only solutions in @preferred@ and @last_resort@ groups will be
-- accepted as valid, and additionally if the allowed groups parameter
-- is not null then allocation will only be run for those group
-- indices.
findBestAllocGroup :: Group.List           -- ^ The group list
                   -> Node.List            -- ^ The node list
                   -> Instance.List        -- ^ The instance list
                   -> Maybe [Gdx]          -- ^ The allowed groups
                   -> Instance.Instance    -- ^ The instance to allocate
                   -> Int                  -- ^ Required number of nodes
                   -> Result (Gdx, AllocSolution, [String])
findBestAllocGroup mggl mgnl mgil allowed_gdxs inst cnt =
  let groups = splitCluster mgnl mgil
      groups' = maybe groups (\gs -> filter ((`elem` gs) . fst) groups)
      sols = map (\(gid, (nl, il)) ->
                   (gid, genAllocNodes mggl nl cnt False >>=
                       tryAlloc nl il inst))
             groups'::[(Gdx, Result AllocSolution)]
      all_msgs = concatMap (solutionDescription mggl) sols
      goodSols = filterMGResults mggl sols
      sortedSols = sortMGResults mggl goodSols
  in if null sortedSols
     then Bad $ intercalate ", " all_msgs
     else let (final_group, final_sol) = head sortedSols
          in return (final_group, final_sol, all_msgs)

-- | Try to allocate an instance on a multi-group cluster.
tryMGAlloc :: Group.List           -- ^ The group list
           -> Node.List            -- ^ The node list
           -> Instance.List        -- ^ The instance list
           -> Instance.Instance    -- ^ The instance to allocate
           -> Int                  -- ^ Required number of nodes
           -> Result AllocSolution -- ^ Possible solution list
tryMGAlloc mggl mgnl mgil inst cnt = do
  (best_group, solution, all_msgs) <-
      findBestAllocGroup mggl mgnl mgil Nothing inst cnt
  let group_name = Group.name $ Container.find best_group mggl
      selmsg = "Selected group: " ++ group_name
  return $ solution { asLog = selmsg:all_msgs }

-- | Try to relocate an instance on the cluster.
tryReloc :: (Monad m) =>
            Node.List       -- ^ The node list
         -> Instance.List   -- ^ The instance list
         -> Idx             -- ^ The index of the instance to move
         -> Int             -- ^ The number of nodes required
         -> [Ndx]           -- ^ Nodes which should not be used
         -> m AllocSolution -- ^ Solution list
tryReloc nl il xid 1 ex_idx =
    let all_nodes = getOnline nl
        inst = Container.find xid il
        ex_idx' = Instance.pNode inst:ex_idx
        valid_nodes = filter (not . flip elem ex_idx' . Node.idx) all_nodes
        valid_idxes = map Node.idx valid_nodes
        sols1 = foldl' (\cstate x ->
                            let em = do
                                  (mnl, i, _, _) <-
                                      applyMove nl inst (ReplaceSecondary x)
                                  return (mnl, i, [Container.find x mnl],
                                          compCV mnl)
                            in concatAllocs cstate em
                       ) emptyAllocSolution valid_idxes
    in return sols1

tryReloc _ _ _ reqn _  = fail $ "Unsupported number of relocation \
                                \destinations required (" ++ show reqn ++
                                                  "), only one supported"

-- | Change an instance's secondary node.
evacInstance :: (Monad m) =>
                [Ndx]                      -- ^ Excluded nodes
             -> Instance.List              -- ^ The current instance list
             -> (Node.List, AllocSolution) -- ^ The current state
             -> Idx                        -- ^ The instance to evacuate
             -> m (Node.List, AllocSolution)
evacInstance ex_ndx il (nl, old_as) idx = do
  -- FIXME: hardcoded one node here

  -- Longer explanation: evacuation is currently hardcoded to DRBD
  -- instances (which have one secondary); hence, even if the
  -- IAllocator protocol can request N nodes for an instance, and all
  -- the message parsing/loading pass this, this implementation only
  -- supports one; this situation needs to be revisited if we ever
  -- support more than one secondary, or if we change the storage
  -- model
  new_as <- tryReloc nl il idx 1 ex_ndx
  case asSolutions new_as of
    -- an individual relocation succeeded, we kind of compose the data
    -- from the two solutions
    csol@(nl', _, _, _):_ ->
        return (nl', new_as { asSolutions = csol:asSolutions old_as })
    -- this relocation failed, so we fail the entire evac
    _ -> fail $ "Can't evacuate instance " ++
         Instance.name (Container.find idx il) ++
             ": " ++ describeSolution new_as

-- | Try to evacuate a list of nodes.
tryEvac :: (Monad m) =>
            Node.List       -- ^ The node list
         -> Instance.List   -- ^ The instance list
         -> [Idx]           -- ^ Instances to be evacuated
         -> [Ndx]           -- ^ Restricted nodes (the ones being evacuated)
         -> m AllocSolution -- ^ Solution list
tryEvac nl il idxs ex_ndx = do
  (_, sol) <- foldM (evacInstance ex_ndx il) (nl, emptyAllocSolution) idxs
  return sol

-- | Function which fails if the requested mode is change secondary.
-- This is useful since except DRBD, no other disk template can
-- execute change secondary; thus, we can just call this function
-- instead of always checking for secondary mode. After the call to
-- this function, whatever mode we have is just a primary change.
failOnSecondaryChange :: (Monad m) => EvacMode -> DiskTemplate -> m ()
failOnSecondaryChange ChangeSecondary dt =
    fail $ "Instances with disk template '" ++ dtToString dt ++
         "' can't execute change secondary"
failOnSecondaryChange _ _ = return ()

-- | Run evacuation for a single instance.
-- /Note:/ this function should correctly execute both intra-group
-- evacuations (in all modes) and inter-group evacuations (in the
-- 'ChangeAll' mode). Of course, this requires that the correct list
-- of target nodes is passed.
nodeEvacInstance :: Node.List         -- ^ The node list (cluster-wide)
                 -> Instance.List     -- ^ Instance list (cluster-wide)
                 -> EvacMode          -- ^ The evacuation mode
                 -> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to be evacuated
                 -> Gdx               -- ^ The group we're targetting
                 -> [Ndx]             -- ^ The list of available nodes
                                      -- for allocation
                 -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, [OpCodes.OpCode])
nodeEvacInstance _ _ mode (Instance.Instance
                           {Instance.diskTemplate = dt@DTDiskless}) _ _ =
                  failOnSecondaryChange mode dt >>
                  fail "Diskless relocations not implemented yet"

nodeEvacInstance _ _ _ (Instance.Instance
                        {Instance.diskTemplate = DTPlain}) _ _ =
                  fail "Instances of type plain cannot be relocated"

nodeEvacInstance _ _ _ (Instance.Instance
                        {Instance.diskTemplate = DTFile}) _ _ =
                  fail "Instances of type file cannot be relocated"

nodeEvacInstance _ _ mode  (Instance.Instance
                            {Instance.diskTemplate = dt@DTSharedFile}) _ _ =
                  failOnSecondaryChange mode dt >>
                  fail "Shared file relocations not implemented yet"

nodeEvacInstance _ _ mode (Instance.Instance
                           {Instance.diskTemplate = dt@DTBlock}) _ _ =
                  failOnSecondaryChange mode dt >>
                  fail "Block device relocations not implemented yet"

nodeEvacInstance nl il ChangePrimary
                 inst@(Instance.Instance {Instance.diskTemplate = DTDrbd8})
                 _ _ =
    (nl', inst', _, _) <- opToResult $ applyMove nl inst Failover
    let idx = Instance.idx inst
        il' = Container.add idx inst' il
        ops = iMoveToJob nl' il' idx Failover
    return (nl', il', ops)

nodeEvacInstance nl il ChangeSecondary
                 inst@(Instance.Instance {Instance.diskTemplate = DTDrbd8})
                 gdx avail_nodes =
    (nl', inst', _, ndx) <- annotateResult "Can't find any good node" $
                            eitherToResult $
                            foldl' (evacDrbdSecondaryInner nl inst gdx)
                            (Left "no nodes available") avail_nodes
    let idx = Instance.idx inst
        il' = Container.add idx inst' il
        ops = iMoveToJob nl' il' idx (ReplaceSecondary ndx)
    return (nl', il', ops)

-- The algorithm for ChangeAll is as follows:
-- * generate all (primary, secondary) node pairs for the target groups
-- * for each pair, execute the needed moves (r:s, f, r:s) and compute
--   the final node list state and group score
-- * select the best choice via a foldl that uses the same Either
--   String solution as the ChangeSecondary mode
nodeEvacInstance nl il ChangeAll
                 inst@(Instance.Instance {Instance.diskTemplate = DTDrbd8})
                 gdx avail_nodes =
    let no_nodes = Left "no nodes available"
        node_pairs = [(p,s) | p <- avail_nodes, s <- avail_nodes, p /= s]
    (nl', il', ops, _) <-
        annotateResult "Can't find any good nodes for relocation" $
        eitherToResult $
        (\accu nodes -> case evacDrbdAllInner nl il inst gdx nodes of
                          Bad msg ->
                              case accu of
                                Right _ -> accu
                                -- we don't need more details (which
                                -- nodes, etc.) as we only selected
                                -- this group if we can allocate on
                                -- it, hence failures will not
                                -- propagate out of this fold loop
                                Left _ -> Left $ "Allocation failed: " ++ msg
                          Ok result@(_, _, _, new_cv) ->
                              let new_accu = Right result in
                              case accu of
                                Left _ -> new_accu
                                Right (_, _, _, old_cv) ->
                                    if old_cv < new_cv
                                    then accu
                                    else new_accu
        ) no_nodes node_pairs

    return (nl', il', ops)

-- | Inner fold function for changing secondary of a DRBD instance.
-- The running solution is either a @Left String@, which means we
-- don't have yet a working solution, or a @Right (...)@, which
-- represents a valid solution; it holds the modified node list, the
-- modified instance (after evacuation), the score of that solution,
-- and the new secondary node index.
evacDrbdSecondaryInner :: Node.List -- ^ Cluster node list
                       -> Instance.Instance -- ^ Instance being evacuated
                       -> Gdx -- ^ The group index of the instance
                       -> Either String ( Node.List
                                        , Instance.Instance
                                        , Score
                                        , Ndx)  -- ^ Current best solution
                       -> Ndx  -- ^ Node we're evaluating as new secondary
                       -> Either String ( Node.List
                                        , Instance.Instance
                                        , Score
                                        , Ndx) -- ^ New best solution
evacDrbdSecondaryInner nl inst gdx accu ndx =
    case applyMove nl inst (ReplaceSecondary ndx) of
      OpFail fm ->
          case accu of
            Right _ -> accu
            Left _ -> Left $ "Node " ++ Container.nameOf nl ndx ++
                      " failed: " ++ show fm
      OpGood (nl', inst', _, _) ->
          let nodes = Container.elems nl'
              -- The fromJust below is ugly (it can fail nastily), but
              -- at this point we should have any internal mismatches,
              -- and adding a monad here would be quite involved
              grpnodes = fromJust (gdx `lookup` Node.computeGroups nodes)
              new_cv = compCVNodes grpnodes
              new_accu = Right (nl', inst', new_cv, ndx)
          in case accu of
               Left _ -> new_accu
               Right (_, _, old_cv, _) ->
                   if old_cv < new_cv
                   then accu
                   else new_accu

-- | Compute result of changing all nodes of a DRBD instance.
-- Given the target primary and secondary node (which might be in a
-- different group or not), this function will 'execute' all the
-- required steps and assuming all operations succceed, will return
-- the modified node and instance lists, the opcodes needed for this
-- and the new group score.
evacDrbdAllInner :: Node.List         -- ^ Cluster node list
                 -> Instance.List     -- ^ Cluster instance list
                 -> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to be moved
                 -> Gdx               -- ^ The target group index
                                      -- (which can differ from the
                                      -- current group of the
                                      -- instance)
                 -> (Ndx, Ndx)        -- ^ Tuple of new
                                      -- primary\/secondary nodes
                 -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, [OpCodes.OpCode], Score)
evacDrbdAllInner nl il inst gdx (t_pdx, t_sdx) =
    let primary = Container.find (Instance.pNode inst) nl
        idx = Instance.idx inst
    -- if the primary is offline, then we first failover
    (nl1, inst1, ops1) <-
        if Node.offline primary
        then do
          (nl', inst', _, _) <-
              annotateResult "Failing over to the secondary" $
              opToResult $ applyMove nl inst Failover
          return (nl', inst', [Failover])
        else return (nl, inst, [])
    let (o1, o2, o3) = (ReplaceSecondary t_pdx,
                        ReplaceSecondary t_sdx)
    -- we now need to execute a replace secondary to the future
    -- primary node
    (nl2, inst2, _, _) <-
        annotateResult "Changing secondary to new primary" $
        opToResult $
        applyMove nl1 inst1 o1
    let ops2 = o1:ops1
    -- we now execute another failover, the primary stays fixed now
    (nl3, inst3, _, _) <- annotateResult "Failing over to new primary" $
                          opToResult $ applyMove nl2 inst2 o2
    let ops3 = o2:ops2
    -- and finally another replace secondary, to the final secondary
    (nl4, inst4, _, _) <-
        annotateResult "Changing secondary to final secondary" $
        opToResult $
        applyMove nl3 inst3 o3
    let ops4 = o3:ops3
        il' = Container.add idx inst4 il
        ops = concatMap (iMoveToJob nl4 il' idx) $ reverse ops4
    let nodes = Container.elems nl4
        -- The fromJust below is ugly (it can fail nastily), but
        -- at this point we should have any internal mismatches,
        -- and adding a monad here would be quite involved
        grpnodes = fromJust (gdx `lookup` Node.computeGroups nodes)
        new_cv = compCVNodes grpnodes
    return (nl4, il', ops, new_cv)

-- | Computes the nodes in a given group which are available for
-- allocation.
availableGroupNodes :: [(Gdx, [Ndx])] -- ^ Group index/node index assoc list
                    -> IntSet.IntSet  -- ^ Nodes that are excluded
                    -> Gdx            -- ^ The group for which we
                                      -- query the nodes
                    -> Result [Ndx]   -- ^ List of available node indices
availableGroupNodes group_nodes excl_ndx gdx = do
  local_nodes <- maybe (Bad $ "Can't find group with index " ++ show gdx)
                 Ok (lookup gdx group_nodes)
  let avail_nodes = filter (not . flip IntSet.member excl_ndx) local_nodes
  return avail_nodes

-- | Updates the evac solution with the results of an instance
-- evacuation.
updateEvacSolution :: (Node.List, Instance.List, EvacSolution)
                   -> Idx
                   -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, [OpCodes.OpCode])
                   -> (Node.List, Instance.List, EvacSolution)
updateEvacSolution (nl, il, es) idx (Bad msg) =
    (nl, il, es { esFailed = (idx, msg):esFailed es})
updateEvacSolution (_, _, es) idx (Ok (nl, il, opcodes)) =
    (nl, il, es { esMoved = new_elem:esMoved es
                , esOpCodes = opcodes:esOpCodes es })
     where inst = Container.find idx il
           new_elem = (idx,
                       instancePriGroup nl inst,
                       Instance.allNodes inst)

-- | Node-evacuation IAllocator mode main function.
tryNodeEvac :: Group.List    -- ^ The cluster groups
            -> Node.List     -- ^ The node list (cluster-wide, not per group)
            -> Instance.List -- ^ Instance list (cluster-wide)
            -> EvacMode      -- ^ The evacuation mode
            -> [Idx]         -- ^ List of instance (indices) to be evacuated
            -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, EvacSolution)
tryNodeEvac _ ini_nl ini_il mode idxs =
    let evac_ndx = nodesToEvacuate ini_il mode idxs
        offline = map Node.idx . filter Node.offline $ Container.elems ini_nl
        excl_ndx = foldl' (flip IntSet.insert) evac_ndx offline
        group_ndx = map (\(gdx, (nl, _)) -> (gdx, map Node.idx
                                             (Container.elems nl))) $
                      splitCluster ini_nl ini_il
        (fin_nl, fin_il, esol) =
            foldl' (\state@(nl, il, _) inst ->
                        let gdx = instancePriGroup nl inst
                            pdx = Instance.pNode inst in
                        updateEvacSolution state (Instance.idx inst) $
                        availableGroupNodes group_ndx
                          (IntSet.insert pdx excl_ndx) gdx >>=
                        nodeEvacInstance nl il mode inst gdx
            (ini_nl, ini_il, emptyEvacSolution)
            (map (`Container.find` ini_il) idxs)
    in return (fin_nl, fin_il, reverseEvacSolution esol)

-- | Change-group IAllocator mode main function.
-- This is very similar to 'tryNodeEvac', the only difference is that
-- we don't choose as target group the current instance group, but
-- instead:
--   1. at the start of the function, we compute which are the target
--   groups; either no groups were passed in, in which case we choose
--   all groups out of which we don't evacuate instance, or there were
--   some groups passed, in which case we use those
--   2. for each instance, we use 'findBestAllocGroup' to choose the
--   best group to hold the instance, and then we do what
--   'tryNodeEvac' does, except for this group instead of the current
--   instance group.
-- Note that the correct behaviour of this function relies on the
-- function 'nodeEvacInstance' to be able to do correctly both
-- intra-group and inter-group moves when passed the 'ChangeAll' mode.
tryChangeGroup :: Group.List    -- ^ The cluster groups
               -> Node.List     -- ^ The node list (cluster-wide)
               -> Instance.List -- ^ Instance list (cluster-wide)
               -> [Gdx]         -- ^ Target groups; if empty, any
                                -- groups not being evacuated
               -> [Idx]         -- ^ List of instance (indices) to be evacuated
               -> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, EvacSolution)
tryChangeGroup gl ini_nl ini_il gdxs idxs =
    let evac_gdxs = nub $ map (instancePriGroup ini_nl .
                               flip Container.find ini_il) idxs
        target_gdxs = (if null gdxs
                       then Container.keys gl
                       else gdxs) \\ evac_gdxs
        offline = map Node.idx . filter Node.offline $ Container.elems ini_nl
        excl_ndx = foldl' (flip IntSet.insert) IntSet.empty offline
        group_ndx = map (\(gdx, (nl, _)) -> (gdx, map Node.idx
                                             (Container.elems nl))) $
                      splitCluster ini_nl ini_il
        (fin_nl, fin_il, esol) =
            foldl' (\state@(nl, il, _) inst ->
                        let solution = do
                              let ncnt = Instance.requiredNodes $
                                         Instance.diskTemplate inst
                              (gdx, _, _) <- findBestAllocGroup gl nl il
                                             (Just target_gdxs) inst ncnt
                              av_nodes <- availableGroupNodes group_ndx
                                          excl_ndx gdx
                              nodeEvacInstance nl il ChangeAll inst
                                       gdx av_nodes
                        in updateEvacSolution state
                               (Instance.idx inst) solution
            (ini_nl, ini_il, emptyEvacSolution)
            (map (`Container.find` ini_il) idxs)
    in return (fin_nl, fin_il, reverseEvacSolution esol)

-- | Recursively place instances on the cluster until we're out of space.
iterateAlloc :: Node.List
             -> Instance.List
             -> Maybe Int
             -> Instance.Instance
             -> AllocNodes
             -> [Instance.Instance]
             -> [CStats]
             -> Result AllocResult
iterateAlloc nl il limit newinst allocnodes ixes cstats =
      let depth = length ixes
          newname = printf "new-%d" depth::String
          newidx = length (Container.elems il) + depth
          newi2 = Instance.setIdx (Instance.setName newinst newname) newidx
          newlimit = fmap (flip (-) 1) limit
      in case tryAlloc nl il newi2 allocnodes of
           Bad s -> Bad s
           Ok (AllocSolution { asFailures = errs, asSolutions = sols3 }) ->
               let newsol = Ok (collapseFailures errs, nl, il, ixes, cstats) in
               case sols3 of
                 [] -> newsol
                 (xnl, xi, _, _):[] ->
                     if limit == Just 0
                     then newsol
                     else iterateAlloc xnl (Container.add newidx xi il)
                          newlimit newinst allocnodes (xi:ixes)
                          (totalResources xnl:cstats)
                 _ -> Bad "Internal error: multiple solutions for single\
                          \ allocation"

-- | The core of the tiered allocation mode.
tieredAlloc :: Node.List
            -> Instance.List
            -> Maybe Int
            -> Instance.Instance
            -> AllocNodes
            -> [Instance.Instance]
            -> [CStats]
            -> Result AllocResult
tieredAlloc nl il limit newinst allocnodes ixes cstats =
    case iterateAlloc nl il limit newinst allocnodes ixes cstats of
      Bad s -> Bad s
      Ok (errs, nl', il', ixes', cstats') ->
          let newsol = Ok (errs, nl', il', ixes', cstats')
              ixes_cnt = length ixes'
              (stop, newlimit) = case limit of
                                   Nothing -> (False, Nothing)
                                   Just n -> (n <= ixes_cnt,
                                              Just (n - ixes_cnt)) in
          if stop then newsol else
          case Instance.shrinkByType newinst . fst . last $
               sortBy (comparing snd) errs of
            Bad _ -> newsol
            Ok newinst' -> tieredAlloc nl' il' newlimit
                           newinst' allocnodes ixes' cstats'

-- * Formatting functions

-- | Given the original and final nodes, computes the relocation description.
computeMoves :: Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to be moved
             -> String -- ^ The instance name
             -> IMove  -- ^ The move being performed
             -> String -- ^ New primary
             -> String -- ^ New secondary
             -> (String, [String])
                -- ^ Tuple of moves and commands list; moves is containing
                -- either @/f/@ for failover or @/r:name/@ for replace
                -- secondary, while the command list holds gnt-instance
                -- commands (without that prefix), e.g \"@failover instance1@\"
computeMoves i inam mv c d =
    case mv of
      Failover -> ("f", [mig])
      FailoverAndReplace _ -> (printf "f r:%s" d, [mig, rep d])
      ReplaceSecondary _ -> (printf "r:%s" d, [rep d])
      ReplaceAndFailover _ -> (printf "r:%s f" c, [rep c, mig])
      ReplacePrimary _ -> (printf "f r:%s f" c, [mig, rep c, mig])
    where morf = if Instance.running i then "migrate" else "failover"
          mig = printf "%s -f %s" morf inam::String
          rep n = printf "replace-disks -n %s %s" n inam

-- | Converts a placement to string format.
printSolutionLine :: Node.List     -- ^ The node list
                  -> Instance.List -- ^ The instance list
                  -> Int           -- ^ Maximum node name length
                  -> Int           -- ^ Maximum instance name length
                  -> Placement     -- ^ The current placement
                  -> Int           -- ^ The index of the placement in
                                   -- the solution
                  -> (String, [String])
printSolutionLine nl il nmlen imlen plc pos =
        pmlen = (2*nmlen + 1)
        (i, p, s, mv, c) = plc
        inst = Container.find i il
        inam = Instance.alias inst
        npri = Node.alias $ Container.find p nl
        nsec = Node.alias $ Container.find s nl
        opri = Node.alias $ Container.find (Instance.pNode inst) nl
        osec = Node.alias $ Container.find (Instance.sNode inst) nl
        (moves, cmds) =  computeMoves inst inam mv npri nsec
        ostr = printf "%s:%s" opri osec::String
        nstr = printf "%s:%s" npri nsec::String
      (printf "  %3d. %-*s %-*s => %-*s %.8f a=%s"
       pos imlen inam pmlen ostr
       pmlen nstr c moves,

-- | Return the instance and involved nodes in an instance move.
-- Note that the output list length can vary, and is not required nor
-- guaranteed to be of any specific length.
involvedNodes :: Instance.List -- ^ Instance list, used for retrieving
                               -- the instance from its index; note
                               -- that this /must/ be the original
                               -- instance list, so that we can
                               -- retrieve the old nodes
              -> Placement     -- ^ The placement we're investigating,
                               -- containing the new nodes and
                               -- instance index
              -> [Ndx]         -- ^ Resulting list of node indices
involvedNodes il plc =
    let (i, np, ns, _, _) = plc
        inst = Container.find i il
    in nub $ [np, ns] ++ Instance.allNodes inst

-- | Inner function for splitJobs, that either appends the next job to
-- the current jobset, or starts a new jobset.
mergeJobs :: ([JobSet], [Ndx]) -> MoveJob -> ([JobSet], [Ndx])
mergeJobs ([], _) n@(ndx, _, _, _) = ([[n]], ndx)
mergeJobs (cjs@(j:js), nbuf) n@(ndx, _, _, _)
    | null (ndx `intersect` nbuf) = ((n:j):js, ndx ++ nbuf)
    | otherwise = ([n]:cjs, ndx)

-- | Break a list of moves into independent groups. Note that this
-- will reverse the order of jobs.
splitJobs :: [MoveJob] -> [JobSet]
splitJobs = fst . foldl mergeJobs ([], [])

-- | Given a list of commands, prefix them with @gnt-instance@ and
-- also beautify the display a little.
formatJob :: Int -> Int -> (Int, MoveJob) -> [String]
formatJob jsn jsl (sn, (_, _, _, cmds)) =
    let out =
            printf "  echo job %d/%d" jsn sn:
            printf "  check":
            map ("  gnt-instance " ++) cmds
    in if sn == 1
       then ["", printf "echo jobset %d, %d jobs" jsn jsl] ++ out
       else out

-- | Given a list of commands, prefix them with @gnt-instance@ and
-- also beautify the display a little.
formatCmds :: [JobSet] -> String
formatCmds =
    unlines .
    concatMap (\(jsn, js) -> concatMap (formatJob jsn (length js))
                             (zip [1..] js)) .
    zip [1..]

-- | Print the node list.
printNodes :: Node.List -> [String] -> String
printNodes nl fs =
    let fields = case fs of
          [] -> Node.defaultFields
          "+":rest -> Node.defaultFields ++ rest
          _ -> fs
        snl = sortBy (comparing Node.idx) (Container.elems nl)
        (header, isnum) = unzip $ map Node.showHeader fields
    in unlines . map ((:) ' ' .  intercalate " ") $
       formatTable (header:map (Node.list fields) snl) isnum

-- | Print the instance list.
printInsts :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> String
printInsts nl il =
    let sil = sortBy (comparing Instance.idx) (Container.elems il)
        helper inst = [ if Instance.running inst then "R" else " "
                      , Instance.name inst
                      , Container.nameOf nl (Instance.pNode inst)
                      , let sdx = Instance.sNode inst
                        in if sdx == Node.noSecondary
                           then  ""
                           else Container.nameOf nl sdx
                      , if Instance.autoBalance inst then "Y" else "N"
                      , printf "%3d" $ Instance.vcpus inst
                      , printf "%5d" $ Instance.mem inst
                      , printf "%5d" $ Instance.dsk inst `div` 1024
                      , printf "%5.3f" lC
                      , printf "%5.3f" lM
                      , printf "%5.3f" lD
                      , printf "%5.3f" lN
            where DynUtil lC lM lD lN = Instance.util inst
        header = [ "F", "Name", "Pri_node", "Sec_node", "Auto_bal"
                 , "vcpu", "mem" , "dsk", "lCpu", "lMem", "lDsk", "lNet" ]
        isnum = False:False:False:False:False:repeat True
    in unlines . map ((:) ' ' . intercalate " ") $
       formatTable (header:map helper sil) isnum

-- | Shows statistics for a given node list.
printStats :: Node.List -> String
printStats nl =
    let dcvs = compDetailedCV $ Container.elems nl
        (weights, names) = unzip detailedCVInfo
        hd = zip3 (weights ++ repeat 1) (names ++ repeat "unknown") dcvs
        formatted = map (\(w, header, val) ->
                             printf "%s=%.8f(x%.2f)" header val w::String) hd
    in intercalate ", " formatted

-- | Convert a placement into a list of OpCodes (basically a job).
iMoveToJob :: Node.List        -- ^ The node list; only used for node
                               -- names, so any version is good
                               -- (before or after the operation)
           -> Instance.List    -- ^ The instance list; also used for
                               -- names only
           -> Idx              -- ^ The index of the instance being
                               -- moved
           -> IMove            -- ^ The actual move to be described
           -> [OpCodes.OpCode] -- ^ The list of opcodes equivalent to
                               -- the given move
iMoveToJob nl il idx move =
    let inst = Container.find idx il
        iname = Instance.name inst
        lookNode  = Just . Container.nameOf nl
        opF = OpCodes.OpInstanceMigrate iname True False True Nothing
        opR n = OpCodes.OpInstanceReplaceDisks iname (lookNode n)
                OpCodes.ReplaceNewSecondary [] Nothing
    in case move of
         Failover -> [ opF ]
         ReplacePrimary np -> [ opF, opR np, opF ]
         ReplaceSecondary ns -> [ opR ns ]
         ReplaceAndFailover np -> [ opR np, opF ]
         FailoverAndReplace ns -> [ opF, opR ns ]

-- * Node group functions

-- | Computes the group of an instance.
instanceGroup :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Result Gdx
instanceGroup nl i =
  let sidx = Instance.sNode i
      pnode = Container.find (Instance.pNode i) nl
      snode = if sidx == Node.noSecondary
              then pnode
              else Container.find sidx nl
      pgroup = Node.group pnode
      sgroup = Node.group snode
  in if pgroup /= sgroup
     then fail ("Instance placed accross two node groups, primary " ++
                show pgroup ++ ", secondary " ++ show sgroup)
     else return pgroup

-- | Computes the group of an instance per the primary node.
instancePriGroup :: Node.List -> Instance.Instance -> Gdx
instancePriGroup nl i =
  let pnode = Container.find (Instance.pNode i) nl
  in  Node.group pnode

-- | Compute the list of badly allocated instances (split across node
-- groups).
findSplitInstances :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> [Instance.Instance]
findSplitInstances nl =
  filter (not . isOk . instanceGroup nl) . Container.elems

-- | Splits a cluster into the component node groups.
splitCluster :: Node.List -> Instance.List ->
                [(Gdx, (Node.List, Instance.List))]
splitCluster nl il =
  let ngroups = Node.computeGroups (Container.elems nl)
  in map (\(guuid, nodes) ->
           let nidxs = map Node.idx nodes
               nodes' = zip nidxs nodes
               instances = Container.filter ((`elem` nidxs) . Instance.pNode) il
           in (guuid, (Container.fromList nodes', instances))) ngroups

-- | Compute the list of nodes that are to be evacuated, given a list
-- of instances and an evacuation mode.
nodesToEvacuate :: Instance.List -- ^ The cluster-wide instance list
                -> EvacMode      -- ^ The evacuation mode we're using
                -> [Idx]         -- ^ List of instance indices being evacuated
                -> IntSet.IntSet -- ^ Set of node indices
nodesToEvacuate il mode =
    IntSet.delete Node.noSecondary .
    foldl' (\ns idx ->
                let i = Container.find idx il
                    pdx = Instance.pNode i
                    sdx = Instance.sNode i
                    dt = Instance.diskTemplate i
                    withSecondary = case dt of
                                      DTDrbd8 -> IntSet.insert sdx ns
                                      _ -> ns
                in case mode of
                     ChangePrimary   -> IntSet.insert pdx ns
                     ChangeSecondary -> withSecondary
                     ChangeAll       -> IntSet.insert pdx withSecondary
           ) IntSet.empty