Developer notes

Build dependencies

Most dependencies from Ganeti quick installation guide, plus (for Python):

Note that for pylint, at the current moment the following versions need to be used:

$ pylint --version
pylint 0.21.1,
astng 0.20.1, common 0.50.3

To generate unittest coverage reports (make coverage), coverage needs to be installed.

For Haskell development, again all things from the quick install document, plus:

  • haddock, documentation generator (equivalent to epydoc for Python)
  • HsColour, again used for documentation (it’s source-code pretty-printing)
  • hlint, a source code linter (equivalent to pylint for Python)
  • the QuickCheck library, version 2.x
  • hpc, which comes with the compiler, so you should already have it

Under Debian, these can be installed (on top of the required ones from the quick install document) via:

apt-get install libghc-quickcheck2-dev hscolour hlint

Configuring for development

Run the following command (only use PYTHON=... if you need to use a different python version):

./ && \
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

Packaging notes

Ganeti is mostly developped and tested on Debian-based distributions, while still keeping adoptability to other Linux distributions in mind.

The doc/examples/ directory contains a number of potentially useful scripts and configuration files. Some of them might need adjustment before use.


This script, in the source code as daemons/, is used to start/stop Ganeti and do a few other things related to system daemons. It is recommended to use daemon-util also from the system’s init scripts. That way the code starting and stopping daemons is shared and future changes have to be made in only one place.

daemon-util reads extra arguments from variables (*_ARGS) in /etc/default/ganeti. When modifying daemon-util, keep in mind to not remove support for the EXTRA_*_ARGS variables for starting daemons. Some parts of Ganeti use them to pass additional arguments when starting a daemon.

The reload_ssh_keys function can be adjusted to use another command for reloading the OpenSSH daemon’s host keys.

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