{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

{-| Unittests for @xm list --long@ parser -}


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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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module Test.Ganeti.Hypervisor.Xen.XmParser
  ( testHypervisor_Xen_XmParser
  ) where

import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck as QuickCheck hiding (Result)

import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Printf

import Ganeti.Hypervisor.Xen.Types
import Ganeti.Hypervisor.Xen.XmParser

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}

-- * Arbitraries

-- | Generator for 'ListConfig'.
-- A completely arbitrary configuration would contain too many lists
-- and its size would be to big to be actually parsable in reasonable
-- time. This generator builds a random Config that is still of a
-- reasonable size, and it also Avoids generating strings that might
-- be interpreted as numbers.
genConfig :: Int -> Gen LispConfig
genConfig 0 =
  -- only terminal values for size 0
  frequency [ (5, liftM LCString (genName `suchThat` (not . canBeNumber)))
            , (5, liftM LCDouble arbitrary)
genConfig n =
  -- for size greater than 0, allow "some" lists
  frequency [ (5, liftM LCString (resize n genName `suchThat`
                                  (not . canBeNumber)))
            , (5, liftM LCDouble arbitrary)
            , (1, liftM LCList (choose (1, n) >>=
                                (\n' -> vectorOf n' (genConfig $ n `div` n'))))

-- | Arbitrary instance for 'LispConfig' using 'genConfig'.
instance Arbitrary LispConfig where
  arbitrary = sized genConfig

-- | Determines conservatively whether a string could be a number.
canBeNumber :: String -> Bool
canBeNumber [] = False
canBeNumber [c] = canBeNumberChar c
canBeNumber (c:xs) = canBeNumberChar c && canBeNumber xs

-- | Determines whether a char can be part of the string representation of a
-- number (even in scientific notation).
canBeNumberChar :: Char -> Bool
canBeNumberChar c = isDigit c || (c `elem` "eE-")

-- | Generates an arbitrary @xm uptime@ output line.
instance Arbitrary UptimeInfo where
  arbitrary = do
    name <- genFQDN
    NonNegative idNum <- arbitrary :: Gen (NonNegative Int)
    NonNegative days <- arbitrary :: Gen (NonNegative Int)
    hours <- choose (0, 23) :: Gen Int
    mins <- choose (0, 59) :: Gen Int
    secs <- choose (0, 59) :: Gen Int
    let uptime :: String
        uptime =
          if days /= 0
            then printf "%d days, %d:%d:%d" days hours mins secs
            else printf "%d:%d:%d" hours mins secs
    return $ UptimeInfo name idNum uptime

-- * Helper functions for tests

-- | Function for testing whether a domain configuration is parsed correctly.
testDomain :: String -> Map.Map String Domain -> Assertion
testDomain fileName expectedContent = do
  fileContent <- readTestData fileName
  case A.parseOnly xmListParser $ pack fileContent of
    Left msg -> assertFailure $ "Parsing failed: " ++ msg
    Right obtained -> assertEqual fileName expectedContent obtained

-- | Function for testing whether a @xm uptime@ output (stored in a file)
-- is parsed correctly.
testUptimeInfo :: String -> Map.Map Int UptimeInfo -> Assertion
testUptimeInfo fileName expectedContent = do
  fileContent <- readTestData fileName
  case A.parseOnly xmUptimeParser $ pack fileContent of
    Left msg -> assertFailure $ "Parsing failed: " ++ msg
    Right obtained -> assertEqual fileName expectedContent obtained

-- | Computes the relative error of two 'Double' numbers.
-- This is the \"relative error\" algorithm in
-- http:\/\/randomascii.wordpress.com\/2012\/02\/25\/
-- comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition (URL split due to too
-- long line).
relativeError :: Double -> Double -> Double
relativeError d1 d2 =
  let delta = abs $ d1 - d2
      a1 = abs d1
      a2 = abs d2
      greatest = max a1 a2
  in if delta == 0
       then 0
       else delta / greatest

-- | Determines whether two LispConfig are equal, with the exception of Double
-- values, that just need to be \"almost equal\".
-- Meant mainly for testing purposes, given that Double values may be slightly
-- rounded during parsing.
isAlmostEqual :: LispConfig -> LispConfig -> Property
isAlmostEqual (LCList c1) (LCList c2) =
  (length c1 ==? length c2) .&&.
  conjoin (zipWith isAlmostEqual c1 c2)
isAlmostEqual (LCString s1) (LCString s2) = s1 ==? s2
isAlmostEqual (LCDouble d1) (LCDouble d2) = printTestCase msg $ rel <= 1e-12
    where rel = relativeError d1 d2
          msg = "Relative error " ++ show rel ++ " not smaller than 1e-12\n" ++
                "expected: " ++ show d2 ++ "\n but got: " ++ show d1
isAlmostEqual a b =
  failTest $ "Comparing different types: '" ++ show a ++ "' with '" ++
             show b ++ "'"

-- | Function to serialize LispConfigs in such a way that they can be rebuilt
-- again by the lispConfigParser.
serializeConf :: LispConfig -> String
serializeConf (LCList c) = "(" ++ unwords (map serializeConf c) ++ ")"
serializeConf (LCString s) = s
serializeConf (LCDouble d) = show d

-- | Function to serialize UptimeInfos in such a way that they can be rebuilt
-- againg by the uptimeLineParser.
serializeUptime :: UptimeInfo -> String
serializeUptime (UptimeInfo name idNum uptime) =
  printf "%s\t%d\t%s" name idNum uptime

-- | Test whether a randomly generated config can be parsed.
-- Implicitly, this also tests that the Show instance of Config is correct.
prop_config :: LispConfig -> Property
prop_config conf =
  case A.parseOnly lispConfigParser . pack . serializeConf $ conf of
        Left msg -> failTest $ "Parsing failed: " ++ msg
        Right obtained -> printTestCase "Failing almost equal check" $
                          isAlmostEqual obtained conf

-- | Test whether a randomly generated UptimeInfo text line can be parsed.
prop_uptimeInfo :: UptimeInfo -> Property
prop_uptimeInfo uInfo =
  case A.parseOnly uptimeLineParser . pack . serializeUptime $ uInfo of
    Left msg -> failTest $ "Parsing failed: " ++ msg
    Right obtained -> obtained ==? uInfo

-- | Test a Xen 4.0.1 @xm list --long@ output.
case_xen401list :: Assertion
case_xen401list = testDomain "xen-xm-list-long-4.0.1.txt" $
    [ ("Domain-0", Domain 0 "Domain-0" 184000.41332 ActualRunning Nothing)
    , ("instance1.example.com", Domain 119 "instance1.example.com" 24.116146647
      ActualBlocked Nothing)

-- | Test a Xen 4.0.1 @xm uptime@ output.
case_xen401uptime :: Assertion
case_xen401uptime = testUptimeInfo "xen-xm-uptime-4.0.1.txt" $
    [ (0, UptimeInfo "Domain-0" 0 "98 days,  2:27:44")
    , (119, UptimeInfo "instance1.example.com" 119 "15 days, 20:57:07")

testSuite "Hypervisor/Xen/XmParser"
          [ 'prop_config
          , 'prop_uptimeInfo
          , 'case_xen401list
          , 'case_xen401uptime