{-| Parsing data from text-files.

This module holds the code for loading the cluster state from text
files, as produced by @gnt-node@ and @gnt-instance@ @list@ command.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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module Ganeti.HTools.Text
  ( loadData
  , parseData
  , loadInst
  , loadNode
  , loadISpec
  , loadIPolicy
  , serializeInstances
  , serializeNode
  , serializeNodes
  , serializeGroup
  , serializeISpec
  , serializeIPolicy
  , serializeCluster
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List

import Text.Printf (printf)

import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Group as Group
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance

-- * Helper functions

-- | Simple wrapper over sepSplit
commaSplit :: String -> [String]
commaSplit = sepSplit ','

-- * Serialisation functions

-- | Serialize a single group.
serializeGroup :: Group.Group -> String
serializeGroup grp =
  printf "%s|%s|%s" (Group.name grp) (Group.uuid grp)
           (allocPolicyToRaw (Group.allocPolicy grp))

-- | Generate group file data from a group list.
serializeGroups :: Group.List -> String
serializeGroups = unlines . map serializeGroup . Container.elems

-- | Serialize a single node.
serializeNode :: Group.List -- ^ The list of groups (needed for group uuid)
              -> Node.Node  -- ^ The node to be serialised
              -> String
serializeNode gl node =
  printf "%s|%.0f|%d|%d|%.0f|%d|%.0f|%c|%s|%d" (Node.name node)
           (Node.tMem node) (Node.nMem node) (Node.fMem node)
           (Node.tDsk node) (Node.fDsk node) (Node.tCpu node)
           (if Node.offline node then 'Y' else 'N')
           (Group.uuid grp)
           (Node.spindleCount node)
    where grp = Container.find (Node.group node) gl

-- | Generate node file data from node objects.
serializeNodes :: Group.List -> Node.List -> String
serializeNodes gl = unlines . map (serializeNode gl) . Container.elems

-- | Serialize a single instance.
serializeInstance :: Node.List         -- ^ The node list (needed for
                                       -- node names)
                  -> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to be serialised
                  -> String
serializeInstance nl inst =
  let iname = Instance.name inst
      pnode = Container.nameOf nl (Instance.pNode inst)
      sidx = Instance.sNode inst
      snode = (if sidx == Node.noSecondary
                 then ""
                 else Container.nameOf nl sidx)
  in printf "%s|%d|%d|%d|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d"
       iname (Instance.mem inst) (Instance.dsk inst)
       (Instance.vcpus inst) (instanceStatusToRaw (Instance.runSt inst))
       (if Instance.autoBalance inst then "Y" else "N")
       pnode snode (diskTemplateToRaw (Instance.diskTemplate inst))
       (intercalate "," (Instance.tags inst)) (Instance.spindleUse inst)

-- | Generate instance file data from instance objects.
serializeInstances :: Node.List -> Instance.List -> String
serializeInstances nl =
  unlines . map (serializeInstance nl) . Container.elems

-- | Generate a spec data from a given ISpec object.
serializeISpec :: ISpec -> String
serializeISpec ispec =
  -- this needs to be kept in sync with the object definition
  let ISpec mem_s cpu_c disk_s disk_c nic_c su = ispec
      strings = [show mem_s, show cpu_c, show disk_s, show disk_c, show nic_c,
                 show su]
  in intercalate "," strings

-- | Generate disk template data.
serializeDiskTemplates :: [DiskTemplate] -> String
serializeDiskTemplates = intercalate "," . map diskTemplateToRaw

-- | Generate policy data from a given policy object.
serializeIPolicy :: String -> IPolicy -> String
serializeIPolicy owner ipol =
  let IPolicy stdspec minspec maxspec dts vcpu_ratio spindle_ratio = ipol
      strings = [ owner
                , serializeISpec stdspec
                , serializeISpec minspec
                , serializeISpec maxspec
                , serializeDiskTemplates dts
                , show vcpu_ratio
                , show spindle_ratio
  in intercalate "|" strings

-- | Generates the entire ipolicy section from the cluster and group
-- objects.
serializeAllIPolicies :: IPolicy -> Group.List -> String
serializeAllIPolicies cpol gl =
  let groups = Container.elems gl
      allpolicies = [("", cpol)] ++
                    map (\g -> (Group.name g, Group.iPolicy g)) groups
      strings = map (uncurry serializeIPolicy) allpolicies
  in unlines strings

-- | Generate complete cluster data from node and instance lists.
serializeCluster :: ClusterData -> String
serializeCluster (ClusterData gl nl il ctags cpol) =
  let gdata = serializeGroups gl
      ndata = serializeNodes gl nl
      idata = serializeInstances nl il
      pdata = serializeAllIPolicies cpol gl
  -- note: not using 'unlines' as that adds too many newlines
  in intercalate "\n" [gdata, ndata, idata, unlines ctags, pdata]

-- * Parsing functions

-- | Load a group from a field list.
loadGroup :: (Monad m) => [String]
          -> m (String, Group.Group) -- ^ The result, a tuple of group
                                     -- UUID and group object
loadGroup [name, gid, apol] = do
  xapol <- allocPolicyFromRaw apol
  return (gid, Group.create name gid xapol defIPolicy)

loadGroup s = fail $ "Invalid/incomplete group data: '" ++ show s ++ "'"

-- | Load a node from a field list.
loadNode :: (Monad m) =>
            NameAssoc             -- ^ Association list with current groups
         -> [String]              -- ^ Input data as a list of fields
         -> m (String, Node.Node) -- ^ The result, a tuple o node name
                                  -- and node object
loadNode ktg [name, tm, nm, fm, td, fd, tc, fo, gu, spindles] = do
  gdx <- lookupGroup ktg name gu
  new_node <-
      if any (== "?") [tm,nm,fm,td,fd,tc] || fo == "Y" then
          return $ Node.create name 0 0 0 0 0 0 True 0 gdx
      else do
        vtm <- tryRead name tm
        vnm <- tryRead name nm
        vfm <- tryRead name fm
        vtd <- tryRead name td
        vfd <- tryRead name fd
        vtc <- tryRead name tc
        vspindles <- tryRead name spindles
        return $ Node.create name vtm vnm vfm vtd vfd vtc False vspindles gdx
  return (name, new_node)

loadNode ktg [name, tm, nm, fm, td, fd, tc, fo, gu] =
  loadNode ktg [name, tm, nm, fm, td, fd, tc, fo, gu, "1"]

loadNode _ s = fail $ "Invalid/incomplete node data: '" ++ show s ++ "'"

-- | Load an instance from a field list.
loadInst :: NameAssoc -- ^ Association list with the current nodes
         -> [String]  -- ^ Input data as a list of fields
         -> Result (String, Instance.Instance) -- ^ A tuple of
                                               -- instance name and
                                               -- the instance object
loadInst ktn [ name, mem, dsk, vcpus, status, auto_bal, pnode, snode
             , dt, tags, su ] = do
  pidx <- lookupNode ktn name pnode
  sidx <- if null snode
            then return Node.noSecondary
            else lookupNode ktn name snode
  vmem <- tryRead name mem
  vdsk <- tryRead name dsk
  vvcpus <- tryRead name vcpus
  vstatus <- instanceStatusFromRaw status
  auto_balance <- case auto_bal of
                    "Y" -> return True
                    "N" -> return False
                    _ -> fail $ "Invalid auto_balance value '" ++ auto_bal ++
                         "' for instance " ++ name
  disk_template <- annotateResult ("Instance " ++ name)
                   (diskTemplateFromRaw dt)
  spindle_use <- tryRead name su
  when (sidx == pidx) $ fail $ "Instance " ++ name ++
           " has same primary and secondary node - " ++ pnode
  let vtags = commaSplit tags
      newinst = Instance.create name vmem vdsk vvcpus vstatus vtags
                auto_balance pidx sidx disk_template spindle_use
  return (name, newinst)

loadInst ktn [ name, mem, dsk, vcpus, status, auto_bal, pnode, snode
             , dt, tags ] = loadInst ktn [ name, mem, dsk, vcpus, status,
                                           auto_bal, pnode, snode, dt, tags,
                                           "1" ]
loadInst _ s = fail $ "Invalid/incomplete instance data: '" ++ show s ++ "'"

-- | Loads a spec from a field list.
loadISpec :: String -> [String] -> Result ISpec
loadISpec owner [mem_s, cpu_c, dsk_s, dsk_c, nic_c, su] = do
  xmem_s <- tryRead (owner ++ "/memsize") mem_s
  xcpu_c <- tryRead (owner ++ "/cpucount") cpu_c
  xdsk_s <- tryRead (owner ++ "/disksize") dsk_s
  xdsk_c <- tryRead (owner ++ "/diskcount") dsk_c
  xnic_c <- tryRead (owner ++ "/niccount") nic_c
  xsu    <- tryRead (owner ++ "/spindleuse") su
  return $ ISpec xmem_s xcpu_c xdsk_s xdsk_c xnic_c xsu
loadISpec owner s = fail $ "Invalid ispec data for " ++ owner ++ ": " ++ show s

-- | Loads an ipolicy from a field list.
loadIPolicy :: [String] -> Result (String, IPolicy)
loadIPolicy [owner, stdspec, minspec, maxspec, dtemplates,
             vcpu_ratio, spindle_ratio] = do
  xstdspec <- loadISpec (owner ++ "/stdspec") (commaSplit stdspec)
  xminspec <- loadISpec (owner ++ "/minspec") (commaSplit minspec)
  xmaxspec <- loadISpec (owner ++ "/maxspec") (commaSplit maxspec)
  xdts <- mapM diskTemplateFromRaw $ commaSplit dtemplates
  xvcpu_ratio <- tryRead (owner ++ "/vcpu_ratio") vcpu_ratio
  xspindle_ratio <- tryRead (owner ++ "/spindle_ratio") spindle_ratio
  return $ (owner, IPolicy xstdspec xminspec xmaxspec xdts
            xvcpu_ratio xspindle_ratio)
loadIPolicy s = fail $ "Invalid ipolicy data: '" ++ show s ++ "'"

loadOnePolicy :: (IPolicy, Group.List) -> String
              -> Result (IPolicy, Group.List)
loadOnePolicy (cpol, gl) line = do
  (owner, ipol) <- loadIPolicy (sepSplit '|' line)
  case owner of
    "" -> return (ipol, gl) -- this is a cluster policy (no owner)
    _ -> do
      grp <- Container.findByName gl owner
      let grp' = grp { Group.iPolicy = ipol }
          gl' = Container.add (Group.idx grp') grp' gl
      return (cpol, gl')

-- | Loads all policies from the policy section
loadAllIPolicies :: Group.List -> [String] -> Result (IPolicy, Group.List)
loadAllIPolicies gl =
  foldM loadOnePolicy (defIPolicy, gl)

-- | Convert newline and delimiter-separated text.
-- This function converts a text in tabular format as generated by
-- @gnt-instance list@ and @gnt-node list@ to a list of objects using
-- a supplied conversion function.
loadTabular :: (Monad m, Element a) =>
               [String] -- ^ Input data, as a list of lines
            -> ([String] -> m (String, a)) -- ^ Conversion function
            -> m ( NameAssoc
                 , Container.Container a ) -- ^ A tuple of an
                                           -- association list (name
                                           -- to object) and a set as
                                           -- used in
                                           -- "Ganeti.HTools.Container"

loadTabular lines_data convert_fn = do
  let rows = map (sepSplit '|') lines_data
  kerows <- mapM convert_fn rows
  return $ assignIndices kerows

-- | Load the cluser data from disk.
-- This is an alias to 'readFile' just for consistency with the other
-- modules.
readData :: String    -- ^ Path to the text file
         -> IO String -- ^ Contents of the file
readData = readFile

-- | Builds the cluster data from text input.
parseData :: String -- ^ Text data
          -> Result ClusterData
parseData fdata = do
  let flines = lines fdata
  (glines, nlines, ilines, ctags, pollines) <-
      case sepSplit "" flines of
        [a, b, c, d, e] -> Ok (a, b, c, d, e)
        [a, b, c, d] -> Ok (a, b, c, d, [])
        xs -> Bad $ printf "Invalid format of the input file: %d sections\
                           \ instead of 4 or 5" (length xs)
  {- group file: name uuid -}
  (ktg, gl) <- loadTabular glines loadGroup
  {- node file: name t_mem n_mem f_mem t_disk f_disk -}
  (ktn, nl) <- loadTabular nlines (loadNode ktg)
  {- instance file: name mem disk status pnode snode -}
  (_, il) <- loadTabular ilines (loadInst ktn)
  {- the tags are simply line-based, no processing needed -}
  {- process policies -}
  (cpol, gl') <- loadAllIPolicies gl pollines
  return (ClusterData gl' nl il ctags cpol)

-- | Top level function for data loading.
loadData :: String -- ^ Path to the text file
         -> IO (Result ClusterData)
loadData = fmap parseData . readData