Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
Ganeti constants.
These are duplicated from the Python code. Note that this file is
autogenerated using autotools/convert_constants
script with a header
- adminstAll :: [String]
- adminstDown :: String
- adminstOffline :: String
- adminstUp :: String
- adminGroup :: String
- adoptableBlockdevRoot :: String
- allocPolicyLastResort :: String
- allocPolicyPreferred :: String
- allocPolicyUnallocable :: String
- autoRepairAllResults :: [String]
- autoRepairAllTypes :: [String]
- autoRepairEnoperm :: String
- autoRepairFailover :: String
- autoRepairFailure :: String
- autoRepairFixStorage :: String
- autoRepairMigrate :: String
- autoRepairReinstall :: String
- autoRepairSuccess :: String
- autoRepairTagEnabled :: String
- autoRepairTagPending :: String
- autoRepairTagPrefix :: String
- autoRepairTagResult :: String
- autoRepairTagSuspended :: String
- becDefaultsAlwaysFailover :: Bool
- becDefaultsAutoBalance :: Bool
- becDefaultsMaxmem :: Int
- becDefaultsMinmem :: Int
- becDefaultsSpindleUse :: Int
- becDefaultsVcpus :: Int
- besParameters :: [String]
- besParameterCompat :: [(String, String)]
- besParameterCompatAlwaysFailover :: String
- besParameterCompatAutoBalance :: String
- besParameterCompatMaxmem :: String
- besParameterCompatMemory :: String
- besParameterCompatMinmem :: String
- besParameterCompatSpindleUse :: String
- besParameterCompatVcpus :: String
- besParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
- besParameterTitlesAutoBalance :: String
- besParameterTitlesMaxmem :: String
- besParameterTitlesMinmem :: String
- besParameterTitlesVcpus :: String
- besParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- besParameterTypesAlwaysFailover :: String
- besParameterTypesAutoBalance :: String
- besParameterTypesMaxmem :: String
- besParameterTypesMinmem :: String
- besParameterTypesSpindleUse :: String
- besParameterTypesVcpus :: String
- beAlwaysFailover :: String
- beAutoBalance :: String
- beMaxmem :: String
- beMemory :: String
- beMinmem :: String
- beSpindleUse :: String
- beVcpus :: String
- blockdevDriverManual :: String
- builtinDataCollectorVersion :: String
- childLingerTimeout :: Double
- classicDrbdSyncSpeed :: Int
- confd :: String
- confdClientExpireTimeout :: Int
- confdConfigReloadRatelimit :: Int
- confdConfigReloadTimeout :: Int
- confdDefaultReqCoverage :: Int
- confdErrorArgument :: Int
- confdErrorInternal :: Int
- confdErrorUnknownEntry :: Int
- confdGroup :: String
- confdMagicFourcc :: String
- confdMaxClockSkew :: Int
- confdNodeRoleCandidate :: Int
- confdNodeRoleDrained :: Int
- confdNodeRoleMaster :: Int
- confdNodeRoleOffline :: Int
- confdNodeRoleRegular :: Int
- confdProtocolVersion :: Int
- confdReplStatuses :: [Int]
- confdReplStatusError :: Int
- confdReplStatusNotimplemented :: Int
- confdReplStatusOk :: Int
- confdReqfieldIp :: String
- confdReqfieldMnodePip :: String
- confdReqfieldName :: String
- confdReqqFields :: String
- confdReqqIp :: String
- confdReqqIplist :: String
- confdReqqLink :: String
- confdReqs :: [Int]
- confdReqClusterMaster :: Int
- confdReqInstancesIpsList :: Int
- confdReqMcPipList :: Int
- confdReqNodeDrbd :: Int
- confdReqNodeInstances :: Int
- confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp :: Int
- confdReqNodePipList :: Int
- confdReqNodeRoleByname :: Int
- confdReqPing :: Int
- confdUser :: String
- configMajor :: Int
- configMinor :: Int
- configRevision :: Int
- configVersion :: Int
- consAll :: [String]
- consMessage :: String
- consSpice :: String
- consSsh :: String
- consVnc :: String
- cpuPinningAll :: String
- cpuPinningAllKvm :: Int
- cpuPinningAllVal :: Int
- cpuPinningAllXen :: String
- cpuPinningOff :: [Int]
- cpuPinningSep :: String
- cvAllEcodesStrings :: [String]
- cvEclustercertCode :: String
- cvEclustercert :: (String, String, String)
- cvEclustercfgCode :: String
- cvEclustercfg :: (String, String, String)
- cvEclusterdanglinginstCode :: String
- cvEclusterdanglinginst :: (String, String, String)
- cvEclusterdanglingnodesCode :: String
- cvEclusterdanglingnodes :: (String, String, String)
- cvEclusterfilecheckCode :: String
- cvEclusterfilecheck :: (String, String, String)
- cvEgroupdifferentpvsizeCode :: String
- cvEgroupdifferentpvsize :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancebadnodeCode :: String
- cvEinstancebadnode :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancedownCode :: String
- cvEinstancedown :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancefaultydiskCode :: String
- cvEinstancefaultydisk :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancelayoutCode :: String
- cvEinstancelayout :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancemissingdiskCode :: String
- cvEinstancemissingdisk :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancepolicyCode :: String
- cvEinstancepolicy :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancesplitgroupsCode :: String
- cvEinstancesplitgroups :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstanceunsuitablenodeCode :: String
- cvEinstanceunsuitablenode :: (String, String, String)
- cvEinstancewrongnodeCode :: String
- cvEinstancewrongnode :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodedrbdCode :: String
- cvEnodedrbd :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodedrbdhelperCode :: String
- cvEnodedrbdhelper :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodefilecheckCode :: String
- cvEnodefilecheck :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodefilestoragepathsCode :: String
- cvEnodefilestoragepaths :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodehooksCode :: String
- cvEnodehooks :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodehvCode :: String
- cvEnodehv :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodelvmCode :: String
- cvEnodelvm :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnoden1Code :: String
- cvEnoden1 :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodenetCode :: String
- cvEnodenet :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeoobpathCode :: String
- cvEnodeoobpath :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeorphaninstanceCode :: String
- cvEnodeorphaninstance :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeorphanlvCode :: String
- cvEnodeorphanlv :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeosCode :: String
- cvEnodeos :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnoderpcCode :: String
- cvEnoderpc :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodesetupCode :: String
- cvEnodesetup :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodesshCode :: String
- cvEnodessh :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodetimeCode :: String
- cvEnodetime :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeuserscriptsCode :: String
- cvEnodeuserscripts :: (String, String, String)
- cvEnodeversionCode :: String
- cvEnodeversion :: (String, String, String)
- cvTcluster :: String
- cvTgroup :: String
- cvTinstance :: String
- cvTnode :: String
- daemons :: [String]
- daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMond :: [(String, String)]
- daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMondAccess :: String
- daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMondError :: String
- daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMond :: [(String, String)]
- daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMondAccess :: String
- daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMondError :: String
- daemonsGroup :: String
- daemonsLogbase :: [(String, String)]
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiConfd :: String
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiLuxid :: String
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiMasterd :: String
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiMond :: String
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiNoded :: String
- daemonsLogbaseGanetiRapi :: String
- daemonsLogfiles :: [(String, String)]
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiConfd :: String
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiLuxid :: String
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiMasterd :: String
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiMond :: String
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiNoded :: String
- daemonsLogfilesGanetiRapi :: String
- daemonsPortsGanetiConfd :: (String, Int)
- daemonsPortsGanetiMond :: (String, Int)
- daemonsPortsGanetiNoded :: (String, Int)
- daemonsPortsGanetiRapi :: (String, Int)
- daemonsPortsSsh :: (String, Int)
- ddmsValues :: [String]
- ddmsValuesWithModify :: [String]
- ddmAdd :: String
- ddmModify :: String
- ddmRemove :: String
- ddCmd :: String
- defaultBridge :: String
- defaultConfdPort :: Int
- defaultDrbdHelper :: String
- defaultEnabledDiskTemplates :: [String]
- defaultEnabledHypervisor :: String
- defaultIallocatorShortcut :: String
- defaultMacPrefix :: String
- defaultMondPort :: Int
- defaultNodedPort :: Int
- defaultRapiPort :: Int
- defaultShutdownTimeout :: Int
- defaultVg :: String
- devConsole :: String
- diskAccessSet :: [String]
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdCDelayTarget :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdCFillTarget :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMaxRate :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMinRate :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdCPlanAhead :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdDataStripes :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskBarriers :: String
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskCustom :: String
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdDynamicResync :: Bool
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaBarriers :: Bool
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaStripes :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetavg :: String
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdNetCustom :: String
- diskDtDefaultsDrbdResyncRate :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsPlain :: [(String, Int)]
- diskDtDefaultsPlainStripes :: Int
- diskDtDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]
- diskDtDefaultsRbdPool :: String
- diskDtParameters :: [String]
- diskDtTypes :: [(String, String)]
- diskDtTypesCDelayTarget :: String
- diskDtTypesCFillTarget :: String
- diskDtTypesCMaxRate :: String
- diskDtTypesCMinRate :: String
- diskDtTypesCPlanAhead :: String
- diskDtTypesDataStripes :: String
- diskDtTypesDiskBarriers :: String
- diskDtTypesDiskCustom :: String
- diskDtTypesDynamicResync :: String
- diskDtTypesMetaBarriers :: String
- diskDtTypesMetaStripes :: String
- diskDtTypesMetavg :: String
- diskDtTypesNetCustom :: String
- diskDtTypesPool :: String
- diskDtTypesResyncRate :: String
- diskDtTypesStripes :: String
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CDelayTarget :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CFillTarget :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMaxRate :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMinRate :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CPlanAhead :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DefaultMetavg :: String
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisableMetaFlush :: Bool
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisabledBarriers :: String
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DiskCustom :: String
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DynamicResync :: Bool
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8NetCustom :: String
- diskLdDefaultsDrbd8ResyncRate :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsLvm :: [(String, Int)]
- diskLdDefaultsLvmStripes :: Int
- diskLdDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]
- diskLdDefaultsRbdPool :: String
- diskLdParameters :: [String]
- diskLdTypes :: [(String, String)]
- diskLdTypesCDelayTarget :: String
- diskLdTypesCFillTarget :: String
- diskLdTypesCMaxRate :: String
- diskLdTypesCMinRate :: String
- diskLdTypesCPlanAhead :: String
- diskLdTypesDefaultMetavg :: String
- diskLdTypesDisableMetaFlush :: String
- diskLdTypesDisabledBarriers :: String
- diskLdTypesDiskCustom :: String
- diskLdTypesDynamicResync :: String
- diskLdTypesNetCustom :: String
- diskLdTypesPool :: String
- diskLdTypesResyncRate :: String
- diskLdTypesStripes :: String
- diskRdonly :: String
- diskRdwr :: String
- diskSeparator :: String
- diskTemplates :: [String]
- diskTemplatesStorageType :: [(String, String)]
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeBlockdev :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeDiskless :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeDrbd :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeExt :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeFile :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypePlain :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeRbd :: String
- diskTemplatesStorageTypeSharedfile :: String
- diskTemplatePreference :: [String]
- diskTransferConnectTimeout :: Int
- drbdBDiskBarriers :: String
- drbdBDiskDrain :: String
- drbdBDiskFlush :: String
- drbdBNone :: String
- drbdDataStripes :: String
- drbdDefaultMetavg :: String
- drbdDelayTarget :: String
- drbdDiskBarriers :: String
- drbdDiskCustom :: String
- drbdDynamicResync :: String
- drbdFillTarget :: String
- drbdHmacAlg :: String
- drbdMaxRate :: String
- drbdMetaBarriers :: String
- drbdMetaSize :: Int
- drbdMetaStripes :: String
- drbdMinRate :: String
- drbdNetCustom :: String
- drbdNetProtocol :: String
- drbdPlanAhead :: String
- drbdResyncRate :: String
- drbdStatusFile :: String
- dssParameters :: [String]
- dssParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- dssParameterTypesDiskOverhead :: String
- dssParameterTypesDiskReserved :: String
- dssParameterTypesDiskTotal :: String
- dsDefaults :: [(String, Int)]
- dsDefaultsDiskOverhead :: Int
- dsDefaultsDiskReserved :: Int
- dsDefaultsDiskTotal :: Int
- dsDiskOverhead :: String
- dsDiskReserved :: String
- dsDiskTotal :: String
- dsValidTypes :: [String]
- dtsCopyable :: [String]
- dtsExclStorage :: [String]
- dtsExtMirror :: [String]
- dtsFilebased :: [String]
- dtsGrowable :: [String]
- dtsIntMirror :: [String]
- dtsMayAdopt :: [String]
- dtsMirrored :: [String]
- dtsMustAdopt :: [String]
- dtsNotLvm :: [String]
- dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck :: [String]
- dtBlock :: String
- dtDiskless :: String
- dtDrbd8 :: String
- dtExt :: String
- dtFile :: String
- dtPlain :: String
- dtRbd :: String
- dtSharedFile :: String
- elogJqueueTest :: String
- elogMessage :: String
- elogRemoteImport :: String
- enableConfd :: Bool
- enableFileStorage :: Bool
- enableMond :: Bool
- enableRestrictedCommands :: Bool
- enableSharedFileStorage :: Bool
- enableSplitQuery :: Bool
- enforceableTypes :: [String]
- esActionAttach :: String
- esActionCreate :: String
- esActionDetach :: String
- esActionGrow :: String
- esActionRemove :: String
- esActionSetinfo :: String
- esActionVerify :: String
- esParametersFile :: String
- esScripts :: [String]
- esScriptAttach :: String
- esScriptCreate :: String
- esScriptDetach :: String
- esScriptGrow :: String
- esScriptRemove :: String
- esScriptSetinfo :: String
- esScriptVerify :: String
- etcHostsAdd :: String
- etcHostsRemove :: String
- exitConfirmation :: Int
- exitFailure :: Int
- exitNodesetupError :: Int
- exitNotcluster :: Int
- exitNotmaster :: Int
- exitSuccess :: Int
- exitUnknownField :: Int
- exportConfFile :: String
- exportModes :: [String]
- exportModeLocal :: String
- exportModeRemote :: String
- exportVersion :: Int
- extraLogreasonAccess :: String
- extraLogreasonError :: String
- extPluginMask :: String
- fakeOpMasterTurndown :: String
- fakeOpMasterTurnup :: String
- fdBlktap :: String
- fdBlktap2 :: String
- fdDefault :: String
- fdLoop :: String
- fileDriver :: [String]
- firstDrbdPort :: Int
- hkrFail :: Int
- hkrSkip :: Int
- hkrSuccess :: Int
- hooksNameCfgupdate :: String
- hooksNameWatcher :: String
- hooksPath :: String
- hooksPhasePost :: String
- hooksPhasePre :: String
- hooksVersion :: Int
- htools :: Bool
- htsReqPort :: [String]
- htypeCluster :: String
- htypeGroup :: String
- htypeInstance :: String
- htypeNetwork :: String
- htypeNode :: String
- htBoCdrom :: String
- htBoDisk :: String
- htBoFloppy :: String
- htBoNetwork :: String
- htCacheDefault :: String
- htCacheNone :: String
- htCacheWback :: String
- htCacheWthrough :: String
- htChroot :: String
- htDiskIde :: String
- htDiskIoemu :: String
- htDiskMtd :: String
- htDiskParavirtual :: String
- htDiskPflash :: String
- htDiskScsi :: String
- htDiskSd :: String
- htFake :: String
- htHvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]
- htHvmValidNicTypes :: [String]
- htHvmValidVifTypes :: [String]
- htHvmVifIoemu :: String
- htHvmVifVif :: String
- htKvm :: String
- htKvmDisabled :: String
- htKvmEnabled :: String
- htKvmFlagValues :: [String]
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz :: String
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz :: String
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz :: String
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz :: String
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff :: String
- htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic :: String
- htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways :: String
- htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto :: String
- htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever :: String
- htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions :: [String]
- htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions :: [String]
- htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions :: [String]
- htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll :: String
- htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter :: String
- htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff :: String
- htKvmValidBoTypes :: [String]
- htKvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]
- htKvmValidMouseTypes :: [String]
- htKvmValidNicTypes :: [String]
- htKvmValidSmTypes :: [String]
- htLxc :: String
- htMigrationLive :: String
- htMigrationModes :: [String]
- htMigrationNonlive :: String
- htMouseMouse :: String
- htMouseTablet :: String
- htNicE1000 :: String
- htNicI82551 :: String
- htNicI8259er :: String
- htNicI85557b :: String
- htNicNe2kIsa :: String
- htNicNe2kPci :: String
- htNicParavirtual :: String
- htNicPcnet :: String
- htNicRtl8139 :: String
- htSmNone :: String
- htSmPool :: String
- htSmUser :: String
- htValidCacheTypes :: [String]
- htXenHvm :: String
- htXenPvm :: String
- hvcDefaultsChroot :: [(String, String)]
- hvcDefaultsChrootInitScript :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmAcpi :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmBootOrder :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmCdromDiskType :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmCdromImagePath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmCpuCores :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmCpuMask :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmCpuSockets :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmCpuThreads :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmCpuType :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmDiskCache :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmDiskType :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmFloppyImagePath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmInitrdPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKernelArgs :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKernelPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKeymap :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKvmExtra :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKvmFlag :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmKvmPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmMachineVersion :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmMemPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationBandwidth :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationDowntime :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationMode :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationPort :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmNicType :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmRebootBehavior :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmRootPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityDomain :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityModel :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSerialConsole :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmSerialSpeed :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmSoundhw :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceBind :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceImageCompression :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceIpVersion :: Int
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceJpegWanCompression :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePasswordFile :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePlaybackCompression :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceStreamingVideo :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseTls :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmUsbDevices :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmUsbMouse :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmUseChroot :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmUseLocaltime :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmVga :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmVhostNet :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmVncBindAddress :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmVncPasswordFile :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmVncTls :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Path :: String
- hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Verify :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsKvmVnetHdr :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsLxc :: [(String, String)]
- hvcDefaultsLxcCpuMask :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmAcpi :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmBlockdevPrefix :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmBootOrder :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmCdromImagePath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuCap :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuMask :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuWeight :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmDeviceModel :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmDiskType :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmKernelPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationMode :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationPort :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmNicType :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmPae :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmPciPass :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmRebootBehavior :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmUseLocaltime :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmVifType :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmViridian :: Bool
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncBindAddress :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncPasswordFile :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmBlockdevPrefix :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderArgs :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuCap :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuMask :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuWeight :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmInitrdPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelArgs :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationMode :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationPort :: Int
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmRebootBehavior :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmRootPath :: String
- hvcDefaultsXenPvmUseBootloader :: Bool
- hvcGlobals :: [String]
- hvstsParameters :: [String]
- hvstsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- hvstsParameterTypesCpuNode :: String
- hvstsParameterTypesCpuTotal :: String
- hvstsParameterTypesMemHv :: String
- hvstsParameterTypesMemNode :: String
- hvstsParameterTypesMemTotal :: String
- hvstCpuNode :: String
- hvstCpuTotal :: String
- hvstDefaults :: [(String, Int)]
- hvstDefaultsCpuNode :: Int
- hvstDefaultsCpuTotal :: Int
- hvstDefaultsMemHv :: Int
- hvstDefaultsMemNode :: Int
- hvstDefaultsMemTotal :: Int
- hvstMemoryHv :: String
- hvstMemoryNode :: String
- hvstMemoryTotal :: String
- hvsParameters :: [String]
- hvsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
- hvsParameterTitlesAcpi :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesBootOrder :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesCdromImagePath :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesCpuType :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesDiskType :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesInitrdPath :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesKernelPath :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesNicType :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesPae :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesPciPass :: String
- hvsParameterTitlesVncBindAddress :: String
- hvsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- hvsParameterTypesAcpi :: String
- hvsParameterTypesBlockdevPrefix :: String
- hvsParameterTypesBootOrder :: String
- hvsParameterTypesBootloaderArgs :: String
- hvsParameterTypesBootloaderPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCdrom2ImagePath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCdromDiskType :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCdromImagePath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuCap :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuCores :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuMask :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuSockets :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuThreads :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuType :: String
- hvsParameterTypesCpuWeight :: String
- hvsParameterTypesDeviceModel :: String
- hvsParameterTypesDiskCache :: String
- hvsParameterTypesDiskType :: String
- hvsParameterTypesFloppyImagePath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesInitScript :: String
- hvsParameterTypesInitrdPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKernelArgs :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKernelPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKeymap :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKvmExtra :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKvmFlag :: String
- hvsParameterTypesKvmPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMachineVersion :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMemPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMigrationBandwidth :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMigrationDowntime :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMigrationMode :: String
- hvsParameterTypesMigrationPort :: String
- hvsParameterTypesNicType :: String
- hvsParameterTypesPae :: String
- hvsParameterTypesPciPass :: String
- hvsParameterTypesRebootBehavior :: String
- hvsParameterTypesRootPath :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSecurityDomain :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSecurityModel :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSerialConsole :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSerialSpeed :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSoundhw :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceBind :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceImageCompression :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceIpVersion :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceJpegWanCompression :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpicePasswordFile :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpicePlaybackCompression :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceStreamingVideo :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseTls :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseVdagent :: String
- hvsParameterTypesSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: String
- hvsParameterTypesUsbDevices :: String
- hvsParameterTypesUsbMouse :: String
- hvsParameterTypesUseBootloader :: String
- hvsParameterTypesUseChroot :: String
- hvsParameterTypesUseLocaltime :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVga :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVhostNet :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVifType :: String
- hvsParameterTypesViridian :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVncBindAddress :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVncPasswordFile :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVncTls :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVncX509Path :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVncX509Verify :: String
- hvsParameterTypesVnetHdr :: String
- hvAcpi :: String
- hvBlockdevPrefix :: String
- hvBootloaderArgs :: String
- hvBootloaderPath :: String
- hvBootOrder :: String
- hvCdromImagePath :: String
- hvCpuCap :: String
- hvCpuCores :: String
- hvCpuMask :: String
- hvCpuSockets :: String
- hvCpuThreads :: String
- hvCpuType :: String
- hvCpuWeight :: String
- hvDeviceModel :: String
- hvDiskCache :: String
- hvDiskType :: String
- hvInitrdPath :: String
- hvInitScript :: String
- hvKernelArgs :: String
- hvKernelPath :: String
- hvKeymap :: String
- hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: String
- hvKvmCdromDiskType :: String
- hvKvmExtra :: String
- hvKvmFlag :: String
- hvKvmFloppyImagePath :: String
- hvKvmMachineVersion :: String
- hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]
- hvKvmPath :: String
- hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr :: String
- hvKvmSpiceBind :: String
- hvKvmSpiceIpVersion :: String
- hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr :: String
- hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr :: String
- hvKvmSpicePasswordFile :: String
- hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection :: String
- hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: String
- hvKvmSpiceUseTls :: String
- hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: String
- hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr :: String
- hvKvmUseChroot :: String
- hvMemPath :: String
- hvMigrationActive :: String
- hvMigrationBandwidth :: String
- hvMigrationCancelled :: String
- hvMigrationCompleted :: String
- hvMigrationDowntime :: String
- hvMigrationFailed :: String
- hvMigrationFailedStatuses :: [String]
- hvMigrationMode :: String
- hvMigrationPort :: String
- hvMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]
- hvNicType :: String
- hvNodeinfoKeyVersion :: String
- hvPae :: String
- hvPassthrough :: String
- hvRebootBehavior :: String
- hvRootPath :: String
- hvSecurityDomain :: String
- hvSecurityModel :: String
- hvSerialConsole :: String
- hvSerialSpeed :: String
- hvSoundhw :: String
- hvUsbDevices :: String
- hvUsbMouse :: String
- hvUseBootloader :: String
- hvUseLocaltime :: String
- hvVga :: String
- hvVhostNet :: String
- hvVifType :: String
- hvViridian :: String
- hvVncBindAddress :: String
- hvVncPasswordFile :: String
- hvVncTls :: String
- hvVncX509 :: String
- hvVncX509Verify :: String
- hvVnetHdr :: String
- hyperTypes :: [String]
- iallocatorDirIn :: String
- iallocatorDirOut :: String
- iallocatorModeAlloc :: String
- iallocatorModeChgGroup :: String
- iallocatorModeMultiAlloc :: String
- iallocatorModeNodeEvac :: String
- iallocatorModeReloc :: String
- iallocatorNevacAll :: String
- iallocatorNevacModes :: [String]
- iallocatorNevacPri :: String
- iallocatorNevacSec :: String
- iallocatorSearchPath :: [String]
- iallocatorVersion :: Int
- iallocHail :: String
- idiskAdopt :: String
- idiskMetavg :: String
- idiskMode :: String
- idiskName :: String
- idiskParams :: [String]
- idiskParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]
- idiskParamsTypesAdopt :: String
- idiskParamsTypesMetavg :: String
- idiskParamsTypesMode :: String
- idiskParamsTypesName :: String
- idiskParamsTypesProvider :: String
- idiskParamsTypesSize :: String
- idiskParamsTypesVg :: String
- idiskProvider :: String
- idiskSize :: String
- idiskVg :: String
- iecAll :: [String]
- iecGzip :: String
- iecNone :: String
- ieioFile :: String
- ieioRawDisk :: String
- ieioScript :: String
- iemExport :: String
- iemImport :: String
- ieCustomSize :: String
- ieMagicRe :: String
- ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified :: Int
- inicIp :: String
- inicLink :: String
- inicMac :: String
- inicMode :: String
- inicName :: String
- inicNetwork :: String
- inicParams :: [String]
- inicParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]
- inicParamsTypesIp :: String
- inicParamsTypesLink :: String
- inicParamsTypesMac :: String
- inicParamsTypesMode :: String
- inicParamsTypesName :: String
- inicParamsTypesNetwork :: String
- inisectBep :: String
- inisectExp :: String
- inisectHyp :: String
- inisectIns :: String
- inisectOsp :: String
- initialNodeGroupName :: String
- instanceCreate :: String
- instanceCreateModes :: [String]
- instanceImport :: String
- instanceRebootAllowed :: String
- instanceRebootExit :: String
- instanceRebootFull :: String
- instanceRebootHard :: String
- instanceRebootSoft :: String
- instanceRemoteImport :: String
- inststAdmindown :: String
- inststAdminoffline :: String
- inststAll :: [String]
- inststErrordown :: String
- inststErrorup :: String
- inststNodedown :: String
- inststNodeoffline :: String
- inststRunning :: String
- inststWrongnode :: String
- ip4AddressAny :: String
- ip4AddressLocalhost :: String
- ip4Family :: Int
- ip4Version :: Int
- ip6AddressAny :: String
- ip6AddressLocalhost :: String
- ip6Family :: Int
- ip6Version :: Int
- ipolicyAllKeys :: [String]
- ipolicyDefaultsDiskTemplates :: [String]
- ipolicyDefaultsSpindleRatio :: Double
- ipolicyDefaultsStd :: [(String, Int)]
- ipolicyDefaultsStdCpuCount :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskCount :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskSize :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsStdMemorySize :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsStdNicCount :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsStdSpindleUse :: Int
- ipolicyDefaultsVcpuRatio :: Double
- ipolicyDts :: String
- ipolicyParameters :: [String]
- ipolicySpindleRatio :: String
- ipolicyVcpuRatio :: String
- ipCommandPath :: String
- ispecsMax :: String
- ispecsMin :: String
- ispecsMinmax :: String
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMax :: [(String, Int)]
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxCpuCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxDiskCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxDiskSize :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxMemorySize :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxNicCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxSpindleUse :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMin :: [(String, Int)]
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinCpuCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinDiskCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinDiskSize :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinMemorySize :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinNicCount :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinSpindleUse :: Int
- ispecsMinmaxKeys :: [String]
- ispecsParameters :: [String]
- ispecsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- ispecsParameterTypesCpuCount :: String
- ispecsParameterTypesDiskCount :: String
- ispecsParameterTypesDiskSize :: String
- ispecsParameterTypesMemorySize :: String
- ispecsParameterTypesNicCount :: String
- ispecsParameterTypesSpindleUse :: String
- ispecsStd :: String
- ispecCpuCount :: String
- ispecDiskCount :: String
- ispecDiskSize :: String
- ispecMemSize :: String
- ispecNicCount :: String
- ispecSpindleUse :: String
- jobsFinalized :: [String]
- jobsPending :: [String]
- jobFileRe :: String
- jobIdsKey :: String
- jobIdTemplate :: String
- jobNotchanged :: String
- jobQueueFilesPerms :: Int
- jobQueueSizeHardLimit :: Int
- jobQueueVersion :: Int
- jobStatusAll :: [String]
- jobStatusCanceled :: String
- jobStatusCanceling :: String
- jobStatusError :: String
- jobStatusQueued :: String
- jobStatusRunning :: String
- jobStatusSuccess :: String
- jobStatusWaiting :: String
- jqtAll :: [String]
- jqtExec :: String
- jqtExpandnames :: String
- jqtLogmsg :: String
- jqtMsgprefix :: String
- jqtStartmsg :: String
- knownXenCommands :: [String]
- kvmKernel :: String
- kvmPath :: String
- lastDrbdPort :: Int
- ldpBarriers :: String
- ldpDefaultMetavg :: String
- ldpDelayTarget :: String
- ldpDiskCustom :: String
- ldpDynamicResync :: String
- ldpFillTarget :: String
- ldpMaxRate :: String
- ldpMinRate :: String
- ldpNetCustom :: String
- ldpNoMetaFlush :: String
- ldpPlanAhead :: String
- ldpPool :: String
- ldpResyncRate :: String
- ldpStripes :: String
- ldsBlock :: [String]
- ldsDrbd :: [String]
- ldsFaulty :: Int
- ldsOkay :: Int
- ldsUnknown :: Int
- ldBlockdev :: String
- ldDrbd8 :: String
- ldExt :: String
- ldFile :: String
- ldLv :: String
- ldRbd :: String
- locksAppend :: String
- locksReplace :: String
- lockAttemptsMaxwait :: Double
- lockAttemptsMinwait :: Double
- lockAttemptsTimeout :: Int
- logicalDiskTypes :: [String]
- luxid :: String
- luxidGroup :: String
- luxidUser :: String
- luxiEom :: String
- luxiOverride :: String
- luxiOverrideMaster :: String
- luxiOverrideQuery :: String
- luxiSocketPerms :: Int
- luxiVersion :: Int
- lvStripes :: String
- masterd :: String
- masterdGroup :: String
- masterdUser :: String
- masterPoolSizeDefault :: Int
- maxDisks :: Int
- maxNics :: Int
- maxTagsPerObj :: Int
- maxTagLen :: Int
- maxUdpDataSize :: Int
- maxWipeChunk :: Int
- minVgSize :: Int
- minWipeChunkPercent :: Int
- modifiableIdiskParams :: [String]
- modifiableIdiskParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]
- modifiableIdiskParamsTypesMode :: String
- modifiableIdiskParamsTypesName :: String
- modifiableStorageFieldsLvmPv :: [String]
- mond :: String
- mondGroup :: String
- mondUser :: String
- ndcDefaultsExclusiveStorage :: Bool
- ndcDefaultsOobProgram :: String
- ndcDefaultsSpindleCount :: Int
- ndcGlobals :: [String]
- ndsClusterName :: String
- ndsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
- ndsParameters :: [String]
- ndsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]
- ndsParameterTitlesExclusiveStorage :: String
- ndsParameterTitlesOobProgram :: String
- ndsParameterTitlesSpindleCount :: String
- ndsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- ndsParameterTypesExclusiveStorage :: String
- ndsParameterTypesOobProgram :: String
- ndsParameterTypesSpindleCount :: String
- ndsSsconf :: String
- ndsStartNodeDaemon :: String
- ndExclusiveStorage :: String
- ndOobProgram :: String
- ndSpindleCount :: String
- niccDefaults :: [(String, String)]
- niccDefaultsLink :: String
- niccDefaultsMode :: String
- nicsParameters :: [String]
- nicsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]
- nicsParameterTypesLink :: String
- nicsParameterTypesMode :: String
- nicIpPool :: String
- nicLink :: String
- nicMode :: String
- nicModeBridged :: String
- nicModeOvs :: String
- nicModeRouted :: String
- nicValidModes :: [String]
- noded :: String
- nodedGroup :: String
- nodedUser :: String
- nodeEvacAll :: String
- nodeEvacModes :: [String]
- nodeEvacPri :: String
- nodeEvacSec :: String
- nodeMaxClockSkew :: Int
- nrAll :: [String]
- nrDrained :: String
- nrMaster :: String
- nrMcandidate :: String
- nrOffline :: String
- nrRegular :: String
- nvBridges :: String
- nvDrbdhelper :: String
- nvDrbdlist :: String
- nvExclusivepvs :: String
- nvFilelist :: String
- nvFileStoragePaths :: String
- nvHvinfo :: String
- nvHvparams :: String
- nvHypervisor :: String
- nvInstancelist :: String
- nvLvlist :: String
- nvMasterip :: String
- nvNodelist :: String
- nvNodenettest :: String
- nvNodesetup :: String
- nvOobPaths :: String
- nvOslist :: String
- nvPvlist :: String
- nvTime :: String
- nvUserscripts :: String
- nvVersion :: String
- nvVglist :: String
- nvVmnodes :: String
- oobCommands :: [String]
- oobHealth :: String
- oobPowerCycle :: String
- oobPowerDelay :: Double
- oobPowerOff :: String
- oobPowerOn :: String
- oobPowerStatus :: String
- oobPowerStatusPowered :: String
- oobStatuses :: [String]
- oobStatusCritical :: String
- oobStatusOk :: String
- oobStatusUnknown :: String
- oobStatusWarning :: String
- oobTimeout :: Int
- opcodeReason :: String
- opcodeReasonSources :: [String]
- opcodeReasonSrcClient :: String
- opcodeReasonSrcNoded :: String
- opcodeReasonSrcOpcode :: String
- opcodeReasonSrcRlib2 :: String
- opcodeReasonSrcUser :: String
- opensslCiphers :: String
- opsFinalized :: [String]
- opPrioDefault :: Int
- opPrioHigh :: Int
- opPrioHighest :: Int
- opPrioLow :: Int
- opPrioLowest :: Int
- opPrioNormal :: Int
- opPrioSubmitValid :: [Int]
- opStatusCanceled :: String
- opStatusCanceling :: String
- opStatusError :: String
- opStatusQueued :: String
- opStatusRunning :: String
- opStatusSuccess :: String
- opStatusWaiting :: String
- osApiFile :: String
- osApiV10 :: Int
- osApiV15 :: Int
- osApiV20 :: Int
- osApiVersions :: [Int]
- osParametersFile :: String
- osScripts :: [String]
- osScriptCreate :: String
- osScriptExport :: String
- osScriptImport :: String
- osScriptRename :: String
- osScriptVerify :: String
- osValidateCalls :: [String]
- osValidateParameters :: String
- osVariantsFile :: String
- partMargin :: Double
- partReserved :: Double
- pgrep :: String
- ppDefault :: String
- procMounts :: String
- protocolVersion :: Int
- qemuimgPath :: String
- qftAll :: [String]
- qftBool :: String
- qftNumber :: String
- qftOther :: String
- qftText :: String
- qftTimestamp :: String
- qftUnit :: String
- qftUnknown :: String
- qrCluster :: String
- qrExport :: String
- qrExtstorage :: String
- qrGroup :: String
- qrInstance :: String
- qrJob :: String
- qrLock :: String
- qrNetwork :: String
- qrNode :: String
- qrOs :: String
- qrViaLuxi :: [String]
- qrViaOp :: [String]
- qrViaRapi :: [String]
- randomUuidFile :: String
- rapi :: String
- rapiGroup :: String
- rapiUser :: String
- rapiVersion :: Int
- rbdCmd :: String
- rbdPool :: String
- rebootBehaviors :: [String]
- rebootTypes :: [String]
- releaseAction :: String
- releaseVersion :: String
- replaceDiskAuto :: String
- replaceDiskChg :: String
- replaceDiskPri :: String
- replaceDiskSec :: String
- replaceModes :: [String]
- reserveAction :: String
- rieCertValidity :: Int
- rieConnectAttemptTimeout :: Int
- rieConnectRetries :: Int
- rieConnectTimeout :: Int
- rieHandshake :: String
- rieVersion :: Int
- rpcConnectTimeout :: Int
- rpcEncodingNone :: Int
- rpcEncodingZlibBase64 :: Int
- rpcTmo1day :: Int
- rpcTmo4hrs :: Int
- rpcTmoFast :: Int
- rpcTmoNormal :: Int
- rpcTmoSlow :: Int
- rpcTmoUrgent :: Int
- rsaKeyBits :: Int
- rssDescription1 :: (String, String)
- rssDescription2 :: (String, String)
- rssDescription3 :: (String, String)
- rssDescription4 :: (String, String)
- rsAll :: [Int]
- rsNodata :: Int
- rsNormal :: Int
- rsOffline :: Int
- rsUnavail :: Int
- rsUnknown :: Int
- runpartsErr :: Int
- runpartsRun :: Int
- runpartsSkip :: Int
- runpartsStatus :: [Int]
- runDirsMode :: Int
- scp :: String
- secureDirMode :: Int
- secureFileMode :: Int
- sfAllocatable :: String
- sfFree :: String
- sfName :: String
- sfNode :: String
- sfSize :: String
- sfType :: String
- sfUsed :: String
- socatEscapeCode :: String
- socatPath :: String
- socatUseCompress :: Bool
- socatUseEscape :: Bool
- soFixConsistency :: String
- ssconfFileprefix :: String
- ssh :: String
- sshakAll :: [String]
- sshakDss :: String
- sshakRsa :: String
- sshkAll :: [String]
- sshkDsa :: String
- sshkRsa :: String
- sshsClusterName :: String
- sshsNodeDaemonCertificate :: String
- sshsSshHostKey :: String
- sshsSshRootKey :: String
- sshConsoleUser :: String
- sshDaemonKeyfilesDsa :: (String, String)
- sshDaemonKeyfilesRsa :: (String, String)
- sshLoginUser :: String
- sslCertExpirationError :: Int
- sslCertExpirationWarn :: Int
- ssClusterName :: String
- ssClusterTags :: String
- ssFilePerms :: Int
- ssFileStorageDir :: String
- ssHypervisorList :: String
- ssInstanceList :: String
- ssMaintainNodeHealth :: String
- ssMasterCandidates :: String
- ssMasterCandidatesIps :: String
- ssMasterIp :: String
- ssMasterNetdev :: String
- ssMasterNetmask :: String
- ssMasterNode :: String
- ssNetworks :: String
- ssNodegroups :: String
- ssNodeList :: String
- ssNodePrimaryIps :: String
- ssNodeSecondaryIps :: String
- ssOfflineNodes :: String
- ssOnlineNodes :: String
- ssPrimaryIpFamily :: String
- ssReleaseVersion :: String
- ssSharedFileStorageDir :: String
- ssUidPool :: String
- stBlock :: String
- stDiskless :: String
- stExt :: String
- stFile :: String
- stLvmPv :: String
- stLvmVg :: String
- stRados :: String
- syslogNo :: String
- syslogOnly :: String
- syslogSocket :: String
- syslogUsage :: String
- syslogYes :: String
- tagCluster :: String
- tagInstance :: String
- tagNetwork :: String
- tagNode :: String
- tagNodegroup :: String
- tcpPingTimeout :: Int
- uidpoolUidMax :: Int
- uidpoolUidMin :: Int
- uuidRegex :: String
- validAllocPolicies :: [String]
- validExtraLogreasons :: [String]
- validIallocatorDirections :: [String]
- validIallocatorModes :: [String]
- validIpVersions :: [Int]
- validSerialSpeeds :: [Int]
- validStorageFields :: [String]
- validStorageOperationsLvmVg :: [String]
- validStorageTypes :: [String]
- validTagTypes :: [String]
- valueAuto :: String
- valueDefault :: String
- valueFalse :: String
- valueGenerate :: String
- valueNone :: String
- valueTrue :: String
- vcsVersion :: String
- verifyNplusoneMem :: String
- verifyOptionalChecks :: [String]
- vncBasePort :: Int
- vncDefaultBindAddress :: String
- vtypeBool :: String
- vtypeInt :: String
- vtypeMaybeString :: String
- vtypeSize :: String
- vtypeString :: String
- x509CertCn :: String
- x509CertDefaultValidity :: Int
- x509CertSignatureHeader :: String
- x509CertSignDigest :: String
- xenBootloader :: String
- xenCmd :: String
- xenCmdXl :: String
- xenCmdXm :: String
- xenInitrd :: String
- xenKernel :: String
- xlSshCmd :: String
- luxiDefCtmo :: Int
- luxiDefRwto :: Int
- luxiKeyArgs :: String
- luxiKeyMethod :: String
- luxiKeyResult :: String
- luxiKeySuccess :: String
- luxiKeyVersion :: String
- luxiReqAll :: [String]
- luxiReqArchiveJob :: String
- luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs :: String
- luxiReqCancelJob :: String
- luxiReqChangeJobPriority :: String
- luxiReqQuery :: String
- luxiReqQueryClusterInfo :: String
- luxiReqQueryConfigValues :: String
- luxiReqQueryExports :: String
- luxiReqQueryFields :: String
- luxiReqQueryGroups :: String
- luxiReqQueryInstances :: String
- luxiReqQueryJobs :: String
- luxiReqQueryNetworks :: String
- luxiReqQueryNodes :: String
- luxiReqQueryTags :: String
- luxiReqSetDrainFlag :: String
- luxiReqSetWatcherPause :: String
- luxiReqSubmitJob :: String
- luxiReqSubmitManyJobs :: String
- luxiReqWaitForJobChange :: String
- luxiWfjcTimeout :: Int
- qlangFilterDetectionChars :: [String]
- qlangGlobDetectionChars :: [String]
- qlangOpAnd :: String
- qlangOpContains :: String
- qlangOpEqual :: String
- qlangOpGe :: String
- qlangOpGt :: String
- qlangOpLe :: String
- qlangOpLt :: String
- qlangOpNot :: String
- qlangOpNotEqual :: String
- qlangOpOr :: String
- qlangOpRegexp :: String
- qlangOpTrue :: String
- autoconfAdminGroup :: String
- autoconfConfdGroup :: String
- autoconfConfdUser :: String
- autoconfDaemonsGroup :: String
- autoconfDiskSeparator :: String
- autoconfDrbdBarriers :: String
- autoconfDrbdNoMetaFlush :: Bool
- autoconfEnableConfd :: Bool
- autoconfEnableFileStorage :: Bool
- autoconfEnableMond :: Bool
- autoconfEnableRestrictedCommands :: Bool
- autoconfEnableSharedFileStorage :: Bool
- autoconfEnableSplitQuery :: Bool
- autoconfEsSearchPath :: [String]
- autoconfExportDir :: String
- autoconfFileStorageDir :: String
- autoconfGntScripts :: [String]
- autoconfHtools :: Bool
- autoconfHtoolsProgs :: [String]
- autoconfIallocatorSearchPath :: [String]
- autoconfIpPath :: String
- autoconfKvmKernel :: String
- autoconfKvmPath :: String
- autoconfLocalstatedir :: String
- autoconfLuxidGroup :: String
- autoconfLuxidUser :: String
- autoconfLvmStripecount :: Int
- autoconfManPages :: [(String, Int)]
- autoconfManPagesGaneti :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiCleaner :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiConfd :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiExtstorageInterface :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiListrunner :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiLuxid :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiMasterd :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiMond :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiNoded :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiOsInterface :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiRapi :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGanetiWatcher :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntBackup :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntCluster :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntDebug :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntGroup :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntInstance :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntJob :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntNetwork :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntNode :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntOs :: Int
- autoconfManPagesGntStorage :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHail :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHarep :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHbal :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHcheck :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHinfo :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHroller :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHscan :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHspace :: Int
- autoconfManPagesHtools :: Int
- autoconfManPagesMonCollector :: Int
- autoconfMasterdGroup :: String
- autoconfMasterdUser :: String
- autoconfMondGroup :: String
- autoconfMondUser :: String
- autoconfNodedGroup :: String
- autoconfNodedUser :: String
- autoconfOsSearchPath :: [String]
- autoconfPackageVersion :: String
- autoconfPkglibdir :: String
- autoconfQemuimgPath :: String
- autoconfRapiGroup :: String
- autoconfRapiUser :: String
- autoconfSharedFileStorageDir :: String
- autoconfSocatPath :: String
- autoconfSocatUseCompress :: Bool
- autoconfSocatUseEscape :: Bool
- autoconfSshConfigDir :: String
- autoconfSshConsoleUser :: String
- autoconfSshLoginUser :: String
- autoconfSysconfdir :: String
- autoconfSyslogUsage :: String
- autoconfToolsdir :: String
- autoconfVersionFull :: String
- autoconfVersionMajor :: String
- autoconfVersionMinor :: String
- autoconfVersionRevision :: String
- autoconfVersionSuffix :: String
- autoconfXenBootloader :: String
- autoconfXenCmd :: String
- autoconfXenConfigDir :: String
- autoconfXenInitrd :: String
- autoconfXenKernel :: String
- errorsEcodeAll :: [String]
- errorsEcodeEnviron :: String
- errorsEcodeExists :: String
- errorsEcodeFault :: String
- errorsEcodeInval :: String
- errorsEcodeNoent :: String
- errorsEcodeNores :: String
- errorsEcodeNotunique :: String
- errorsEcodeResolver :: String
- errorsEcodeState :: String
- errorsEcodeTempNores :: String
- jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory :: Int
- opcodesOpIds :: [String]
adminstAll :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set ADMINST_ALL
adminstDown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ADMINST_DOWN
adminstOffline :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ADMINST_OFFLINE
adminGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ADMIN_GROUP
adoptableBlockdevRoot :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ADOPTABLE_BLOCKDEV_ROOT
allocPolicyLastResort :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ALLOC_POLICY_LAST_RESORT
allocPolicyPreferred :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ALLOC_POLICY_PREFERRED
allocPolicyUnallocable :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ALLOC_POLICY_UNALLOCABLE
autoRepairAllResults :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set AUTO_REPAIR_ALL_RESULTS
autoRepairAllTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set AUTO_REPAIR_ALL_TYPES
autoRepairEnoperm :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_ENOPERM
autoRepairFailover :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_FAILOVER
autoRepairFailure :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_FAILURE
autoRepairFixStorage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_FIX_STORAGE
autoRepairMigrate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_MIGRATE
autoRepairReinstall :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_REINSTALL
autoRepairSuccess :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_SUCCESS
autoRepairTagEnabled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_ENABLED
autoRepairTagPending :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_PENDING
autoRepairTagPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_PREFIX
autoRepairTagResult :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_RESULT
autoRepairTagSuspended :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_SUSPENDED
becDefaultsAlwaysFailover :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_ALWAYS_FAILOVER
becDefaultsAutoBalance :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_AUTO_BALANCE
becDefaultsMaxmem :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_MAXMEM
becDefaultsMinmem :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_MINMEM
becDefaultsSpindleUse :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_SPINDLE_USE
becDefaultsVcpus :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant BEC_DEFAULTS_VCPUS
besParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set BES_PARAMETERS
besParameterCompat :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT
besParameterCompatAlwaysFailover :: StringSource
besParameterCompatAutoBalance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_AUTO_BALANCE
besParameterCompatMaxmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_MAXMEM
besParameterCompatMemory :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_MEMORY
besParameterCompatMinmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_MINMEM
besParameterCompatSpindleUse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_SPINDLE_USE
besParameterCompatVcpus :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT_VCPUS
besParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary BES_PARAMETER_TITLES
besParameterTitlesAutoBalance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TITLES_AUTO_BALANCE
besParameterTitlesMaxmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TITLES_MAXMEM
besParameterTitlesMinmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TITLES_MINMEM
besParameterTitlesVcpus :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TITLES_VCPUS
besParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary BES_PARAMETER_TYPES
besParameterTypesAlwaysFailover :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_ALWAYS_FAILOVER
besParameterTypesAutoBalance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_AUTO_BALANCE
besParameterTypesMaxmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_MAXMEM
besParameterTypesMinmem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_MINMEM
besParameterTypesSpindleUse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPINDLE_USE
besParameterTypesVcpus :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BES_PARAMETER_TYPES_VCPUS
beAlwaysFailover :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BE_ALWAYS_FAILOVER
beAutoBalance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BE_AUTO_BALANCE
beSpindleUse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BE_SPINDLE_USE
blockdevDriverManual :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BLOCKDEV_DRIVER_MANUAL
builtinDataCollectorVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant BUILTIN_DATA_COLLECTOR_VERSION
childLingerTimeout :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant CHILD_LINGER_TIMEOUT
classicDrbdSyncSpeed :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CLASSIC_DRBD_SYNC_SPEED
confdClientExpireTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_CLIENT_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT
confdConfigReloadRatelimit :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_CONFIG_RELOAD_RATELIMIT
confdConfigReloadTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_CONFIG_RELOAD_TIMEOUT
confdDefaultReqCoverage :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_DEFAULT_REQ_COVERAGE
confdErrorArgument :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_ERROR_ARGUMENT
confdErrorInternal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_ERROR_INTERNAL
confdErrorUnknownEntry :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENTRY
confdGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_GROUP
confdMagicFourcc :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_MAGIC_FOURCC
confdMaxClockSkew :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_MAX_CLOCK_SKEW
confdNodeRoleCandidate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_NODE_ROLE_CANDIDATE
confdNodeRoleDrained :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_NODE_ROLE_DRAINED
confdNodeRoleMaster :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_NODE_ROLE_MASTER
confdNodeRoleOffline :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_NODE_ROLE_OFFLINE
confdNodeRoleRegular :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_NODE_ROLE_REGULAR
confdProtocolVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_PROTOCOL_VERSION
confdReplStatuses :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set CONFD_REPL_STATUSES
confdReplStatusError :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REPL_STATUS_ERROR
confdReplStatusNotimplemented :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REPL_STATUS_NOTIMPLEMENTED
confdReplStatusOk :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REPL_STATUS_OK
confdReqfieldIp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQFIELD_IP
confdReqfieldMnodePip :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQFIELD_MNODE_PIP
confdReqfieldName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQFIELD_NAME
confdReqqFields :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQQ_FIELDS
confdReqqIp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQQ_IP
confdReqqIplist :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQQ_IPLIST
confdReqqLink :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQQ_LINK
confdReqClusterMaster :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_CLUSTER_MASTER
confdReqInstancesIpsList :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_INSTANCES_IPS_LIST
confdReqMcPipList :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_MC_PIP_LIST
confdReqNodeDrbd :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_NODE_DRBD
confdReqNodeInstances :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_NODE_INSTANCES
confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_NODE_PIP_BY_INSTANCE_IP
confdReqNodePipList :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_NODE_PIP_LIST
confdReqNodeRoleByname :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_NODE_ROLE_BYNAME
confdReqPing :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFD_REQ_PING
configMajor :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFIG_MAJOR
configMinor :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFIG_MINOR
configRevision :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFIG_REVISION
configVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CONFIG_VERSION
consMessage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CONS_MESSAGE
cpuPinningAll :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CPU_PINNING_ALL
cpuPinningAllKvm :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CPU_PINNING_ALL_KVM
cpuPinningAllVal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant CPU_PINNING_ALL_VAL
cpuPinningAllXen :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CPU_PINNING_ALL_XEN
cpuPinningOff :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set CPU_PINNING_OFF
cpuPinningSep :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CPU_PINNING_SEP
cvAllEcodesStrings :: [String]Source
Skipped list/set CV_ALL_ECODES, cannot convert all elems
Converted from Python list or set CV_ALL_ECODES_STRINGS
cvEclustercertCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ECLUSTERCERT
cvEclustercert :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ECLUSTERCERT
cvEclustercfgCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ECLUSTERCFG
cvEclustercfg :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ECLUSTERCFG
cvEclusterdanglinginstCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST
cvEclusterdanglinginst :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST
cvEclusterdanglingnodesCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES
cvEclusterdanglingnodes :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES
cvEclusterfilecheckCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ECLUSTERFILECHECK
cvEclusterfilecheck :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ECLUSTERFILECHECK
cvEgroupdifferentpvsizeCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE
cvEgroupdifferentpvsize :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE
cvEinstancebadnodeCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEBADNODE
cvEinstancebadnode :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEBADNODE
cvEinstancedownCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEDOWN
cvEinstancedown :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEDOWN
cvEinstancefaultydiskCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK
cvEinstancefaultydisk :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK
cvEinstancelayoutCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCELAYOUT
cvEinstancelayout :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCELAYOUT
cvEinstancemissingdiskCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK
cvEinstancemissingdisk :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK
cvEinstancepolicyCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEPOLICY
cvEinstancepolicy :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEPOLICY
cvEinstancesplitgroupsCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS
cvEinstancesplitgroups :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS
cvEinstanceunsuitablenodeCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE
cvEinstanceunsuitablenode :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE
cvEinstancewrongnodeCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_EINSTANCEWRONGNODE
cvEinstancewrongnode :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_EINSTANCEWRONGNODE
cvEnodedrbdCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEDRBD
cvEnodedrbd :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEDRBD
cvEnodedrbdhelperCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEDRBDHELPER
cvEnodedrbdhelper :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEDRBDHELPER
cvEnodefilecheckCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEFILECHECK
cvEnodefilecheck :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEFILECHECK
cvEnodefilestoragepathsCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS
cvEnodefilestoragepaths :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS
cvEnodehooksCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEHOOKS
cvEnodehooks :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEHOOKS
cvEnodehvCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEHV
cvEnodelvmCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODELVM
cvEnodelvm :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODELVM
cvEnoden1Code :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEN1
cvEnodenetCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODENET
cvEnodenet :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODENET
cvEnodeoobpathCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEOOBPATH
cvEnodeoobpath :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEOOBPATH
cvEnodeorphaninstanceCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEORPHANINSTANCE
cvEnodeorphaninstance :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEORPHANINSTANCE
cvEnodeorphanlvCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEORPHANLV
cvEnodeorphanlv :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEORPHANLV
cvEnodeosCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEOS
cvEnoderpcCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODERPC
cvEnoderpc :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODERPC
cvEnodesetupCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODESETUP
cvEnodesetup :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODESETUP
cvEnodesshCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODESSH
cvEnodessh :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODESSH
cvEnodetimeCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODETIME
cvEnodetime :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODETIME
cvEnodeuserscriptsCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEUSERSCRIPTS
cvEnodeuserscripts :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEUSERSCRIPTS
cvEnodeversionCode :: StringSource
Special cluster verify code CV_ENODEVERSION
cvEnodeversion :: (String, String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple CV_ENODEVERSION
cvTcluster :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CV_TCLUSTER
cvTinstance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant CV_TINSTANCE
daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMond :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DAEMONS_EXTRA_LOGBASE_GANETI-MOND
daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMondAccess :: StringSource
daemonsExtraLogbaseGanetiMondError :: StringSource
daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMond :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DAEMONS_EXTRA_LOGFILES_GANETI-MOND
daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMondAccess :: StringSource
daemonsExtraLogfilesGanetiMondError :: StringSource
daemonsGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_GROUP
daemonsLogbase :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DAEMONS_LOGBASE
daemonsLogbaseGanetiConfd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-CONFD
daemonsLogbaseGanetiLuxid :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-LUXID
daemonsLogbaseGanetiMasterd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-MASTERD
daemonsLogbaseGanetiMond :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-MOND
daemonsLogbaseGanetiNoded :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-NODED
daemonsLogbaseGanetiRapi :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGBASE_GANETI-RAPI
daemonsLogfiles :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DAEMONS_LOGFILES
daemonsLogfilesGanetiConfd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-CONFD
daemonsLogfilesGanetiLuxid :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-LUXID
daemonsLogfilesGanetiMasterd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-MASTERD
daemonsLogfilesGanetiMond :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-MOND
daemonsLogfilesGanetiNoded :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-NODED
daemonsLogfilesGanetiRapi :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DAEMONS_LOGFILES_GANETI-RAPI
daemonsPortsGanetiConfd :: (String, Int)Source
Converted from Python tuple DAEMONS_PORTS_GANETI-CONFD
daemonsPortsGanetiMond :: (String, Int)Source
Converted from Python tuple DAEMONS_PORTS_GANETI-MOND
daemonsPortsGanetiNoded :: (String, Int)Source
Converted from Python tuple DAEMONS_PORTS_GANETI-NODED
daemonsPortsGanetiRapi :: (String, Int)Source
Converted from Python tuple DAEMONS_PORTS_GANETI-RAPI
daemonsPortsSsh :: (String, Int)Source
Converted from Python tuple DAEMONS_PORTS_SSH
ddmsValues :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DDMS_VALUES
ddmsValuesWithModify :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DDMS_VALUES_WITH_MODIFY
defaultBridge :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_BRIDGE
defaultConfdPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_CONFD_PORT
defaultDrbdHelper :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_DRBD_HELPER
defaultEnabledDiskTemplates :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DEFAULT_ENABLED_DISK_TEMPLATES
defaultEnabledHypervisor :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_ENABLED_HYPERVISOR
defaultIallocatorShortcut :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_IALLOCATOR_SHORTCUT
defaultMacPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_MAC_PREFIX
defaultMondPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_MOND_PORT
defaultNodedPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_NODED_PORT
defaultRapiPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_RAPI_PORT
defaultShutdownTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT
devConsole :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DEV_CONSOLE
diskAccessSet :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DISK_ACCESS_SET
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCDelayTarget :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_C-DELAY-TARGET
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCFillTarget :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_C-FILL-TARGET
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMaxRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_C-MAX-RATE
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCMinRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_C-MIN-RATE
diskDtDefaultsDrbdCPlanAhead :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_C-PLAN-AHEAD
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDataStripes :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_DATA-STRIPES
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_DISK-BARRIERS
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_DISK-CUSTOM
diskDtDefaultsDrbdDynamicResync :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_DYNAMIC-RESYNC
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaBarriers :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_META-BARRIERS
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetaStripes :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_META-STRIPES
diskDtDefaultsDrbdMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_METAVG
diskDtDefaultsDrbdNetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_NET-CUSTOM
diskDtDefaultsDrbdResyncRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_DRBD_RESYNC-RATE
diskDtDefaultsPlain :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_PLAIN
diskDtDefaultsPlainStripes :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_PLAIN_STRIPES
diskDtDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_RBD
diskDtDefaultsRbdPool :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_DEFAULTS_RBD_POOL
diskDtParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DISK_DT_PARAMETERS
diskDtTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_DT_TYPES
diskDtTypesCDelayTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_C-DELAY-TARGET
diskDtTypesCFillTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_C-FILL-TARGET
diskDtTypesCMaxRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_C-MAX-RATE
diskDtTypesCMinRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_C-MIN-RATE
diskDtTypesCPlanAhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_C-PLAN-AHEAD
diskDtTypesDataStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_DATA-STRIPES
diskDtTypesDiskBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_DISK-BARRIERS
diskDtTypesDiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_DISK-CUSTOM
diskDtTypesDynamicResync :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_DYNAMIC-RESYNC
diskDtTypesMetaBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_META-BARRIERS
diskDtTypesMetaStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_META-STRIPES
diskDtTypesMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_METAVG
diskDtTypesNetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_NET-CUSTOM
diskDtTypesPool :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_POOL
diskDtTypesResyncRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_RESYNC-RATE
diskDtTypesStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_DT_TYPES_STRIPES
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CDelayTarget :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_C-DELAY-TARGET
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CFillTarget :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_C-FILL-TARGET
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMaxRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_C-MAX-RATE
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CMinRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_C-MIN-RATE
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8CPlanAhead :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_C-PLAN-AHEAD
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DefaultMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_DEFAULT-METAVG
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisableMetaFlush :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_DISABLE-META-FLUSH
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DisabledBarriers :: StringSource
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_DISK-CUSTOM
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8DynamicResync :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_DYNAMIC-RESYNC
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8NetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_NET-CUSTOM
diskLdDefaultsDrbd8ResyncRate :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_DRBD8_RESYNC-RATE
diskLdDefaultsLvm :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_LVM
diskLdDefaultsLvmStripes :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_LVM_STRIPES
diskLdDefaultsRbd :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_RBD
diskLdDefaultsRbdPool :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_DEFAULTS_RBD_POOL
diskLdParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DISK_LD_PARAMETERS
diskLdTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_LD_TYPES
diskLdTypesCDelayTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_C-DELAY-TARGET
diskLdTypesCFillTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_C-FILL-TARGET
diskLdTypesCMaxRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_C-MAX-RATE
diskLdTypesCMinRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_C-MIN-RATE
diskLdTypesCPlanAhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_C-PLAN-AHEAD
diskLdTypesDefaultMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_DEFAULT-METAVG
diskLdTypesDisableMetaFlush :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_DISABLE-META-FLUSH
diskLdTypesDisabledBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_DISABLED-BARRIERS
diskLdTypesDiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_DISK-CUSTOM
diskLdTypesDynamicResync :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_DYNAMIC-RESYNC
diskLdTypesNetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_NET-CUSTOM
diskLdTypesPool :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_POOL
diskLdTypesResyncRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_RESYNC-RATE
diskLdTypesStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_LD_TYPES_STRIPES
diskRdonly :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_RDONLY
diskSeparator :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_SEPARATOR
diskTemplates :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DISK_TEMPLATES
diskTemplatesStorageType :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE
diskTemplatesStorageTypeBlockdev :: StringSource
diskTemplatesStorageTypeDiskless :: StringSource
diskTemplatesStorageTypeDrbd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE_DRBD
diskTemplatesStorageTypeExt :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE_EXT
diskTemplatesStorageTypeFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE
diskTemplatesStorageTypePlain :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE_PLAIN
diskTemplatesStorageTypeRbd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TEMPLATES_STORAGE_TYPE_RBD
diskTemplatesStorageTypeSharedfile :: StringSource
diskTemplatePreference :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DISK_TEMPLATE_PREFERENCE
diskTransferConnectTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DISK_TRANSFER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
drbdBDiskBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_B_DISK_BARRIERS
drbdBDiskDrain :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_B_DISK_DRAIN
drbdBDiskFlush :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_B_DISK_FLUSH
drbdDataStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DATA_STRIPES
drbdDefaultMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DEFAULT_METAVG
drbdDelayTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DELAY_TARGET
drbdDiskBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DISK_BARRIERS
drbdDiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DISK_CUSTOM
drbdDynamicResync :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_DYNAMIC_RESYNC
drbdFillTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_FILL_TARGET
drbdHmacAlg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_HMAC_ALG
drbdMaxRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_MAX_RATE
drbdMetaBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_META_BARRIERS
drbdMetaSize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_META_SIZE
drbdMetaStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_META_STRIPES
drbdMinRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_MIN_RATE
drbdNetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_NET_CUSTOM
drbdNetProtocol :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_NET_PROTOCOL
drbdPlanAhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_PLAN_AHEAD
drbdResyncRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_RESYNC_RATE
drbdStatusFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DRBD_STATUS_FILE
dssParameters :: [String]Source
Skipped list/set DRBD_VALID_BARRIER_OPT, cannot convert all elems
Converted from Python list or set DSS_PARAMETERS
dssParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DSS_PARAMETER_TYPES
dssParameterTypesDiskOverhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DSS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK_OVERHEAD
dssParameterTypesDiskReserved :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DSS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK_RESERVED
dssParameterTypesDiskTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DSS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK_TOTAL
dsDefaults :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary DS_DEFAULTS
dsDefaultsDiskOverhead :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DEFAULTS_DISK_OVERHEAD
dsDefaultsDiskReserved :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DEFAULTS_DISK_RESERVED
dsDefaultsDiskTotal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DEFAULTS_DISK_TOTAL
dsDiskOverhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DISK_OVERHEAD
dsDiskReserved :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DISK_RESERVED
dsDiskTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DS_DISK_TOTAL
dsValidTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DS_VALID_TYPES
dtsCopyable :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_COPYABLE
dtsExclStorage :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_EXCL_STORAGE
dtsExtMirror :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_EXT_MIRROR
dtsFilebased :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_FILEBASED
dtsGrowable :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_GROWABLE
dtsIntMirror :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_INT_MIRROR
dtsMayAdopt :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_MAY_ADOPT
dtsMirrored :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_MIRRORED
dtsMustAdopt :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_MUST_ADOPT
dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set DTS_NO_FREE_SPACE_CHECK
dtDiskless :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DT_DISKLESS
dtSharedFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant DT_SHARED_FILE
elogJqueueTest :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ELOG_JQUEUE_TEST
elogMessage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ELOG_MESSAGE
elogRemoteImport :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ELOG_REMOTE_IMPORT
enableConfd :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_CONFD
enableFileStorage :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_FILE_STORAGE
enableMond :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_MOND
enableRestrictedCommands :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_RESTRICTED_COMMANDS
enableSharedFileStorage :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_SHARED_FILE_STORAGE
enableSplitQuery :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant ENABLE_SPLIT_QUERY
enforceableTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set ENFORCEABLE_TYPES
esActionAttach :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_ATTACH
esActionCreate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_CREATE
esActionDetach :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_DETACH
esActionGrow :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_GROW
esActionRemove :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_REMOVE
esActionSetinfo :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_SETINFO
esActionVerify :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_ACTION_VERIFY
esParametersFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_PARAMETERS_FILE
esScriptAttach :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_ATTACH
esScriptCreate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_CREATE
esScriptDetach :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_DETACH
esScriptGrow :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_GROW
esScriptRemove :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_REMOVE
esScriptSetinfo :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_SETINFO
esScriptVerify :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ES_SCRIPT_VERIFY
etcHostsAdd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ETC_HOSTS_ADD
etcHostsRemove :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ETC_HOSTS_REMOVE
exitConfirmation :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_CONFIRMATION
exitFailure :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_FAILURE
exitNodesetupError :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR
exitNotcluster :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_NOTCLUSTER
exitNotmaster :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_NOTMASTER
exitSuccess :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_SUCCESS
exitUnknownField :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXIT_UNKNOWN_FIELD
exportConfFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant EXPORT_CONF_FILE
exportModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set EXPORT_MODES
exportModeLocal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant EXPORT_MODE_LOCAL
exportModeRemote :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant EXPORT_MODE_REMOTE
exportVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant EXPORT_VERSION
extraLogreasonAccess :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant EXTRA_LOGREASON_ACCESS
extraLogreasonError :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant EXTRA_LOGREASON_ERROR
extPluginMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python RE object EXT_PLUGIN_MASK
fakeOpMasterTurndown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant FAKE_OP_MASTER_TURNDOWN
fakeOpMasterTurnup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant FAKE_OP_MASTER_TURNUP
fileDriver :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set FILE_DRIVER
firstDrbdPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant FIRST_DRBD_PORT
hkrSuccess :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HKR_SUCCESS
hooksNameCfgupdate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HOOKS_NAME_CFGUPDATE
hooksNameWatcher :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HOOKS_NAME_WATCHER
hooksPhasePost :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HOOKS_PHASE_POST
hooksPhasePre :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HOOKS_PHASE_PRE
hooksVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HOOKS_VERSION
htsReqPort :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HTS_REQ_PORT
htypeCluster :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HTYPE_CLUSTER
htypeGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HTYPE_GROUP
htypeInstance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HTYPE_INSTANCE
htypeNetwork :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HTYPE_NETWORK
htBoFloppy :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_BO_FLOPPY
htBoNetwork :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_BO_NETWORK
htCacheDefault :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_CACHE_DEFAULT
htCacheNone :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_CACHE_NONE
htCacheWback :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_CACHE_WBACK
htCacheWthrough :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_CACHE_WTHROUGH
htDiskIoemu :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_DISK_IOEMU
htDiskParavirtual :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_DISK_PARAVIRTUAL
htDiskPflash :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_DISK_PFLASH
htDiskScsi :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_DISK_SCSI
htHvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_HVM_VALID_DISK_TYPES
htHvmValidNicTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_HVM_VALID_NIC_TYPES
htHvmValidVifTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_HVM_VALID_VIF_TYPES
htHvmVifIoemu :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_HVM_VIF_IOEMU
htHvmVifVif :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_HVM_VIF_VIF
htKvmDisabled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_DISABLED
htKvmEnabled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_ENABLED
htKvmFlagValues :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_FLAG_VALUES
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_AUTO_GLZ
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_AUTO_LZ
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_GLZ
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_LZ
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_OFF
htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_QUIC
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSY_IMG_COMPR_ALWAYS
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSY_IMG_COMPR_AUTO
htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_LOSSY_IMG_COMPR_NEVER
htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions :: [String]Source
htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_SPICE_VALID_LOSSY_IMG_COMPR_OPTIONS
htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions :: [String]Source
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_VIDEO_STREAM_DETECTION_ALL
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter :: StringSource
htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_KVM_SPICE_VIDEO_STREAM_DETECTION_OFF
htKvmValidBoTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_VALID_BO_TYPES
htKvmValidDiskTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_VALID_DISK_TYPES
htKvmValidMouseTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_VALID_MOUSE_TYPES
htKvmValidNicTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_VALID_NIC_TYPES
htKvmValidSmTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_KVM_VALID_SM_TYPES
htMigrationLive :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_MIGRATION_LIVE
htMigrationModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_MIGRATION_MODES
htMigrationNonlive :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_MIGRATION_NONLIVE
htMouseMouse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_MOUSE_MOUSE
htMouseTablet :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_MOUSE_TABLET
htNicE1000 :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_E1000
htNicI82551 :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_I82551
htNicI8259er :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_I8259ER
htNicI85557b :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_I85557B
htNicNe2kIsa :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_NE2K_ISA
htNicNe2kPci :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_NE2K_PCI
htNicParavirtual :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_PARAVIRTUAL
htNicPcnet :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_PCNET
htNicRtl8139 :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HT_NIC_RTL8139
htValidCacheTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HT_VALID_CACHE_TYPES
hvcDefaultsChroot :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVC_DEFAULTS_CHROOT
hvcDefaultsChrootInitScript :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_CHROOT_INIT_SCRIPT
hvcDefaultsKvmAcpi :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_ACPI
hvcDefaultsKvmBootOrder :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_BOOT_ORDER
hvcDefaultsKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CDROM2_IMAGE_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CDROM_DISK_TYPE
hvcDefaultsKvmCdromImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuCores :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CPU_CORES
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CPU_MASK
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuSockets :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CPU_SOCKETS
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuThreads :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CPU_THREADS
hvcDefaultsKvmCpuType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_CPU_TYPE
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskCache :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_DISK_CACHE
hvcDefaultsKvmDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_DISK_TYPE
hvcDefaultsKvmFloppyImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_FLOPPY_IMAGE_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmInitrdPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_INITRD_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KERNEL_ARGS
hvcDefaultsKvmKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KERNEL_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmKeymap :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KEYMAP
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmExtra :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KVM_EXTRA
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmFlag :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KVM_FLAG
hvcDefaultsKvmKvmPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_KVM_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmMachineVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_MACHINE_VERSION
hvcDefaultsKvmMemPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_MEM_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationBandwidth :: IntSource
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationDowntime :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_MIGRATION_DOWNTIME
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_MIGRATION_MODE
hvcDefaultsKvmMigrationPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_MIGRATION_PORT
hvcDefaultsKvmNicType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_NIC_TYPE
hvcDefaultsKvmRebootBehavior :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR
hvcDefaultsKvmRootPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_ROOT_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityDomain :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SECURITY_DOMAIN
hvcDefaultsKvmSecurityModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SECURITY_MODEL
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialConsole :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SERIAL_CONSOLE
hvcDefaultsKvmSerialSpeed :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SERIAL_SPEED
hvcDefaultsKvmSoundhw :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SOUNDHW
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceBind :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_BIND
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceImageCompression :: StringSource
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceIpVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_IP_VERSION
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceJpegWanCompression :: StringSource
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_PASSWORD_FILE
hvcDefaultsKvmSpicePlaybackCompression :: BoolSource
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceStreamingVideo :: StringSource
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_TLS_CIPHERS
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseTls :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_USE_TLS
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_SPICE_USE_VDAGENT
hvcDefaultsKvmSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: StringSource
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbDevices :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_USB_DEVICES
hvcDefaultsKvmUsbMouse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_USB_MOUSE
hvcDefaultsKvmUseChroot :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_USE_CHROOT
hvcDefaultsKvmUseLocaltime :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_USE_LOCALTIME
hvcDefaultsKvmVga :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VGA
hvcDefaultsKvmVhostNet :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VHOST_NET
hvcDefaultsKvmVncBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS
hvcDefaultsKvmVncPasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNC_PASSWORD_FILE
hvcDefaultsKvmVncTls :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNC_TLS
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Path :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNC_X509_PATH
hvcDefaultsKvmVncX509Verify :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNC_X509_VERIFY
hvcDefaultsKvmVnetHdr :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_KVM_VNET_HDR
hvcDefaultsLxc :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVC_DEFAULTS_LXC
hvcDefaultsLxcCpuMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_LXC_CPU_MASK
hvcDefaultsXenHvmAcpi :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_ACPI
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBlockdevPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_BLOCKDEV_PREFIX
hvcDefaultsXenHvmBootOrder :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_BOOT_ORDER
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCdromImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuCap :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_CPU_CAP
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_CPU_MASK
hvcDefaultsXenHvmCpuWeight :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_CPU_WEIGHT
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDeviceModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_DEVICE_MODEL
hvcDefaultsXenHvmDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_DISK_TYPE
hvcDefaultsXenHvmKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_KERNEL_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_MIGRATION_MODE
hvcDefaultsXenHvmMigrationPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_MIGRATION_PORT
hvcDefaultsXenHvmNicType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_NIC_TYPE
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPae :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_PAE
hvcDefaultsXenHvmPciPass :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_PCI_PASS
hvcDefaultsXenHvmRebootBehavior :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR
hvcDefaultsXenHvmUseLocaltime :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_USE_LOCALTIME
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVifType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_VIF_TYPE
hvcDefaultsXenHvmViridian :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_VIRIDIAN
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS
hvcDefaultsXenHvmVncPasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-HVM_VNC_PASSWORD_FILE
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBlockdevPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_BLOCKDEV_PREFIX
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_BOOTLOADER_ARGS
hvcDefaultsXenPvmBootloaderPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_BOOTLOADER_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuCap :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_CPU_CAP
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_CPU_MASK
hvcDefaultsXenPvmCpuWeight :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_CPU_WEIGHT
hvcDefaultsXenPvmInitrdPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_INITRD_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_KERNEL_ARGS
hvcDefaultsXenPvmKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_KERNEL_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_MIGRATION_MODE
hvcDefaultsXenPvmMigrationPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_MIGRATION_PORT
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRebootBehavior :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR
hvcDefaultsXenPvmRootPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_ROOT_PATH
hvcDefaultsXenPvmUseBootloader :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant HVC_DEFAULTS_XEN-PVM_USE_BOOTLOADER
hvcGlobals :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HVC_GLOBALS
hvstsParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HVSTS_PARAMETERS
hvstsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES
hvstsParameterTypesCpuNode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_NODE
hvstsParameterTypesCpuTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_TOTAL
hvstsParameterTypesMemHv :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MEM_HV
hvstsParameterTypesMemNode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MEM_NODE
hvstsParameterTypesMemTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MEM_TOTAL
hvstCpuNode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_CPU_NODE
hvstCpuTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_CPU_TOTAL
hvstDefaults :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVST_DEFAULTS
hvstDefaultsCpuNode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_DEFAULTS_CPU_NODE
hvstDefaultsCpuTotal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_DEFAULTS_CPU_TOTAL
hvstDefaultsMemHv :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_DEFAULTS_MEM_HV
hvstDefaultsMemNode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_DEFAULTS_MEM_NODE
hvstDefaultsMemTotal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_DEFAULTS_MEM_TOTAL
hvstMemoryHv :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_MEMORY_HV
hvstMemoryNode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_MEMORY_NODE
hvstMemoryTotal :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVST_MEMORY_TOTAL
hvsParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HVS_PARAMETERS
hvsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES
hvsParameterTitlesAcpi :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_ACPI
hvsParameterTitlesBootOrder :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_BOOT_ORDER
hvsParameterTitlesCdromImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH
hvsParameterTitlesCpuType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_CPU_TYPE
hvsParameterTitlesDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_DISK_TYPE
hvsParameterTitlesInitrdPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_INITRD_PATH
hvsParameterTitlesKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_KERNEL_PATH
hvsParameterTitlesNicType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_NIC_TYPE
hvsParameterTitlesPae :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_PAE
hvsParameterTitlesPciPass :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_PCI_PASS
hvsParameterTitlesVncBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS
hvsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES
hvsParameterTypesAcpi :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_ACPI
hvsParameterTypesBlockdevPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_BLOCKDEV_PREFIX
hvsParameterTypesBootOrder :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_BOOT_ORDER
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_BOOTLOADER_ARGS
hvsParameterTypesBootloaderPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_BOOTLOADER_PATH
hvsParameterTypesCdrom2ImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CDROM2_IMAGE_PATH
hvsParameterTypesCdromDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CDROM_DISK_TYPE
hvsParameterTypesCdromImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH
hvsParameterTypesCpuCap :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_CAP
hvsParameterTypesCpuCores :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_CORES
hvsParameterTypesCpuMask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_MASK
hvsParameterTypesCpuSockets :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_SOCKETS
hvsParameterTypesCpuThreads :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_THREADS
hvsParameterTypesCpuType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_TYPE
hvsParameterTypesCpuWeight :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU_WEIGHT
hvsParameterTypesDeviceModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DEVICE_MODEL
hvsParameterTypesDiskCache :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK_CACHE
hvsParameterTypesDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK_TYPE
hvsParameterTypesFloppyImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_FLOPPY_IMAGE_PATH
hvsParameterTypesInitScript :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_INIT_SCRIPT
hvsParameterTypesInitrdPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_INITRD_PATH
hvsParameterTypesKernelArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KERNEL_ARGS
hvsParameterTypesKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KERNEL_PATH
hvsParameterTypesKeymap :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KEYMAP
hvsParameterTypesKvmExtra :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KVM_EXTRA
hvsParameterTypesKvmFlag :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KVM_FLAG
hvsParameterTypesKvmPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_KVM_PATH
hvsParameterTypesMachineVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MACHINE_VERSION
hvsParameterTypesMemPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MEM_PATH
hvsParameterTypesMigrationBandwidth :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesMigrationDowntime :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesMigrationMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MIGRATION_MODE
hvsParameterTypesMigrationPort :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MIGRATION_PORT
hvsParameterTypesNicType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_NIC_TYPE
hvsParameterTypesPae :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_PAE
hvsParameterTypesPciPass :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_PCI_PASS
hvsParameterTypesRebootBehavior :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR
hvsParameterTypesRootPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_ROOT_PATH
hvsParameterTypesSecurityDomain :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SECURITY_DOMAIN
hvsParameterTypesSecurityModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SECURITY_MODEL
hvsParameterTypesSerialConsole :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SERIAL_CONSOLE
hvsParameterTypesSerialSpeed :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SERIAL_SPEED
hvsParameterTypesSoundhw :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SOUNDHW
hvsParameterTypesSpiceBind :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPICE_BIND
hvsParameterTypesSpiceImageCompression :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesSpiceIpVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPICE_IP_VERSION
hvsParameterTypesSpiceJpegWanCompression :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesSpicePasswordFile :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesSpicePlaybackCompression :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesSpiceStreamingVideo :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesSpiceTlsCiphers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPICE_TLS_CIPHERS
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseTls :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPICE_USE_TLS
hvsParameterTypesSpiceUseVdagent :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPICE_USE_VDAGENT
hvsParameterTypesSpiceZlibGlzWanCompression :: StringSource
hvsParameterTypesUsbDevices :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_USB_DEVICES
hvsParameterTypesUsbMouse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_USB_MOUSE
hvsParameterTypesUseBootloader :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_USE_BOOTLOADER
hvsParameterTypesUseChroot :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_USE_CHROOT
hvsParameterTypesUseLocaltime :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_USE_LOCALTIME
hvsParameterTypesVga :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VGA
hvsParameterTypesVhostNet :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VHOST_NET
hvsParameterTypesVifType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VIF_TYPE
hvsParameterTypesViridian :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VIRIDIAN
hvsParameterTypesVncBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS
hvsParameterTypesVncPasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNC_PASSWORD_FILE
hvsParameterTypesVncTls :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNC_TLS
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Path :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNC_X509_PATH
hvsParameterTypesVncX509Verify :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNC_X509_VERIFY
hvsParameterTypesVnetHdr :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES_VNET_HDR
hvBlockdevPrefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_BLOCKDEV_PREFIX
hvBootloaderArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_BOOTLOADER_ARGS
hvBootloaderPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_BOOTLOADER_PATH
hvBootOrder :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_BOOT_ORDER
hvCdromImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH
hvCpuCores :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_CPU_CORES
hvCpuSockets :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_CPU_SOCKETS
hvCpuThreads :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_CPU_THREADS
hvCpuWeight :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_CPU_WEIGHT
hvDeviceModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_DEVICE_MODEL
hvDiskCache :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_DISK_CACHE
hvDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_DISK_TYPE
hvInitrdPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_INITRD_PATH
hvInitScript :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_INIT_SCRIPT
hvKernelArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KERNEL_ARGS
hvKernelPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KERNEL_PATH
hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_CDROM2_IMAGE_PATH
hvKvmCdromDiskType :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_CDROM_DISK_TYPE
hvKvmExtra :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_EXTRA
hvKvmFloppyImagePath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_FLOPPY_IMAGE_PATH
hvKvmMachineVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_MACHINE_VERSION
hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HV_KVM_MIGRATION_VALID_STATUSES
hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_AUDIO_COMPR
hvKvmSpiceBind :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_BIND
hvKvmSpiceIpVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_IP_VERSION
hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_JPEG_IMG_COMPR
hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR
hvKvmSpicePasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_PASSWORD_FILE
hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection :: StringSource
hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_TLS_CIPHERS
hvKvmSpiceUseTls :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_USE_TLS
hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_USE_VDAGENT
hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_SPICE_ZLIB_GLZ_IMG_COMPR
hvKvmUseChroot :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_KVM_USE_CHROOT
hvMigrationActive :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_ACTIVE
hvMigrationBandwidth :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_BANDWIDTH
hvMigrationCancelled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_CANCELLED
hvMigrationCompleted :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_COMPLETED
hvMigrationDowntime :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_DOWNTIME
hvMigrationFailed :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_FAILED
hvMigrationFailedStatuses :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HV_MIGRATION_FAILED_STATUSES
hvMigrationMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_MODE
hvMigrationPort :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_MIGRATION_PORT
hvMigrationValidStatuses :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HV_MIGRATION_VALID_STATUSES
hvNodeinfoKeyVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_NODEINFO_KEY_VERSION
hvPassthrough :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_PASSTHROUGH
hvRebootBehavior :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR
hvRootPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_ROOT_PATH
hvSecurityDomain :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_SECURITY_DOMAIN
hvSecurityModel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_SECURITY_MODEL
hvSerialConsole :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_SERIAL_CONSOLE
hvSerialSpeed :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_SERIAL_SPEED
hvUsbDevices :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_USB_DEVICES
hvUsbMouse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_USB_MOUSE
hvUseBootloader :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_USE_BOOTLOADER
hvUseLocaltime :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_USE_LOCALTIME
hvVhostNet :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_VHOST_NET
hvViridian :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_VIRIDIAN
hvVncBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS
hvVncPasswordFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_VNC_PASSWORD_FILE
hvVncX509Verify :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant HV_VNC_X509_VERIFY
hyperTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set HYPER_TYPES
iallocatorDirIn :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_DIR_IN
iallocatorDirOut :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_DIR_OUT
iallocatorModeAlloc :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_MODE_ALLOC
iallocatorModeChgGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_MODE_CHG_GROUP
iallocatorModeMultiAlloc :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_MODE_MULTI_ALLOC
iallocatorModeNodeEvac :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_MODE_NODE_EVAC
iallocatorModeReloc :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_MODE_RELOC
iallocatorNevacAll :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_NEVAC_ALL
iallocatorNevacModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IALLOCATOR_NEVAC_MODES
iallocatorNevacPri :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_NEVAC_PRI
iallocatorNevacSec :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_NEVAC_SEC
iallocatorSearchPath :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IALLOCATOR_SEARCH_PATH
iallocatorVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOCATOR_VERSION
iallocHail :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IALLOC_HAIL
idiskAdopt :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_ADOPT
idiskMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_METAVG
idiskParams :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IDISK_PARAMS
idiskParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES
idiskParamsTypesAdopt :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_ADOPT
idiskParamsTypesMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_METAVG
idiskParamsTypesMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_MODE
idiskParamsTypesName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_NAME
idiskParamsTypesProvider :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_PROVIDER
idiskParamsTypesSize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_SIZE
idiskParamsTypesVg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_VG
idiskProvider :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IDISK_PROVIDER
ieioRawDisk :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IEIO_RAW_DISK
ieioScript :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IEIO_SCRIPT
ieCustomSize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IE_CUSTOM_SIZE
ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IFACE_NO_IP_VERSION_SPECIFIED
inicNetwork :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_NETWORK
inicParams :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set INIC_PARAMS
inicParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary INIC_PARAMS_TYPES
inicParamsTypesIp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_IP
inicParamsTypesLink :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_LINK
inicParamsTypesMac :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_MAC
inicParamsTypesMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_MODE
inicParamsTypesName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_NAME
inicParamsTypesNetwork :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INIC_PARAMS_TYPES_NETWORK
inisectBep :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INISECT_BEP
inisectExp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INISECT_EXP
inisectHyp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INISECT_HYP
inisectIns :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INISECT_INS
inisectOsp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INISECT_OSP
initialNodeGroupName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INITIAL_NODE_GROUP_NAME
instanceCreate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_CREATE
instanceCreateModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set INSTANCE_CREATE_MODES
instanceImport :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_IMPORT
instanceRebootAllowed :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REBOOT_ALLOWED
instanceRebootExit :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REBOOT_EXIT
instanceRebootFull :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REBOOT_FULL
instanceRebootHard :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REBOOT_HARD
instanceRebootSoft :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REBOOT_SOFT
instanceRemoteImport :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTANCE_REMOTE_IMPORT
inststAdmindown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_ADMINDOWN
inststAdminoffline :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_ADMINOFFLINE
inststErrordown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_ERRORDOWN
inststErrorup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_ERRORUP
inststNodedown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_NODEDOWN
inststNodeoffline :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_NODEOFFLINE
inststRunning :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_RUNNING
inststWrongnode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant INSTST_WRONGNODE
ip4AddressAny :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IP4_ADDRESS_ANY
ip4AddressLocalhost :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IP4_ADDRESS_LOCALHOST
ip4Version :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IP4_VERSION
ip6AddressAny :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IP6_ADDRESS_ANY
ip6AddressLocalhost :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IP6_ADDRESS_LOCALHOST
ip6Version :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IP6_VERSION
ipolicyAllKeys :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IPOLICY_ALL_KEYS
ipolicyDefaultsDiskTemplates :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_DISK-TEMPLATES
ipolicyDefaultsSpindleRatio :: DoubleSource
Skipped list/set IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_MINMAX, cannot convert all elems
| Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_SPINDLE-RATIO
ipolicyDefaultsStd :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD
ipolicyDefaultsStdCpuCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_CPU-COUNT
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_DISK-COUNT
ipolicyDefaultsStdDiskSize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_DISK-SIZE
ipolicyDefaultsStdMemorySize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_MEMORY-SIZE
ipolicyDefaultsStdNicCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_NIC-COUNT
ipolicyDefaultsStdSpindleUse :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_STD_SPINDLE-USE
ipolicyDefaultsVcpuRatio :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DEFAULTS_VCPU-RATIO
ipolicyDts :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_DTS
ipolicyParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set IPOLICY_PARAMETERS
ipolicySpindleRatio :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_SPINDLE_RATIO
ipolicyVcpuRatio :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IPOLICY_VCPU_RATIO
ipCommandPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant IP_COMMAND_PATH
ispecsMinmax :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMax :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MAX
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxCpuCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MAX_CPU-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxDiskCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MAX_DISK-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxDiskSize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MAX_DISK-SIZE
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxMemorySize :: IntSource
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxNicCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MAX_NIC-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMaxSpindleUse :: IntSource
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMin :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MIN
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinCpuCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MIN_CPU-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinDiskCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MIN_DISK-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinDiskSize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MIN_DISK-SIZE
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinMemorySize :: IntSource
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinNicCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS_MIN_NIC-COUNT
ispecsMinmaxDefaultsMinSpindleUse :: IntSource
ispecsMinmaxKeys :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set ISPECS_MINMAX_KEYS
ispecsParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set ISPECS_PARAMETERS
ispecsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES
ispecsParameterTypesCpuCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_CPU-COUNT
ispecsParameterTypesDiskCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK-COUNT
ispecsParameterTypesDiskSize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_DISK-SIZE
ispecsParameterTypesMemorySize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MEMORY-SIZE
ispecsParameterTypesNicCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_NIC-COUNT
ispecsParameterTypesSpindleUse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPINDLE-USE
ispecCpuCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_CPU_COUNT
ispecDiskCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_DISK_COUNT
ispecDiskSize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_DISK_SIZE
ispecMemSize :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_MEM_SIZE
ispecNicCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_NIC_COUNT
ispecSpindleUse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ISPEC_SPINDLE_USE
jobsFinalized :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set JOBS_FINALIZED
jobsPending :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set JOBS_PENDING
jobIdTemplate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_ID_TEMPLATE
jobNotchanged :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_NOTCHANGED
jobQueueFilesPerms :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_QUEUE_FILES_PERMS
jobQueueSizeHardLimit :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_QUEUE_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT
jobQueueVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_QUEUE_VERSION
jobStatusAll :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set JOB_STATUS_ALL
jobStatusCanceled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_CANCELED
jobStatusCanceling :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_CANCELING
jobStatusError :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_ERROR
jobStatusQueued :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_QUEUED
jobStatusRunning :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_RUNNING
jobStatusSuccess :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS
jobStatusWaiting :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JOB_STATUS_WAITING
jqtExpandnames :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JQT_EXPANDNAMES
jqtMsgprefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JQT_MSGPREFIX
jqtStartmsg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant JQT_STARTMSG
knownXenCommands :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set KNOWN_XEN_COMMANDS
lastDrbdPort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant LAST_DRBD_PORT
ldpBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_BARRIERS
ldpDefaultMetavg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_DEFAULT_METAVG
ldpDelayTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_DELAY_TARGET
ldpDiskCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_DISK_CUSTOM
ldpDynamicResync :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_DYNAMIC_RESYNC
ldpFillTarget :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_FILL_TARGET
ldpMaxRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_MAX_RATE
ldpMinRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_MIN_RATE
ldpNetCustom :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_NET_CUSTOM
ldpNoMetaFlush :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_NO_META_FLUSH
ldpPlanAhead :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_PLAN_AHEAD
ldpResyncRate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_RESYNC_RATE
ldpStripes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LDP_STRIPES
ldsUnknown :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant LDS_UNKNOWN
ldBlockdev :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LD_BLOCKDEV
locksAppend :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LOCKS_APPEND
locksReplace :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LOCKS_REPLACE
lockAttemptsMaxwait :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant LOCK_ATTEMPTS_MAXWAIT
lockAttemptsMinwait :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant LOCK_ATTEMPTS_MINWAIT
lockAttemptsTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant LOCK_ATTEMPTS_TIMEOUT
logicalDiskTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set LOGICAL_DISK_TYPES
luxidGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LUXID_GROUP
luxiOverride :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LUXI_OVERRIDE
luxiOverrideMaster :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LUXI_OVERRIDE_MASTER
luxiOverrideQuery :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant LUXI_OVERRIDE_QUERY
luxiSocketPerms :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant LUXI_SOCKET_PERMS
luxiVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant LUXI_VERSION
masterdGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant MASTERD_GROUP
masterdUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant MASTERD_USER
masterPoolSizeDefault :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant MASTER_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT
maxTagsPerObj :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant MAX_TAGS_PER_OBJ
maxUdpDataSize :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant MAX_UDP_DATA_SIZE
maxWipeChunk :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant MAX_WIPE_CHUNK
minWipeChunkPercent :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant MIN_WIPE_CHUNK_PERCENT
modifiableIdiskParams :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS
modifiableIdiskParamsTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES
modifiableIdiskParamsTypesMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_MODE
modifiableIdiskParamsTypesName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES_NAME
modifiableStorageFieldsLvmPv :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set MODIFIABLE_STORAGE_FIELDS_LVM-PV
ndcDefaultsExclusiveStorage :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant NDC_DEFAULTS_EXCLUSIVE_STORAGE
ndcDefaultsOobProgram :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDC_DEFAULTS_OOB_PROGRAM
ndcDefaultsSpindleCount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant NDC_DEFAULTS_SPINDLE_COUNT
ndcGlobals :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set NDC_GLOBALS
ndsClusterName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_CLUSTER_NAME
ndsNodeDaemonCertificate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_NODE_DAEMON_CERTIFICATE
ndsParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set NDS_PARAMETERS
ndsParameterTitles :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary NDS_PARAMETER_TITLES
ndsParameterTitlesExclusiveStorage :: StringSource
ndsParameterTitlesOobProgram :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_PARAMETER_TITLES_OOB_PROGRAM
ndsParameterTitlesSpindleCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_PARAMETER_TITLES_SPINDLE_COUNT
ndsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary NDS_PARAMETER_TYPES
ndsParameterTypesExclusiveStorage :: StringSource
ndsParameterTypesOobProgram :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_PARAMETER_TYPES_OOB_PROGRAM
ndsParameterTypesSpindleCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_PARAMETER_TYPES_SPINDLE_COUNT
ndsStartNodeDaemon :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NDS_START_NODE_DAEMON
ndExclusiveStorage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ND_EXCLUSIVE_STORAGE
ndOobProgram :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ND_OOB_PROGRAM
ndSpindleCount :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ND_SPINDLE_COUNT
niccDefaults :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary NICC_DEFAULTS
niccDefaultsLink :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NICC_DEFAULTS_LINK
niccDefaultsMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NICC_DEFAULTS_MODE
nicsParameters :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set NICS_PARAMETERS
nicsParameterTypes :: [(String, String)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary NICS_PARAMETER_TYPES
nicsParameterTypesLink :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NICS_PARAMETER_TYPES_LINK
nicsParameterTypesMode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NICS_PARAMETER_TYPES_MODE
nicModeBridged :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NIC_MODE_BRIDGED
nicModeOvs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NIC_MODE_OVS
nicModeRouted :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NIC_MODE_ROUTED
nicValidModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set NIC_VALID_MODES
nodedGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NODED_GROUP
nodeEvacAll :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NODE_EVAC_ALL
nodeEvacModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set NODE_EVAC_MODES
nodeEvacPri :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NODE_EVAC_PRI
nodeEvacSec :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NODE_EVAC_SEC
nodeMaxClockSkew :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant NODE_MAX_CLOCK_SKEW
nrMcandidate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NR_MCANDIDATE
nvDrbdhelper :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_DRBDHELPER
nvDrbdlist :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_DRBDLIST
nvExclusivepvs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_EXCLUSIVEPVS
nvFilelist :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_FILELIST
nvFileStoragePaths :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_FILE_STORAGE_PATHS
nvHvparams :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_HVPARAMS
nvHypervisor :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_HYPERVISOR
nvInstancelist :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_INSTANCELIST
nvMasterip :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_MASTERIP
nvNodelist :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_NODELIST
nvNodenettest :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_NODENETTEST
nvNodesetup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_NODESETUP
nvOobPaths :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_OOB_PATHS
nvUserscripts :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant NV_USERSCRIPTS
oobCommands :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set OOB_COMMANDS
oobPowerCycle :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_CYCLE
oobPowerDelay :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_DELAY
oobPowerOff :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_OFF
oobPowerOn :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_ON
oobPowerStatus :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_STATUS
oobPowerStatusPowered :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_POWER_STATUS_POWERED
oobStatuses :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set OOB_STATUSES
oobStatusCritical :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_STATUS_CRITICAL
oobStatusOk :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_STATUS_OK
oobStatusUnknown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_STATUS_UNKNOWN
oobStatusWarning :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_STATUS_WARNING
oobTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OOB_TIMEOUT
opcodeReason :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON
opcodeReasonSources :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set OPCODE_REASON_SOURCES
opcodeReasonSrcClient :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON_SRC_CLIENT
opcodeReasonSrcNoded :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON_SRC_NODED
opcodeReasonSrcOpcode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON_SRC_OPCODE
opcodeReasonSrcRlib2 :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON_SRC_RLIB2
opcodeReasonSrcUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPCODE_REASON_SRC_USER
opensslCiphers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OPENSSL_CIPHERS
opsFinalized :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set OPS_FINALIZED
opPrioDefault :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OP_PRIO_DEFAULT
opPrioHigh :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OP_PRIO_HIGH
opPrioHighest :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OP_PRIO_HIGHEST
opPrioLowest :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OP_PRIO_LOWEST
opPrioNormal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant OP_PRIO_NORMAL
opPrioSubmitValid :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set OP_PRIO_SUBMIT_VALID
opStatusCanceled :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_CANCELED
opStatusCanceling :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_CANCELING
opStatusError :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_ERROR
opStatusQueued :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_QUEUED
opStatusRunning :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_RUNNING
opStatusSuccess :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_SUCCESS
opStatusWaiting :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OP_STATUS_WAITING
osApiVersions :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set OS_API_VERSIONS
osParametersFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_PARAMETERS_FILE
osScriptCreate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_SCRIPT_CREATE
osScriptExport :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_SCRIPT_EXPORT
osScriptImport :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_SCRIPT_IMPORT
osScriptRename :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_SCRIPT_RENAME
osScriptVerify :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_SCRIPT_VERIFY
osValidateCalls :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set OS_VALIDATE_CALLS
osValidateParameters :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS
osVariantsFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant OS_VARIANTS_FILE
partMargin :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant PART_MARGIN
partReserved :: DoubleSource
Converted from Python constant PART_RESERVED
procMounts :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant PROC_MOUNTS
protocolVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant PROTOCOL_VERSION
qemuimgPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant QEMUIMG_PATH
qftTimestamp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant QFT_TIMESTAMP
qftUnknown :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant QFT_UNKNOWN
qrExtstorage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant QR_EXTSTORAGE
qrInstance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant QR_INSTANCE
randomUuidFile :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant RANDOM_UUID_FILE
rapiVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RAPI_VERSION
rebootBehaviors :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set REBOOT_BEHAVIORS
rebootTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set REBOOT_TYPES
releaseAction :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant RELEASE_ACTION
releaseVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant RELEASE_VERSION
replaceDiskAuto :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant REPLACE_DISK_AUTO
replaceDiskChg :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant REPLACE_DISK_CHG
replaceDiskPri :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant REPLACE_DISK_PRI
replaceDiskSec :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant REPLACE_DISK_SEC
replaceModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set REPLACE_MODES
reserveAction :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant RESERVE_ACTION
rieCertValidity :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_CERT_VALIDITY
rieConnectAttemptTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT
rieConnectRetries :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_CONNECT_RETRIES
rieConnectTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
rieHandshake :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_HANDSHAKE
rieVersion :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RIE_VERSION
rpcConnectTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
rpcEncodingNone :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_ENCODING_NONE
rpcEncodingZlibBase64 :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_ENCODING_ZLIB_BASE64
rpcTmo1day :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_1DAY
rpcTmo4hrs :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_4HRS
rpcTmoFast :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_FAST
rpcTmoNormal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_NORMAL
rpcTmoSlow :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_SLOW
rpcTmoUrgent :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RPC_TMO_URGENT
rsaKeyBits :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RSA_KEY_BITS
rssDescription1 :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple RSS_DESCRIPTION_1
rssDescription2 :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple RSS_DESCRIPTION_2
rssDescription3 :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple RSS_DESCRIPTION_3
rssDescription4 :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple RSS_DESCRIPTION_4
runpartsErr :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RUNPARTS_ERR
runpartsRun :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RUNPARTS_RUN
runpartsSkip :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RUNPARTS_SKIP
runpartsStatus :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set RUNPARTS_STATUS
runDirsMode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant RUN_DIRS_MODE
secureDirMode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant SECURE_DIR_MODE
secureFileMode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant SECURE_FILE_MODE
sfAllocatable :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SF_ALLOCATABLE
socatEscapeCode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SOCAT_ESCAPE_CODE
socatUseCompress :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant SOCAT_USE_COMPRESS
socatUseEscape :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant SOCAT_USE_ESCAPE
soFixConsistency :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SO_FIX_CONSISTENCY
ssconfFileprefix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSCONF_FILEPREFIX
sshsClusterName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSHS_CLUSTER_NAME
sshsNodeDaemonCertificate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSHS_NODE_DAEMON_CERTIFICATE
sshsSshHostKey :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY
sshsSshRootKey :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSHS_SSH_ROOT_KEY
sshConsoleUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSH_CONSOLE_USER
sshDaemonKeyfilesDsa :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple SSH_DAEMON_KEYFILES_DSA
sshDaemonKeyfilesRsa :: (String, String)Source
Converted from Python tuple SSH_DAEMON_KEYFILES_RSA
sshLoginUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SSH_LOGIN_USER
sslCertExpirationError :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant SSL_CERT_EXPIRATION_ERROR
sslCertExpirationWarn :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant SSL_CERT_EXPIRATION_WARN
ssClusterName :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_CLUSTER_NAME
ssClusterTags :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_CLUSTER_TAGS
ssFilePerms :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant SS_FILE_PERMS
ssFileStorageDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_FILE_STORAGE_DIR
ssHypervisorList :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_HYPERVISOR_LIST
ssInstanceList :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_INSTANCE_LIST
ssMaintainNodeHealth :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MAINTAIN_NODE_HEALTH
ssMasterCandidates :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_CANDIDATES
ssMasterCandidatesIps :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_CANDIDATES_IPS
ssMasterIp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_IP
ssMasterNetdev :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_NETDEV
ssMasterNetmask :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_NETMASK
ssMasterNode :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_MASTER_NODE
ssNetworks :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_NETWORKS
ssNodegroups :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_NODEGROUPS
ssNodeList :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_NODE_LIST
ssNodePrimaryIps :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_NODE_PRIMARY_IPS
ssNodeSecondaryIps :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_NODE_SECONDARY_IPS
ssOfflineNodes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_OFFLINE_NODES
ssOnlineNodes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_ONLINE_NODES
ssPrimaryIpFamily :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_PRIMARY_IP_FAMILY
ssReleaseVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_RELEASE_VERSION
ssSharedFileStorageDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SS_SHARED_FILE_STORAGE_DIR
stDiskless :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant ST_DISKLESS
syslogOnly :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SYSLOG_ONLY
syslogSocket :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SYSLOG_SOCKET
syslogUsage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant SYSLOG_USAGE
tagCluster :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant TAG_CLUSTER
tagInstance :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant TAG_INSTANCE
tagNetwork :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant TAG_NETWORK
tagNodegroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant TAG_NODEGROUP
tcpPingTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant TCP_PING_TIMEOUT
uidpoolUidMax :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant UIDPOOL_UID_MAX
uidpoolUidMin :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant UIDPOOL_UID_MIN
validAllocPolicies :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_ALLOC_POLICIES
validExtraLogreasons :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_EXTRA_LOGREASONS
validIallocatorDirections :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_IALLOCATOR_DIRECTIONS
validIallocatorModes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_IALLOCATOR_MODES
validIpVersions :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_IP_VERSIONS
validSerialSpeeds :: [Int]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_SERIAL_SPEEDS
validStorageFields :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_STORAGE_FIELDS
validStorageOperationsLvmVg :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_STORAGE_OPERATIONS_LVM-VG
validStorageTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_STORAGE_TYPES
validTagTypes :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VALID_TAG_TYPES
valueDefault :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VALUE_DEFAULT
valueFalse :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VALUE_FALSE
valueGenerate :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VALUE_GENERATE
vcsVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VCS_VERSION
verifyNplusoneMem :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VERIFY_NPLUSONE_MEM
verifyOptionalChecks :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set VERIFY_OPTIONAL_CHECKS
vncBasePort :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant VNC_BASE_PORT
vncDefaultBindAddress :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VNC_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS
vtypeMaybeString :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VTYPE_MAYBE_STRING
vtypeString :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant VTYPE_STRING
x509CertCn :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant X509_CERT_CN
x509CertDefaultValidity :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant X509_CERT_DEFAULT_VALIDITY
x509CertSignatureHeader :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant X509_CERT_SIGNATURE_HEADER
x509CertSignDigest :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant X509_CERT_SIGN_DIGEST
xenBootloader :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant XEN_BOOTLOADER
luxiDefCtmo :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.DEF_CTMO
luxiDefRwto :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.DEF_RWTO
luxiKeyArgs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.KEY_ARGS
luxiKeyMethod :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.KEY_METHOD
luxiKeyResult :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.KEY_RESULT
luxiKeySuccess :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.KEY_SUCCESS
luxiKeyVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.KEY_VERSION
luxiReqAll :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set luxi.REQ_ALL
luxiReqArchiveJob :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_ARCHIVE_JOB
luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_AUTO_ARCHIVE_JOBS
luxiReqCancelJob :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_CANCEL_JOB
luxiReqChangeJobPriority :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY
luxiReqQuery :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY
luxiReqQueryClusterInfo :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_CLUSTER_INFO
luxiReqQueryConfigValues :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_CONFIG_VALUES
luxiReqQueryExports :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_EXPORTS
luxiReqQueryFields :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_FIELDS
luxiReqQueryGroups :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_GROUPS
luxiReqQueryInstances :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_INSTANCES
luxiReqQueryJobs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_JOBS
luxiReqQueryNetworks :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_NETWORKS
luxiReqQueryNodes :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_NODES
luxiReqQueryTags :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_QUERY_TAGS
luxiReqSetDrainFlag :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_SET_DRAIN_FLAG
luxiReqSetWatcherPause :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_SET_WATCHER_PAUSE
luxiReqSubmitJob :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_SUBMIT_JOB
luxiReqSubmitManyJobs :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_SUBMIT_MANY_JOBS
luxiReqWaitForJobChange :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.REQ_WAIT_FOR_JOB_CHANGE
luxiWfjcTimeout :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant luxi.WFJC_TIMEOUT
qlangFilterDetectionChars :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set qlang.FILTER_DETECTION_CHARS
qlangGlobDetectionChars :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set qlang.GLOB_DETECTION_CHARS
qlangOpAnd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_AND
qlangOpContains :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_CONTAINS
qlangOpEqual :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_EQUAL
qlangOpNot :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_NOT
qlangOpNotEqual :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_NOT_EQUAL
qlangOpRegexp :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_REGEXP
qlangOpTrue :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant qlang.OP_TRUE
autoconfAdminGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ADMIN_GROUP
autoconfConfdGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.CONFD_GROUP
autoconfConfdUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.CONFD_USER
autoconfDaemonsGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.DAEMONS_GROUP
autoconfDiskSeparator :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.DISK_SEPARATOR
autoconfDrbdBarriers :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.DRBD_BARRIERS
autoconfDrbdNoMetaFlush :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.DRBD_NO_META_FLUSH
autoconfEnableConfd :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_CONFD
autoconfEnableFileStorage :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_FILE_STORAGE
autoconfEnableMond :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_MOND
autoconfEnableRestrictedCommands :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_RESTRICTED_COMMANDS
autoconfEnableSharedFileStorage :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_SHARED_FILE_STORAGE
autoconfEnableSplitQuery :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.ENABLE_SPLIT_QUERY
autoconfEsSearchPath :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set autoconf.ES_SEARCH_PATH
autoconfExportDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.EXPORT_DIR
autoconfFileStorageDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.FILE_STORAGE_DIR
autoconfGntScripts :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set autoconf.GNT_SCRIPTS
autoconfHtools :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.HTOOLS
autoconfHtoolsProgs :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set autoconf.HTOOLS_PROGS
autoconfIallocatorSearchPath :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set autoconf.IALLOCATOR_SEARCH_PATH
autoconfIpPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.IP_PATH
autoconfKvmKernel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.KVM_KERNEL
autoconfKvmPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.KVM_PATH
autoconfLocalstatedir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.LOCALSTATEDIR
autoconfLuxidGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.LUXID_GROUP
autoconfLuxidUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.LUXID_USER
autoconfLvmStripecount :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.LVM_STRIPECOUNT
autoconfManPages :: [(String, Int)]Source
Converted from Python dictionary autoconf.MAN_PAGES
autoconfManPagesGaneti :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI
autoconfManPagesGanetiCleaner :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-CLEANER
autoconfManPagesGanetiConfd :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-CONFD
autoconfManPagesGanetiExtstorageInterface :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-EXTSTORAGE-INTERFACE
autoconfManPagesGanetiListrunner :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-LISTRUNNER
autoconfManPagesGanetiLuxid :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-LUXID
autoconfManPagesGanetiMasterd :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-MASTERD
autoconfManPagesGanetiMond :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-MOND
autoconfManPagesGanetiNoded :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-NODED
autoconfManPagesGanetiOsInterface :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-OS-INTERFACE
autoconfManPagesGanetiRapi :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-RAPI
autoconfManPagesGanetiWatcher :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GANETI-WATCHER
autoconfManPagesGntBackup :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-BACKUP
autoconfManPagesGntCluster :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-CLUSTER
autoconfManPagesGntDebug :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-DEBUG
autoconfManPagesGntGroup :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-GROUP
autoconfManPagesGntInstance :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-INSTANCE
autoconfManPagesGntJob :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-JOB
autoconfManPagesGntNetwork :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-NETWORK
autoconfManPagesGntNode :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-NODE
autoconfManPagesGntOs :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-OS
autoconfManPagesGntStorage :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_GNT-STORAGE
autoconfManPagesHail :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HAIL
autoconfManPagesHarep :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HAREP
autoconfManPagesHbal :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HBAL
autoconfManPagesHcheck :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HCHECK
autoconfManPagesHinfo :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HINFO
autoconfManPagesHroller :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HROLLER
autoconfManPagesHscan :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HSCAN
autoconfManPagesHspace :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HSPACE
autoconfManPagesHtools :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_HTOOLS
autoconfManPagesMonCollector :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MAN_PAGES_MON-COLLECTOR
autoconfMasterdGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MASTERD_GROUP
autoconfMasterdUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MASTERD_USER
autoconfMondGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MOND_GROUP
autoconfMondUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.MOND_USER
autoconfNodedGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.NODED_GROUP
autoconfNodedUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.NODED_USER
autoconfOsSearchPath :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set autoconf.OS_SEARCH_PATH
autoconfPackageVersion :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.PACKAGE_VERSION
autoconfPkglibdir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.PKGLIBDIR
autoconfQemuimgPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.QEMUIMG_PATH
autoconfRapiGroup :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.RAPI_GROUP
autoconfRapiUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.RAPI_USER
autoconfSharedFileStorageDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SHARED_FILE_STORAGE_DIR
autoconfSocatPath :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SOCAT_PATH
autoconfSocatUseCompress :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SOCAT_USE_COMPRESS
autoconfSocatUseEscape :: BoolSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SOCAT_USE_ESCAPE
autoconfSshConfigDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SSH_CONFIG_DIR
autoconfSshConsoleUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SSH_CONSOLE_USER
autoconfSshLoginUser :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SSH_LOGIN_USER
autoconfSysconfdir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SYSCONFDIR
autoconfSyslogUsage :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.SYSLOG_USAGE
autoconfToolsdir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.TOOLSDIR
autoconfVersionFull :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.VERSION_FULL
autoconfVersionMajor :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.VERSION_MAJOR
autoconfVersionMinor :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.VERSION_MINOR
autoconfVersionRevision :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.VERSION_REVISION
autoconfVersionSuffix :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.VERSION_SUFFIX
autoconfXenBootloader :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.XEN_BOOTLOADER
autoconfXenCmd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.XEN_CMD
autoconfXenConfigDir :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.XEN_CONFIG_DIR
autoconfXenInitrd :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.XEN_INITRD
autoconfXenKernel :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant autoconf.XEN_KERNEL
errorsEcodeAll :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set errors.ECODE_ALL
errorsEcodeEnviron :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_ENVIRON
errorsEcodeExists :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_EXISTS
errorsEcodeFault :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_FAULT
errorsEcodeInval :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_INVAL
errorsEcodeNoent :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_NOENT
errorsEcodeNores :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_NORES
errorsEcodeNotunique :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_NOTUNIQUE
errorsEcodeResolver :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_RESOLVER
errorsEcodeState :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_STATE
errorsEcodeTempNores :: StringSource
Converted from Python constant errors.ECODE_TEMP_NORES
jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory :: IntSource
Converted from Python constant jstore.JOBS_PER_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY
opcodesOpIds :: [String]Source
Converted from Python list or set opcodes.OP_IDS