{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-| DRBD proc file parser

This module holds the definition of the parser that extracts status
information from the DRBD proc file.


Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.

module Ganeti.Block.Drbd.Parser (drbdStatusParser, commaIntParser) where

import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (*>), (<*), (<$>), (<|>), pure)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Combinator as AC
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)

import Ganeti.Block.Drbd.Types

-- | Our own space-skipping function, because A.skipSpace also skips
-- newline characters. It skips ZERO or more spaces, so it does not
-- fail if there are no spaces.
skipSpaces :: Parser ()
skipSpaces = A.skipWhile A.isHorizontalSpace

-- | Skips spaces and the given string, then executes a parser and
-- returns its result.
skipSpacesAndString :: Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
skipSpacesAndString s parser =
  *> A.string s
  *> parser

-- | Predicate verifying (potentially bad) end of lines
isBadEndOfLine :: Char -> Bool
isBadEndOfLine c = (c == '\0') || A.isEndOfLine c

-- | Takes a parser and returns it with the content wrapped in a Maybe
-- object. The resulting parser never fails, but contains Nothing if
-- it couldn't properly parse the string.
optional :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a)
optional parser = (Just <$> parser) <|> pure Nothing

-- | The parser for a whole DRBD status file.
drbdStatusParser :: [DrbdInstMinor] -> Parser DRBDStatus
drbdStatusParser instMinor =
  DRBDStatus <$> versionInfoParser
             <*> deviceParser instMinor `AC.manyTill` A.endOfInput
             <* A.endOfInput

-- | The parser for the version information lines.
versionInfoParser :: Parser VersionInfo
versionInfoParser = do
  versionF <- optional versionP
  apiF <- optional apiP
  protoF <- optional protoP
  srcVersionF <- optional srcVersion
  ghF <- fmap unpack <$> optional gh
  builderF <- fmap unpack <$> optional builder
  if   isNothing versionF
    && isNothing apiF
    && isNothing protoF
    && isNothing srcVersionF
    && isNothing ghF
    && isNothing builderF
    then fail "versionInfo"
    else pure $ VersionInfo versionF apiF protoF srcVersionF ghF builderF

    where versionP =
            A.string "version:"
            *> skipSpaces
            *> fmap unpack (A.takeWhile $ not . A.isHorizontalSpace)
          apiP =
            skipSpacesAndString "(api:" . fmap unpack $ A.takeWhile (/= '/')
          protoP =
            A.string "/proto:"
            *> fmap Data.Text.unpack (A.takeWhile (/= ')'))
            <* A.takeTill A.isEndOfLine <* A.endOfLine
          srcVersion =
            A.string "srcversion:"
            *> AC.skipMany1 A.space
            *> fmap unpack (A.takeTill A.isEndOfLine)
            <* A.endOfLine
          gh =
            A.string "GIT-hash:"
            *> skipSpaces
            *> A.takeWhile (not . A.isHorizontalSpace)
          builder =
            skipSpacesAndString "build by" $
              *> A.takeTill A.isEndOfLine
              <* A.endOfLine

-- | The parser for a (multi-line) string representing a device.
deviceParser :: [DrbdInstMinor] -> Parser DeviceInfo
deviceParser instMinor = do
  deviceNum <- skipSpaces *> A.decimal <* A.char ':'
  cs <- skipSpacesAndString "cs:" connStateParser
  if cs == Unconfigured
    then do
      _ <- additionalEOL
      return $ UnconfiguredDevice deviceNum
    else do
      ro <- skipSpaces *> skipRoleString *> localRemoteParser roleParser
      ds <- skipSpacesAndString "ds:" $ localRemoteParser diskStateParser
      replicProtocol <- A.space *> A.anyChar
      io <- skipSpaces *> ioFlagsParser <* A.skipWhile isBadEndOfLine
      pIndicators <- perfIndicatorsParser
      syncS <- conditionalSyncStatusParser cs
      reS <- optional resyncParser
      act <- optional actLogParser
      _ <- additionalEOL
      let inst = find ((deviceNum ==) . dimMinor) instMinor
          iName = fmap dimInstName inst
      return $ DeviceInfo deviceNum cs ro ds replicProtocol io pIndicators
                          syncS reS act iName

    where conditionalSyncStatusParser SyncSource = Just <$> syncStatusParser
          conditionalSyncStatusParser SyncTarget = Just <$> syncStatusParser
          conditionalSyncStatusParser _ = pure Nothing
          skipRoleString = A.string "ro:" <|> A.string "st:"
          resyncParser = skipSpacesAndString "resync:" additionalInfoParser
          actLogParser = skipSpacesAndString "act_log:" additionalInfoParser
          additionalEOL = A.skipWhile A.isEndOfLine

-- | The parser for the connection state.
connStateParser :: Parser ConnState
connStateParser =
  <|> disconnecting
  <|> unconnected
  <|> timeout
  <|> brokenPipe
  <|> networkFailure
  <|> protocolError
  <|> tearDown
  <|> wfConnection
  <|> wfReportParams
  <|> connected
  <|> startingSyncS
  <|> startingSyncT
  <|> wfBitMapS
  <|> wfBitMapT
  <|> wfSyncUUID
  <|> syncSource
  <|> syncTarget
  <|> pausedSyncS
  <|> pausedSyncT
  <|> verifyS
  <|> verifyT
  <|> unconfigured
    where standAlone     = A.string "StandAlone"     *> pure StandAlone
          disconnecting  = A.string "Disconnectiog"  *> pure Disconnecting
          unconnected    = A.string "Unconnected"    *> pure Unconnected
          timeout        = A.string "Timeout"        *> pure Timeout
          brokenPipe     = A.string "BrokenPipe"     *> pure BrokenPipe
          networkFailure = A.string "NetworkFailure" *> pure NetworkFailure
          protocolError  = A.string "ProtocolError"  *> pure ProtocolError
          tearDown       = A.string "TearDown"       *> pure TearDown
          wfConnection   = A.string "WFConnection"   *> pure WFConnection
          wfReportParams = A.string "WFReportParams" *> pure WFReportParams
          connected      = A.string "Connected"      *> pure Connected
          startingSyncS  = A.string "StartingSyncS"  *> pure StartingSyncS
          startingSyncT  = A.string "StartingSyncT"  *> pure StartingSyncT
          wfBitMapS      = A.string "WFBitMapS"      *> pure WFBitMapS
          wfBitMapT      = A.string "WFBitMapT"      *> pure WFBitMapT
          wfSyncUUID     = A.string "WFSyncUUID"     *> pure WFSyncUUID
          syncSource     = A.string "SyncSource"     *> pure SyncSource
          syncTarget     = A.string "SyncTarget"     *> pure SyncTarget
          pausedSyncS    = A.string "PausedSyncS"    *> pure PausedSyncS
          pausedSyncT    = A.string "PausedSyncT"    *> pure PausedSyncT
          verifyS        = A.string "VerifyS"        *> pure VerifyS
          verifyT        = A.string "VerifyT"        *> pure VerifyT
          unconfigured   = A.string "Unconfigured"   *> pure Unconfigured

-- | Parser for recognizing strings describing two elements of the
-- same type separated by a '/'. The first one is considered local,
-- the second remote.
localRemoteParser :: Parser a -> Parser (LocalRemote a)
localRemoteParser parser = LocalRemote <$> parser <*> (A.char '/' *> parser)

-- | The parser for resource roles.
roleParser :: Parser Role
roleParser =
  <|> secondary
  <|> unknown
    where primary   = A.string "Primary"   *> pure Primary
          secondary = A.string "Secondary" *> pure Secondary
          unknown   = A.string "Unknown"   *> pure Unknown

-- | The parser for disk states.
diskStateParser :: Parser DiskState
diskStateParser =
  <|> attaching
  <|> failed
  <|> negotiating
  <|> inconsistent
  <|> outdated
  <|> dUnknown
  <|> consistent
  <|> upToDate
    where diskless     = A.string "Diskless"     *> pure Diskless
          attaching    = A.string "Attaching"    *> pure Attaching
          failed       = A.string "Failed"       *> pure Failed
          negotiating  = A.string "Negotiating"  *> pure Negotiating
          inconsistent = A.string "Inconsistent" *> pure Inconsistent
          outdated     = A.string "Outdated"     *> pure Outdated
          dUnknown     = A.string "DUnknown"     *> pure DUnknown
          consistent   = A.string "Consistent"   *> pure Consistent
          upToDate     = A.string "UpToDate"     *> pure UpToDate

-- | The parser for I/O flags.
ioFlagsParser :: Parser String
ioFlagsParser = fmap unpack . A.takeWhile $ not . isBadEndOfLine

-- | The parser for performance indicators.
perfIndicatorsParser :: Parser PerfIndicators
perfIndicatorsParser =
    <$> skipSpacesAndString "ns:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "nr:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "dw:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "dr:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "al:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "bm:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "lo:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "pe:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "ua:" A.decimal
    <*> skipSpacesAndString "ap:" A.decimal
    <*> optional (skipSpacesAndString "ep:" A.decimal)
    <*> optional (skipSpacesAndString "wo:" A.anyChar)
    <*> optional (skipSpacesAndString "oos:" A.decimal)
    <* skipSpaces <* A.endOfLine

-- | The parser for the syncronization status.
syncStatusParser :: Parser SyncStatus
syncStatusParser = do
  _ <- statusBarParser
  percent <-
    skipSpacesAndString "sync'ed:" $ skipSpaces *> A.double <* A.char '%'
  partSyncSize <- skipSpaces *> A.char '(' *> A.decimal
  totSyncSize <- A.char '/' *> A.decimal <* A.char ')'
  sizeUnit <- sizeUnitParser <* optional A.endOfLine
  timeToEnd <- skipSpacesAndString "finish:" $ skipSpaces *> timeParser
  sp <-
    skipSpacesAndString "speed:" $
      *> commaIntParser
      <* skipSpaces
      <* A.char '('
      <* commaIntParser
      <* A.char ')'
  w <- skipSpacesAndString "want:" (
         *> (Just <$> commaIntParser)
       <|> pure Nothing
  sSizeUnit <- skipSpaces *> sizeUnitParser
  sTimeUnit <- A.char '/' *> timeUnitParser
  _ <- A.endOfLine
  return $
    SyncStatus percent partSyncSize totSyncSize sizeUnit timeToEnd sp w
      sSizeUnit sTimeUnit

-- | The parser for recognizing (and discarding) the sync status bar.
statusBarParser :: Parser ()
statusBarParser =
  *> A.char '['
  *> A.skipWhile (== '=')
  *> A.skipWhile (== '>')
  *> A.skipWhile (== '.')
  *> A.char ']'
  *> pure ()

-- | The parser for recognizing data size units (only the ones
-- actually found in DRBD files are implemented).
sizeUnitParser :: Parser SizeUnit
sizeUnitParser =
  <|> megabyte
    where kilobyte = A.string "K" *> pure KiloByte
          megabyte = A.string "M" *> pure MegaByte

-- | The parser for recognizing time (hh:mm:ss).
timeParser :: Parser Time
timeParser = Time <$> h <*> m <*> s
  where h = A.decimal :: Parser Int
        m = A.char ':' *> A.decimal :: Parser Int
        s = A.char ':' *> A.decimal :: Parser Int

-- | The parser for recognizing time units (only the ones actually
-- found in DRBD files are implemented).
timeUnitParser :: Parser TimeUnit
timeUnitParser = second
  where second = A.string "sec" *> pure Second

-- | Haskell does not recognise ',' as the thousands separator every 3
-- digits but DRBD uses it, so we need an ah-hoc parser.
-- If a number beginning with more than 3 digits without a comma is
-- parsed, only the first 3 digits are considered to be valid, the rest
-- is not consumed, and left for further parsing.
commaIntParser :: Parser Int
commaIntParser = do
  first <-
    AC.count 3 A.digit <|> AC.count 2 A.digit <|> AC.count 1 A.digit
  allDigits <- commaIntHelper (read first)
  pure allDigits

-- | Helper (triplet parser) for the commaIntParser
commaIntHelper :: Int -> Parser Int
commaIntHelper acc = nextTriplet <|> end
  where nextTriplet = do
          _ <- A.char ','
          triplet <- AC.count 3 A.digit
          commaIntHelper $ acc * 1000 + (read triplet :: Int)
        end = pure acc :: Parser Int

-- | Parser for the additional information provided by DRBD <= 8.0.
additionalInfoParser::Parser AdditionalInfo
additionalInfoParser = AdditionalInfo
  <$> skipSpacesAndString "used:" A.decimal
  <*> (A.char '/' *> A.decimal)
  <*> skipSpacesAndString "hits:" A.decimal
  <*> skipSpacesAndString "misses:" A.decimal
  <*> skipSpacesAndString "starving:" A.decimal
  <*> skipSpacesAndString "dirty:" A.decimal
  <*> skipSpacesAndString "changed:" A.decimal
  <* A.endOfLine