{-| Module describing a node group.



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module Ganeti.HTools.Group
    ( Group(..)
    , List
    , AssocList
    -- * Constructor
    , create
    , setIdx
    , isAllocable
    ) where

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as T

-- * Type declarations

-- | The node group type.
data Group = Group
    { name        :: String        -- ^ The node name
    , uuid        :: T.GroupID     -- ^ The UUID of the group
    , idx         :: T.Gdx         -- ^ Internal index for book-keeping
    , allocPolicy :: T.AllocPolicy -- ^ The allocation policy for this group
    } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

-- Note: we use the name as the alias, and the UUID as the official
-- name
instance T.Element Group where
    nameOf     = uuid
    idxOf      = idx
    setAlias   = setName
    setIdx     = setIdx
    allNames n = [name n, uuid n]

-- | A simple name for the int, node association list.
type AssocList = [(T.Gdx, Group)]

-- | A simple name for a node map.
type List = Container.Container Group

-- * Initialization functions

-- | Create a new group.
create :: String -> T.GroupID -> T.AllocPolicy -> Group
create name_init id_init apol_init =
    Group { name        = name_init
          , uuid        = id_init
          , allocPolicy = apol_init
          , idx         = -1

-- | Sets the group index.
-- This is used only during the building of the data structures.
setIdx :: Group -> T.Gdx -> Group
setIdx t i = t {idx = i}

-- | Changes the alias.
-- This is used only during the building of the data structures.
setName :: Group -> String -> Group
setName t s = t { name = s }

-- | Checks if a group is allocable.
isAllocable :: Group -> Bool
isAllocable = (/= T.AllocUnallocable) . allocPolicy