module Ganeti.HTools.IAlloc
( readRequest
, runIAllocator
) where
import Data.Either ()
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.JSON (JSObject, JSValue(JSArray),
makeObj, encodeStrict, decodeStrict, fromJSObject, showJSON)
import System (exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import System.IO
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import Ganeti.HTools.CLI
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader
import Ganeti.HTools.ExtLoader (loadExternalData)
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
type IAllocResult = (String, JSValue, Node.List, Instance.List)
parseBaseInstance :: String
-> JSRecord
-> Result (String, Instance.Instance)
parseBaseInstance n a = do
let extract x = tryFromObj ("invalid data for instance '" ++ n ++ "'") a x
disk <- extract "disk_space_total"
mem <- extract "memory"
vcpus <- extract "vcpus"
tags <- extract "tags"
dt <- extract "disk_template"
let running = "running"
return (n, Instance.create n mem disk vcpus running tags True 0 0 dt)
parseInstance :: NameAssoc
-> String
-> JSRecord
-> Result (String, Instance.Instance)
parseInstance ktn n a = do
base <- parseBaseInstance n a
nodes <- fromObj a "nodes"
pnode <- if null nodes
then Bad $ "empty node list for instance " ++ n
else readEitherString $ head nodes
pidx <- lookupNode ktn n pnode
let snodes = tail nodes
sidx <- (if null snodes then return Node.noSecondary
else readEitherString (head snodes) >>= lookupNode ktn n)
return (n, Instance.setBoth (snd base) pidx sidx)
parseNode :: NameAssoc
-> String
-> JSRecord
-> Result (String, Node.Node)
parseNode ktg n a = do
let desc = "invalid data for node '" ++ n ++ "'"
extract x = tryFromObj desc a x
offline <- extract "offline"
drained <- extract "drained"
guuid <- extract "group"
vm_capable <- annotateResult desc $ maybeFromObj a "vm_capable"
let vm_capable' = fromMaybe True vm_capable
gidx <- lookupGroup ktg n guuid
node <- (if offline || drained || not vm_capable'
then return $ Node.create n 0 0 0 0 0 0 True gidx
else do
mtotal <- extract "total_memory"
mnode <- extract "reserved_memory"
mfree <- extract "free_memory"
dtotal <- extract "total_disk"
dfree <- extract "free_disk"
ctotal <- extract "total_cpus"
return $ Node.create n mtotal mnode mfree
dtotal dfree ctotal False gidx)
return (n, node)
parseGroup :: String
-> JSRecord
-> Result (String, Group.Group)
parseGroup u a = do
let extract x = tryFromObj ("invalid data for group '" ++ u ++ "'") a x
name <- extract "name"
apol <- extract "alloc_policy"
return (u, Group.create name u apol)
parseData :: String
-> Result ([String], Request)
parseData body = do
decoded <- fromJResult "Parsing input IAllocator message" (decodeStrict body)
let obj = fromJSObject decoded
extrObj x = tryFromObj "invalid iallocator message" obj x
request <- liftM fromJSObject (extrObj "request")
let extrReq x = tryFromObj "invalid request dict" request x
glist <- liftM fromJSObject (extrObj "nodegroups")
gobj <- mapM (\(x, y) -> asJSObject y >>= parseGroup x . fromJSObject) glist
let (ktg, gl) = assignIndices gobj
nlist <- liftM fromJSObject (extrObj "nodes")
nobj <- mapM (\(x,y) ->
asJSObject y >>= parseNode ktg x . fromJSObject) nlist
let (ktn, nl) = assignIndices nobj
ilist <- extrObj "instances"
let idata = fromJSObject ilist
iobj <- mapM (\(x,y) ->
asJSObject y >>= parseInstance ktn x . fromJSObject) idata
let (kti, il) = assignIndices iobj
ctags <- extrObj "cluster_tags"
cdata1 <- mergeData [] [] [] [] (ClusterData gl nl il ctags)
let (msgs, fix_nl) = checkData (cdNodes cdata1) (cdInstances cdata1)
cdata = cdata1 { cdNodes = fix_nl }
map_n = cdNodes cdata
map_i = cdInstances cdata
map_g = cdGroups cdata
optype <- extrReq "type"
rqtype <-
case () of
_ | optype == C.iallocatorModeAlloc ->
rname <- extrReq "name"
req_nodes <- extrReq "required_nodes"
inew <- parseBaseInstance rname request
let io = snd inew
return $ Allocate io req_nodes
| optype == C.iallocatorModeReloc ->
rname <- extrReq "name"
ridx <- lookupInstance kti rname
req_nodes <- extrReq "required_nodes"
ex_nodes <- extrReq "relocate_from"
ex_idex <- mapM (Container.findByName map_n) ex_nodes
return $ Relocate ridx req_nodes (map Node.idx ex_idex)
| optype == C.iallocatorModeChgGroup ->
rl_names <- extrReq "instances"
rl_insts <- mapM (liftM Instance.idx .
Container.findByName map_i) rl_names
gr_uuids <- extrReq "target_groups"
gr_idxes <- mapM (liftM Group.idx .
Container.findByName map_g) gr_uuids
return $ ChangeGroup rl_insts gr_idxes
| optype == C.iallocatorModeNodeEvac ->
rl_names <- extrReq "instances"
rl_insts <- mapM (Container.findByName map_i) rl_names
let rl_idx = map Instance.idx rl_insts
rl_mode <- extrReq "evac_mode"
return $ NodeEvacuate rl_idx rl_mode
| otherwise -> fail ("Invalid request type '" ++ optype ++ "'")
return (msgs, Request rqtype cdata)
formatResponse :: Bool
-> String
-> JSValue
-> String
formatResponse success info result =
e_success = ("success", showJSON success)
e_info = ("info", showJSON info)
e_result = ("result", result)
in encodeStrict $ makeObj [e_success, e_info, e_result]
describeSolution :: Cluster.AllocSolution -> String
describeSolution = intercalate ", " . Cluster.asLog
formatAllocate :: Instance.List -> Cluster.AllocSolution -> Result IAllocResult
formatAllocate il as = do
let info = describeSolution as
case Cluster.asSolutions as of
[] -> fail info
(nl, inst, nodes, _):[] ->
let il' = Container.add (Instance.idx inst) inst il
return (info, showJSON $ map nodes, nl, il')
_ -> fail "Internal error: multiple allocation solutions"
formatNodeEvac :: Group.List
-> Node.List
-> Instance.List
-> (Node.List, Instance.List, Cluster.EvacSolution)
-> Result IAllocResult
formatNodeEvac gl nl il (fin_nl, fin_il, es) =
let iname = . flip Container.find il
nname = . flip Container.find nl
gname = . flip Container.find gl
fes = map (\(idx, msg) -> (iname idx, msg)) $ Cluster.esFailed es
mes = map (\(idx, gdx, ndxs) -> (iname idx, gname gdx, map nname ndxs))
$ Cluster.esMoved es
failed = length fes
moved = length mes
info = show failed ++ " instances failed to move and " ++ show moved ++
" were moved successfully"
in Ok (info, showJSON (mes, fes, Cluster.esOpCodes es), fin_nl, fin_il)
processRelocate :: Group.List
-> Node.List
-> Instance.List
-> Idx
-> Int
-> [Ndx]
-> Result (Node.List, Instance.List, [Ndx])
processRelocate gl nl il idx 1 exndx = do
let orig = Container.find idx il
sorig = Instance.sNode orig
when (exndx /= [sorig]) $
fail $ "Unsupported request: excluded nodes not equal to\
\ instance's secondary node (" ++ show sorig ++ " versus " ++
show exndx ++ ")"
(nl', il', esol) <- Cluster.tryNodeEvac gl nl il ChangeSecondary [idx]
nodes <- case lookup idx (Cluster.esFailed esol) of
Just msg -> fail msg
Nothing ->
case lookup idx (map (\(a, _, b) -> (a, b))
(Cluster.esMoved esol)) of
Nothing ->
fail "Internal error: lost instance idx during move"
Just n -> return n
let inst = Container.find idx il'
pnode = Instance.pNode inst
snode = Instance.sNode inst
when (snode == sorig) $
fail "Internal error: instance didn't change secondary node?!"
when (snode == pnode) $
fail "Internal error: selected primary as new secondary?!"
nodes' <- if (nodes == [pnode, snode])
then return [snode]
else fail $ "Internal error: inconsistent node list (" ++
show nodes ++ ") versus instance nodes (" ++ show pnode ++
"," ++ show snode ++ ")"
return (nl', il', nodes')
processRelocate _ _ _ _ reqn _ =
fail $ "Exchange " ++ show reqn ++ " nodes mode is not implemented"
formatRelocate :: (Node.List, Instance.List, [Ndx])
-> Result IAllocResult
formatRelocate (nl, il, ndxs) =
let nodes = map (`Container.find` nl) ndxs
names = map nodes
in Ok ("success", showJSON names, nl, il)
processRequest :: Request -> Result IAllocResult
processRequest request =
let Request rqtype (ClusterData gl nl il _) = request
in case rqtype of
Allocate xi reqn ->
Cluster.tryMGAlloc gl nl il xi reqn >>= formatAllocate il
Relocate idx reqn exnodes ->
processRelocate gl nl il idx reqn exnodes >>= formatRelocate
ChangeGroup gdxs idxs ->
Cluster.tryChangeGroup gl nl il idxs gdxs >>=
formatNodeEvac gl nl il
NodeEvacuate xi mode ->
Cluster.tryNodeEvac gl nl il mode xi >>=
formatNodeEvac gl nl il
readRequest :: Options -> [String] -> IO Request
readRequest opts args = do
when (null args) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "Error: this program needs an input file."
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
input_data <- readFile (head args)
r1 <- case parseData input_data of
Bad err -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error: " ++ err
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
Ok (fix_msgs, rq) -> maybeShowWarnings fix_msgs >> return rq
(if isJust (optDataFile opts) || (not . null . optNodeSim) opts
then do
cdata <- loadExternalData opts
let Request rqt _ = r1
return $ Request rqt cdata
else return r1)
runIAllocator :: Request -> (Maybe (Node.List, Instance.List), String)
runIAllocator request =
let (ok, info, result, cdata) =
case processRequest request of
Ok (msg, r, nl, il) -> (True, "Request successful: " ++ msg, r,
Just (nl, il))
Bad msg -> (False, "Request failed: " ++ msg, JSArray [], Nothing)
rstring = formatResponse ok info result
in (cdata, rstring)