{-| Module abstracting the node and instance container implementation.

This is currently implemented on top of an 'IntMap', which seems to
give the best performance for our workload.



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module Ganeti.HTools.Container
     -- * Types
    , Key
     -- * Creation
    , IntMap.empty
    , IntMap.singleton
    , IntMap.fromList
     -- * Query
    , IntMap.size
    , IntMap.null
    , find
    , IntMap.findMax
    , IntMap.member
     -- * Update
    , add
    , addTwo
    , IntMap.map
    , IntMap.mapAccum
    , IntMap.filter
    -- * Conversion
    , IntMap.elems
    , IntMap.keys
    -- * Element functions
    , nameOf
    , findByName
    ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as T

-- | Our key type.

type Key = IntMap.Key

-- | Our container type.
type Container = IntMap.IntMap

-- | Locate a key in the map (must exist).
find :: Key -> Container a -> a
find k = (IntMap.! k)

-- | Add or update one element to the map.
add :: Key -> a -> Container a -> Container a
add = IntMap.insert

-- | Add or update two elements of the map.
addTwo :: Key -> a -> Key -> a -> Container a -> Container a
addTwo k1 v1 k2 v2 = add k1 v1 . add k2 v2

-- | Compute the name of an element in a container.
nameOf :: (T.Element a) => Container a -> Key -> String
nameOf c k = T.nameOf $ find k c

-- | Find an element by name in a Container; this is a very slow function.
findByName :: (T.Element a, Monad m) =>
              Container a -> String -> m a
findByName c n =
    let all_elems = IntMap.elems c
        result = filter ((n `elem`) . T.allNames) all_elems
    in case result of
         [item] -> return item
         _ -> fail $ "Wrong number of elems found with name " ++ n