module Ganeti.Constants where
adminstAll :: [String]
adminstAll = [adminstDown, adminstOffline, adminstUp]
adminstDown :: String
adminstDown = "down"
adminstOffline :: String
adminstOffline = "offline"
adminstUp :: String
adminstUp = "up"
adminGroup :: String
adminGroup = "root"
adoptableBlockdevRoot :: String
adoptableBlockdevRoot = "/dev/disk/"
allocPolicyLastResort :: String
allocPolicyLastResort = "last_resort"
allocPolicyPreferred :: String
allocPolicyPreferred = "preferred"
allocPolicyUnallocable :: String
allocPolicyUnallocable = "unallocable"
autoRepairAllResults :: [String]
autoRepairAllResults = ["failure", "success", "enoperm"]
autoRepairAllTypes :: [String]
autoRepairAllTypes = [autoRepairFixStorage, autoRepairMigrate, autoRepairFailover, autoRepairReinstall]
autoRepairEnoperm :: String
autoRepairEnoperm = "enoperm"
autoRepairFailover :: String
autoRepairFailover = "failover"
autoRepairFailure :: String
autoRepairFailure = "failure"
autoRepairFixStorage :: String
autoRepairFixStorage = "fix-storage"
autoRepairMigrate :: String
autoRepairMigrate = "migrate"
autoRepairReinstall :: String
autoRepairReinstall = "reinstall"
autoRepairSuccess :: String
autoRepairSuccess = "success"
autoRepairTagEnabled :: String
autoRepairTagEnabled = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:"
autoRepairTagPending :: String
autoRepairTagPending = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:pending:"
autoRepairTagPrefix :: String
autoRepairTagPrefix = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:"
autoRepairTagResult :: String
autoRepairTagResult = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:result:"
autoRepairTagSuspended :: String
autoRepairTagSuspended = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:suspend:"
becDefaultsAlwaysFailover :: Bool
becDefaultsAlwaysFailover = False
becDefaultsAutoBalance :: Bool
becDefaultsAutoBalance = True
becDefaultsMaxmem :: Int
becDefaultsMaxmem = 128
becDefaultsMinmem :: Int
becDefaultsMinmem = 128
becDefaultsSpindleUse :: Int
becDefaultsSpindleUse = 1
becDefaultsVcpus :: Int
becDefaultsVcpus = 1
besParameters :: [String]
besParameters = [beAutoBalance, beVcpus, beSpindleUse, beMinmem, beAlwaysFailover, beMaxmem]
besParameterCompat :: [(String, String)]
besParameterCompat = [(beSpindleUse, "int"), (beMemory, "size"), (beAutoBalance, "bool"), (beMinmem, "size"), (beAlwaysFailover, "bool"), (beVcpus, "int"), (beMaxmem, "size")]
besParameterCompatAlwaysFailover :: String
besParameterCompatAlwaysFailover = "bool"
besParameterCompatAutoBalance :: String
besParameterCompatAutoBalance = "bool"
besParameterCompatMaxmem :: String
besParameterCompatMaxmem = "size"
besParameterCompatMemory :: String
besParameterCompatMemory = "size"
besParameterCompatMinmem :: String
besParameterCompatMinmem = "size"
besParameterCompatSpindleUse :: String
besParameterCompatSpindleUse = "int"
besParameterCompatVcpus :: String
besParameterCompatVcpus = "int"
besParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
besParameterTitles = [(beAutoBalance, "Auto_balance"), (beMinmem, "ConfigMinMem"), (beVcpus, "ConfigVCPUs"), (beMaxmem, "ConfigMaxMem")]
besParameterTitlesAutoBalance :: String
besParameterTitlesAutoBalance = "Auto_balance"
besParameterTitlesMaxmem :: String
besParameterTitlesMaxmem = "ConfigMaxMem"
besParameterTitlesMinmem :: String
besParameterTitlesMinmem = "ConfigMinMem"
besParameterTitlesVcpus :: String
besParameterTitlesVcpus = "ConfigVCPUs"
besParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
besParameterTypes = [(beAutoBalance, "bool"), (beSpindleUse, "int"), (beVcpus, "int"), (beMinmem, "size"), (beAlwaysFailover, "bool"), (beMaxmem, "size")]
besParameterTypesAlwaysFailover :: String
besParameterTypesAlwaysFailover = "bool"
besParameterTypesAutoBalance :: String
besParameterTypesAutoBalance = "bool"
besParameterTypesMaxmem :: String
besParameterTypesMaxmem = "size"
besParameterTypesMinmem :: String
besParameterTypesMinmem = "size"
besParameterTypesSpindleUse :: String
besParameterTypesSpindleUse = "int"
besParameterTypesVcpus :: String
besParameterTypesVcpus = "int"
beAlwaysFailover :: String
beAlwaysFailover = "always_failover"
beAutoBalance :: String
beAutoBalance = "auto_balance"
beMaxmem :: String
beMaxmem = "maxmem"
beMemory :: String
beMemory = "memory"
beMinmem :: String
beMinmem = "minmem"
beSpindleUse :: String
beSpindleUse = "spindle_use"
beVcpus :: String
beVcpus = "vcpus"
blockdevDriverManual :: String
blockdevDriverManual = "manual"
builtinDataCollectorVersion :: String
builtinDataCollectorVersion = "B"
childLingerTimeout :: Double
childLingerTimeout = 5.000000
classicDrbdSyncSpeed :: Int
classicDrbdSyncSpeed = 61440
confd :: String
confd = "ganeti-confd"
confdClientExpireTimeout :: Int
confdClientExpireTimeout = 10
confdConfigReloadRatelimit :: Int
confdConfigReloadRatelimit = 250000
confdConfigReloadTimeout :: Int
confdConfigReloadTimeout = 17
confdDefaultReqCoverage :: Int
confdDefaultReqCoverage = 6
confdErrorArgument :: Int
confdErrorArgument = 3
confdErrorInternal :: Int
confdErrorInternal = 2
confdErrorUnknownEntry :: Int
confdErrorUnknownEntry = 1
confdGroup :: String
confdGroup = "root"
confdMagicFourcc :: String
confdMagicFourcc = "plj0"
confdMaxClockSkew :: Int
confdMaxClockSkew = 300
confdNodeRoleCandidate :: Int
confdNodeRoleCandidate = 1
confdNodeRoleDrained :: Int
confdNodeRoleDrained = 3
confdNodeRoleMaster :: Int
confdNodeRoleMaster = 0
confdNodeRoleOffline :: Int
confdNodeRoleOffline = 2
confdNodeRoleRegular :: Int
confdNodeRoleRegular = 4
confdProtocolVersion :: Int
confdProtocolVersion = 1
confdReplStatuses :: [Int]
confdReplStatuses = [0, 1, 2]
confdReplStatusError :: Int
confdReplStatusError = 1
confdReplStatusNotimplemented :: Int
confdReplStatusNotimplemented = 2
confdReplStatusOk :: Int
confdReplStatusOk = 0
confdReqfieldIp :: String
confdReqfieldIp = "1"
confdReqfieldMnodePip :: String
confdReqfieldMnodePip = "2"
confdReqfieldName :: String
confdReqfieldName = "0"
confdReqqFields :: String
confdReqqFields = "3"
confdReqqIp :: String
confdReqqIp = "1"
confdReqqIplist :: String
confdReqqIplist = "2"
confdReqqLink :: String
confdReqqLink = "0"
confdReqs :: [Int]
confdReqs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
confdReqClusterMaster :: Int
confdReqClusterMaster = 3
confdReqInstancesIpsList :: Int
confdReqInstancesIpsList = 6
confdReqMcPipList :: Int
confdReqMcPipList = 5
confdReqNodeDrbd :: Int
confdReqNodeDrbd = 7
confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp :: Int
confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp = 2
confdReqNodePipList :: Int
confdReqNodePipList = 4
confdReqNodeRoleByname :: Int
confdReqNodeRoleByname = 1
confdReqPing :: Int
confdReqPing = 0
confdUser :: String
confdUser = "root"
configMajor :: Int
configMajor = 2
configMinor :: Int
configMinor = 7
configRevision :: Int
configRevision = 0
configVersion :: Int
configVersion = 2070000
consAll :: [String]
consAll = ["msg", "vnc", "ssh", "spice"]
consMessage :: String
consMessage = "msg"
consSpice :: String
consSpice = "spice"
consSsh :: String
consSsh = "ssh"
consVnc :: String
consVnc = "vnc"
cpuPinningAll :: String
cpuPinningAll = "all"
cpuPinningAllKvm :: Int
cpuPinningAllKvm = 4294967295
cpuPinningAllVal :: Int
cpuPinningAllVal = 1
cpuPinningAllXen :: String
cpuPinningAllXen = "0-63"
cpuPinningOff :: [Int]
cpuPinningOff = [cpuPinningAllVal]
cpuPinningSep :: String
cpuPinningSep = ":"
cvAllEcodesStrings :: [String]
cvEclustercertCode :: String
cvEclustercertCode = "ECLUSTERCERT"
cvEclustercert :: (String, String, String)
cvEclustercert = ("cluster", "ECLUSTERCERT", "Cluster certificate files verification failure")
cvEclustercfgCode :: String
cvEclustercfgCode = "ECLUSTERCFG"
cvEclustercfg :: (String, String, String)
cvEclustercfg = ("cluster", "ECLUSTERCFG", "Cluster configuration verification failure")
cvEclusterdanglinginstCode :: String
cvEclusterdanglinginstCode = "ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST"
cvEclusterdanglinginst :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterdanglinginst = ("node", "ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST", "Some instances have a non-existing primary node")
cvEclusterdanglingnodesCode :: String
cvEclusterdanglingnodesCode = "ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES"
cvEclusterdanglingnodes :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterdanglingnodes = ("node", "ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES", "Some nodes belong to non-existing groups")
cvEclusterfilecheckCode :: String
cvEclusterfilecheckCode = "ECLUSTERFILECHECK"
cvEclusterfilecheck :: (String, String, String)
cvEclusterfilecheck = ("cluster", "ECLUSTERFILECHECK", "Cluster configuration verification failure")
cvEgroupdifferentpvsizeCode :: String
cvEgroupdifferentpvsizeCode = "EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE"
cvEgroupdifferentpvsize :: (String, String, String)
cvEgroupdifferentpvsize = ("group", "EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE", "PVs in the group have different sizes")
cvEinstancebadnodeCode :: String
cvEinstancebadnodeCode = "EINSTANCEBADNODE"
cvEinstancebadnode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancebadnode = ("instance", "EINSTANCEBADNODE", "Instance marked as running lives on an offline node")
cvEinstancedownCode :: String
cvEinstancedownCode = "EINSTANCEDOWN"
cvEinstancedown :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancedown = ("instance", "EINSTANCEDOWN", "Instance not running on its primary node")
cvEinstancefaultydiskCode :: String
cvEinstancefaultydiskCode = "EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK"
cvEinstancefaultydisk :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancefaultydisk = ("instance", "EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK", "Impossible to retrieve status for a disk")
cvEinstancelayoutCode :: String
cvEinstancelayoutCode = "EINSTANCELAYOUT"
cvEinstancelayout :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancelayout = ("instance", "EINSTANCELAYOUT", "Instance has multiple secondary nodes")
cvEinstancemissingdiskCode :: String
cvEinstancemissingdiskCode = "EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK"
cvEinstancemissingdisk :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancemissingdisk = ("instance", "EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK", "Missing volume on an instance")
cvEinstancepolicyCode :: String
cvEinstancepolicyCode = "EINSTANCEPOLICY"
cvEinstancepolicy :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancepolicy = ("instance", "EINSTANCEPOLICY", "Instance does not meet policy")
cvEinstancesplitgroupsCode :: String
cvEinstancesplitgroupsCode = "EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS"
cvEinstancesplitgroups :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancesplitgroups = ("instance", "EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS", "Instance with primary and secondary nodes in different groups")
cvEinstanceunsuitablenodeCode :: String
cvEinstanceunsuitablenodeCode = "EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE"
cvEinstanceunsuitablenode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstanceunsuitablenode = ("instance", "EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE", "Instance running on nodes that are not suitable for it")
cvEinstancewrongnodeCode :: String
cvEinstancewrongnodeCode = "EINSTANCEWRONGNODE"
cvEinstancewrongnode :: (String, String, String)
cvEinstancewrongnode = ("instance", "EINSTANCEWRONGNODE", "Instance running on the wrong node")
cvEnodedrbdCode :: String
cvEnodedrbdCode = "ENODEDRBD"
cvEnodedrbd :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodedrbd = ("node", "ENODEDRBD", "Error parsing the DRBD status file")
cvEnodedrbdhelperCode :: String
cvEnodedrbdhelperCode = "ENODEDRBDHELPER"
cvEnodedrbdhelper :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodedrbdhelper = ("node", "ENODEDRBDHELPER", "Error caused by the DRBD helper")
cvEnodefilecheckCode :: String
cvEnodefilecheckCode = "ENODEFILECHECK"
cvEnodefilecheck :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodefilecheck = ("node", "ENODEFILECHECK", "Error retrieving the checksum of the node files")
cvEnodefilestoragepathsCode :: String
cvEnodefilestoragepathsCode = "ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS"
cvEnodefilestoragepaths :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodefilestoragepaths = ("node", "ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS", "Detected bad file storage paths")
cvEnodehooksCode :: String
cvEnodehooksCode = "ENODEHOOKS"
cvEnodehooks :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodehooks = ("node", "ENODEHOOKS", "Communication failure in hooks execution")
cvEnodehvCode :: String
cvEnodehvCode = "ENODEHV"
cvEnodehv :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodehv = ("node", "ENODEHV", "Hypervisor parameters verification failure")
cvEnodelvmCode :: String
cvEnodelvmCode = "ENODELVM"
cvEnodelvm :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodelvm = ("node", "ENODELVM", "LVM-related node error")
cvEnoden1Code :: String
cvEnoden1Code = "ENODEN1"
cvEnoden1 :: (String, String, String)
cvEnoden1 = ("node", "ENODEN1", "Not enough memory to accommodate instance failovers")
cvEnodenetCode :: String
cvEnodenetCode = "ENODENET"
cvEnodenet :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodenet = ("node", "ENODENET", "Network-related node error")
cvEnodeoobpathCode :: String
cvEnodeoobpathCode = "ENODEOOBPATH"
cvEnodeoobpath :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeoobpath = ("node", "ENODEOOBPATH", "Invalid Out Of Band path")
cvEnodeorphaninstanceCode :: String
cvEnodeorphaninstanceCode = "ENODEORPHANINSTANCE"
cvEnodeorphaninstance :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeorphaninstance = ("node", "ENODEORPHANINSTANCE", "Unknown intance running on a node")
cvEnodeorphanlvCode :: String
cvEnodeorphanlvCode = "ENODEORPHANLV"
cvEnodeorphanlv :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeorphanlv = ("node", "ENODEORPHANLV", "Unknown LVM logical volume")
cvEnodeosCode :: String
cvEnodeosCode = "ENODEOS"
cvEnodeos :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeos = ("node", "ENODEOS", "OS-related node error")
cvEnoderpcCode :: String
cvEnoderpcCode = "ENODERPC"
cvEnoderpc :: (String, String, String)
cvEnoderpc = ("node", "ENODERPC", "Error during connection to the primary node of an instance")
cvEnodesetupCode :: String
cvEnodesetupCode = "ENODESETUP"
cvEnodesetup :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodesetup = ("node", "ENODESETUP", "Node setup error")
cvEnodesshCode :: String
cvEnodesshCode = "ENODESSH"
cvEnodessh :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodessh = ("node", "ENODESSH", "SSH-related node error")
cvEnodetimeCode :: String
cvEnodetimeCode = "ENODETIME"
cvEnodetime :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodetime = ("node", "ENODETIME", "Node returned invalid time")
cvEnodeuserscriptsCode :: String
cvEnodeuserscriptsCode = "ENODEUSERSCRIPTS"
cvEnodeuserscripts :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeuserscripts = ("node", "ENODEUSERSCRIPTS", "User scripts not present or not executable")
cvEnodeversionCode :: String
cvEnodeversionCode = "ENODEVERSION"
cvEnodeversion :: (String, String, String)
cvEnodeversion = ("node", "ENODEVERSION", "Protocol version mismatch or Ganeti version mismatch")
cvTcluster :: String
cvTcluster = "cluster"
cvTgroup :: String
cvTgroup = "group"
cvTinstance :: String
cvTinstance = "instance"
cvTnode :: String
cvTnode = "node"
daemonsGroup :: String
daemonsGroup = "root"
daemonsLogbase :: [(String, String)]
daemonsLogbase = [(masterd, "master-daemon"), (noded, "node-daemon"), (rapi, "rapi-daemon"), (confd, "conf-daemon")]
daemonsLogbaseGanetiConfd :: String
daemonsLogbaseGanetiConfd = "conf-daemon"
daemonsLogbaseGanetiMasterd :: String
daemonsLogbaseGanetiMasterd = "master-daemon"
daemonsLogbaseGanetiNoded :: String
daemonsLogbaseGanetiNoded = "node-daemon"
daemonsLogbaseGanetiRapi :: String
daemonsLogbaseGanetiRapi = "rapi-daemon"
daemonsLogfiles :: [(String, String)]
daemonsLogfiles = [(masterd, "/var/log/ganeti/master-daemon.log"), (noded, "/var/log/ganeti/node-daemon.log"), (rapi, "/var/log/ganeti/rapi-daemon.log"), (confd, "/var/log/ganeti/conf-daemon.log")]
daemonsLogfilesGanetiConfd :: String
daemonsLogfilesGanetiConfd = "/var/log/ganeti/conf-daemon.log"
daemonsLogfilesGanetiMasterd :: String
daemonsLogfilesGanetiMasterd = "/var/log/ganeti/master-daemon.log"
daemonsLogfilesGanetiNoded :: String
daemonsLogfilesGanetiNoded = "/var/log/ganeti/node-daemon.log"
daemonsLogfilesGanetiRapi :: String
daemonsLogfilesGanetiRapi = "/var/log/ganeti/rapi-daemon.log"
daemonsPortsGanetiConfd :: (String, Int)
daemonsPortsGanetiConfd = ("udp", 1814)
daemonsPortsGanetiNoded :: (String, Int)
daemonsPortsGanetiNoded = ("tcp", 1811)
daemonsPortsGanetiRapi :: (String, Int)
daemonsPortsGanetiRapi = ("tcp", 5080)
daemonsPortsSsh :: (String, Int)
daemonsPortsSsh = ("tcp", 22)
ddmsValues :: [String]
ddmsValues = ["add", "remove"]
ddmsValuesWithModify :: [String]
ddmsValuesWithModify = ["add", "modify", "remove"]
ddmAdd :: String
ddmAdd = "add"
ddmModify :: String
ddmModify = "modify"
ddmRemove :: String
ddmRemove = "remove"
ddCmd :: String
ddCmd = "dd"
defaultBridge :: String
defaultBridge = "xen-br0"
defaultConfdPort :: Int
defaultConfdPort = 1814
defaultDrbdHelper :: String
defaultDrbdHelper = "/bin/true"
defaultEnabledHypervisor :: String
defaultEnabledHypervisor = "xen-pvm"
defaultIallocatorShortcut :: String
defaultIallocatorShortcut = "."
defaultMacPrefix :: String
defaultMacPrefix = "aa:00:00"
defaultNodedPort :: Int
defaultNodedPort = 1811
defaultRapiPort :: Int
defaultRapiPort = 5080
defaultShutdownTimeout :: Int
defaultShutdownTimeout = 120
defaultVg :: String
defaultVg = "xenvg"
devConsole :: String
devConsole = "/dev/console"
diskAccessSet :: [String]
diskAccessSet = [diskRdonly, diskRdwr]
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCDelayTarget :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCDelayTarget = 1
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCFillTarget :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCFillTarget = 0
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMaxRate :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMaxRate = 61440
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMinRate :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMinRate = 4096
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCPlanAhead :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCPlanAhead = 20
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDataStripes :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDataStripes = 1
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskBarriers :: String
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskBarriers = "n"
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskCustom :: String
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskCustom = ""
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDynamicResync :: Bool
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDynamicResync = False
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaBarriers :: Bool
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaBarriers = False
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaStripes :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaStripes = 1
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetavg :: String
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetavg = "xenvg"
diskDtDefaultsDrbdNetCustom :: String
diskDtDefaultsDrbdNetCustom = ""
diskDtDefaultsDrbdResyncRate :: Int
diskDtDefaultsDrbdResyncRate = 61440
diskDtDefaultsPlain :: [(String, Int)]
diskDtDefaultsPlain = [("stripes", 1)]
diskDtDefaultsPlainStripes :: Int
diskDtDefaultsPlainStripes = 1
diskDtDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]
diskDtDefaultsRbd = [("pool", "rbd")]
diskDtDefaultsRbdPool :: String
diskDtDefaultsRbdPool = "rbd"
diskDtParameters :: [String]
diskDtParameters = ["dynamic-resync", "meta-barriers", "c-fill-target", "c-max-rate", "resync-rate", "disk-barriers", "stripes", "meta-stripes", "disk-custom", "c-min-rate", "data-stripes", "metavg", "net-custom", "c-delay-target", "c-plan-ahead", "pool"]
diskDtTypes :: [(String, String)]
diskDtTypes = [("dynamic-resync", "bool"), ("meta-barriers", "bool"), ("c-fill-target", "int"), ("c-max-rate", "int"), ("pool", "string"), ("resync-rate", "int"), ("disk-barriers", "string"), ("stripes", "int"), ("c-delay-target", "int"), ("disk-custom", "string"), ("c-min-rate", "int"), ("net-custom", "string"), ("metavg", "string"), ("data-stripes", "int"), ("c-plan-ahead", "int"), ("meta-stripes", "int")]
diskDtTypesCDelayTarget :: String
diskDtTypesCDelayTarget = "int"
diskDtTypesCFillTarget :: String
diskDtTypesCFillTarget = "int"
diskDtTypesCMaxRate :: String
diskDtTypesCMaxRate = "int"
diskDtTypesCMinRate :: String
diskDtTypesCMinRate = "int"
diskDtTypesCPlanAhead :: String
diskDtTypesCPlanAhead = "int"
diskDtTypesDataStripes :: String
diskDtTypesDataStripes = "int"
diskDtTypesDiskBarriers :: String
diskDtTypesDiskBarriers = "string"
diskDtTypesDiskCustom :: String
diskDtTypesDiskCustom = "string"
diskDtTypesDynamicResync :: String
diskDtTypesDynamicResync = "bool"
diskDtTypesMetaBarriers :: String
diskDtTypesMetaBarriers = "bool"
diskDtTypesMetaStripes :: String
diskDtTypesMetaStripes = "int"
diskDtTypesMetavg :: String
diskDtTypesMetavg = "string"
diskDtTypesNetCustom :: String
diskDtTypesNetCustom = "string"
diskDtTypesPool :: String
diskDtTypesPool = "string"
diskDtTypesResyncRate :: String
diskDtTypesResyncRate = "int"
diskDtTypesStripes :: String
diskDtTypesStripes = "int"
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CDelayTarget :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CDelayTarget = 1
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CFillTarget :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CFillTarget = 0
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMaxRate :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMaxRate = 61440
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMinRate :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMinRate = 4096
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CPlanAhead :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CPlanAhead = 20
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DefaultMetavg :: String
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DefaultMetavg = "xenvg"
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisableMetaFlush :: Bool
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisableMetaFlush = False
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisabledBarriers :: String
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisabledBarriers = "n"
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DiskCustom :: String
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DiskCustom = ""
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DynamicResync :: Bool
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DynamicResync = False
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8NetCustom :: String
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8NetCustom = ""
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8ResyncRate :: Int
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8ResyncRate = 61440
diskLdDefaultsLvm :: [(String, Int)]
diskLdDefaultsLvm = [("stripes", 1)]
diskLdDefaultsLvmStripes :: Int
diskLdDefaultsLvmStripes = 1
diskLdDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]
diskLdDefaultsRbd = [("pool", "rbd")]
diskLdDefaultsRbdPool :: String
diskLdDefaultsRbdPool = "rbd"
diskLdParameters :: [String]
diskLdParameters = ["dynamic-resync", "c-fill-target", "c-max-rate", "disable-meta-flush", "resync-rate", "disabled-barriers", "stripes", "c-delay-target", "default-metavg", "disk-custom", "c-min-rate", "net-custom", "c-plan-ahead", "pool"]
diskLdTypes :: [(String, String)]
diskLdTypes = [("c-fill-target", "int"), ("c-max-rate", "int"), ("stripes", "int"), ("default-metavg", "string"), ("c-min-rate", "int"), ("pool", "string"), ("dynamic-resync", "bool"), ("disable-meta-flush", "bool"), ("resync-rate", "int"), ("disabled-barriers", "string"), ("c-delay-target", "int"), ("disk-custom", "string"), ("net-custom", "string"), ("c-plan-ahead", "int")]
diskLdTypesCDelayTarget :: String
diskLdTypesCDelayTarget = "int"
diskLdTypesCFillTarget :: String
diskLdTypesCFillTarget = "int"
diskLdTypesCMaxRate :: String
diskLdTypesCMaxRate = "int"
diskLdTypesCMinRate :: String
diskLdTypesCMinRate = "int"
diskLdTypesCPlanAhead :: String
diskLdTypesCPlanAhead = "int"
diskLdTypesDefaultMetavg :: String
diskLdTypesDefaultMetavg = "string"
diskLdTypesDisableMetaFlush :: String
diskLdTypesDisableMetaFlush = "bool"
diskLdTypesDisabledBarriers :: String
diskLdTypesDisabledBarriers = "string"
diskLdTypesDiskCustom :: String
diskLdTypesDiskCustom = "string"
diskLdTypesDynamicResync :: String
diskLdTypesDynamicResync = "bool"
diskLdTypesNetCustom :: String
diskLdTypesNetCustom = "string"
diskLdTypesPool :: String
diskLdTypesPool = "string"
diskLdTypesResyncRate :: String
diskLdTypesResyncRate = "int"
diskLdTypesStripes :: String
diskLdTypesStripes = "int"
diskRdonly :: String
diskRdonly = "ro"
diskRdwr :: String
diskRdwr = "rw"
diskSeparator :: String
diskSeparator = ":"
diskTemplates :: [String]
diskTemplates = ["sharedfile", "diskless", "plain", "blockdev", "drbd", "ext", "file", "rbd"]
diskTransferConnectTimeout :: Int
diskTransferConnectTimeout = 60
drbdBDiskBarriers :: String
drbdBDiskBarriers = "b"
drbdBDiskDrain :: String
drbdBDiskDrain = "d"
drbdBDiskFlush :: String
drbdBDiskFlush = "f"
drbdBNone :: String
drbdBNone = "n"
drbdDataStripes :: String
drbdDataStripes = "data-stripes"
drbdDefaultMetavg :: String
drbdDefaultMetavg = "metavg"
drbdDelayTarget :: String
drbdDelayTarget = "c-delay-target"
drbdDiskBarriers :: String
drbdDiskBarriers = "disk-barriers"
drbdDiskCustom :: String
drbdDiskCustom = "disk-custom"
drbdDynamicResync :: String
drbdDynamicResync = "dynamic-resync"
drbdFillTarget :: String
drbdFillTarget = "c-fill-target"
drbdHmacAlg :: String
drbdHmacAlg = "md5"
drbdMaxRate :: String
drbdMaxRate = "c-max-rate"
drbdMetaBarriers :: String
drbdMetaBarriers = "meta-barriers"
drbdMetaSize :: Int
drbdMetaSize = 128
drbdMetaStripes :: String
drbdMetaStripes = "meta-stripes"
drbdMinRate :: String
drbdMinRate = "c-min-rate"
drbdNetCustom :: String
drbdNetCustom = "net-custom"
drbdNetProtocol :: String
drbdNetProtocol = "C"
drbdPlanAhead :: String
drbdPlanAhead = "c-plan-ahead"
drbdResyncRate :: String
drbdResyncRate = "resync-rate"
drbdStatusFile :: String
drbdStatusFile = "/proc/drbd"
dssParameters :: [String]
dssParameters = [dsDiskTotal, dsDiskReserved, dsDiskOverhead]
dssParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
dssParameterTypes = [(dsDiskTotal, vtypeInt), (dsDiskReserved, vtypeInt), (dsDiskOverhead, vtypeInt)]
dssParameterTypesDiskOverhead :: String
dssParameterTypesDiskOverhead = "int"
dssParameterTypesDiskReserved :: String
dssParameterTypesDiskReserved = "int"
dssParameterTypesDiskTotal :: String
dssParameterTypesDiskTotal = "int"
dsDefaults :: [(String, Int)]
dsDefaults = [(dsDiskTotal, 0), (dsDiskReserved, 0), (dsDiskOverhead, 0)]
dsDefaultsDiskOverhead :: Int
dsDefaultsDiskOverhead = 0
dsDefaultsDiskReserved :: Int
dsDefaultsDiskReserved = 0
dsDefaultsDiskTotal :: Int
dsDefaultsDiskTotal = 0
dsDiskOverhead :: String
dsDiskOverhead = "disk_overhead"
dsDiskReserved :: String
dsDiskReserved = "disk_reserved"
dsDiskTotal :: String
dsDiskTotal = "disk_total"
dsValidTypes :: [String]
dsValidTypes = [ldLv]
dtsCopyable :: [String]
dtsCopyable = ["plain", "file"]
dtsExclStorage :: [String]
dtsExclStorage = [dtPlain]
dtsExtMirror :: [String]
dtsExtMirror = ["diskless", "blockdev", "ext", "sharedfile", "rbd"]
dtsFilebased :: [String]
dtsFilebased = ["sharedfile", "file"]
dtsGrowable :: [String]
dtsGrowable = ["sharedfile", "drbd", "plain", "ext", "file", "rbd"]
dtsIntMirror :: [String]
dtsIntMirror = [dtDrbd8]
dtsMayAdopt :: [String]
dtsMayAdopt = ["blockdev", "plain"]
dtsMirrored :: [String]
dtsMirrored = ["blockdev", "diskless", "ext", "sharedfile", "drbd", "rbd"]
dtsMustAdopt :: [String]
dtsMustAdopt = ["blockdev"]
dtsNotLvm :: [String]
dtsNotLvm = ["sharedfile", "diskless", "blockdev", "ext", "file", "rbd"]
dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck :: [String]
dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck = ["ext", "sharedfile", "file", "rbd"]
dtBlock :: String
dtBlock = "blockdev"
dtDiskless :: String
dtDiskless = "diskless"
dtDrbd8 :: String
dtDrbd8 = "drbd"
dtExt :: String
dtExt = "ext"
dtFile :: String
dtFile = "file"
dtPlain :: String
dtPlain = "plain"
dtRbd :: String
dtRbd = "rbd"
dtSharedFile :: String
dtSharedFile = "sharedfile"
elogJqueueTest :: String
elogJqueueTest = "jqueue-test"
elogMessage :: String
elogMessage = "message"
elogRemoteImport :: String
elogRemoteImport = "remote-import"
enableConfd :: Bool
enableConfd = True
enableFileStorage :: Bool
enableFileStorage = True
enableRestrictedCommands :: Bool
enableRestrictedCommands = False
enableSharedFileStorage :: Bool
enableSharedFileStorage = True
enableSplitQuery :: Bool
enableSplitQuery = True
enforceableTypes :: [String]
enforceableTypes = ["int", "bool", "string", "maybe-string", "size"]
esActionAttach :: String
esActionAttach = "attach"
esActionCreate :: String
esActionCreate = "create"
esActionDetach :: String
esActionDetach = "detach"
esActionGrow :: String
esActionGrow = "grow"
esActionRemove :: String
esActionRemove = "remove"
esActionSetinfo :: String
esActionSetinfo = "setinfo"
esActionVerify :: String
esActionVerify = "verify"
esParametersFile :: String
esParametersFile = "parameters.list"
esScripts :: [String]
esScripts = ["setinfo", "verify", "create", "remove", "attach", "detach", "grow"]
esScriptAttach :: String
esScriptAttach = "attach"
esScriptCreate :: String
esScriptCreate = "create"
esScriptDetach :: String
esScriptDetach = "detach"
esScriptGrow :: String
esScriptGrow = "grow"
esScriptRemove :: String
esScriptRemove = "remove"
esScriptSetinfo :: String
esScriptSetinfo = "setinfo"
esScriptVerify :: String
esScriptVerify = "verify"
etcHostsAdd :: String
etcHostsAdd = "add"
etcHostsRemove :: String
etcHostsRemove = "remove"
exitConfirmation :: Int
exitConfirmation = 13
exitFailure :: Int
exitFailure = 1
exitNodesetupError :: Int
exitNodesetupError = 12
exitNotcluster :: Int
exitNotcluster = 5
exitNotmaster :: Int
exitNotmaster = 11
exitSuccess :: Int
exitSuccess = 0
exitUnknownField :: Int
exitUnknownField = 14
exportConfFile :: String
exportConfFile = "config.ini"
exportModes :: [String]
exportModes = [exportModeRemote, exportModeLocal]
exportModeLocal :: String
exportModeLocal = "local"
exportModeRemote :: String
exportModeRemote = "remote"
exportVersion :: Int
exportVersion = 0
extPluginMask :: String
extPluginMask = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"
fakeOpMasterTurndown :: String
fakeOpMasterTurndown = "OP_CLUSTER_IP_TURNDOWN"
fakeOpMasterTurnup :: String
fakeOpMasterTurnup = "OP_CLUSTER_IP_TURNUP"
fdBlktap :: String
fdBlktap = "blktap"
fdLoop :: String
fdLoop = "loop"
fileDriver :: [String]
fileDriver = [fdBlktap, fdLoop]
firstDrbdPort :: Int
firstDrbdPort = 11000
hkrFail :: Int
hkrFail = 1
hkrSkip :: Int
hkrSkip = 0
hkrSuccess :: Int
hkrSuccess = 2
hooksNameCfgupdate :: String
hooksNameCfgupdate = "config-update"
hooksNameWatcher :: String
hooksNameWatcher = "watcher"
hooksPath :: String
hooksPath = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
hooksPhasePost :: String
hooksPhasePost = "post"
hooksPhasePre :: String
hooksPhasePre = "pre"
hooksVersion :: Int
hooksVersion = 2
htools :: Bool
htools = True
htsReqPort :: [String]
htsReqPort = [htXenHvm, htKvm]
htypeCluster :: String
htypeCluster = "CLUSTER"
htypeGroup :: String
htypeGroup = "GROUP"
htypeInstance :: String
htypeInstance = "INSTANCE"
htypeNetwork :: String
htypeNetwork = "NETWORK"
htypeNode :: String
htypeNode = "NODE"
htBoCdrom :: String
htBoCdrom = "cdrom"
htBoDisk :: String
htBoDisk = "disk"
htBoFloppy :: String
htBoFloppy = "floppy"
htBoNetwork :: String
htBoNetwork = "network"
htCacheDefault :: String
htCacheDefault = "default"
htCacheNone :: String
htCacheNone = "none"
htCacheWback :: String
htCacheWback = "writeback"
htCacheWthrough :: String
htCacheWthrough = "writethrough"
htChroot :: String
htChroot = "chroot"
htDiskIde :: String
htDiskIde = "ide"
htDiskIoemu :: String
htDiskIoemu = "ioemu"
htDiskMtd :: String
htDiskMtd = "mtd"
htDiskParavirtual :: String
htDiskParavirtual = "paravirtual"
htDiskPflash :: String
htDiskPflash = "pflash"
htDiskScsi :: String
htDiskScsi = "scsi"
htDiskSd :: String
htDiskSd = "sd"
htFake :: String
htFake = "fake"
htHvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]
htHvmValidDiskTypes = ["ioemu", "paravirtual"]
htHvmValidNicTypes :: [String]
htHvmValidNicTypes = ["rtl8139", "ne2k_isa", "ne2k_pci", "paravirtual", "e1000"]
htHvmValidVifTypes :: [String]
htHvmValidVifTypes = ["ioemu", "vif"]
htHvmVifIoemu :: String
htHvmVifIoemu = "ioemu"
htHvmVifVif :: String
htHvmVifVif = "vif"
htKvm :: String
htKvm = "kvm"
htKvmDisabled :: String
htKvmDisabled = "disabled"
htKvmEnabled :: String
htKvmEnabled = "enabled"
htKvmFlagValues :: [String]
htKvmFlagValues = [htKvmDisabled, htKvmEnabled]
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz = "auto_glz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz = "auto_lz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz = "glz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz = "lz"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff = "off"
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic :: String
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic = "quic"
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways = "always"
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto = "auto"
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever :: String
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever = "never"
htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions :: [String]
htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions = ["off", "auto_lz", "auto_glz", "glz", "quic", "lz"]
htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions :: [String]
htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions = ["auto", "never", "always"]
htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions :: [String]
htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions = ["filter", "all", "off"]
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll = "all"
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter = "filter"
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff :: String
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff = "off"
htKvmValidBoTypes :: [String]
htKvmValidBoTypes = ["floppy", "cdrom", "disk", "network"]
htKvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]
htKvmValidDiskTypes = ["paravirtual", "pflash", "scsi", "ide", "mtd", "sd"]
htKvmValidMouseTypes :: [String]
htKvmValidMouseTypes = [htMouseMouse, htMouseTablet]
htKvmValidNicTypes :: [String]
htKvmValidNicTypes = ["ne2k_pci", "pcnet", "paravirtual", "rtl8139", "i82557b", "ne2k_isa", "i82559er", "i82551", "e1000"]
htKvmValidSmTypes :: [String]
htKvmValidSmTypes = ["none", "user", "pool"]
htLxc :: String
htLxc = "lxc"
htMigrationLive :: String
htMigrationLive = "live"
htMigrationModes :: [String]
htMigrationModes = [htMigrationNonlive, htMigrationLive]
htMigrationNonlive :: String
htMigrationNonlive = "non-live"
htMouseMouse :: String
htMouseMouse = "mouse"
htMouseTablet :: String
htMouseTablet = "tablet"
htNicE1000 :: String
htNicE1000 = "e1000"
htNicI82551 :: String
htNicI82551 = "i82551"
htNicI8259er :: String
htNicI8259er = "i82559er"
htNicI85557b :: String
htNicI85557b = "i82557b"
htNicNe2kIsa :: String
htNicNe2kIsa = "ne2k_isa"
htNicNe2kPci :: String
htNicNe2kPci = "ne2k_pci"
htNicParavirtual :: String
htNicParavirtual = "paravirtual"
htNicPcnet :: String
htNicPcnet = "pcnet"
htNicRtl8139 :: String
htNicRtl8139 = "rtl8139"
htSmNone :: String
htSmNone = "none"
htSmPool :: String
htSmPool = "pool"
htSmUser :: String
htSmUser = "user"
htValidCacheTypes :: [String]
htValidCacheTypes = ["default", "writethrough", "none", "writeback"]
htXenHvm :: String
htXenHvm = "xen-hvm"
htXenPvm :: String
htXenPvm = "xen-pvm"
hvcDefaultsChroot :: [(String, String)]
hvcDefaultsChroot = [(hvInitScript, "/ganeti-chroot")]
hvcDefaultsChrootInitScript :: String
hvcDefaultsChrootInitScript = "/ganeti-chroot"
hvcDefaultsKvmAcpi :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmAcpi = True
hvcDefaultsKvmBootOrder :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmBootOrder = "disk"
hvcDefaultsKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmCdrom2ImagePath = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromDiskType :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromDiskType = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromImagePath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromImagePath = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuCores :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuCores = 0
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuMask :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuMask = "all"
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuSockets :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuSockets = 0
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuThreads :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuThreads = 0
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuType :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuType = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskCache :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskCache = "default"
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskType :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskType = "paravirtual"
hvcDefaultsKvmFloppyImagePath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmFloppyImagePath = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmInitrdPath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmInitrdPath = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelArgs :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelArgs = "ro"
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelPath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelPath = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-kvmU"
hvcDefaultsKvmKeymap :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKeymap = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmExtra :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmExtra = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmFlag :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmFlag = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmPath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmPath = "/usr/bin/kvm"
hvcDefaultsKvmMachineVersion :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmMachineVersion = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmMemPath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmMemPath = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationBandwidth :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationBandwidth = 32
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationDowntime :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationDowntime = 30
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationMode :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationMode = "live"
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationPort :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationPort = 8102
hvcDefaultsKvmNicType :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmNicType = "paravirtual"
hvcDefaultsKvmRebootBehavior :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmRebootBehavior = "reboot"
hvcDefaultsKvmRootPath :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmRootPath = "/dev/vda1"
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityDomain :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityDomain = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityModel :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityModel = "none"
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialConsole :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialConsole = True
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialSpeed :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialSpeed = 38400
hvcDefaultsKvmSoundhw :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSoundhw = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceBind :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceBind = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceImageCompression :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceImageCompression = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceIpVersion :: Int
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceIpVersion = 0
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceJpegWanCompression :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceJpegWanCompression = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePasswordFile :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePasswordFile = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePlaybackCompression :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePlaybackCompression = True
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceStreamingVideo :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceStreamingVideo = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceTlsCiphers = "HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-ADH"
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseTls :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseTls = False
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseVdagent = True
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbDevices :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbDevices = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbMouse :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbMouse = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmUseChroot :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmUseChroot = False
hvcDefaultsKvmUseLocaltime :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmUseLocaltime = False
hvcDefaultsKvmVga :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmVga = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmVhostNet :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmVhostNet = False
hvcDefaultsKvmVncBindAddress :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmVncBindAddress = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmVncPasswordFile :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmVncPasswordFile = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmVncTls :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmVncTls = False
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Path :: String
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Path = ""
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Verify :: Bool
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Verify = False
hvcDefaultsLxc :: [(String, String)]
hvcDefaultsLxc = [(hvCpuMask, xenBootloader)]
hvcDefaultsLxcCpuMask :: String
hvcDefaultsLxcCpuMask = ""
hvcDefaultsXenHvmAcpi :: Bool
hvcDefaultsXenHvmAcpi = True
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBlockdevPrefix :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBlockdevPrefix = "hd"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBootOrder :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBootOrder = "cd"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCdromImagePath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCdromImagePath = ""
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuCap :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuCap = 0
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuMask :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuMask = "all"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuWeight :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuWeight = 256
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDeviceModel :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDeviceModel = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDiskType :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDiskType = "paravirtual"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmKernelPath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmKernelPath = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationMode :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationMode = "non-live"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationPort :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationPort = 8002
hvcDefaultsXenHvmNicType :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmNicType = "rtl8139"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPae :: Bool
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPae = True
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPciPass :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPciPass = ""
hvcDefaultsXenHvmRebootBehavior :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmRebootBehavior = "reboot"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmUseLocaltime :: Bool
hvcDefaultsXenHvmUseLocaltime = False
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVifType :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVifType = "ioemu"
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncBindAddress :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncBindAddress = ""
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncPasswordFile :: String
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncPasswordFile = "/etc/ganeti/vnc-cluster-password"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBlockdevPrefix :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBlockdevPrefix = "sd"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderArgs :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderArgs = ""
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderPath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderPath = ""
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuCap :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuCap = 0
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuMask :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuMask = "all"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuWeight :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuWeight = 256
hvcDefaultsXenPvmInitrdPath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmInitrdPath = ""
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelArgs :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelArgs = "ro"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelPath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelPath = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationMode :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationMode = "live"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationPort :: Int
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationPort = 8002
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRebootBehavior :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRebootBehavior = "reboot"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRootPath :: String
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRootPath = "/dev/xvda1"
hvcDefaultsXenPvmUseBootloader :: Bool
hvcDefaultsXenPvmUseBootloader = False
hvcGlobals :: [String]
hvcGlobals = [hvMigrationPort, hvMigrationBandwidth, hvMigrationMode]
hvstsParameters :: [String]
hvstsParameters = [hvstMemoryNode, hvstCpuTotal, hvstMemoryTotal, hvstMemoryHv, hvstCpuNode]
hvstsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
hvstsParameterTypes = [(hvstMemoryNode, vtypeInt), (hvstCpuTotal, vtypeInt), (hvstMemoryTotal, vtypeInt), (hvstMemoryHv, vtypeInt), (hvstCpuNode, vtypeInt)]
hvstsParameterTypesCpuNode :: String
hvstsParameterTypesCpuNode = "int"
hvstsParameterTypesCpuTotal :: String
hvstsParameterTypesCpuTotal = "int"
hvstsParameterTypesMemHv :: String
hvstsParameterTypesMemHv = "int"
hvstsParameterTypesMemNode :: String
hvstsParameterTypesMemNode = "int"
hvstsParameterTypesMemTotal :: String
hvstsParameterTypesMemTotal = "int"
hvstCpuNode :: String
hvstCpuNode = "cpu_node"
hvstCpuTotal :: String
hvstCpuTotal = "cpu_total"
hvstDefaults :: [(String, Int)]
hvstDefaults = [(hvstMemoryNode, 0), (hvstCpuTotal, 1), (hvstMemoryTotal, 0), (hvstMemoryHv, 0), (hvstCpuNode, 1)]
hvstDefaultsCpuNode :: Int
hvstDefaultsCpuNode = 1
hvstDefaultsCpuTotal :: Int
hvstDefaultsCpuTotal = 1
hvstDefaultsMemHv :: Int
hvstDefaultsMemHv = 0
hvstDefaultsMemNode :: Int
hvstDefaultsMemNode = 0
hvstDefaultsMemTotal :: Int
hvstDefaultsMemTotal = 0
hvstMemoryHv :: String
hvstMemoryHv = "mem_hv"
hvstMemoryNode :: String
hvstMemoryNode = "mem_node"
hvstMemoryTotal :: String
hvstMemoryTotal = "mem_total"
hvsParameters :: [String]
hvsParameters = [hvKvmSpicePasswordFile, hvNicType, hvVifType, hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent, hvVncX509Verify, hvMigrationPort, hvBootloaderArgs, hvVncBindAddress, hvVncPasswordFile, hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath, hvUsbMouse, hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection, hvKvmUseChroot, hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers, hvKvmMachineVersion, hvMigrationDowntime, hvInitScript, hvCpuSockets, hvSoundhw, hvKernelArgs, hvCdromImagePath, hvKvmExtra, hvKvmSpiceIpVersion, hvVhostNet, hvCpuCores, hvCpuMask, hvCpuWeight, hvPae, hvDiskCache, hvCpuCap, hvUseBootloader, hvKvmPath, hvKernelPath, hvInitrdPath, hvKvmFloppyImagePath, hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr, hvVncTls, hvKvmCdromDiskType, hvUseLocaltime, hvPassthrough, hvSecurityDomain, hvSerialConsole, hvKvmSpiceBind, hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr, hvKvmFlag, hvCpuThreads, hvKvmSpiceUseTls, hvMigrationBandwidth, hvDiskType, hvUsbDevices, hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr, hvAcpi, hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr, hvMigrationMode, hvSecurityModel, hvDeviceModel, hvVga, hvRootPath, hvBlockdevPrefix, hvBootloaderPath, hvVncX509, hvSerialSpeed, hvKeymap, hvCpuType, hvBootOrder, hvMemPath, hvRebootBehavior]
hvsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
hvsParameterTitles = [(hvNicType, "NIC_type"), (hvBootOrder, "Boot_order"), (hvPassthrough, "pci_pass"), (hvVncBindAddress, "VNC_bind_address"), (hvDiskType, "Disk_type"), (hvCdromImagePath, "CDROM_image_path"), (hvInitrdPath, "Initrd_path"), (hvPae, "PAE"), (hvKernelPath, "Kernel_path"), (hvAcpi, "ACPI"), (hvCpuType, "cpu_type")]
hvsParameterTitlesAcpi :: String
hvsParameterTitlesAcpi = "ACPI"
hvsParameterTitlesBootOrder :: String
hvsParameterTitlesBootOrder = "Boot_order"
hvsParameterTitlesCdromImagePath :: String
hvsParameterTitlesCdromImagePath = "CDROM_image_path"
hvsParameterTitlesCpuType :: String
hvsParameterTitlesCpuType = "cpu_type"
hvsParameterTitlesDiskType :: String
hvsParameterTitlesDiskType = "Disk_type"
hvsParameterTitlesInitrdPath :: String
hvsParameterTitlesInitrdPath = "Initrd_path"
hvsParameterTitlesKernelPath :: String
hvsParameterTitlesKernelPath = "Kernel_path"
hvsParameterTitlesNicType :: String
hvsParameterTitlesNicType = "NIC_type"
hvsParameterTitlesPae :: String
hvsParameterTitlesPae = "PAE"
hvsParameterTitlesPciPass :: String
hvsParameterTitlesPciPass = "pci_pass"
hvsParameterTitlesVncBindAddress :: String
hvsParameterTitlesVncBindAddress = "VNC_bind_address"
hvsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
hvsParameterTypes = [(hvKvmSpicePasswordFile, "string"), (hvNicType, "string"), (hvUseLocaltime, "bool"), (hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent, "bool"), (hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr, "string"), (hvMigrationPort, "int"), (hvBlockdevPrefix, "string"), (hvVncBindAddress, "string"), (hvCpuThreads, "int"), (hvVifType, "string"), (hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath, "string"), (hvUsbMouse, "string"), (hvVhostNet, "bool"), (hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection, "string"), (hvKvmUseChroot, "bool"), (hvInitrdPath, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers, "string"), (hvKvmMachineVersion, "string"), (hvMigrationDowntime, "int"), (hvInitScript, "string"), (hvCpuSockets, "int"), (hvSoundhw, "string"), (hvKernelArgs, "string"), (hvCdromImagePath, "string"), (hvKvmExtra, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceIpVersion, "int"), (hvDeviceModel, "string"), (hvCpuCores, "int"), (hvCpuMask, "string"), (hvCpuWeight, "int"), (hvPae, "bool"), (hvDiskCache, "string"), (hvCpuCap, "int"), (hvUseBootloader, "bool"), (hvKvmPath, "string"), (hvKernelPath, "string"), (hvVncX509, "string"), (hvVncX509Verify, "bool"), (hvVncTls, "bool"), (hvKvmCdromDiskType, "string"), (hvBootOrder, "string"), (hvPassthrough, "string"), (hvSecurityDomain, "string"), (hvSerialConsole, "bool"), (hvKvmSpiceBind, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr, "string"), (hvKvmFlag, "string"), (hvVncPasswordFile, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceUseTls, "bool"), (hvMigrationBandwidth, "int"), (hvDiskType, "string"), (hvUsbDevices, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr, "string"), (hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr, "bool"), (hvMigrationMode, "string"), (hvSecurityModel, "string"), (hvSerialSpeed, "int"), (hvVga, "string"), (hvRootPath, "maybe-string"), (hvBootloaderArgs, "string"), (hvBootloaderPath, "string"), (hvKvmFloppyImagePath, "string"), (hvAcpi, "bool"), (hvKeymap, "string"), (hvCpuType, "string"), (hvMemPath, "string"), (hvRebootBehavior, "string")]
hvsParameterTypesAcpi :: String
hvsParameterTypesAcpi = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesBlockdevPrefix :: String
hvsParameterTypesBlockdevPrefix = "string"
hvsParameterTypesBootOrder :: String
hvsParameterTypesBootOrder = "string"
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderArgs :: String
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderArgs = "string"
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderPath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCdrom2ImagePath :: String
hvsParameterTypesCdrom2ImagePath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCdromDiskType :: String
hvsParameterTypesCdromDiskType = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCdromImagePath :: String
hvsParameterTypesCdromImagePath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCpuCap :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuCap = "int"
hvsParameterTypesCpuCores :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuCores = "int"
hvsParameterTypesCpuMask :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuMask = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCpuSockets :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuSockets = "int"
hvsParameterTypesCpuThreads :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuThreads = "int"
hvsParameterTypesCpuType :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuType = "string"
hvsParameterTypesCpuWeight :: String
hvsParameterTypesCpuWeight = "int"
hvsParameterTypesDeviceModel :: String
hvsParameterTypesDeviceModel = "string"
hvsParameterTypesDiskCache :: String
hvsParameterTypesDiskCache = "string"
hvsParameterTypesDiskType :: String
hvsParameterTypesDiskType = "string"
hvsParameterTypesFloppyImagePath :: String
hvsParameterTypesFloppyImagePath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesInitScript :: String
hvsParameterTypesInitScript = "string"
hvsParameterTypesInitrdPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesInitrdPath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKernelArgs :: String
hvsParameterTypesKernelArgs = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKernelPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesKernelPath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKeymap :: String
hvsParameterTypesKeymap = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKvmExtra :: String
hvsParameterTypesKvmExtra = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKvmFlag :: String
hvsParameterTypesKvmFlag = "string"
hvsParameterTypesKvmPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesKvmPath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesMachineVersion :: String
hvsParameterTypesMachineVersion = "string"
hvsParameterTypesMemPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesMemPath = "string"
hvsParameterTypesMigrationBandwidth :: String
hvsParameterTypesMigrationBandwidth = "int"
hvsParameterTypesMigrationDowntime :: String
hvsParameterTypesMigrationDowntime = "int"
hvsParameterTypesMigrationMode :: String
hvsParameterTypesMigrationMode = "string"
hvsParameterTypesMigrationPort :: String
hvsParameterTypesMigrationPort = "int"
hvsParameterTypesNicType :: String
hvsParameterTypesNicType = "string"
hvsParameterTypesPae :: String
hvsParameterTypesPae = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesPciPass :: String
hvsParameterTypesPciPass = "string"
hvsParameterTypesRebootBehavior :: String
hvsParameterTypesRebootBehavior = "string"
hvsParameterTypesRootPath :: String
hvsParameterTypesRootPath = "maybe-string"
hvsParameterTypesSecurityDomain :: String
hvsParameterTypesSecurityDomain = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSecurityModel :: String
hvsParameterTypesSecurityModel = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSerialConsole :: String
hvsParameterTypesSerialConsole = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesSerialSpeed :: String
hvsParameterTypesSerialSpeed = "int"
hvsParameterTypesSoundhw :: String
hvsParameterTypesSoundhw = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceBind :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceBind = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceImageCompression :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceImageCompression = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceIpVersion :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceIpVersion = "int"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceJpegWanCompression :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceJpegWanCompression = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpicePasswordFile :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpicePasswordFile = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpicePlaybackCompression :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpicePlaybackCompression = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceStreamingVideo :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceStreamingVideo = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceTlsCiphers = "string"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseTls :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseTls = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseVdagent :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseVdagent = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: String
hvsParameterTypesSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression = "string"
hvsParameterTypesUsbDevices :: String
hvsParameterTypesUsbDevices = "string"
hvsParameterTypesUsbMouse :: String
hvsParameterTypesUsbMouse = "string"
hvsParameterTypesUseBootloader :: String
hvsParameterTypesUseBootloader = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesUseChroot :: String
hvsParameterTypesUseChroot = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesUseLocaltime :: String
hvsParameterTypesUseLocaltime = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesVga :: String
hvsParameterTypesVga = "string"
hvsParameterTypesVhostNet :: String
hvsParameterTypesVhostNet = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesVifType :: String
hvsParameterTypesVifType = "string"
hvsParameterTypesVncBindAddress :: String
hvsParameterTypesVncBindAddress = "string"
hvsParameterTypesVncPasswordFile :: String
hvsParameterTypesVncPasswordFile = "string"
hvsParameterTypesVncTls :: String
hvsParameterTypesVncTls = "bool"
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Path :: String
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Path = "string"
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Verify :: String
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Verify = "bool"
hvAcpi :: String
hvAcpi = "acpi"
hvBlockdevPrefix :: String
hvBlockdevPrefix = "blockdev_prefix"
hvBootloaderArgs :: String
hvBootloaderArgs = "bootloader_args"
hvBootloaderPath :: String
hvBootloaderPath = "bootloader_path"
hvBootOrder :: String
hvBootOrder = "boot_order"
hvCdromImagePath :: String
hvCdromImagePath = "cdrom_image_path"
hvCpuCap :: String
hvCpuCap = "cpu_cap"
hvCpuCores :: String
hvCpuCores = "cpu_cores"
hvCpuMask :: String
hvCpuMask = "cpu_mask"
hvCpuSockets :: String
hvCpuSockets = "cpu_sockets"
hvCpuThreads :: String
hvCpuThreads = "cpu_threads"
hvCpuType :: String
hvCpuType = "cpu_type"
hvCpuWeight :: String
hvCpuWeight = "cpu_weight"
hvDeviceModel :: String
hvDeviceModel = "device_model"
hvDiskCache :: String
hvDiskCache = "disk_cache"
hvDiskType :: String
hvDiskType = "disk_type"
hvInitrdPath :: String
hvInitrdPath = "initrd_path"
hvInitScript :: String
hvInitScript = "init_script"
hvKernelArgs :: String
hvKernelArgs = "kernel_args"
hvKernelPath :: String
hvKernelPath = "kernel_path"
hvKeymap :: String
hvKeymap = "keymap"
hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: String
hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath = "cdrom2_image_path"
hvKvmCdromDiskType :: String
hvKvmCdromDiskType = "cdrom_disk_type"
hvKvmExtra :: String
hvKvmExtra = "kvm_extra"
hvKvmFlag :: String
hvKvmFlag = "kvm_flag"
hvKvmFloppyImagePath :: String
hvKvmFloppyImagePath = "floppy_image_path"
hvKvmMachineVersion :: String
hvKvmMachineVersion = "machine_version"
hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]
hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses = [hvMigrationActive, hvMigrationFailed, hvMigrationCompleted, hvMigrationCancelled]
hvKvmPath :: String
hvKvmPath = "kvm_path"
hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr = "spice_playback_compression"
hvKvmSpiceBind :: String
hvKvmSpiceBind = "spice_bind"
hvKvmSpiceIpVersion :: String
hvKvmSpiceIpVersion = "spice_ip_version"
hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr = "spice_jpeg_wan_compression"
hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr = "spice_image_compression"
hvKvmSpicePasswordFile :: String
hvKvmSpicePasswordFile = "spice_password_file"
hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection :: String
hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection = "spice_streaming_video"
hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers = "spice_tls_ciphers"
hvKvmSpiceUseTls :: String
hvKvmSpiceUseTls = "spice_use_tls"
hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: String
hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent = "spice_use_vdagent"
hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr :: String
hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr = "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression"
hvKvmUseChroot :: String
hvKvmUseChroot = "use_chroot"
hvMemPath :: String
hvMemPath = "mem_path"
hvMigrationActive :: String
hvMigrationActive = "active"
hvMigrationBandwidth :: String
hvMigrationBandwidth = "migration_bandwidth"
hvMigrationCancelled :: String
hvMigrationCancelled = "cancelled"
hvMigrationCompleted :: String
hvMigrationCompleted = "completed"
hvMigrationDowntime :: String
hvMigrationDowntime = "migration_downtime"
hvMigrationFailed :: String
hvMigrationFailed = "failed"
hvMigrationFailedStatuses :: [String]
hvMigrationFailedStatuses = [hvMigrationCancelled, hvMigrationFailed]
hvMigrationMode :: String
hvMigrationMode = "migration_mode"
hvMigrationPort :: String
hvMigrationPort = "migration_port"
hvMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]
hvMigrationValidStatuses = [hvMigrationActive, hvMigrationFailed, hvMigrationCompleted, hvMigrationCancelled]
hvNicType :: String
hvNicType = "nic_type"
hvNodeinfoKeyVersion :: String
hvNodeinfoKeyVersion = "hv_version"
hvPae :: String
hvPae = "pae"
hvPassthrough :: String
hvPassthrough = "pci_pass"
hvRebootBehavior :: String
hvRebootBehavior = "reboot_behavior"
hvRootPath :: String
hvRootPath = "root_path"
hvSecurityDomain :: String
hvSecurityDomain = "security_domain"
hvSecurityModel :: String
hvSecurityModel = "security_model"
hvSerialConsole :: String
hvSerialConsole = "serial_console"
hvSerialSpeed :: String
hvSerialSpeed = "serial_speed"
hvSoundhw :: String
hvSoundhw = "soundhw"
hvUsbDevices :: String
hvUsbDevices = "usb_devices"
hvUsbMouse :: String
hvUsbMouse = "usb_mouse"
hvUseBootloader :: String
hvUseBootloader = "use_bootloader"
hvUseLocaltime :: String
hvUseLocaltime = "use_localtime"
hvVga :: String
hvVga = "vga"
hvVhostNet :: String
hvVhostNet = "vhost_net"
hvVifType :: String
hvVifType = "vif_type"
hvVncBindAddress :: String
hvVncBindAddress = "vnc_bind_address"
hvVncPasswordFile :: String
hvVncPasswordFile = "vnc_password_file"
hvVncTls :: String
hvVncTls = "vnc_tls"
hvVncX509 :: String
hvVncX509 = "vnc_x509_path"
hvVncX509Verify :: String
hvVncX509Verify = "vnc_x509_verify"
hyperTypes :: [String]
hyperTypes = [htChroot, htXenPvm, htKvm, htXenHvm, htLxc, htFake]
iallocatorDirIn :: String
iallocatorDirIn = "in"
iallocatorDirOut :: String
iallocatorDirOut = "out"
iallocatorModeAlloc :: String
iallocatorModeAlloc = "allocate"
iallocatorModeChgGroup :: String
iallocatorModeChgGroup = "change-group"
iallocatorModeMultiAlloc :: String
iallocatorModeMultiAlloc = "multi-allocate"
iallocatorModeNodeEvac :: String
iallocatorModeNodeEvac = "node-evacuate"
iallocatorModeReloc :: String
iallocatorModeReloc = "relocate"
iallocatorNevacAll :: String
iallocatorNevacAll = "all"
iallocatorNevacModes :: [String]
iallocatorNevacModes = ["all", "secondary-only", "primary-only"]
iallocatorNevacPri :: String
iallocatorNevacPri = "primary-only"
iallocatorNevacSec :: String
iallocatorNevacSec = "secondary-only"
iallocatorSearchPath :: [String]
iallocatorSearchPath = ["/usr/lib/ganeti/iallocators"]
iallocatorVersion :: Int
iallocatorVersion = 2
iallocHail :: String
iallocHail = "hail"
idiskAdopt :: String
idiskAdopt = "adopt"
idiskMetavg :: String
idiskMetavg = "metavg"
idiskMode :: String
idiskMode = "mode"
idiskParams :: [String]
idiskParams = ["vg", "adopt", "mode", "provider", "metavg", "size"]
idiskParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]
idiskParamsTypes = [("vg", "string"), ("adopt", "string"), ("mode", "string"), ("provider", "string"), ("metavg", "string"), ("size", "size")]
idiskParamsTypesAdopt :: String
idiskParamsTypesAdopt = "string"
idiskParamsTypesMetavg :: String
idiskParamsTypesMetavg = "string"
idiskParamsTypesMode :: String
idiskParamsTypesMode = "string"
idiskParamsTypesProvider :: String
idiskParamsTypesProvider = "string"
idiskParamsTypesSize :: String
idiskParamsTypesSize = "size"
idiskParamsTypesVg :: String
idiskParamsTypesVg = "string"
idiskProvider :: String
idiskProvider = "provider"
idiskSize :: String
idiskSize = "size"
idiskVg :: String
idiskVg = "vg"
iecAll :: [String]
iecAll = ["gzip", "none"]
iecGzip :: String
iecGzip = "gzip"
iecNone :: String
iecNone = "none"
ieioFile :: String
ieioFile = "file"
ieioRawDisk :: String
ieioRawDisk = "raw"
ieioScript :: String
ieioScript = "script"
iemExport :: String
iemExport = "export"
iemImport :: String
iemImport = "import"
ieCustomSize :: String
ieCustomSize = "fd"
ieMagicRe :: String
ieMagicRe = "^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]{5,100}$"
ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified :: Int
ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified = 0
inicIp :: String
inicIp = "ip"
inicLink :: String
inicLink = "link"
inicMac :: String
inicMac = "mac"
inicMode :: String
inicMode = "mode"
inicNetwork :: String
inicNetwork = "network"
inicParams :: [String]
inicParams = ["ip", "mac", "link", "mode", "network"]
inicParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]
inicParamsTypes = [("ip", vtypeMaybeString), ("mac", vtypeString), ("link", vtypeString), ("mode", vtypeString), ("network", vtypeMaybeString)]
inicParamsTypesIp :: String
inicParamsTypesIp = "maybe-string"
inicParamsTypesLink :: String
inicParamsTypesLink = "string"
inicParamsTypesMac :: String
inicParamsTypesMac = "string"
inicParamsTypesMode :: String
inicParamsTypesMode = "string"
inicParamsTypesNetwork :: String
inicParamsTypesNetwork = "maybe-string"
inisectBep :: String
inisectBep = "backend"
inisectExp :: String
inisectExp = "export"
inisectHyp :: String
inisectHyp = "hypervisor"
inisectIns :: String
inisectIns = "instance"
inisectOsp :: String
inisectOsp = "os"
initialNodeGroupName :: String
initialNodeGroupName = "default"
instanceCreate :: String
instanceCreate = "create"
instanceCreateModes :: [String]
instanceCreateModes = ["import", "create", "remote-import"]
instanceImport :: String
instanceImport = "import"
instanceRebootAllowed :: String
instanceRebootAllowed = "reboot"
instanceRebootExit :: String
instanceRebootExit = "exit"
instanceRebootFull :: String
instanceRebootFull = "full"
instanceRebootHard :: String
instanceRebootHard = "hard"
instanceRebootSoft :: String
instanceRebootSoft = "soft"
instanceRemoteImport :: String
instanceRemoteImport = "remote-import"
inststAdmindown :: String
inststAdmindown = "ADMIN_down"
inststAdminoffline :: String
inststAdminoffline = "ADMIN_offline"
inststAll :: [String]
inststAll = ["ADMIN_down", "ERROR_down", "ADMIN_offline", "ERROR_up", "running", "ERROR_nodedown", "ERROR_nodeoffline", "ERROR_wrongnode"]
inststErrordown :: String
inststErrordown = "ERROR_down"
inststErrorup :: String
inststErrorup = "ERROR_up"
inststNodedown :: String
inststNodedown = "ERROR_nodedown"
inststNodeoffline :: String
inststNodeoffline = "ERROR_nodeoffline"
inststRunning :: String
inststRunning = "running"
inststWrongnode :: String
inststWrongnode = "ERROR_wrongnode"
ip4AddressAny :: String
ip4AddressAny = ""
ip4AddressLocalhost :: String
ip4AddressLocalhost = ""
ip4Family :: Int
ip4Family = 2
ip4Version :: Int
ip4Version = 4
ip6AddressAny :: String
ip6AddressAny = "::"
ip6AddressLocalhost :: String
ip6AddressLocalhost = "::1"
ip6Family :: Int
ip6Family = 10
ip6Version :: Int
ip6Version = 6
ipolicyAllKeys :: [String]
ipolicyAllKeys = [ispecsStd, ipolicyVcpuRatio, ispecsMin, ispecsMax, ipolicySpindleRatio, ipolicyDts]
ipolicyDefaultsDiskTemplates :: [String]
ipolicyDefaultsDiskTemplates = ["sharedfile", "diskless", "plain", "blockdev", "drbd", "ext", "file", "rbd"]
ipolicyDefaultsMax :: [(String, Int)]
ipolicyDefaultsMax = [(ispecDiskSize, 1048576), (ispecCpuCount, 8), (ispecSpindleUse, 12), (ispecMemSize, 32768), (ispecNicCount, 8), (ispecDiskCount, 16)]
ipolicyDefaultsMaxCpuCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxCpuCount = 8
ipolicyDefaultsMaxDiskCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxDiskCount = 16
ipolicyDefaultsMaxDiskSize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxDiskSize = 1048576
ipolicyDefaultsMaxMemorySize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxMemorySize = 32768
ipolicyDefaultsMaxNicCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxNicCount = 8
ipolicyDefaultsMaxSpindleUse :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMaxSpindleUse = 12
ipolicyDefaultsMin :: [(String, Int)]
ipolicyDefaultsMin = [(ispecDiskSize, 1024), (ispecCpuCount, 1), (ispecSpindleUse, 1), (ispecMemSize, 128), (ispecNicCount, 1), (ispecDiskCount, 1)]
ipolicyDefaultsMinCpuCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinCpuCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsMinDiskCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinDiskCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsMinDiskSize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinDiskSize = 1024
ipolicyDefaultsMinMemorySize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinMemorySize = 128
ipolicyDefaultsMinNicCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinNicCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsMinSpindleUse :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsMinSpindleUse = 1
ipolicyDefaultsSpindleRatio :: Double
ipolicyDefaultsSpindleRatio = 32.000000
ipolicyDefaultsStd :: [(String, Int)]
ipolicyDefaultsStd = [(ispecDiskSize, 1024), (ispecCpuCount, 1), (ispecSpindleUse, 1), (ispecMemSize, 128), (ispecNicCount, 1), (ispecDiskCount, 1)]
ipolicyDefaultsStdCpuCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdCpuCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskSize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskSize = 1024
ipolicyDefaultsStdMemorySize :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdMemorySize = 128
ipolicyDefaultsStdNicCount :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdNicCount = 1
ipolicyDefaultsStdSpindleUse :: Int
ipolicyDefaultsStdSpindleUse = 1
ipolicyDefaultsVcpuRatio :: Double
ipolicyDefaultsVcpuRatio = 4.000000
ipolicyDts :: String
ipolicyDts = "disk-templates"
ipolicyIspecs :: [String]
ipolicyIspecs = [ispecsStd, ispecsMax, ispecsMin]
ipolicyParameters :: [String]
ipolicyParameters = [ipolicyVcpuRatio, ipolicySpindleRatio]
ipolicySpindleRatio :: String
ipolicySpindleRatio = "spindle-ratio"
ipolicyVcpuRatio :: String
ipolicyVcpuRatio = "vcpu-ratio"
ipCommandPath :: String
ipCommandPath = "/bin/ip"
ispecsMax :: String
ispecsMax = "max"
ispecsMin :: String
ispecsMin = "min"
ispecsParameters :: [String]
ispecsParameters = [ispecDiskSize, ispecCpuCount, ispecSpindleUse, ispecMemSize, ispecNicCount, ispecDiskCount]
ispecsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
ispecsParameterTypes = [(ispecDiskSize, vtypeInt), (ispecCpuCount, vtypeInt), (ispecSpindleUse, vtypeInt), (ispecMemSize, vtypeInt), (ispecNicCount, vtypeInt), (ispecDiskCount, vtypeInt)]
ispecsParameterTypesCpuCount :: String
ispecsParameterTypesCpuCount = "int"
ispecsParameterTypesDiskCount :: String
ispecsParameterTypesDiskCount = "int"
ispecsParameterTypesDiskSize :: String
ispecsParameterTypesDiskSize = "int"
ispecsParameterTypesMemorySize :: String
ispecsParameterTypesMemorySize = "int"
ispecsParameterTypesNicCount :: String
ispecsParameterTypesNicCount = "int"
ispecsParameterTypesSpindleUse :: String
ispecsParameterTypesSpindleUse = "int"
ispecsStd :: String
ispecsStd = "std"
ispecCpuCount :: String
ispecCpuCount = "cpu-count"
ispecDiskCount :: String
ispecDiskCount = "disk-count"
ispecDiskSize :: String
ispecDiskSize = "disk-size"
ispecMemSize :: String
ispecMemSize = "memory-size"
ispecNicCount :: String
ispecNicCount = "nic-count"
ispecSpindleUse :: String
ispecSpindleUse = "spindle-use"
jobsFinalized :: [String]
jobsFinalized = ["canceled", "success", "error"]
jobsPending :: [String]
jobsPending = ["waiting", "canceling", "queued"]
jobFileRe :: String
jobFileRe = "^job-(\\d+)$"
jobIdsKey :: String
jobIdsKey = "jobs"
jobIdTemplate :: String
jobIdTemplate = "\\d+"
jobNotchanged :: String
jobNotchanged = "nochange"
jobQueueFilesPerms :: Int
jobQueueFilesPerms = 416
jobQueueSizeHardLimit :: Int
jobQueueSizeHardLimit = 5000
jobQueueVersion :: Int
jobQueueVersion = 1
jobStatusAll :: [String]
jobStatusAll = ["canceled", "running", "success", "error", "canceling", "waiting", "queued"]
jobStatusCanceled :: String
jobStatusCanceled = "canceled"
jobStatusCanceling :: String
jobStatusCanceling = "canceling"
jobStatusError :: String
jobStatusError = "error"
jobStatusQueued :: String
jobStatusQueued = "queued"
jobStatusRunning :: String
jobStatusRunning = "running"
jobStatusSuccess :: String
jobStatusSuccess = "success"
jobStatusWaiting :: String
jobStatusWaiting = "waiting"
jqtAll :: [String]
jqtAll = [jqtLogmsg, jqtStartmsg, jqtExpandnames, jqtExec]
jqtExec :: String
jqtExec = "exec"
jqtExpandnames :: String
jqtExpandnames = "expandnames"
jqtLogmsg :: String
jqtLogmsg = "logmsg"
jqtMsgprefix :: String
jqtMsgprefix = "TESTMSG="
jqtStartmsg :: String
jqtStartmsg = "startmsg"
kvmKernel :: String
kvmKernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-kvmU"
kvmPath :: String
kvmPath = "/usr/bin/kvm"
lastDrbdPort :: Int
lastDrbdPort = 14999
ldpBarriers :: String
ldpBarriers = "disabled-barriers"
ldpDefaultMetavg :: String
ldpDefaultMetavg = "default-metavg"
ldpDelayTarget :: String
ldpDelayTarget = "c-delay-target"
ldpDiskCustom :: String
ldpDiskCustom = "disk-custom"
ldpDynamicResync :: String
ldpDynamicResync = "dynamic-resync"
ldpFillTarget :: String
ldpFillTarget = "c-fill-target"
ldpMaxRate :: String
ldpMaxRate = "c-max-rate"
ldpMinRate :: String
ldpMinRate = "c-min-rate"
ldpNetCustom :: String
ldpNetCustom = "net-custom"
ldpNoMetaFlush :: String
ldpNoMetaFlush = "disable-meta-flush"
ldpPlanAhead :: String
ldpPlanAhead = "c-plan-ahead"
ldpPool :: String
ldpPool = "pool"
ldpResyncRate :: String
ldpResyncRate = "resync-rate"
ldpStripes :: String
ldpStripes = "stripes"
ldsBlock :: [String]
ldsBlock = ["lvm", "drbd8", "blockdev", "rbd", "ext"]
ldsDrbd :: [String]
ldsDrbd = [ldDrbd8]
ldsFaulty :: Int
ldsFaulty = 3
ldsOkay :: Int
ldsOkay = 1
ldsUnknown :: Int
ldsUnknown = 2
ldBlockdev :: String
ldBlockdev = "blockdev"
ldDrbd8 :: String
ldDrbd8 = "drbd8"
ldExt :: String
ldExt = "ext"
ldFile :: String
ldFile = "file"
ldLv :: String
ldLv = "lvm"
ldRbd :: String
ldRbd = "rbd"
locksAppend :: String
locksAppend = "append"
locksReplace :: String
locksReplace = "replace"
lockAttemptsMaxwait :: Double
lockAttemptsMaxwait = 15.000000
lockAttemptsMinwait :: Double
lockAttemptsMinwait = 1.000000
lockAttemptsTimeout :: Int
lockAttemptsTimeout = 1800
logicalDiskTypes :: [String]
logicalDiskTypes = ["blockdev", "ext", "file", "lvm", "drbd8", "rbd"]
luxiEom :: String
luxiEom = "\x03"
luxiVersion :: Int
luxiVersion = 2070000
lvStripes :: String
lvStripes = "stripes"
masterd :: String
masterd = "ganeti-masterd"
masterdGroup :: String
masterdGroup = "root"
masterdUser :: String
masterdUser = "root"
masterPoolSizeDefault :: Int
masterPoolSizeDefault = 10
maxDisks :: Int
maxDisks = 16
maxNics :: Int
maxNics = 8
maxTagsPerObj :: Int
maxTagsPerObj = 4096
maxTagLen :: Int
maxTagLen = 128
maxUdpDataSize :: Int
maxUdpDataSize = 61440
maxWipeChunk :: Int
maxWipeChunk = 1024
minVgSize :: Int
minVgSize = 20480
minWipeChunkPercent :: Int
minWipeChunkPercent = 10
modifiableStorageFieldsLvmPv :: [String]
modifiableStorageFieldsLvmPv = [sfAllocatable]
ndcDefaultsExclusiveStorage :: Bool
ndcDefaultsExclusiveStorage = False
ndcDefaultsOobProgram :: String
ndcDefaultsOobProgram = ""
ndcDefaultsSpindleCount :: Int
ndcDefaultsSpindleCount = 1
ndcGlobals :: [String]
ndcGlobals = [ndExclusiveStorage]
ndsClusterName :: String
ndsClusterName = "cluster_name"
ndsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
ndsNodeDaemonCertificate = "node_daemon_certificate"
ndsParameters :: [String]
ndsParameters = [ndSpindleCount, ndExclusiveStorage, ndOobProgram]
ndsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
ndsParameterTitles = [(ndSpindleCount, "SpindleCount"), (ndExclusiveStorage, "ExclusiveStorage"), (ndOobProgram, "OutOfBandProgram")]
ndsParameterTitlesExclusiveStorage :: String
ndsParameterTitlesExclusiveStorage = "ExclusiveStorage"
ndsParameterTitlesOobProgram :: String
ndsParameterTitlesOobProgram = "OutOfBandProgram"
ndsParameterTitlesSpindleCount :: String
ndsParameterTitlesSpindleCount = "SpindleCount"
ndsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
ndsParameterTypes = [(ndSpindleCount, "int"), (ndExclusiveStorage, "bool"), (ndOobProgram, "string")]
ndsParameterTypesExclusiveStorage :: String
ndsParameterTypesExclusiveStorage = "bool"
ndsParameterTypesOobProgram :: String
ndsParameterTypesOobProgram = "string"
ndsParameterTypesSpindleCount :: String
ndsParameterTypesSpindleCount = "int"
ndsSsconf :: String
ndsSsconf = "ssconf"
ndsStartNodeDaemon :: String
ndsStartNodeDaemon = "start_node_daemon"
ndExclusiveStorage :: String
ndExclusiveStorage = "exclusive_storage"
ndOobProgram :: String
ndOobProgram = "oob_program"
ndSpindleCount :: String
ndSpindleCount = "spindle_count"
niccDefaults :: [(String, String)]
niccDefaults = [("link", defaultBridge), ("mode", nicModeBridged)]
niccDefaultsLink :: String
niccDefaultsLink = "xen-br0"
niccDefaultsMode :: String
niccDefaultsMode = "bridged"
nicsParameters :: [String]
nicsParameters = ["link", "mode"]
nicsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
nicsParameterTypes = [("link", vtypeString), ("mode", vtypeString)]
nicsParameterTypesLink :: String
nicsParameterTypesLink = "string"
nicsParameterTypesMode :: String
nicsParameterTypesMode = "string"
nicIpPool :: String
nicIpPool = "pool"
nicLink :: String
nicLink = "link"
nicMode :: String
nicMode = "mode"
nicModeBridged :: String
nicModeBridged = "bridged"
nicModeOvs :: String
nicModeOvs = "openvswitch"
nicModeRouted :: String
nicModeRouted = "routed"
nicValidModes :: [String]
nicValidModes = [nicModeOvs, nicModeBridged, nicModeRouted]
noded :: String
noded = "ganeti-noded"
nodedGroup :: String
nodedGroup = "root"
nodedUser :: String
nodedUser = "root"
nodeEvacAll :: String
nodeEvacAll = "all"
nodeEvacModes :: [String]
nodeEvacModes = ["all", "secondary-only", "primary-only"]
nodeEvacPri :: String
nodeEvacPri = "primary-only"
nodeEvacSec :: String
nodeEvacSec = "secondary-only"
nodeMaxClockSkew :: Int
nodeMaxClockSkew = 150
nrAll :: [String]
nrAll = ["C", "R", "M", "D", "O"]
nrDrained :: String
nrDrained = "D"
nrMaster :: String
nrMaster = "M"
nrMcandidate :: String
nrMcandidate = "C"
nrOffline :: String
nrOffline = "O"
nrRegular :: String
nrRegular = "R"
nvBridges :: String
nvBridges = "bridges"
nvDrbdhelper :: String
nvDrbdhelper = "drbd-helper"
nvDrbdlist :: String
nvDrbdlist = "drbd-list"
nvExclusivepvs :: String
nvExclusivepvs = "exclusive-pvs"
nvFilelist :: String
nvFilelist = "filelist"
nvFileStoragePaths :: String
nvFileStoragePaths = "file-storage-paths"
nvHvinfo :: String
nvHvinfo = "hvinfo"
nvHvparams :: String
nvHvparams = "hvparms"
nvHypervisor :: String
nvHypervisor = "hypervisor"
nvInstancelist :: String
nvInstancelist = "instancelist"
nvLvlist :: String
nvLvlist = "lvlist"
nvMasterip :: String
nvMasterip = "master-ip"
nvNodelist :: String
nvNodelist = "nodelist"
nvNodenettest :: String
nvNodenettest = "node-net-test"
nvNodesetup :: String
nvNodesetup = "nodesetup"
nvOobPaths :: String
nvOobPaths = "oob-paths"
nvOslist :: String
nvOslist = "oslist"
nvPvlist :: String
nvPvlist = "pvlist"
nvTime :: String
nvTime = "time"
nvUserscripts :: String
nvUserscripts = "user-scripts"
nvVersion :: String
nvVersion = "version"
nvVglist :: String
nvVglist = "vglist"
nvVmnodes :: String
nvVmnodes = "vmnodes"
oobCommands :: [String]
oobCommands = [oobPowerOff, oobHealth, oobPowerCycle, oobPowerStatus, oobPowerOn]
oobHealth :: String
oobHealth = "health"
oobPowerCycle :: String
oobPowerCycle = "power-cycle"
oobPowerDelay :: Double
oobPowerDelay = 2.000000
oobPowerOff :: String
oobPowerOff = "power-off"
oobPowerOn :: String
oobPowerOn = "power-on"
oobPowerStatus :: String
oobPowerStatus = "power-status"
oobPowerStatusPowered :: String
oobPowerStatusPowered = "powered"
oobStatuses :: [String]
oobStatuses = [oobStatusCritical, oobStatusWarning, oobStatusOk, oobStatusUnknown]
oobStatusCritical :: String
oobStatusCritical = "CRITICAL"
oobStatusOk :: String
oobStatusOk = "OK"
oobStatusUnknown :: String
oobStatusUnknown = "UNKNOWN"
oobStatusWarning :: String
oobStatusWarning = "WARNING"
oobTimeout :: Int
oobTimeout = 60
opensslCiphers :: String
opensslCiphers = "HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-ADH"
opsFinalized :: [String]
opsFinalized = ["canceled", "success", "error"]
opPrioDefault :: Int
opPrioDefault = 0
opPrioHigh :: Int
opPrioHigh = 10
opPrioHighest :: Int
opPrioHighest = 20
opPrioLow :: Int
opPrioLow = 10
opPrioLowest :: Int
opPrioLowest = 19
opPrioNormal :: Int
opPrioNormal = 0
opPrioSubmitValid :: [Int]
opPrioSubmitValid = [0, 10, 10]
opStatusCanceled :: String
opStatusCanceled = "canceled"
opStatusCanceling :: String
opStatusCanceling = "canceling"
opStatusError :: String
opStatusError = "error"
opStatusQueued :: String
opStatusQueued = "queued"
opStatusRunning :: String
opStatusRunning = "running"
opStatusSuccess :: String
opStatusSuccess = "success"
opStatusWaiting :: String
opStatusWaiting = "waiting"
osApiFile :: String
osApiFile = "ganeti_api_version"
osApiV10 :: Int
osApiV10 = 10
osApiV15 :: Int
osApiV15 = 15
osApiV20 :: Int
osApiV20 = 20
osApiVersions :: [Int]
osApiVersions = [10, 20, 15]
osParametersFile :: String
osParametersFile = "parameters.list"
osScripts :: [String]
osScripts = ["rename", "import", "create", "export", "verify"]
osScriptCreate :: String
osScriptCreate = "create"
osScriptExport :: String
osScriptExport = "export"
osScriptImport :: String
osScriptImport = "import"
osScriptRename :: String
osScriptRename = "rename"
osScriptVerify :: String
osScriptVerify = "verify"
osValidateCalls :: [String]
osValidateCalls = [osValidateParameters]
osValidateParameters :: String
osValidateParameters = "parameters"
osVariantsFile :: String
osVariantsFile = "variants.list"
partMargin :: Double
partMargin = 0.010000
partReserved :: Double
partReserved = 0.020000
pgrep :: String
pgrep = "pgrep"
ppDefault :: String
ppDefault = "default"
procMounts :: String
procMounts = "/proc/mounts"
protocolVersion :: Int
protocolVersion = 2070000
qemuimgPath :: String
qemuimgPath = "/usr/bin/qemu-img"
qftAll :: [String]
qftAll = ["unknown", "number", "other", "bool", "timestamp", "text", "unit"]
qftBool :: String
qftBool = "bool"
qftNumber :: String
qftNumber = "number"
qftOther :: String
qftOther = "other"
qftText :: String
qftText = "text"
qftTimestamp :: String
qftTimestamp = "timestamp"
qftUnit :: String
qftUnit = "unit"
qftUnknown :: String
qftUnknown = "unknown"
qrCluster :: String
qrCluster = "cluster"
qrExport :: String
qrExport = "export"
qrExtstorage :: String
qrExtstorage = "extstorage"
qrGroup :: String
qrGroup = "group"
qrInstance :: String
qrInstance = "instance"
qrJob :: String
qrJob = "job"
qrLock :: String
qrLock = "lock"
qrNetwork :: String
qrNetwork = "network"
qrNode :: String
qrNode = "node"
qrOs :: String
qrOs = "os"
qrViaLuxi :: [String]
qrViaLuxi = ["node", "group", "network", "cluster", "lock", "instance", "job", "export", "extstorage", "os"]
qrViaOp :: [String]
qrViaOp = ["node", "group", "network", "instance", "cluster", "export", "extstorage", "os"]
qrViaRapi :: [String]
qrViaRapi = ["node", "group", "network", "cluster", "lock", "instance", "job", "export", "extstorage", "os"]
randomUuidFile :: String
randomUuidFile = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid"
rapi :: String
rapi = "ganeti-rapi"
rapiGroup :: String
rapiGroup = "root"
rapiUser :: String
rapiUser = "root"
rapiVersion :: Int
rapiVersion = 2
rbdCmd :: String
rbdCmd = "rbd"
rbdPool :: String
rbdPool = "pool"
rebootBehaviors :: [String]
rebootBehaviors = [instanceRebootExit, instanceRebootAllowed]
rebootTypes :: [String]
rebootTypes = [instanceRebootHard, instanceRebootSoft, instanceRebootFull]
releaseAction :: String
releaseAction = "release"
releaseVersion :: String
releaseVersion = "2.7.2"
replaceDiskAuto :: String
replaceDiskAuto = "replace_auto"
replaceDiskChg :: String
replaceDiskChg = "replace_new_secondary"
replaceDiskPri :: String
replaceDiskPri = "replace_on_primary"
replaceDiskSec :: String
replaceDiskSec = "replace_on_secondary"
replaceModes :: [String]
replaceModes = [replaceDiskPri, replaceDiskChg, replaceDiskAuto, replaceDiskSec]
reserveAction :: String
reserveAction = "reserve"
rieCertValidity :: Int
rieCertValidity = 86400
rieConnectAttemptTimeout :: Int
rieConnectAttemptTimeout = 20
rieConnectRetries :: Int
rieConnectRetries = 10
rieConnectTimeout :: Int
rieConnectTimeout = 180
rieHandshake :: String
rieHandshake = "Hi, I\'m Ganeti"
rieVersion :: Int
rieVersion = 0
rpcConnectTimeout :: Int
rpcConnectTimeout = 5
rpcEncodingNone :: Int
rpcEncodingNone = 0
rpcEncodingZlibBase64 :: Int
rpcEncodingZlibBase64 = 1
rpcTmo1day :: Int
rpcTmo1day = 86400
rpcTmo4hrs :: Int
rpcTmo4hrs = 14400
rpcTmoFast :: Int
rpcTmoFast = 300
rpcTmoNormal :: Int
rpcTmoNormal = 900
rpcTmoSlow :: Int
rpcTmoSlow = 3600
rpcTmoUrgent :: Int
rpcTmoUrgent = 60
rsaKeyBits :: Int
rsaKeyBits = 2048
rssDescription1 :: (String, String)
rssDescription1 = ("(unknown)", "??")
rssDescription2 :: (String, String)
rssDescription2 = ("(nodata)", "?")
rssDescription3 :: (String, String)
rssDescription3 = ("(unavail)", "-")
rssDescription4 :: (String, String)
rssDescription4 = ("(offline)", "*")
rsAll :: [Int]
rsAll = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
rsNodata :: Int
rsNodata = 2
rsNormal :: Int
rsNormal = 0
rsOffline :: Int
rsOffline = 4
rsUnavail :: Int
rsUnavail = 3
rsUnknown :: Int
rsUnknown = 1
runpartsErr :: Int
runpartsErr = 2
runpartsRun :: Int
runpartsRun = 1
runpartsSkip :: Int
runpartsSkip = 0
runpartsStatus :: [Int]
runpartsStatus = [0, 1, 2]
runDirsMode :: Int
runDirsMode = 509
scp :: String
scp = "scp"
secureDirMode :: Int
secureDirMode = 448
secureFileMode :: Int
secureFileMode = 384
sfAllocatable :: String
sfAllocatable = "allocatable"
sfFree :: String
sfFree = "free"
sfName :: String
sfName = "name"
sfNode :: String
sfNode = "node"
sfSize :: String
sfSize = "size"
sfType :: String
sfType = "type"
sfUsed :: String
sfUsed = "used"
socatEscapeCode :: String
socatEscapeCode = "0x1d"
socatPath :: String
socatPath = "/usr/bin/socat"
socatUseCompress :: Bool
socatUseCompress = False
socatUseEscape :: Bool
socatUseEscape = True
soFixConsistency :: String
soFixConsistency = "fix-consistency"
ssconfFileprefix :: String
ssconfFileprefix = "ssconf_"
ssh :: String
ssh = "ssh"
sshakAll :: [String]
sshakAll = [sshakDss, sshakRsa]
sshakDss :: String
sshakDss = "ssh-dss"
sshakRsa :: String
sshakRsa = "ssh-rsa"
sshkAll :: [String]
sshkAll = [sshkRsa, sshkDsa]
sshkDsa :: String
sshkDsa = "dsa"
sshkRsa :: String
sshkRsa = "rsa"
sshsClusterName :: String
sshsClusterName = "cluster_name"
sshsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
sshsNodeDaemonCertificate = "node_daemon_certificate"
sshsSshHostKey :: String
sshsSshHostKey = "ssh_host_key"
sshsSshRootKey :: String
sshsSshRootKey = "ssh_root_key"
sshConsoleUser :: String
sshConsoleUser = "root"
sshDaemonKeyfilesDsa :: (String, String)
sshDaemonKeyfilesDsa = ("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key", "/etc/ssh/")
sshDaemonKeyfilesRsa :: (String, String)
sshDaemonKeyfilesRsa = ("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key", "/etc/ssh/")
sshLoginUser :: String
sshLoginUser = "root"
sslCertExpirationError :: Int
sslCertExpirationError = 7
sslCertExpirationWarn :: Int
sslCertExpirationWarn = 30
ssClusterName :: String
ssClusterName = "cluster_name"
ssClusterTags :: String
ssClusterTags = "cluster_tags"
ssFilePerms :: Int
ssFilePerms = 292
ssFileStorageDir :: String
ssFileStorageDir = "file_storage_dir"
ssHypervisorList :: String
ssHypervisorList = "hypervisor_list"
ssInstanceList :: String
ssInstanceList = "instance_list"
ssMaintainNodeHealth :: String
ssMaintainNodeHealth = "maintain_node_health"
ssMasterCandidates :: String
ssMasterCandidates = "master_candidates"
ssMasterCandidatesIps :: String
ssMasterCandidatesIps = "master_candidates_ips"
ssMasterIp :: String
ssMasterIp = "master_ip"
ssMasterNetdev :: String
ssMasterNetdev = "master_netdev"
ssMasterNetmask :: String
ssMasterNetmask = "master_netmask"
ssMasterNode :: String
ssMasterNode = "master_node"
ssNetworks :: String
ssNetworks = "networks"
ssNodegroups :: String
ssNodegroups = "nodegroups"
ssNodeList :: String
ssNodeList = "node_list"
ssNodePrimaryIps :: String
ssNodePrimaryIps = "node_primary_ips"
ssNodeSecondaryIps :: String
ssNodeSecondaryIps = "node_secondary_ips"
ssOfflineNodes :: String
ssOfflineNodes = "offline_nodes"
ssOnlineNodes :: String
ssOnlineNodes = "online_nodes"
ssPrimaryIpFamily :: String
ssPrimaryIpFamily = "primary_ip_family"
ssReleaseVersion :: String
ssReleaseVersion = "release_version"
ssSharedFileStorageDir :: String
ssSharedFileStorageDir = "shared_file_storage_dir"
ssUidPool :: String
ssUidPool = "uid_pool"
stFile :: String
stFile = "file"
stLvmPv :: String
stLvmPv = "lvm-pv"
stLvmVg :: String
stLvmVg = "lvm-vg"
syslogNo :: String
syslogNo = "no"
syslogOnly :: String
syslogOnly = "only"
syslogSocket :: String
syslogSocket = "/dev/log"
syslogUsage :: String
syslogUsage = "no"
syslogYes :: String
syslogYes = "yes"
tagCluster :: String
tagCluster = "cluster"
tagInstance :: String
tagInstance = "instance"
tagNetwork :: String
tagNetwork = "network"
tagNode :: String
tagNode = "node"
tagNodegroup :: String
tagNodegroup = "nodegroup"
tcpPingTimeout :: Int
tcpPingTimeout = 10
uidpoolUidMax :: Int
uidpoolUidMax = 4294967295
uidpoolUidMin :: Int
uidpoolUidMin = 0
uuidRegex :: String
uuidRegex = "^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$"
validAllocPolicies :: [String]
validAllocPolicies = [allocPolicyPreferred, allocPolicyLastResort, allocPolicyUnallocable]
validIallocatorDirections :: [String]
validIallocatorDirections = [iallocatorDirOut, iallocatorDirIn]
validIallocatorModes :: [String]
validIallocatorModes = [iallocatorModeNodeEvac, iallocatorModeReloc, iallocatorModeMultiAlloc, iallocatorModeAlloc, iallocatorModeChgGroup]
validIpVersions :: [Int]
validIpVersions = [4, 6]
validSerialSpeeds :: [Int]
validSerialSpeeds = [2400, 4800, 230400, 1800, 28800, 75, 300, 110, 1200, 9600, 460800, 38400, 14400, 600, 345600, 115200, 19200, 57600]
validStorageFields :: [String]
validStorageFields = ["used", "name", "allocatable", "free", "type", "size"]
validStorageOperationsLvmVg :: [String]
validStorageOperationsLvmVg = [soFixConsistency]
validStorageTypes :: [String]
validStorageTypes = ["lvm-pv", "file", "lvm-vg"]
validTagTypes :: [String]
validTagTypes = ["node", "cluster", "nodegroup", "network", "instance"]
valueAuto :: String
valueAuto = "auto"
valueDefault :: String
valueDefault = "default"
valueFalse :: String
valueFalse = "false"
valueGenerate :: String
valueGenerate = "generate"
valueNone :: String
valueNone = "none"
valueTrue :: String
valueTrue = "true"
vcsVersion :: String
vcsVersion = "v2.7.2-2-g3730f89"
verifyNplusoneMem :: String
verifyNplusoneMem = "nplusone_mem"
verifyOptionalChecks :: [String]
verifyOptionalChecks = [verifyNplusoneMem]
vncBasePort :: Int
vncBasePort = 5900
vncDefaultBindAddress :: String
vncDefaultBindAddress = ""
vtypeBool :: String
vtypeBool = "bool"
vtypeInt :: String
vtypeInt = "int"
vtypeMaybeString :: String
vtypeMaybeString = "maybe-string"
vtypeSize :: String
vtypeSize = "size"
vtypeString :: String
vtypeString = "string"
x509CertCn :: String
x509CertCn = ""
x509CertDefaultValidity :: Int
x509CertDefaultValidity = 1825
x509CertSignatureHeader :: String
x509CertSignatureHeader = "X-Ganeti-Signature"
x509CertSignDigest :: String
x509CertSignDigest = "SHA1"
xenBootloader :: String
xenBootloader = ""
xenCmd :: String
xenCmd = "xm"
xenCmdXl :: String
xenCmdXl = "xl"
xenCmdXm :: String
xenCmdXm = "xm"
xenInitrd :: String
xenInitrd = "/boot/initrd-3-xenU"
xenKernel :: String
xenKernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU"
xlSshCmd :: String
xlSshCmd = "ssh -l root -oGlobalKnownHostsFile=/var/lib/ganeti/known_hosts -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oCheckHostIp=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=yes -oHostKeyAlias=%s"
luxiDefCtmo :: Int
luxiDefCtmo = 10
luxiDefRwto :: Int
luxiDefRwto = 60
luxiKeyArgs :: String
luxiKeyArgs = "args"
luxiKeyMethod :: String
luxiKeyMethod = "method"
luxiKeyResult :: String
luxiKeyResult = "result"
luxiKeySuccess :: String
luxiKeySuccess = "success"
luxiKeyVersion :: String
luxiKeyVersion = "version"
luxiReqAll :: [String]
luxiReqAll = [luxiReqQueryFields, luxiReqArchiveJob, luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs, luxiReqQueryTags, luxiReqSetWatcherPause, luxiReqQueryConfigValues, luxiReqQueryExports, luxiReqSubmitJob, luxiReqQueryJobs, luxiReqChangeJobPriority, luxiReqQueryInstances, luxiReqCancelJob, luxiReqQueryNodes, luxiReqSetDrainFlag, luxiReqQuery, luxiReqQueryClusterInfo, luxiReqSubmitManyJobs, luxiReqWaitForJobChange, luxiReqQueryGroups]
luxiReqArchiveJob :: String
luxiReqArchiveJob = "ArchiveJob"
luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs :: String
luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs = "AutoArchiveJobs"
luxiReqCancelJob :: String
luxiReqCancelJob = "CancelJob"
luxiReqChangeJobPriority :: String
luxiReqChangeJobPriority = "ChangeJobPriority"
luxiReqQuery :: String
luxiReqQuery = "Query"
luxiReqQueryClusterInfo :: String
luxiReqQueryClusterInfo = "QueryClusterInfo"
luxiReqQueryConfigValues :: String
luxiReqQueryConfigValues = "QueryConfigValues"
luxiReqQueryExports :: String
luxiReqQueryExports = "QueryExports"
luxiReqQueryFields :: String
luxiReqQueryFields = "QueryFields"
luxiReqQueryGroups :: String
luxiReqQueryGroups = "QueryGroups"
luxiReqQueryInstances :: String
luxiReqQueryInstances = "QueryInstances"
luxiReqQueryJobs :: String
luxiReqQueryJobs = "QueryJobs"
luxiReqQueryNetworks :: String
luxiReqQueryNetworks = "QueryNetworks"
luxiReqQueryNodes :: String
luxiReqQueryNodes = "QueryNodes"
luxiReqQueryTags :: String
luxiReqQueryTags = "QueryTags"
luxiReqSetDrainFlag :: String
luxiReqSetDrainFlag = "SetDrainFlag"
luxiReqSetWatcherPause :: String
luxiReqSetWatcherPause = "SetWatcherPause"
luxiReqSubmitJob :: String
luxiReqSubmitJob = "SubmitJob"
luxiReqSubmitManyJobs :: String
luxiReqSubmitManyJobs = "SubmitManyJobs"
luxiReqWaitForJobChange :: String
luxiReqWaitForJobChange = "WaitForJobChange"
luxiWfjcTimeout :: Int
luxiWfjcTimeout = 29
qlangFilterDetectionChars :: [String]
qlangFilterDetectionChars = ["!", " ", "\"", "\'", ")", "(", "\x0b", "\n", "\r", "\x0c", "/", "<", "\t", ">", "=", "\\", "~"]
qlangGlobDetectionChars :: [String]
qlangGlobDetectionChars = ["*", "?"]
qlangOpAnd :: String
qlangOpAnd = "&"
qlangOpContains :: String
qlangOpContains = "=[]"
qlangOpEqual :: String
qlangOpEqual = "="
qlangOpGe :: String
qlangOpGe = ">="
qlangOpGt :: String
qlangOpGt = ">"
qlangOpLe :: String
qlangOpLe = "<="
qlangOpLt :: String
qlangOpLt = "<"
qlangOpNot :: String
qlangOpNot = "!"
qlangOpNotEqual :: String
qlangOpNotEqual = "!="
qlangOpOr :: String
qlangOpOr = "|"
qlangOpRegexp :: String
qlangOpRegexp = "=~"
qlangOpTrue :: String
qlangOpTrue = "?"
autoconfAdminGroup :: String
autoconfAdminGroup = "root"
autoconfConfdGroup :: String
autoconfConfdGroup = "root"
autoconfConfdUser :: String
autoconfConfdUser = "root"
autoconfDaemonsGroup :: String
autoconfDaemonsGroup = "root"
autoconfDiskSeparator :: String
autoconfDiskSeparator = ":"
autoconfDrbdBarriers :: String
autoconfDrbdBarriers = "n"
autoconfDrbdNoMetaFlush :: Bool
autoconfDrbdNoMetaFlush = False
autoconfEnableConfd :: Bool
autoconfEnableConfd = True
autoconfEnableFileStorage :: Bool
autoconfEnableFileStorage = True
autoconfEnableMonitoring :: Bool
autoconfEnableMonitoring = True
autoconfEnableRestrictedCommands :: Bool
autoconfEnableRestrictedCommands = False
autoconfEnableSharedFileStorage :: Bool
autoconfEnableSharedFileStorage = True
autoconfEnableSplitQuery :: Bool
autoconfEnableSplitQuery = True
autoconfEsSearchPath :: [String]
autoconfEsSearchPath = ["/srv/ganeti/extstorage"]
autoconfExportDir :: String
autoconfExportDir = "/srv/ganeti/export"
autoconfFileStorageDir :: String
autoconfFileStorageDir = "/srv/ganeti/file-storage"
autoconfGntScripts :: [String]
autoconfGntScripts = ["gnt-backup", "gnt-cluster", "gnt-debug", "gnt-group", "gnt-instance", "gnt-job", "gnt-network", "gnt-node", "gnt-os", "gnt-storage"]
autoconfHtools :: Bool
autoconfHtools = True
autoconfHtoolsProgs :: [String]
autoconfHtoolsProgs = ["hbal", "hscan", "hspace", "hinfo", "hcheck", "hroller", "hail"]
autoconfIallocatorSearchPath :: [String]
autoconfIallocatorSearchPath = ["/usr/lib/ganeti/iallocators"]
autoconfIpPath :: String
autoconfIpPath = "/bin/ip"
autoconfKvmKernel :: String
autoconfKvmKernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-kvmU"
autoconfKvmPath :: String
autoconfKvmPath = "/usr/bin/kvm"
autoconfLocalstatedir :: String
autoconfLocalstatedir = "/var"
autoconfLvmStripecount :: Int
autoconfLvmStripecount = 1
autoconfManPages :: [(String, Int)]
autoconfManPages = [("ganeti", 7), ("ganeti-cleaner", 8), ("gnt-node", 8), ("gnt-instance", 8), ("gnt-group", 8), ("hspace", 1), ("gnt-network", 8), ("gnt-cluster", 8), ("ganeti-noded", 8), ("hroller", 1), ("ganeti-masterd", 8), ("ganeti-rapi", 8), ("gnt-os", 8), ("mon-collector", 7), ("hail", 1), ("hinfo", 1), ("htools", 1), ("gnt-storage", 8), ("ganeti-listrunner", 8), ("gnt-backup", 8), ("hscan", 1), ("ganeti-confd", 8), ("gnt-job", 8), ("hbal", 1), ("ganeti-watcher", 8), ("gnt-debug", 8), ("ganeti-os-interface", 7), ("hcheck", 1), ("ganeti-extstorage-interface", 7)]
autoconfManPagesGaneti :: Int
autoconfManPagesGaneti = 7
autoconfManPagesGanetiCleaner :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiCleaner = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiConfd :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiConfd = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiExtstorageInterface :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiExtstorageInterface = 7
autoconfManPagesGanetiListrunner :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiListrunner = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiMasterd :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiMasterd = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiNoded :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiNoded = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiOsInterface :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiOsInterface = 7
autoconfManPagesGanetiRapi :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiRapi = 8
autoconfManPagesGanetiWatcher :: Int
autoconfManPagesGanetiWatcher = 8
autoconfManPagesGntBackup :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntBackup = 8
autoconfManPagesGntCluster :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntCluster = 8
autoconfManPagesGntDebug :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntDebug = 8
autoconfManPagesGntGroup :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntGroup = 8
autoconfManPagesGntInstance :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntInstance = 8
autoconfManPagesGntJob :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntJob = 8
autoconfManPagesGntNetwork :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntNetwork = 8
autoconfManPagesGntNode :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntNode = 8
autoconfManPagesGntOs :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntOs = 8
autoconfManPagesGntStorage :: Int
autoconfManPagesGntStorage = 8
autoconfManPagesHail :: Int
autoconfManPagesHail = 1
autoconfManPagesHbal :: Int
autoconfManPagesHbal = 1
autoconfManPagesHcheck :: Int
autoconfManPagesHcheck = 1
autoconfManPagesHinfo :: Int
autoconfManPagesHinfo = 1
autoconfManPagesHroller :: Int
autoconfManPagesHroller = 1
autoconfManPagesHscan :: Int
autoconfManPagesHscan = 1
autoconfManPagesHspace :: Int
autoconfManPagesHspace = 1
autoconfManPagesHtools :: Int
autoconfManPagesHtools = 1
autoconfManPagesMonCollector :: Int
autoconfManPagesMonCollector = 7
autoconfMasterdGroup :: String
autoconfMasterdGroup = "root"
autoconfMasterdUser :: String
autoconfMasterdUser = "root"
autoconfNodedGroup :: String
autoconfNodedGroup = "root"
autoconfNodedUser :: String
autoconfNodedUser = "root"
autoconfOsSearchPath :: [String]
autoconfOsSearchPath = ["/srv/ganeti/os"]
autoconfPackageVersion :: String
autoconfPackageVersion = "2.7.2"
autoconfPkglibdir :: String
autoconfPkglibdir = "/usr/lib/ganeti"
autoconfQemuimgPath :: String
autoconfQemuimgPath = "/usr/bin/qemu-img"
autoconfRapiGroup :: String
autoconfRapiGroup = "root"
autoconfRapiUser :: String
autoconfRapiUser = "root"
autoconfSharedFileStorageDir :: String
autoconfSharedFileStorageDir = "/srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage"
autoconfSocatPath :: String
autoconfSocatPath = "/usr/bin/socat"
autoconfSocatUseCompress :: Bool
autoconfSocatUseCompress = False
autoconfSocatUseEscape :: Bool
autoconfSocatUseEscape = True
autoconfSshConfigDir :: String
autoconfSshConfigDir = "/etc/ssh"
autoconfSshConsoleUser :: String
autoconfSshConsoleUser = "root"
autoconfSshLoginUser :: String
autoconfSshLoginUser = "root"
autoconfSysconfdir :: String
autoconfSysconfdir = "/etc"
autoconfSyslogUsage :: String
autoconfSyslogUsage = "no"
autoconfToolsdir :: String
autoconfToolsdir = "/usr/lib/ganeti/tools"
autoconfVersionFull :: String
autoconfVersionFull = "2.7.2"
autoconfVersionMajor :: String
autoconfVersionMajor = "2"
autoconfVersionMinor :: String
autoconfVersionMinor = "7"
autoconfVersionRevision :: String
autoconfVersionRevision = "2"
autoconfVersionSuffix :: String
autoconfVersionSuffix = ""
autoconfXenBootloader :: String
autoconfXenBootloader = ""
autoconfXenCmd :: String
autoconfXenCmd = "xm"
autoconfXenConfigDir :: String
autoconfXenConfigDir = "/etc/xen"
autoconfXenInitrd :: String
autoconfXenInitrd = "/boot/initrd-3-xenU"
autoconfXenKernel :: String
autoconfXenKernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU"
errorsEcodeAll :: [String]
errorsEcodeAll = [errorsEcodeNores, errorsEcodeExists, errorsEcodeState, errorsEcodeNotunique, errorsEcodeTempNores, errorsEcodeNoent, errorsEcodeFault, errorsEcodeResolver, errorsEcodeInval, errorsEcodeEnviron]
errorsEcodeEnviron :: String
errorsEcodeEnviron = "environment_error"
errorsEcodeExists :: String
errorsEcodeExists = "already_exists"
errorsEcodeFault :: String
errorsEcodeFault = "internal_error"
errorsEcodeInval :: String
errorsEcodeInval = "wrong_input"
errorsEcodeNoent :: String
errorsEcodeNoent = "unknown_entity"
errorsEcodeNores :: String
errorsEcodeNores = "insufficient_resources"
errorsEcodeNotunique :: String
errorsEcodeNotunique = "resource_not_unique"
errorsEcodeResolver :: String
errorsEcodeResolver = "resolver_error"
errorsEcodeState :: String
errorsEcodeState = "wrong_state"
errorsEcodeTempNores :: String
errorsEcodeTempNores = "temp_insufficient_resources"
jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory :: Int
jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory = 10000
opcodesOpIds :: [String]