{-| DRBD Data Types

This module holds the definition of the data types describing the status of


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(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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module Ganeti.Block.Drbd.Types
  ( DRBDStatus(..)
  , VersionInfo(..)
  , DeviceInfo(..)
  , ConnState(..)
  , LocalRemote(..)
  , Role(..)
  , DiskState(..)
  , PerfIndicators(..)
  , SyncStatus(..)
  , SizeUnit(..)
  , Time(..)
  , TimeUnit(..)
  , AdditionalInfo(..)
  , DrbdInstMinor(..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Text.JSON
import Text.Printf

import Ganeti.JSON

--TODO: consider turning deviceInfos into an IntMap
-- | Data type contaning all the data about the status of DRBD.
data DRBDStatus =
  { versionInfo :: VersionInfo  -- ^ Version information about DRBD
  , deviceInfos :: [DeviceInfo] -- ^ Per-minor information
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The DRBDStatus instance of JSON.
instance JSON DRBDStatus where
  showJSON d = makeObj
    [ ("versionInfo", showJSON $ versionInfo d)
    , ("deviceInfos", showJSONs $ deviceInfos d)

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DRBDStatus"

-- | Data type describing the DRBD version.
data VersionInfo =
  { version    :: Maybe String -- ^ DRBD driver version
  , api        :: Maybe String -- ^ The api version
  , proto      :: Maybe String -- ^ The protocol version
  , srcversion :: Maybe String -- ^ The version of the source files
  , gitHash    :: Maybe String -- ^ Git hash of the source files
  , buildBy    :: Maybe String -- ^ Who built the binary (and,
                               -- optionally, when)
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The VersionInfo instance of JSON.
instance JSON VersionInfo where
  showJSON (VersionInfo versionF apiF protoF srcversionF gitHashF buildByF) =
      [ optionalJSField "version" versionF
      , optionalJSField "api" apiF
      , optionalJSField "proto" protoF
      , optionalJSField "srcversion" srcversionF
      , optionalJSField "gitHash" gitHashF
      , optionalJSField "buildBy" buildByF

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type VersionInfo"

-- | Data type describing a device.
data DeviceInfo =
  UnconfiguredDevice Int -- ^ An DRBD minor marked as unconfigured
  | -- | A configured DRBD minor
      { minorNumber :: Int                  -- ^ The minor index of the device
      , connectionState :: ConnState        -- ^ State of the connection
      , resourceRoles :: LocalRemote Role   -- ^ Roles of the resources
      , diskStates :: LocalRemote DiskState -- ^ Status of the disks
      , replicationProtocol :: Char         -- ^ The replication protocol
                                            -- being used
      , ioFlags :: String                   -- ^ The input/output flags
      , perfIndicators :: PerfIndicators    -- ^ Performance indicators
      , syncStatus :: Maybe SyncStatus      -- ^ The status of the
                                            -- syncronization of the disk
                                            -- (only if it is happening)
      , resync :: Maybe AdditionalInfo      -- ^ Additional info by DRBD 8.0
      , actLog :: Maybe AdditionalInfo      -- ^ Additional info by DRBD 8.0
      , instName :: Maybe String            -- ^ The name of the associated
                                            -- instance
      } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The DeviceInfo instance of JSON.
instance JSON DeviceInfo where
  showJSON (UnconfiguredDevice num) = makeObj
    [ ("minor", showJSON num)
    , ("connectionState", showJSON Unconfigured)
  showJSON (DeviceInfo minorNumberF connectionStateF (LocalRemote
    localRole remoteRole) (LocalRemote localState remoteState)
    replicProtocolF ioFlagsF perfIndicatorsF syncStatusF _ _ instNameF) =
    [ Just ("minor", showJSON minorNumberF)
    , Just ("connectionState", showJSON connectionStateF)
    , Just ("localRole", showJSON localRole)
    , Just ("remoteRole", showJSON remoteRole)
    , Just ("localState", showJSON localState)
    , Just ("remoteState", showJSON remoteState)
    , Just ("replicationProtocol", showJSON replicProtocolF)
    , Just ("ioFlags", showJSON ioFlagsF)
    , Just ("perfIndicators", showJSON perfIndicatorsF)
    , optionalJSField "syncStatus" syncStatusF
    , Just ("instance", maybe JSNull showJSON instNameF)

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DeviceInfo"

-- | Data type describing the state of the connection.
data ConnState
  = StandAlone     -- ^  No network configuration available
  | Disconnecting  -- ^ Temporary state during disconnection
  | Unconnected    -- ^ Prior to a connection attempt
  | Timeout        -- ^ Following a timeout in the communication
  | BrokenPipe     -- ^ After the connection to the peer was lost
  | NetworkFailure -- ^ After the connection to the parner was lost
  | ProtocolError  -- ^ After the connection to the parner was lost
  | TearDown       -- ^ The peer is closing the connection
  | WFConnection   -- ^ Waiting for the peer to become visible
  | WFReportParams -- ^ Waiting for first packet from peer
  | Connected      -- ^ Connected, data mirroring active
  | StartingSyncS  -- ^ Source of a full sync started by admin
  | StartingSyncT  -- ^ Target of a full sync started by admin
  | WFBitMapS      -- ^ Source of a just starting partial sync
  | WFBitMapT      -- ^ Target of a just starting partial sync
  | WFSyncUUID     -- ^ Synchronization is about to begin
  | SyncSource     -- ^ Source of a running synchronization
  | SyncTarget     -- ^ Target of a running synchronization
  | PausedSyncS    -- ^ Source of a paused synchronization
  | PausedSyncT    -- ^ Target of a paused synchronization
  | VerifyS        -- ^ Source of an running verification
  | VerifyT        -- ^ Target of an running verification
  | Unconfigured   -- ^ The device is not configured
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | The ConnState instance of JSON.
instance JSON ConnState where
  showJSON = showJSON . show

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type ConnState"

-- | Algebraic data type describing something that has a local and a remote
-- value.
data LocalRemote a =
  { local  :: a -- ^ The local value
  , remote :: a -- ^ The remote value
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Data type describing.
data Role = Primary   -- ^ The device role is primary
          | Secondary -- ^ The device role is secondary
          | Unknown   -- ^ The device role is unknown
            deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The Role instance of JSON.
instance JSON Role where
  showJSON = showJSON . show

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type Role"

-- | Data type describing disk states.
data DiskState
  = Diskless     -- ^ No local block device assigned to the DRBD driver
  | Attaching    -- ^ Reading meta data
  | Failed       -- ^ I/O failure
  | Negotiating  -- ^ "Attach" on an already-connected device
  | Inconsistent -- ^ The data is inconsistent between nodes.
  | Outdated     -- ^ Data consistent but outdated
  | DUnknown     -- ^ No network connection available
  | Consistent   -- ^ Consistent data, but without network connection
  | UpToDate     -- ^ Consistent, up-to-date. This is the normal state
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The DiskState instance of JSON.
instance JSON DiskState where
  showJSON = showJSON . show

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type DiskState"

-- | Data type containing data about performance indicators.
data PerfIndicators = PerfIndicators
  { networkSend :: Int -- ^ KiB of data sent on the network
  , networkReceive :: Int -- ^ KiB of data received from the network
  , diskWrite :: Int -- ^ KiB of data written on local disk
  , diskRead :: Int -- ^ KiB of data read from local disk
  , activityLog :: Int -- ^ Number of updates of the activity log
  , bitMap :: Int -- ^ Number of updates to the bitmap area of the metadata
  , localCount :: Int -- ^ Number of open requests to the local I/O subsystem
  , pending :: Int -- ^ Num of requests sent to the partner but not yet answered
  , unacknowledged :: Int -- ^ Num of requests received by the partner but still
                        -- to be answered
  , applicationPending :: Int -- ^ Num of block I/O requests forwarded
                              -- to DRBD but that have not yet been
                              -- answered
  , epochs :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of epoch objects
  , writeOrder :: Maybe Char -- ^ Currently used write ordering method
  , outOfSync :: Maybe Int -- ^ KiB of storage currently out of sync
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The PerfIndicators instance of JSON.
instance JSON PerfIndicators where
  showJSON p = optFieldsToObj
    [ Just ("networkSend", showJSON $ networkSend p)
    , Just ("networkReceive", showJSON $ networkReceive p)
    , Just ("diskWrite", showJSON $ diskWrite p)
    , Just ("diskRead", showJSON $ diskRead p)
    , Just ("activityLog", showJSON $ activityLog p)
    , Just ("bitMap", showJSON $ bitMap p)
    , Just ("localCount", showJSON $ localCount p)
    , Just ("pending", showJSON $ pending p)
    , Just ("unacknowledged", showJSON $ unacknowledged p)
    , Just ("applicationPending", showJSON $ applicationPending p)
    , optionalJSField "epochs" $ epochs p
    , optionalJSField "writeOrder" $ writeOrder p
    , optionalJSField "outOfSync" $ outOfSync p

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type PerfIndicators"

-- | Data type containing data about the synchronization status of a device.
data SyncStatus =
  { percentage      :: Double    -- ^ Percentage of syncronized data
  , partialSyncSize :: Int       -- ^ Numerator of the fraction of synced data
  , totalSyncSize   :: Int       -- ^ Denominator of the fraction of
                                 -- synced data
  , syncUnit        :: SizeUnit  -- ^ Measurement unit of the previous
                                 -- fraction
  , timeToFinish    :: Time      -- ^ Expected time before finishing
                                 -- the syncronization
  , speed           :: Int       -- ^ Speed of the syncronization
  , want            :: Maybe Int -- ^ Want of the syncronization
  , speedSizeUnit   :: SizeUnit  -- ^ Size unit of the speed
  , speedTimeUnit   :: TimeUnit  -- ^ Time unit of the speed
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The SyncStatus instance of JSON.
instance JSON SyncStatus where
  showJSON s = optFieldsToObj
    [ Just ("percentage", showJSON $ percentage s)
    , Just ("progress", showJSON $ show (partialSyncSize s) ++ "/" ++
        show (totalSyncSize s))
    , Just ("progressUnit", showJSON $ syncUnit s)
    , Just ("timeToFinish", showJSON $ timeToFinish s)
    , Just ("speed", showJSON $ speed s)
    , optionalJSField "want" $ want s
    , Just ("speedUnit", showJSON $ show (speedSizeUnit s) ++ "/" ++
        show (speedTimeUnit s))

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type SyncStatus"

-- | Data type describing a size unit for memory.
data SizeUnit = KiloByte | MegaByte deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The SizeUnit instance of JSON.
instance JSON SizeUnit where
  showJSON = showJSON . show

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type SizeUnit"

-- | Data type describing a time (hh:mm:ss).
data Time = Time
  { hour :: Int
  , min  :: Int
  , sec  :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The Time instance of JSON.
instance JSON Time where
  showJSON (Time h m s) = showJSON (printf "%02d:%02d:%02d" h m s :: String)

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type Time"

-- | Data type describing a time unit.
data TimeUnit = Second deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The TimeUnit instance of JSON.
instance JSON TimeUnit where
  showJSON Second = showJSON "Second"

  readJSON = error "JSON read instance not implemented for type TimeUnit"

-- | Additional device-specific cache-like information produced by
-- drbd <= 8.0.
-- Internal debug information exported by old DRBD versions.
-- Undocumented both in DRBD and here.
data AdditionalInfo = AdditionalInfo
  { partialUsed :: Int
  , totalUsed   :: Int
  , hits        :: Int
  , misses      :: Int
  , starving    :: Int
  , dirty       :: Int
  , changed     :: Int
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Data type representing the pairing of a DRBD minor with an instance.
data DrbdInstMinor = DrbdInstMinor
  { dimNode :: String
  , dimMinor :: Int
  , dimInstName :: String
  , dimDiskIdx :: String
  , dimRole :: String
  , dimPeer :: String
  } deriving (Show)

-- | The DrbdInstMinor instance of JSON.
instance JSON DrbdInstMinor where
  showJSON (DrbdInstMinor a b c d e f) =
      [ showJSON a
      , showJSON b
      , showJSON c
      , showJSON d
      , showJSON e
      , showJSON f
  readJSON (JSArray [a, b, c, d, e, f]) =
      `fmap` readJSON a
      `ap` readJSON b
      `ap` readJSON c
      `ap` readJSON d
      `ap` readJSON e
      `ap` readJSON f
  readJSON _ = fail "Unable to read a DrbdInstMinor"