{-| Cluster rebalancer.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Ganeti.HTools.Program.Hbal (main) where

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import Data.IORef
import System (exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.Signals
import qualified System

import Text.Printf (printf, hPrintf)

import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance

import Ganeti.HTools.CLI
import Ganeti.HTools.ExtLoader
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader

import qualified Ganeti.Luxi as L
import Ganeti.Jobs

-- | Options list and functions.
options :: [OptType]
options =
    [ oPrintNodes
    , oPrintInsts
    , oPrintCommands
    , oOneline
    , oDataFile
    , oEvacMode
    , oRapiMaster
    , oLuxiSocket
    , oExecJobs
    , oGroup
    , oMaxSolLength
    , oVerbose
    , oQuiet
    , oOfflineNode
    , oMinScore
    , oMaxCpu
    , oMinDisk
    , oMinGain
    , oMinGainLim
    , oDiskMoves
    , oSelInst
    , oInstMoves
    , oDynuFile
    , oExTags
    , oExInst
    , oSaveCluster
    , oShowVer
    , oShowHelp

{- | Start computing the solution at the given depth and recurse until
we find a valid solution or we exceed the maximum depth.

iterateDepth :: Cluster.Table    -- ^ The starting table
             -> Int              -- ^ Remaining length
             -> Bool             -- ^ Allow disk moves
             -> Bool             -- ^ Allow instance moves
             -> Int              -- ^ Max node name len
             -> Int              -- ^ Max instance name len
             -> [MoveJob]        -- ^ Current command list
             -> Bool             -- ^ Whether to be silent
             -> Score            -- ^ Score at which to stop
             -> Score            -- ^ Min gain limit
             -> Score            -- ^ Min score gain
             -> Bool             -- ^ Enable evacuation mode
             -> IO (Cluster.Table, [MoveJob]) -- ^ The resulting table
                                              -- and commands
iterateDepth ini_tbl max_rounds disk_moves inst_moves nmlen imlen
             cmd_strs oneline min_score mg_limit min_gain evac_mode =
    let Cluster.Table ini_nl ini_il _ _ = ini_tbl
        allowed_next = Cluster.doNextBalance ini_tbl max_rounds min_score
        m_fin_tbl = if allowed_next
                    then Cluster.tryBalance ini_tbl disk_moves inst_moves
                         evac_mode mg_limit min_gain
                    else Nothing
      case m_fin_tbl of
        Just fin_tbl ->
                  (Cluster.Table _ _ _ fin_plc) = fin_tbl
                  fin_plc_len = length fin_plc
                  cur_plc@(idx, _, _, move, _) = head fin_plc
                  (sol_line, cmds) = Cluster.printSolutionLine ini_nl ini_il
                                     nmlen imlen cur_plc fin_plc_len
                  afn = Cluster.involvedNodes ini_il cur_plc
                  upd_cmd_strs = (afn, idx, move, cmds):cmd_strs
              unless oneline $ do
                       putStrLn sol_line
                       hFlush stdout
              iterateDepth fin_tbl max_rounds disk_moves inst_moves
                           nmlen imlen upd_cmd_strs oneline min_score
                           mg_limit min_gain evac_mode
        Nothing -> return (ini_tbl, cmd_strs)

-- | Formats the solution for the oneline display.
formatOneline :: Double -> Int -> Double -> String
formatOneline ini_cv plc_len fin_cv =
    printf "%.8f %d %.8f %8.3f" ini_cv plc_len fin_cv
               (if fin_cv == 0 then 1 else ini_cv / fin_cv)

-- | Polls a set of jobs at a fixed interval until all are finished
-- one way or another.
waitForJobs :: L.Client -> [String] -> IO (Result [JobStatus])
waitForJobs client jids = do
  sts <- L.queryJobsStatus client jids
  case sts of
    Bad x -> return $ Bad x
    Ok s -> if any (<= JOB_STATUS_RUNNING) s
            then do
              -- TODO: replace hardcoded value with a better thing
              threadDelay (1000000 * 15)
              waitForJobs client jids
            else return $ Ok s

-- | Check that a set of job statuses is all success.
checkJobsStatus :: [JobStatus] -> Bool
checkJobsStatus = all (== JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS)

-- | Wrapper over execJobSet checking for early termination.
execWrapper :: String -> Node.List
           -> Instance.List -> IORef Int -> [JobSet] -> IO Bool
execWrapper _      _  _  _    [] = return True
execWrapper master nl il cref alljss = do
  cancel <- readIORef cref
  (if cancel > 0
   then do
     hPrintf stderr "Exiting early due to user request, %d\
                    \ jobset(s) remaining." (length alljss)::IO ()
     return False
   else execJobSet master nl il cref alljss)

-- | Execute an entire jobset.
execJobSet :: String -> Node.List
           -> Instance.List -> IORef Int -> [JobSet] -> IO Bool
execJobSet _      _  _  _    [] = return True
execJobSet master nl il cref (js:jss) = do
  -- map from jobset (htools list of positions) to [[opcodes]]
  let jobs = map (\(_, idx, move, _) ->
                      Cluster.iMoveToJob nl il idx move) js
  let descr = map (\(_, idx, _, _) -> Container.nameOf il idx) js
  putStrLn $ "Executing jobset for instances " ++ commaJoin descr
  jrs <- bracket (L.getClient master) L.closeClient
         (\client -> do
            jids <- L.submitManyJobs client jobs
            case jids of
              Bad x -> return $ Bad x
              Ok x -> do
                putStrLn $ "Got job IDs " ++ commaJoin x
                waitForJobs client x
  (case jrs of
     Bad x -> do
       hPutStrLn stderr $ "Cannot compute job status, aborting: " ++ show x
       return False
     Ok x -> if checkJobsStatus x
             then execWrapper master nl il cref jss
             else do
               hPutStrLn stderr $ "Not all jobs completed successfully: " ++
                         show x
               hPutStrLn stderr "Aborting."
               return False)

-- | Signal handler for graceful termination.
hangleSigInt :: IORef Int -> IO ()
hangleSigInt cref = do
  writeIORef cref 1
  putStrLn ("Cancel request registered, will exit at" ++
            " the end of the current job set...")

-- | Signal handler for immediate termination.
hangleSigTerm :: IORef Int -> IO ()
hangleSigTerm cref = do
  -- update the cref to 2, just for consistency
  writeIORef cref 2
  putStrLn "Double cancel request, exiting now..."
  exitImmediately $ ExitFailure 2

-- | Runs a job set with handling of signals.
runJobSet :: String -> Node.List -> Instance.List -> [JobSet] -> IO Bool
runJobSet master fin_nl il cmd_jobs = do
  cref <- newIORef 0
  mapM_ (\(hnd, sig) -> installHandler sig (Catch (hnd cref)) Nothing)
    [(hangleSigTerm, softwareTermination), (hangleSigInt, keyboardSignal)]
  execWrapper master fin_nl il cref cmd_jobs

-- | Main function.
main :: IO ()
main = do
  cmd_args <- System.getArgs
  (opts, args) <- parseOpts cmd_args "hbal" options

  unless (null args) $ do
         hPutStrLn stderr "Error: this program doesn't take any arguments."
         exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

  let oneline = optOneline opts
      verbose = optVerbose opts
      shownodes = optShowNodes opts
      showinsts = optShowInsts opts

  ini_cdata@(ClusterData gl fixed_nl ilf ctags) <- loadExternalData opts

  let offline_passed = optOffline opts
      all_nodes = Container.elems fixed_nl
      offline_lkp = map (lookupName (map Node.name all_nodes)) offline_passed
      offline_wrong = filter (not . goodLookupResult) offline_lkp
      offline_names = map lrContent offline_lkp
      offline_indices = map Node.idx $
                        filter (\n -> Node.name n `elem` offline_names)
      m_cpu = optMcpu opts
      m_dsk = optMdsk opts
      csf = commonSuffix fixed_nl ilf

  when (not (null offline_wrong)) $ do
         hPrintf stderr "Error: Wrong node name(s) set as offline: %s\n"
                     (commaJoin (map lrContent offline_wrong)) :: IO ()
         exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

  let nm = Container.map (\n -> if Node.idx n `elem` offline_indices
                                then Node.setOffline n True
                                else n) fixed_nl
      nlf = Container.map (flip Node.setMdsk m_dsk . flip Node.setMcpu m_cpu)

  when (not oneline && verbose > 1) $
       putStrLn $ "Loaded cluster tags: " ++ intercalate "," ctags

  when (Container.size ilf == 0) $ do
         (if oneline then putStrLn $ formatOneline 0 0 0
          else printf "Cluster is empty, exiting.\n")
         exitWith ExitSuccess

  let split_insts = Cluster.findSplitInstances nlf ilf
  unless (null split_insts) $ do
    hPutStrLn stderr "Found instances belonging to multiple node groups:"
    mapM_ (\i -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "  " ++ Instance.name i) split_insts
    hPutStrLn stderr "Aborting."
    exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

  let ngroups = Cluster.splitCluster nlf ilf
  when (length ngroups > 1 && isNothing (optGroup opts)) $ do
    hPutStrLn stderr "Found multiple node groups:"
    mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . ("  " ++) . Group.name .
           flip Container.find gl . fst) ngroups
    hPutStrLn stderr "Aborting."
    exitWith $ ExitFailure 1

  maybeSaveData (optSaveCluster opts) "original" "before balancing" ini_cdata

  unless oneline $ printf "Loaded %d nodes, %d instances\n"
             (Container.size nlf)
             (Container.size ilf)

  (gname, (nl, il)) <- case optGroup opts of
    Nothing -> do
         let (gidx, cdata) = head ngroups
             grp = Container.find gidx gl
         return (Group.name grp, cdata)
    Just g -> case Container.findByName gl g of
      Nothing -> do
        hPutStrLn stderr $ "Node group " ++ g ++
          " not found. Node group list is:"
        mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . ("  " ++) . Group.name ) (Container.elems gl)
        hPutStrLn stderr "Aborting."
        exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
      Just grp ->
          case lookup (Group.idx grp) ngroups of
            Nothing -> do
              -- This will only happen if there are no nodes assigned
              -- to this group
              return (Group.name grp, (Container.empty, Container.empty))
            Just cdata -> return (Group.name grp, cdata)

  unless oneline $ printf "Group size %d nodes, %d instances\n"
             (Container.size nl)
             (Container.size il)

  putStrLn $ "Selected node group: " ++ gname

  when (length csf > 0 && not oneline && verbose > 1) $
       printf "Note: Stripping common suffix of '%s' from names\n" csf

  let (bad_nodes, bad_instances) = Cluster.computeBadItems nl il
  unless (oneline || verbose == 0) $ printf
             "Initial check done: %d bad nodes, %d bad instances.\n"
             (length bad_nodes) (length bad_instances)

  when (length bad_nodes > 0) $
         putStrLn "Cluster is not N+1 happy, continuing but no guarantee \
                  \that the cluster will end N+1 happy."

  maybePrintInsts showinsts "Initial" (Cluster.printInsts nl il)

  maybePrintNodes shownodes "Initial cluster" (Cluster.printNodes nl)

  let ini_cv = Cluster.compCV nl
      ini_tbl = Cluster.Table nl il ini_cv []
      min_cv = optMinScore opts

  when (ini_cv < min_cv) $ do
         (if oneline then
              putStrLn $ formatOneline ini_cv 0 ini_cv
          else printf "Cluster is already well balanced (initial score %.6g,\n\
                      \minimum score %.6g).\nNothing to do, exiting\n"
                      ini_cv min_cv)
         exitWith ExitSuccess

  unless oneline (if verbose > 2 then
                      printf "Initial coefficients: overall %.8f, %s\n"
                      ini_cv (Cluster.printStats nl)
                      printf "Initial score: %.8f\n" ini_cv)

  unless oneline $ putStrLn "Trying to minimize the CV..."
  let imlen = maximum . map (length . Instance.alias) $ Container.elems il
      nmlen = maximum . map (length . Node.alias) $ Container.elems nl

  (fin_tbl, cmd_strs) <- iterateDepth ini_tbl (optMaxLength opts)
                         (optDiskMoves opts)
                         (optInstMoves opts)
                         nmlen imlen [] oneline min_cv
                         (optMinGainLim opts) (optMinGain opts)
                         (optEvacMode opts)
  let (Cluster.Table fin_nl fin_il fin_cv fin_plc) = fin_tbl
      ord_plc = reverse fin_plc
      sol_msg = case () of
                  _ | null fin_plc -> printf "No solution found\n"
                    | verbose > 2 ->
                        printf "Final coefficients:   overall %.8f, %s\n"
                        fin_cv (Cluster.printStats fin_nl)
                    | otherwise ->
                        printf "Cluster score improved from %.8f to %.8f\n"
                        ini_cv fin_cv ::String

  unless oneline $ putStr sol_msg

  unless (oneline || verbose == 0) $
         printf "Solution length=%d\n" (length ord_plc)

  let cmd_jobs = Cluster.splitJobs cmd_strs
      cmd_data = Cluster.formatCmds cmd_jobs

  when (isJust $ optShowCmds opts) $
         let out_path = fromJust $ optShowCmds opts
         putStrLn ""
         (if out_path == "-" then
              printf "Commands to run to reach the above solution:\n%s"
                     (unlines . map ("  " ++) .
                      filter (/= "  check") .
                      lines $ cmd_data)
          else do
            writeFile out_path (shTemplate ++ cmd_data)
            printf "The commands have been written to file '%s'\n" out_path)

  maybeSaveData (optSaveCluster opts) "balanced" "after balancing"
                (ClusterData gl fin_nl fin_il ctags)

  maybePrintInsts showinsts "Final" (Cluster.printInsts fin_nl fin_il)

  maybePrintNodes shownodes "Final cluster" (Cluster.printNodes fin_nl)

  when (verbose > 3) $ do
         let ini_cs = Cluster.totalResources nl
             fin_cs = Cluster.totalResources fin_nl
         printf "Original: mem=%d disk=%d\n"
                    (Cluster.csFmem ini_cs) (Cluster.csFdsk ini_cs) :: IO ()
         printf "Final:    mem=%d disk=%d\n"
                    (Cluster.csFmem fin_cs) (Cluster.csFdsk fin_cs)
  when oneline $
         putStrLn $ formatOneline ini_cv (length ord_plc) fin_cv

  eval <-
      if optExecJobs opts && not (null ord_plc)
      then (case optLuxi opts of
              Nothing -> do
                hPutStrLn stderr "Execution of commands possible only on LUXI"
                return False
              Just master -> runJobSet master fin_nl il cmd_jobs)
      else return True
  unless eval (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))