module Ganeti.Luxi
( LuxiOp(..)
, QrViaLuxi(..)
, ResultStatus(..)
, LuxiReq(..)
, Client
, checkRS
, getClient
, closeClient
, callMethod
, submitManyJobs
, queryJobsStatus
, buildCall
, validateCall
, decodeCall
) where
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Text.JSON (encodeStrict, decodeStrict)
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Text.JSON.Types
import System.Timeout
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import Ganeti.HTools.JSON
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.Constants
import Ganeti.Jobs (JobStatus)
import Ganeti.OpCodes (OpCode)
import Ganeti.THH
withTimeout :: Int -> String -> IO a -> IO a
withTimeout secs descr action = do
result <- timeout (secs * 1000000) action
case result of
Nothing -> fail $ "Timeout in " ++ descr
Just v -> return v
$(declareSADT "QrViaLuxi"
[ ("QRLock", 'qrLock)
, ("QRInstance", 'qrInstance)
, ("QRNode", 'qrNode)
, ("QRGroup", 'qrGroup)
, ("QROs", 'qrOs)
$(makeJSONInstance ''QrViaLuxi)
$(genLuxiOp "LuxiOp"
[ ("what", [t| QrViaLuxi |], [| id |])
, ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("qfilter", [t| () |], [| const JSNull |])
, (luxiReqQueryNodes,
[ ("names", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("lock", [t| Bool |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqQueryGroups,
[ ("names", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("lock", [t| Bool |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqQueryInstances,
[ ("names", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("lock", [t| Bool |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqQueryJobs,
[ ("ids", [t| [Int] |], [| map show |])
, ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqQueryExports,
[ ("nodes", [t| [String] |], [| id |])
, ("lock", [t| Bool |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqQueryConfigValues,
[ ("fields", [t| [String] |], [| id |]) ]
, (luxiReqQueryClusterInfo, [])
, (luxiReqQueryTags,
[ ("kind", [t| String |], [| id |])
, ("name", [t| String |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqSubmitJob,
[ ("job", [t| [OpCode] |], [| id |]) ]
, (luxiReqSubmitManyJobs,
[ ("ops", [t| [[OpCode]] |], [| id |]) ]
, (luxiReqWaitForJobChange,
[ ("job", [t| Int |], [| show |])
, ("fields", [t| [String]|], [| id |])
, ("prev_job", [t| JSValue |], [| id |])
, ("prev_log", [t| JSValue |], [| id |])
, ("tmout", [t| Int |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqArchiveJob,
[ ("job", [t| Int |], [| show |]) ]
, (luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs,
[ ("age", [t| Int |], [| id |])
, ("tmout", [t| Int |], [| id |])
, (luxiReqCancelJob,
[ ("job", [t| Int |], [| show |]) ]
, (luxiReqSetDrainFlag,
[ ("flag", [t| Bool |], [| id |]) ]
, (luxiReqSetWatcherPause,
[ ("duration", [t| Double |], [| id |]) ]
$(makeJSONInstance ''LuxiReq)
$(genStrOfOp ''LuxiOp "strOfOp")
$(declareIADT "ResultStatus"
[ ("RSNormal", 'rsNormal)
, ("RSUnknown", 'rsUnknown)
, ("RSNoData", 'rsNodata)
, ("RSUnavailable", 'rsUnavail)
, ("RSOffline", 'rsOffline)
$(makeJSONInstance ''ResultStatus)
data LuxiCall = LuxiCall LuxiReq JSValue
checkRS :: (Monad m) => ResultStatus -> a -> m a
checkRS RSNormal val = return val
checkRS RSUnknown _ = fail "Unknown field"
checkRS RSNoData _ = fail "No data for a field"
checkRS RSUnavailable _ = fail "Ganeti reports unavailable data"
checkRS RSOffline _ = fail "Ganeti reports resource as offline"
eOM :: Char
eOM = '\3'
data MsgKeys = Method
| Args
| Success
| Result
$(genStrOfKey ''MsgKeys "strOfKey")
data Client = Client { socket :: S.Socket
, rbuf :: IORef String
getClient :: String -> IO Client
getClient path = do
s <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
withTimeout connTimeout "creating luxi connection" $
S.connect s (S.SockAddrUnix path)
rf <- newIORef ""
return Client { socket=s, rbuf=rf}
closeClient :: Client -> IO ()
closeClient = S.sClose . socket
sendMsg :: Client -> String -> IO ()
sendMsg s buf =
let _send obuf = do
sbytes <- withTimeout queryTimeout
"sending luxi message" $
S.send (socket s) obuf
unless (sbytes == length obuf) $ _send (drop sbytes obuf)
in _send (buf ++ [eOM])
recvMsg :: Client -> IO String
recvMsg s = do
let _recv obuf = do
nbuf <- withTimeout queryTimeout "reading luxi response" $
S.recv (socket s) 4096
let (msg, remaining) = break (eOM ==) nbuf
if null remaining
then _recv (obuf ++ msg)
else return (obuf ++ msg, tail remaining)
cbuf <- readIORef $ rbuf s
let (imsg, ibuf) = break (eOM ==) cbuf
(msg, nbuf) <-
if null ibuf
then _recv cbuf
else return (imsg, tail ibuf)
writeIORef (rbuf s) nbuf
return msg
buildCall :: LuxiOp
-> String
buildCall lo =
let ja = [ (strOfKey Method, JSString $ toJSString $ strOfOp lo::JSValue)
, (strOfKey Args, opToArgs lo::JSValue)
jo = toJSObject ja
in encodeStrict jo
validateCall :: String -> Result LuxiCall
validateCall s = do
arr <- fromJResult "luxi call" $ decodeStrict s::Result (JSObject JSValue)
let aobj = fromJSObject arr
call <- fromObj aobj (strOfKey Method)::Result LuxiReq
args <- fromObj aobj (strOfKey Args)
return (LuxiCall call args)
decodeCall :: LuxiCall -> Result LuxiOp
decodeCall (LuxiCall call args) =
case call of
ReqQueryJobs -> do
(jid, jargs) <- fromJVal args
rid <- mapM (tryRead "parsing job ID" . fromJSString) jid
let rargs = map fromJSString jargs
return $ QueryJobs rid rargs
ReqQueryInstances -> do
(names, fields, locking) <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryInstances names fields locking
ReqQueryNodes -> do
(names, fields, locking) <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryNodes names fields locking
ReqQueryGroups -> do
(names, fields, locking) <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryGroups names fields locking
ReqQueryClusterInfo -> do
return QueryClusterInfo
ReqQuery -> do
(what, fields, _) <-
fromJVal args::Result (QrViaLuxi, [String], JSValue)
return $ Query what fields ()
ReqSubmitJob -> do
[ops1] <- fromJVal args
ops2 <- mapM (fromJResult (luxiReqToRaw call) . J.readJSON) ops1
return $ SubmitJob ops2
ReqSubmitManyJobs -> do
[ops1] <- fromJVal args
ops2 <- mapM (fromJResult (luxiReqToRaw call) . J.readJSON) ops1
return $ SubmitManyJobs ops2
ReqWaitForJobChange -> do
(jid, fields, pinfo, pidx, wtmout) <-
fromJResult "Parsing WaitForJobChange message" $
case args of
JSArray [a, b, c, d, e] ->
(,,,,) `fmap`
J.readJSON a `ap`
J.readJSON b `ap`
J.readJSON c `ap`
J.readJSON d `ap`
J.readJSON e
_ -> J.Error "Not enough values"
rid <- tryRead "parsing job ID" jid
return $ WaitForJobChange rid fields pinfo pidx wtmout
ReqArchiveJob -> do
[jid] <- fromJVal args
rid <- tryRead "parsing job ID" jid
return $ ArchiveJob rid
ReqAutoArchiveJobs -> do
(age, tmout) <- fromJVal args
return $ AutoArchiveJobs age tmout
ReqQueryExports -> do
(nodes, lock) <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryExports nodes lock
ReqQueryConfigValues -> do
[fields] <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryConfigValues fields
ReqQueryTags -> do
(kind, name) <- fromJVal args
return $ QueryTags kind name
ReqCancelJob -> do
[job] <- fromJVal args
rid <- tryRead "parsing job ID" job
return $ CancelJob rid
ReqSetDrainFlag -> do
[flag] <- fromJVal args
return $ SetDrainFlag flag
ReqSetWatcherPause -> do
[duration] <- fromJVal args
return $ SetWatcherPause duration
validateResult :: String -> Result JSValue
validateResult s = do
oarr <- fromJResult "Parsing LUXI response"
(decodeStrict s)::Result (JSObject JSValue)
let arr = J.fromJSObject oarr
status <- fromObj arr (strOfKey Success)::Result Bool
let rkey = strOfKey Result
if status
then fromObj arr rkey
else fromObj arr rkey >>= fail
callMethod :: LuxiOp -> Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
callMethod method s = do
sendMsg s $ buildCall method
result <- recvMsg s
let rval = validateResult result
return rval
submitManyJobs :: Client -> [[OpCode]] -> IO (Result [String])
submitManyJobs s jobs = do
rval <- callMethod (SubmitManyJobs jobs) s
return $ case rval of
Bad x -> Bad x
Ok (JSArray r) ->
mapM (\v -> case v of
JSArray [JSBool True, JSString x] ->
Ok (fromJSString x)
JSArray [JSBool False, JSString x] ->
Bad (fromJSString x)
_ -> Bad "Unknown result from the master daemon"
) r
x -> Bad ("Cannot parse response from Ganeti: " ++ show x)
queryJobsStatus :: Client -> [String] -> IO (Result [JobStatus])
queryJobsStatus s jids = do
rval <- callMethod (QueryJobs (map read jids) ["status"]) s
return $ case rval of
Bad x -> Bad x
Ok y -> case J.readJSON y::(J.Result [[JobStatus]]) of
J.Ok vals -> if any null vals
then Bad "Missing job status field"
else Ok (map head vals)
J.Error x -> Bad x