{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

{-| Implementation of the Ganeti config objects.

Some object fields are not implemented yet, and as such they are
commented out below.



Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Ganeti.Objects
  ( NICMode(..)
  , PartialNICParams(..)
  , FilledNICParams(..)
  , fillNICParams
  , PartialNIC(..)
  , DiskMode(..)
  , DiskType(..)
  , DiskLogicalId(..)
  , Disk(..)
  , DiskTemplate(..)
  , PartialBEParams(..)
  , FilledBEParams(..)
  , fillBEParams
  , Instance(..)
  , toDictInstance
  , PartialNDParams(..)
  , FilledNDParams(..)
  , fillNDParams
  , Node(..)
  , AllocPolicy(..)
  , NodeGroup(..)
  , Cluster(..)
  , ConfigData(..)
  ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Text.JSON (makeObj, showJSON, readJSON, JSON, JSValue(..))
import qualified Text.JSON as J

import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import Ganeti.HTools.JSON

import Ganeti.THH

-- * NIC definitions

$(declareSADT "NICMode"
  [ ("NMBridged", 'C.nicModeBridged)
  , ("NMRouted",  'C.nicModeRouted)
$(makeJSONInstance ''NICMode)

$(buildParam "NIC" "nicp"
  [ simpleField "mode" [t| NICMode |]
  , simpleField "link" [t| String  |]

$(buildObject "PartialNIC" "nic"
  [ simpleField "mac" [t| String |]
  , optionalField $ simpleField "ip" [t| String |]
  , simpleField "nicparams" [t| PartialNICParams |]

-- * Disk definitions

$(declareSADT "DiskMode"
  [ ("DiskRdOnly", 'C.diskRdonly)
  , ("DiskRdWr",   'C.diskRdwr)
$(makeJSONInstance ''DiskMode)

$(declareSADT "DiskType"
  [ ("LD_LV",       'C.ldLv)
  , ("LD_DRBD8",    'C.ldDrbd8)
  , ("LD_FILE",     'C.ldFile)
  , ("LD_BLOCKDEV", 'C.ldBlockdev)
  , ("LD_RADOS",    'C.ldRbd)
$(makeJSONInstance ''DiskType)

-- | The file driver type.
$(declareSADT "FileDriver"
  [ ("FileLoop",   'C.fdLoop)
  , ("FileBlktap", 'C.fdBlktap)
$(makeJSONInstance ''FileDriver)

-- | The persistent block driver type. Currently only one type is allowed.
$(declareSADT "BlockDriver"
  [ ("BlockDrvManual", 'C.blockdevDriverManual)
$(makeJSONInstance ''BlockDriver)

-- | Constant for the dev_type key entry in the disk config.
devType :: String
devType = "dev_type"

-- | The disk configuration type. This includes the disk type itself,
-- for a more complete consistency. Note that since in the Python
-- code-base there's no authoritative place where we document the
-- logical id, this is probably a good reference point.
data DiskLogicalId
  = LIDPlain String String  -- ^ Volume group, logical volume
  | LIDDrbd8 String String Int Int Int String
  -- ^ NodeA, NodeB, Port, MinorA, MinorB, Secret
  | LIDFile FileDriver String -- ^ Driver, path
  | LIDBlockDev BlockDriver String -- ^ Driver, path (must be under /dev)
  | LIDRados String String -- ^ Unused, path
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

-- | Mapping from a logical id to a disk type.
lidDiskType :: DiskLogicalId -> DiskType
lidDiskType (LIDPlain {}) = LD_LV
lidDiskType (LIDDrbd8 {}) = LD_DRBD8
lidDiskType (LIDFile  {}) = LD_FILE
lidDiskType (LIDBlockDev {}) = LD_BLOCKDEV
lidDiskType (LIDRados {}) = LD_RADOS

-- | Builds the extra disk_type field for a given logical id.
lidEncodeType :: DiskLogicalId -> [(String, JSValue)]
lidEncodeType v = [(devType, showJSON . lidDiskType $ v)]

-- | Custom encoder for DiskLogicalId (logical id only).
encodeDLId :: DiskLogicalId -> JSValue
encodeDLId (LIDPlain vg lv) = JSArray [showJSON vg, showJSON lv]
encodeDLId (LIDDrbd8 nodeA nodeB port minorA minorB key) =
  JSArray [ showJSON nodeA, showJSON nodeB, showJSON port
          , showJSON minorA, showJSON minorB, showJSON key ]
encodeDLId (LIDRados pool name) = JSArray [showJSON pool, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDFile driver name) = JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]
encodeDLId (LIDBlockDev driver name) = JSArray [showJSON driver, showJSON name]

-- | Custom encoder for DiskLogicalId, composing both the logical id
-- and the extra disk_type field.
encodeFullDLId :: DiskLogicalId -> (JSValue, [(String, JSValue)])
encodeFullDLId v = (encodeDLId v, lidEncodeType v)

-- | Custom decoder for DiskLogicalId. This is manual for now, since
-- we don't have yet automation for separate-key style fields.
decodeDLId :: [(String, JSValue)] -> JSValue -> J.Result DiskLogicalId
decodeDLId obj lid = do
  dtype <- fromObj obj devType
  case dtype of
    LD_DRBD8 ->
      case lid of
        JSArray [nA, nB, p, mA, mB, k] -> do
          nA' <- readJSON nA
          nB' <- readJSON nB
          p'  <- readJSON p
          mA' <- readJSON mA
          mB' <- readJSON mB
          k'  <- readJSON k
          return $ LIDDrbd8 nA' nB' p' mA' mB' k'
        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for DRBD8 type"
    LD_LV ->
      case lid of
        JSArray [vg, lv] -> do
          vg' <- readJSON vg
          lv' <- readJSON lv
          return $ LIDPlain vg' lv'
        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for plain type"
    LD_FILE ->
      case lid of
        JSArray [driver, path] -> do
          driver' <- readJSON driver
          path'   <- readJSON path
          return $ LIDFile driver' path'
        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for file type"
      case lid of
        JSArray [driver, path] -> do
          driver' <- readJSON driver
          path'   <- readJSON path
          return $ LIDBlockDev driver' path'
        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for blockdev type"
    LD_RADOS ->
      case lid of
        JSArray [driver, path] -> do
          driver' <- readJSON driver
          path'   <- readJSON path
          return $ LIDRados driver' path'
        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for rdb type"

-- | Disk data structure.
-- This is declared manually as it's a recursive structure, and our TH
-- code currently can't build it.
data Disk = Disk
  { diskLogicalId  :: DiskLogicalId
--  , diskPhysicalId :: String
  , diskChildren   :: [Disk]
  , diskIvName     :: String
  , diskSize       :: Int
  , diskMode       :: DiskMode
  } deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

$(buildObjectSerialisation "Disk"
  [ customField 'decodeDLId 'encodeFullDLId $
      simpleField "logical_id"    [t| DiskLogicalId   |]
--  , simpleField "physical_id" [t| String   |]
  , defaultField  [| [] |] $ simpleField "children" [t| [Disk] |]
  , defaultField [| "" |] $ simpleField "iv_name" [t| String |]
  , simpleField "size" [t| Int |]
  , defaultField [| DiskRdWr |] $ simpleField "mode" [t| DiskMode |]

-- * Instance definitions

-- | Instance disk template type. **Copied from HTools/Types.hs**
$(declareSADT "DiskTemplate"
  [ ("DTDiskless",   'C.dtDiskless)
  , ("DTFile",       'C.dtFile)
  , ("DTSharedFile", 'C.dtSharedFile)
  , ("DTPlain",      'C.dtPlain)
  , ("DTBlock",      'C.dtBlock)
  , ("DTDrbd8",      'C.dtDrbd8)
$(makeJSONInstance ''DiskTemplate)

$(declareSADT "AdminState"
  [ ("AdminOffline", 'C.adminstOffline)
  , ("AdminDown",    'C.adminstDown)
  , ("AdminUp",      'C.adminstUp)
$(makeJSONInstance ''AdminState)

$(buildParam "BE" "bep" $
  [ simpleField "minmem"       [t| Int  |]
  , simpleField "maxmem"       [t| Int  |]
  , simpleField "vcpus"        [t| Int  |]
  , simpleField "auto_balance" [t| Bool |]

$(buildObject "Instance" "inst" $
  [ simpleField "name"           [t| String             |]
  , simpleField "primary_node"   [t| String             |]
  , simpleField "os"             [t| String             |]
  , simpleField "hypervisor"     [t| String             |]
--  , simpleField "hvparams"     [t| [(String, String)] |]
  , simpleField "beparams"       [t| PartialBEParams |]
--  , simpleField "osparams"     [t| [(String, String)] |]
  , simpleField "admin_state"    [t| AdminState         |]
  , simpleField "nics"           [t| [PartialNIC]              |]
  , simpleField "disks"          [t| [Disk]             |]
  , simpleField "disk_template"  [t| DiskTemplate       |]
  , optionalField $ simpleField "network_port" [t| Int |]
  ++ timeStampFields
  ++ uuidFields
  ++ serialFields)

-- * Node definitions

$(buildParam "ND" "ndp" $
  [ simpleField "oob_program" [t| String |]

$(buildObject "Node" "node" $
  [ simpleField "name"             [t| String |]
  , simpleField "primary_ip"       [t| String |]
  , simpleField "secondary_ip"     [t| String |]
  , simpleField "master_candidate" [t| Bool   |]
  , simpleField "offline"          [t| Bool   |]
  , simpleField "drained"          [t| Bool   |]
  , simpleField "group"            [t| String |]
  , simpleField "master_capable"   [t| Bool   |]
  , simpleField "vm_capable"       [t| Bool   |]
--  , simpleField "ndparams"       [t| PartialNDParams |]
  , simpleField "powered"          [t| Bool   |]
  ++ timeStampFields
  ++ uuidFields
  ++ serialFields)

-- * NodeGroup definitions

-- | The Group allocation policy type.
-- Note that the order of constructors is important as the automatic
-- Ord instance will order them in the order they are defined, so when
-- changing this data type be careful about the interaction with the
-- desired sorting order.
-- FIXME: COPIED from Types.hs; we need to eliminate this duplication later
$(declareSADT "AllocPolicy"
  [ ("AllocPreferred",   'C.allocPolicyPreferred)
  , ("AllocLastResort",  'C.allocPolicyLastResort)
  , ("AllocUnallocable", 'C.allocPolicyUnallocable)
$(makeJSONInstance ''AllocPolicy)

$(buildObject "NodeGroup" "group" $
  [ simpleField "name"         [t| String |]
  , defaultField  [| [] |] $ simpleField "members" [t| [String] |]
--  , simpleField "ndparams"   [t| PartialNDParams |]
  , simpleField "alloc_policy" [t| AllocPolicy |]
  ++ timeStampFields
  ++ uuidFields
  ++ serialFields)

-- * Cluster definitions
$(buildObject "Cluster" "cluster" $
  [ simpleField "rsahostkeypub"             [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "highest_used_port"         [t| Int      |]
  , simpleField "tcpudp_port_pool"          [t| [Int]    |]
  , simpleField "mac_prefix"                [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "volume_group_name"         [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "reserved_lvs"              [t| [String] |]
--  , simpleField "drbd_usermode_helper"      [t| String   |]
-- , simpleField "default_bridge"          [t| String   |]
-- , simpleField "default_hypervisor"      [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "master_node"               [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "master_ip"                 [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "master_netdev"             [t| String   |]
-- , simpleField "master_netmask"          [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "cluster_name"              [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "file_storage_dir"          [t| String   |]
-- , simpleField "shared_file_storage_dir" [t| String   |]
  , simpleField "enabled_hypervisors"       [t| [String] |]
-- , simpleField "hvparams"                [t| [(String, [(String, String)])] |]
-- , simpleField "os_hvp"                  [t| [(String, String)] |]
  , containerField $ simpleField "beparams" [t| FilledBEParams |]
-- , simpleField "osparams"                [t| [(String, String)] |]
  , containerField $ simpleField "nicparams" [t| FilledNICParams    |]
--  , simpleField "ndparams"                  [t| FilledNDParams |]
  , simpleField "candidate_pool_size"       [t| Int                |]
  , simpleField "modify_etc_hosts"          [t| Bool               |]
  , simpleField "modify_ssh_setup"          [t| Bool               |]
  , simpleField "maintain_node_health"      [t| Bool               |]
  , simpleField "uid_pool"                  [t| [Int]              |]
  , simpleField "default_iallocator"        [t| String             |]
  , simpleField "hidden_os"                 [t| [String]           |]
  , simpleField "blacklisted_os"            [t| [String]           |]
  , simpleField "primary_ip_family"         [t| Int                |]
  , simpleField "prealloc_wipe_disks"       [t| Bool               |]
 ++ serialFields)

-- * ConfigData definitions

$(buildObject "ConfigData" "config" $
--  timeStampFields ++
  [ simpleField "version"       [t| Int                |]
  , simpleField "cluster"       [t| Cluster            |]
  , containerField $ simpleField "nodes"      [t| Node     |]
  , containerField $ simpleField "nodegroups" [t| NodeGroup |]
  , containerField $ simpleField "instances"  [t| Instance |]
  ++ serialFields)