{-| Algorithms on Graphs.

This module contains a few graph algorithms and the transoformations
needed for them to be used on nodes.

For more information about Graph Coloring see:

LF-coloring is described in:
Welsh, D. J. A.; Powell, M. B. (1967), "An upper bound for the chromatic number
of a graph and its application to timetabling problems", The Computer Journal
10 (1): 85-86, doi:10.1093/comjnl/10.1.85

DSatur is described in:
Brelaz, D. (1979), "New methods to color the vertices of a graph",
Communications of the ACM 22 (4): 251-256, doi:10.1145/359094.359101

Also interesting:
Klotz, W. (2002). Graph coloring algorithms. Mathematics Report, Technical
University Clausthal, 1-9.



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module Ganeti.HTools.Graph
  ( -- * Types
  , VertColorMap
  , ColorVertMap
    -- * Creation
  , emptyVertColorMap
    -- * Coloring
  , colorInOrder
  , colorLF
  , colorDsatur
  , colorDcolor
  , isColorable
    -- * Color map transformations
  , colorVertMap
    -- * Vertex characteristics
  , verticesByDegreeDesc
  , verticesByDegreeAsc
  , neighbors
  , hasLoop
  , isUndirected
  ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.List

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import qualified Data.Array as Array

-- * Type declarations

-- | Node colors.
type Color = Int

-- | Saturation: number of colored neighbors.
type Satur = Int

-- | Vertex to Color association.
type VertColorMap = IntMap.IntMap Color

-- | Color to Vertex association.
type ColorVertMap = IntMap.IntMap [Int]

-- * Vertices characteristics

-- | (vertex, degree) tuples on a graph.
verticesDegree :: Graph.Graph -> [(Graph.Vertex, Int)]
verticesDegree g = Array.assocs $ Graph.outdegree g

-- | vertices of a graph, sorted by ascending degree.
verticesByDegreeDesc :: Graph.Graph -> [Graph.Vertex]
verticesByDegreeDesc g =
  map fst . sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) $ verticesDegree g

-- | vertices of a graph, sorted by descending degree.
verticesByDegreeAsc :: Graph.Graph -> [Graph.Vertex]
verticesByDegreeAsc g = map fst . sortBy (comparing snd) $ verticesDegree g

-- | Get the neighbors of a vertex.
neighbors :: Graph.Graph -> Graph.Vertex -> [Graph.Vertex]
neighbors g v = g Array.! v

-- | Check whether a graph has no loops.
-- (vertices connected to themselves)
hasLoop :: Graph.Graph -> Bool
hasLoop g = any vLoops $ Graph.vertices g
    where vLoops v = v `elem` neighbors g v

-- | Check whether a graph is undirected
isUndirected :: Graph.Graph -> Bool
isUndirected g =
  (sort . Graph.edges) g == (sort . Graph.edges . Graph.transposeG) g

-- * Coloring

-- | Empty color map.
emptyVertColorMap :: VertColorMap
emptyVertColorMap = IntMap.empty

-- | Check whether a graph is colorable.
isColorable :: Graph.Graph -> Bool
isColorable g = isUndirected g && not (hasLoop g)

-- | Get the colors of a list of vertices.
-- Any uncolored vertices are ignored.
verticesColors :: VertColorMap -> [Graph.Vertex] -> [Color]
verticesColors cMap = mapMaybe (`IntMap.lookup` cMap)

-- | Get the set of colors of a list of vertices.
-- Any uncolored vertices are ignored.
verticesColorSet :: VertColorMap -> [Graph.Vertex] -> IntSet.IntSet
verticesColorSet cMap = IntSet.fromList . verticesColors cMap

-- | Get the colors of the neighbors of a vertex.
neighColors :: Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap -> Graph.Vertex -> [Color]
neighColors g cMap v = verticesColors cMap $ neighbors g v

{-# ANN colorNode "HLint: ignore Use alternative" #-}
-- | Color one node.
colorNode :: Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap -> Graph.Vertex -> Color
-- use of "head" is A-ok as the source is an infinite list
colorNode g cMap v = head $ filter notNeighColor [0..]
    where notNeighColor = (`notElem` neighColors g cMap v)

-- | Color a node returning the updated color map.
colorNodeInMap :: Graph.Graph -> Graph.Vertex -> VertColorMap -> VertColorMap
colorNodeInMap g v cMap = IntMap.insert v newcolor cMap
    where newcolor = colorNode g cMap v

-- | Color greedily all nodes in the given order.
colorInOrder :: Graph.Graph -> [Graph.Vertex] -> VertColorMap
colorInOrder g = foldr (colorNodeInMap g) emptyVertColorMap

-- | Color greedily all nodes, larger first.
colorLF :: Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap
colorLF g = colorInOrder g $ verticesByDegreeAsc g

-- | (vertex, (saturation, degree)) for a vertex.
vertexSaturation :: Graph.Graph
                 -> VertColorMap
                 -> Graph.Vertex
                 -> (Graph.Vertex, (Satur, Int))
vertexSaturation g cMap v =
  (v, (IntSet.size (verticesColorSet cMap neigh), length neigh))
    where neigh = neighbors g v

-- | (vertex, (colordegree, degree)) for a vertex.
vertexColorDegree :: Graph.Graph
                  -> VertColorMap
                  -> Graph.Vertex
                  -> (Graph.Vertex, (Int, Int))
vertexColorDegree g cMap v =
  (v, (length (verticesColors cMap neigh), length neigh))
    where neigh = neighbors g v

-- | Color all nodes in a dynamic order.
-- We have a list of vertices still uncolored, and at each round we
-- choose&delete one vertex among the remaining ones. A helper function
-- is used to induce an order so that the next vertex can be chosen.
colorDynamicOrder :: Ord a
                  =>  (Graph.Graph
                      -> VertColorMap
                      -> Graph.Vertex
                      -> (Graph.Vertex, a)) -- ^ Helper to induce the choice
                  -> Graph.Graph -- ^ Target graph
                  -> VertColorMap -- ^ Accumulating vertex color map
                  -> [Graph.Vertex] -- ^ List of remaining vertices
                  -> VertColorMap -- ^ Output vertex color map
colorDynamicOrder _ _ cMap [] = cMap
colorDynamicOrder ordind g cMap l = colorDynamicOrder ordind g newmap newlist
    where newmap = colorNodeInMap g choosen cMap
          choosen = fst . maximumBy (comparing snd) $ ordlist
          ordlist = map (ordind g cMap) l
          newlist = delete choosen l

-- | Color greedily all nodes, highest number of colored neighbors, then
-- highest degree. This is slower than "colorLF" as we must dynamically
-- recalculate which node to color next among all remaining ones but
-- produces better results.
colorDcolor :: Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap
colorDcolor g =
  colorDynamicOrder vertexColorDegree g emptyVertColorMap $ Graph.vertices g

-- | Color greedily all nodes, highest saturation, then highest degree.
-- This is slower than "colorLF" as we must dynamically recalculate
-- which node to color next among all remaining ones but produces better
-- results.
colorDsatur :: Graph.Graph -> VertColorMap
colorDsatur g =
  colorDynamicOrder vertexSaturation g emptyVertColorMap $ Graph.vertices g

-- | ColorVertMap from VertColorMap.
colorVertMap :: VertColorMap -> ColorVertMap
colorVertMap = IntMap.foldWithKey
                 (flip (IntMap.insertWith ((:) . head)) . replicate 1)