module Ganeti.OpCodes
( OpCode(..)
, ReplaceDisksMode(..)
, opID
) where
import Control.Monad
import Text.JSON (readJSON, showJSON, makeObj, JSON)
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Text.JSON.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
data ReplaceDisksMode = ReplaceOnPrimary
| ReplaceOnSecondary
| ReplaceNewSecondary
| ReplaceAuto
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance JSON ReplaceDisksMode where
showJSON m = case m of
ReplaceOnPrimary -> showJSON "replace_on_primary"
ReplaceOnSecondary -> showJSON "replace_on_secondary"
ReplaceNewSecondary -> showJSON "replace_new_secondary"
ReplaceAuto -> showJSON "replace_auto"
readJSON s = case readJSON s of
J.Ok "replace_on_primary" -> J.Ok ReplaceOnPrimary
J.Ok "replace_on_secondary" -> J.Ok ReplaceOnSecondary
J.Ok "replace_new_secondary" -> J.Ok ReplaceNewSecondary
J.Ok "replace_auto" -> J.Ok ReplaceAuto
_ -> J.Error "Can't parse a valid ReplaceDisksMode"
data OpCode = OpTestDelay Double Bool [String]
| OpInstanceReplaceDisks String (Maybe String) ReplaceDisksMode
[Int] (Maybe String)
| OpInstanceFailover String Bool (Maybe String)
| OpInstanceMigrate String Bool Bool Bool (Maybe String)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
opID :: OpCode -> String
opID (OpTestDelay _ _ _) = "OP_TEST_DELAY"
opID (OpInstanceReplaceDisks _ _ _ _ _) = "OP_INSTANCE_REPLACE_DISKS"
opID (OpInstanceFailover {}) = "OP_INSTANCE_FAILOVER"
opID (OpInstanceMigrate {}) = "OP_INSTANCE_MIGRATE"
loadOpCode :: JSValue -> J.Result OpCode
loadOpCode v = do
o <- liftM J.fromJSObject (readJSON v)
let extract x = fromObj o x
op_id <- extract "OP_ID"
case op_id of
on_nodes <- extract "on_nodes"
on_master <- extract "on_master"
duration <- extract "duration"
return $ OpTestDelay duration on_master on_nodes
inst <- extract "instance_name"
node <- maybeFromObj o "remote_node"
mode <- extract "mode"
disks <- extract "disks"
ialloc <- maybeFromObj o "iallocator"
return $ OpInstanceReplaceDisks inst node mode disks ialloc
inst <- extract "instance_name"
consist <- extract "ignore_consistency"
tnode <- maybeFromObj o "target_node"
return $ OpInstanceFailover inst consist tnode
inst <- extract "instance_name"
live <- extract "live"
cleanup <- extract "cleanup"
allow_failover <- fromObjWithDefault o "allow_failover" False
tnode <- maybeFromObj o "target_node"
return $ OpInstanceMigrate inst live cleanup
allow_failover tnode
_ -> J.Error $ "Unknown opcode " ++ op_id
saveOpCode :: OpCode -> JSValue
saveOpCode op@(OpTestDelay duration on_master on_nodes) =
let ol = [ ("OP_ID", showJSON $ opID op)
, ("duration", showJSON duration)
, ("on_master", showJSON on_master)
, ("on_nodes", showJSON on_nodes) ]
in makeObj ol
saveOpCode op@(OpInstanceReplaceDisks inst node mode disks iallocator) =
let ol = [ ("OP_ID", showJSON $ opID op)
, ("instance_name", showJSON inst)
, ("mode", showJSON mode)
, ("disks", showJSON disks)]
ol2 = case node of
Just n -> ("remote_node", showJSON n):ol
Nothing -> ol
ol3 = case iallocator of
Just i -> ("iallocator", showJSON i):ol2
Nothing -> ol2
in makeObj ol3
saveOpCode op@(OpInstanceFailover inst consist tnode) =
let ol = [ ("OP_ID", showJSON $ opID op)
, ("instance_name", showJSON inst)
, ("ignore_consistency", showJSON consist) ]
ol' = case tnode of
Nothing -> ol
Just node -> ("target_node", showJSON node):ol
in makeObj ol'
saveOpCode op@(OpInstanceMigrate inst live cleanup allow_failover tnode) =
let ol = [ ("OP_ID", showJSON $ opID op)
, ("instance_name", showJSON inst)
, ("live", showJSON live)
, ("cleanup", showJSON cleanup)
, ("allow_failover", showJSON allow_failover) ]
ol' = case tnode of
Nothing -> ol
Just node -> ("target_node", showJSON node):ol
in makeObj ol'
instance JSON OpCode where
readJSON = loadOpCode
showJSON = saveOpCode