{-| Generic data loader.

This module holds the common code for parsing the input data after it
has been loaded from external sources.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Ganeti.HTools.Loader
    ( mergeData
    , checkData
    , assignIndices
    , lookupName
    , goodLookupResult
    , lookupNode
    , lookupInstance
    , lookupGroup
    , commonSuffix
    , RqType(..)
    , Request(..)
    , ClusterData(..)
    , emptyCluster
    , compareNameComponent
    , prefixMatch
    , LookupResult(..)
    , MatchPriority(..)
    ) where

import Data.List
import Data.Function
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Printf (printf)

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group

import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils

-- * Constants

-- | The exclusion tag prefix.
exTagsPrefix :: String
exTagsPrefix = "htools:iextags:"

-- * Types

{-| The iallocator request type.

This type denotes what request we got from Ganeti and also holds
request-specific fields.

data RqType
    = Allocate Instance.Instance Int -- ^ A new instance allocation
    | Relocate Idx Int [Ndx]         -- ^ Choose a new secondary node
    | NodeEvacuate [Idx] EvacMode    -- ^ node-evacuate mode
    | ChangeGroup [Gdx] [Idx]        -- ^ Multi-relocate mode
    deriving (Show, Read)

-- | A complete request, as received from Ganeti.
data Request = Request RqType ClusterData
    deriving (Show, Read)

-- | The cluster state.
data ClusterData = ClusterData
    { cdGroups    :: Group.List    -- ^ The node group list
    , cdNodes     :: Node.List     -- ^ The node list
    , cdInstances :: Instance.List -- ^ The instance list
    , cdTags      :: [String]      -- ^ The cluster tags
    } deriving (Show, Read)

-- | The priority of a match in a lookup result.
data MatchPriority = ExactMatch
                   | MultipleMatch
                   | PartialMatch
                   | FailMatch
                   deriving (Show, Read, Enum, Eq, Ord)

-- | The result of a name lookup in a list.
data LookupResult = LookupResult
    { lrMatchPriority :: MatchPriority -- ^ The result type
    -- | Matching value (for ExactMatch, PartialMatch), Lookup string otherwise
    , lrContent :: String
    } deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Lookup results have an absolute preference ordering.
instance Eq LookupResult where
  (==) = (==) `on` lrMatchPriority

instance Ord LookupResult where
  compare = compare `on` lrMatchPriority

-- | An empty cluster.
emptyCluster :: ClusterData
emptyCluster = ClusterData Container.empty Container.empty Container.empty []

-- * Functions

-- | Lookups a node into an assoc list.
lookupNode :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> String -> m Ndx
lookupNode ktn inst node =
    case M.lookup node ktn of
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown node '" ++ node ++ "' for instance " ++ inst
      Just idx -> return idx

-- | Lookups an instance into an assoc list.
lookupInstance :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> m Idx
lookupInstance kti inst =
    case M.lookup inst kti of
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown instance '" ++ inst ++ "'"
      Just idx -> return idx

-- | Lookups a group into an assoc list.
lookupGroup :: (Monad m) => NameAssoc -> String -> String -> m Gdx
lookupGroup ktg nname gname =
    case M.lookup gname ktg of
      Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown group '" ++ gname ++ "' for node " ++ nname
      Just idx -> return idx

-- | Check for prefix matches in names.
-- Implemented in Ganeti core utils.text.MatchNameComponent
-- as the regexp r"^%s(\..*)?$" % re.escape(key)
prefixMatch :: String  -- ^ Lookup
            -> String  -- ^ Full name
            -> Bool    -- ^ Whether there is a prefix match
prefixMatch lkp = isPrefixOf (lkp ++ ".")

-- | Is the lookup priority a "good" one?
goodMatchPriority :: MatchPriority -> Bool
goodMatchPriority ExactMatch = True
goodMatchPriority PartialMatch = True
goodMatchPriority _ = False

-- | Is the lookup result an actual match?
goodLookupResult :: LookupResult -> Bool
goodLookupResult = goodMatchPriority . lrMatchPriority

-- | Compares a canonical name and a lookup string.
compareNameComponent :: String        -- ^ Canonical (target) name
                     -> String        -- ^ Partial (lookup) name
                     -> LookupResult  -- ^ Result of the lookup
compareNameComponent cnl lkp =
  select (LookupResult FailMatch lkp)
  [ (cnl == lkp          , LookupResult ExactMatch cnl)
  , (prefixMatch lkp cnl , LookupResult PartialMatch cnl)

-- | Lookup a string and choose the best result.
chooseLookupResult :: String       -- ^ Lookup key
                   -> String       -- ^ String to compare to the lookup key
                   -> LookupResult -- ^ Previous result
                   -> LookupResult -- ^ New result
chooseLookupResult lkp cstr old =
  -- default: use class order to pick the minimum result
  select (min new old)
  -- special cases:
  -- short circuit if the new result is an exact match
  [ ((lrMatchPriority new) == ExactMatch, new)
  -- if both are partial matches generate a multiple match
  , (partial2, LookupResult MultipleMatch lkp)
  ] where new = compareNameComponent cstr lkp
          partial2 = all ((PartialMatch==) . lrMatchPriority) [old, new]

-- | Find the canonical name for a lookup string in a list of names.
lookupName :: [String]      -- ^ List of keys
           -> String        -- ^ Lookup string
           -> LookupResult  -- ^ Result of the lookup
lookupName l s = foldr (chooseLookupResult s)
                       (LookupResult FailMatch s) l

-- | Given a list of elements (and their names), assign indices to them.
assignIndices :: (Element a) =>
                 [(String, a)]
              -> (NameAssoc, Container.Container a)
assignIndices nodes =
  let (na, idx_node) =
          unzip . map (\ (idx, (k, v)) -> ((k, idx), (idx, setIdx v idx)))
          . zip [0..] $ nodes
  in (M.fromList na, Container.fromList idx_node)

-- | For each instance, add its index to its primary and secondary nodes.
fixNodes :: Node.List
         -> Instance.Instance
         -> Node.List
fixNodes accu inst =
        pdx = Instance.pNode inst
        sdx = Instance.sNode inst
        pold = Container.find pdx accu
        pnew = Node.setPri pold inst
        ac2 = Container.add pdx pnew accu
      if sdx /= Node.noSecondary
      then let sold = Container.find sdx accu
               snew = Node.setSec sold inst
           in Container.add sdx snew ac2
      else ac2

-- | Remove non-selected tags from the exclusion list.
filterExTags :: [String] -> Instance.Instance -> Instance.Instance
filterExTags tl inst =
    let old_tags = Instance.tags inst
        new_tags = filter (\tag -> any (`isPrefixOf` tag) tl)
    in inst { Instance.tags = new_tags }

-- | Update the movable attribute.
updateMovable :: [String]           -- ^ Selected instances (if not empty)
              -> [String]           -- ^ Excluded instances
              -> Instance.Instance  -- ^ Target Instance
              -> Instance.Instance  -- ^ Target Instance with updated attribute
updateMovable selinsts exinsts inst =
    if Instance.sNode inst == Node.noSecondary ||
       Instance.name inst `elem` exinsts ||
       not (null selinsts || Instance.name inst `elem` selinsts)
    then Instance.setMovable inst False
    else inst

-- | Compute the longest common suffix of a list of strings that
-- starts with a dot.
longestDomain :: [String] -> String
longestDomain [] = ""
longestDomain (x:xs) =
      foldr (\ suffix accu -> if all (isSuffixOf suffix) xs
                              then suffix
                              else accu)
      "" $ filter (isPrefixOf ".") (tails x)

-- | Extracts the exclusion tags from the cluster configuration.
extractExTags :: [String] -> [String]
extractExTags =
    map (drop (length exTagsPrefix)) .
    filter (isPrefixOf exTagsPrefix)

-- | Extracts the common suffix from node\/instance names.
commonSuffix :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> String
commonSuffix nl il =
    let node_names = map Node.name $ Container.elems nl
        inst_names = map Instance.name $ Container.elems il
    in longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)

-- | Initializer function that loads the data from a node and instance
-- list and massages it into the correct format.
mergeData :: [(String, DynUtil)]  -- ^ Instance utilisation data
          -> [String]             -- ^ Exclusion tags
          -> [String]             -- ^ Selected instances (if not empty)
          -> [String]             -- ^ Excluded instances
          -> ClusterData          -- ^ Data from backends
          -> Result ClusterData   -- ^ Fixed cluster data
mergeData um extags selinsts exinsts cdata@(ClusterData _ nl il2 tags) =
  let il = Container.elems il2
      il3 = foldl' (\im (name, n_util) ->
                        case Container.findByName im name of
                          Nothing -> im -- skipping unknown instance
                          Just inst ->
                              let new_i = inst { Instance.util = n_util }
                              in Container.add (Instance.idx inst) new_i im
                   ) il2 um
      allextags = extags ++ extractExTags tags
      inst_names = map Instance.name il
      selinst_lkp = map (lookupName inst_names) selinsts
      exinst_lkp = map (lookupName inst_names) exinsts
      lkp_unknown = filter (not . goodLookupResult) (selinst_lkp ++ exinst_lkp)
      selinst_names = map lrContent selinst_lkp
      exinst_names = map lrContent exinst_lkp
      il4 = Container.map (filterExTags allextags .
                           updateMovable selinst_names exinst_names) il3
      nl2 = foldl' fixNodes nl (Container.elems il4)
      nl3 = Container.map (`Node.buildPeers` il4) nl2
      node_names = map Node.name (Container.elems nl)
      common_suffix = longestDomain (node_names ++ inst_names)
      snl = Container.map (computeAlias common_suffix) nl3
      sil = Container.map (computeAlias common_suffix) il4
  in if' (null lkp_unknown)
         (Ok cdata { cdNodes = snl, cdInstances = sil })
         (Bad $ "Unknown instance(s): " ++ show(map lrContent lkp_unknown))

-- | Checks the cluster data for consistency.
checkData :: Node.List -> Instance.List
          -> ([String], Node.List)
checkData nl il =
        (\ msgs node ->
             let nname = Node.name node
                 nilst = map (`Container.find` il) (Node.pList node)
                 dilst = filter (not . Instance.running) nilst
                 adj_mem = sum . map Instance.mem $ dilst
                 delta_mem = truncate (Node.tMem node)
                             - Node.nMem node
                             - Node.fMem node
                             - nodeImem node il
                             + adj_mem
                 delta_dsk = truncate (Node.tDsk node)
                             - Node.fDsk node
                             - nodeIdsk node il
                 newn = Node.setFmem (Node.setXmem node delta_mem)
                        (Node.fMem node - adj_mem)
                 umsg1 =
                   if delta_mem > 512 || delta_dsk > 1024
                      then (printf "node %s is missing %d MB ram \
                                   \and %d GB disk"
                                   nname delta_mem (delta_dsk `div` 1024)):
                      else msgs
             in (umsg1, newn)
        ) [] nl

-- | Compute the amount of memory used by primary instances on a node.
nodeImem :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
nodeImem node il =
    let rfind = flip Container.find il
    in sum . map (Instance.mem . rfind)
           $ Node.pList node

-- | Compute the amount of disk used by instances on a node (either primary
-- or secondary).
nodeIdsk :: Node.Node -> Instance.List -> Int
nodeIdsk node il =
    let rfind = flip Container.find il
    in sum . map (Instance.dsk . rfind)
           $ Node.pList node ++ Node.sList node