{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

{-| Unittests for ganeti-htools.



Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Google Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


module Test.Ganeti.OpCodes
  ( testOpCodes
  , OpCodes.OpCode(..)
  ) where

import Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck as QuickCheck

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Text.Printf (printf)

import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
import Test.Ganeti.Types ()
import Test.Ganeti.Query.Language

import Ganeti.BasicTypes
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import qualified Ganeti.OpCodes as OpCodes
import Ganeti.Types
import Ganeti.OpParams
import Ganeti.JSON

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}

-- * Arbitrary instances

instance Arbitrary OpCodes.TagObject where
  arbitrary = oneof [ OpCodes.TagInstance <$> genFQDN
                    , OpCodes.TagNode     <$> genFQDN
                    , OpCodes.TagGroup    <$> genFQDN
                    , OpCodes.TagNetwork  <$> genFQDN
                    , pure OpCodes.TagCluster

$(genArbitrary ''OpCodes.ReplaceDisksMode)

$(genArbitrary ''DiskAccess)

instance Arbitrary OpCodes.DiskIndex where
  arbitrary = choose (0, C.maxDisks - 1) >>= OpCodes.mkDiskIndex

instance Arbitrary INicParams where
  arbitrary = INicParams <$> genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genName <*>
              genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genNameNE

instance Arbitrary IDiskParams where
  arbitrary = IDiskParams <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
              genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
              genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genNameNE

instance Arbitrary RecreateDisksInfo where
  arbitrary = oneof [ pure RecreateDisksAll
                    , RecreateDisksIndices <$> arbitrary
                    , RecreateDisksParams <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary DdmOldChanges where
  arbitrary = oneof [ DdmOldIndex <$> arbitrary
                    , DdmOldMod   <$> arbitrary

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (SetParamsMods a) where
  arbitrary = oneof [ pure SetParamsEmpty
                    , SetParamsDeprecated <$> arbitrary
                    , SetParamsNew        <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary ExportTarget where
  arbitrary = oneof [ ExportTargetLocal <$> genNodeNameNE
                    , ExportTargetRemote <$> pure []

instance Arbitrary OpCodes.OpCode where
  arbitrary = do
    op_id <- elements OpCodes.allOpIDs
    case op_id of
      "OP_TEST_DELAY" ->
        OpCodes.OpTestDelay <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genNodeNamesNE <*> return Nothing <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceReplaceDisks <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genDiskIndices <*>
          genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*> genMaybe genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpInstanceFailover <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
        arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*>
        return Nothing <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceMigrate <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*>
          return Nothing <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> arbitrary
      "OP_TAGS_GET" ->
        OpCodes.OpTagsGet <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
      "OP_TAGS_SEARCH" ->
        OpCodes.OpTagsSearch <$> genNameNE
      "OP_TAGS_SET" ->
        OpCodes.OpTagsSet <$> arbitrary <*> genTags
      "OP_TAGS_DEL" ->
        OpCodes.OpTagsSet <$> arbitrary <*> genTags
      "OP_CLUSTER_POST_INIT" -> pure OpCodes.OpClusterPostInit
      "OP_CLUSTER_DESTROY" -> pure OpCodes.OpClusterDestroy
      "OP_CLUSTER_QUERY" -> pure OpCodes.OpClusterQuery
        OpCodes.OpClusterVerify <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genSet Nothing <*> genSet Nothing <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpClusterVerifyConfig <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genSet Nothing <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpClusterVerifyGroup <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> genSet Nothing <*> genSet Nothing <*> arbitrary
      "OP_CLUSTER_VERIFY_DISKS" -> pure OpCodes.OpClusterVerifyDisks
        OpCodes.OpGroupVerifyDisks <$> genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpClusterRepairDiskSizes <$> genNodeNamesNE
        OpCodes.OpClusterConfigQuery <$> genFieldsNE
        OpCodes.OpClusterRename <$> genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpClusterSetParams <$> arbitrary <*> emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe (listOf1 arbitrary >>= mkNonEmpty) <*>
          genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*> emptyMUD <*>
          genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*> genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*>
          genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*> genMaybe arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe (genName >>= mkNonEmpty) <*>
          genMaybe (genName >>= mkNonEmpty)
      "OP_CLUSTER_REDIST_CONF" -> pure OpCodes.OpClusterRedistConf
        pure OpCodes.OpClusterActivateMasterIp
        pure OpCodes.OpClusterDeactivateMasterIp
      "OP_QUERY" ->
        OpCodes.OpQuery <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genFilter
      "OP_QUERY_FIELDS" ->
        OpCodes.OpQueryFields <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
      "OP_OOB_COMMAND" ->
        OpCodes.OpOobCommand <$> genNodeNamesNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          (arbitrary `suchThat` (>0))
      "OP_NODE_REMOVE" ->
        OpCodes.OpNodeRemove <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing
      "OP_NODE_ADD" ->
        OpCodes.OpNodeAdd <$> genNodeNameNE <*> emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*>
          genMaybe genName <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> emptyMUD
      "OP_NODE_QUERY" ->
        OpCodes.OpNodeQuery <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpNodeQueryvols <$> arbitrary <*> genNodeNamesNE
        OpCodes.OpNodeQueryStorage <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genNodeNamesNE <*> genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpNodeModifyStorage <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> genNameNE <*> pure emptyJSObject
        OpCodes.OpRepairNodeStorage <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> genNameNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpNodeSetParams <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> emptyMUD <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpNodePowercycle <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
      "OP_NODE_MIGRATE" ->
        OpCodes.OpNodeMigrate <$> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*>
          return Nothing <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpNodeEvacuate <$> arbitrary <*> genNodeNameNE <*>
          return Nothing <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceCreate <$> genFQDN <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure emptyJSObject <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          pure emptyJSObject <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure emptyJSObject <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe (pure []) <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (genTags >>= mapM mkNonEmpty)
        OpCodes.OpInstanceMultiAlloc <$> genMaybe genNameNE <*> pure [] <*>
        OpCodes.OpInstanceReinstall <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe (pure emptyJSObject)
        OpCodes.OpInstanceRemove <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceRename <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          genNodeNameNE <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceStartup <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure emptyJSObject <*>
          pure emptyJSObject <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceShutdown <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceReboot <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceMove <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
      "OP_INSTANCE_CONSOLE" -> OpCodes.OpInstanceConsole <$> genFQDN <*>
          return Nothing
        OpCodes.OpInstanceActivateDisks <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceDeactivateDisks <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
        OpCodes.OpInstanceRecreateDisks <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> genNodeNamesNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpInstanceQuery <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceQueryData <$> arbitrary <*>
          genNodeNamesNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceSetParams <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> pure emptyJSObject <*> arbitrary <*>
          pure emptyJSObject <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*>
          return Nothing <*> genMaybe genNodeNameNE <*> return Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> pure emptyJSObject <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceGrowDisk <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpInstanceChangeGroup <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          genMaybe (resize maxNodes (listOf genNameNE))
      "OP_GROUP_ADD" ->
        OpCodes.OpGroupAdd <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          emptyMUD <*> genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*>
          emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD
        OpCodes.OpGroupAssignNodes <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          genNodeNamesNE <*> return Nothing
      "OP_GROUP_QUERY" ->
        OpCodes.OpGroupQuery <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE
        OpCodes.OpGroupSetParams <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          emptyMUD <*> genMaybe genEmptyContainer <*>
          emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD <*> emptyMUD
      "OP_GROUP_REMOVE" ->
        OpCodes.OpGroupRemove <$> genNameNE
      "OP_GROUP_RENAME" ->
        OpCodes.OpGroupRename <$> genNameNE <*> genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpGroupEvacuate <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE <*> genMaybe genNamesNE
      "OP_OS_DIAGNOSE" ->
        OpCodes.OpOsDiagnose <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE
        OpCodes.OpOsDiagnose <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE
      "OP_BACKUP_QUERY" ->
        OpCodes.OpBackupQuery <$> arbitrary <*> genNodeNamesNE
        OpCodes.OpBackupPrepare <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpBackupExport <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> return Nothing <*> arbitrary <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe (pure []) <*>
          genMaybe genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpBackupRemove <$> genFQDN <*> return Nothing
        OpCodes.OpTestAllocator <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          genNameNE <*> pure [] <*> pure [] <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          (genTags >>= mapM mkNonEmpty) <*>
          arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNameNE <*>
          arbitrary <*> genMaybe genNodeNamesNE <*> arbitrary <*>
          genMaybe genNamesNE <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
      "OP_TEST_JQUEUE" ->
        OpCodes.OpTestJqueue <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
          resize 20 (listOf genFQDN) <*> arbitrary
      "OP_TEST_DUMMY" ->
        OpCodes.OpTestDummy <$> pure J.JSNull <*> pure J.JSNull <*>
          pure J.JSNull <*> pure J.JSNull
      "OP_NETWORK_ADD" ->
        OpCodes.OpNetworkAdd <$> genNameNE <*> genIp4Net <*>
          genMaybe genIp4Addr <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genMacPrefix <*> genMaybe (listOf genIp4Addr) <*>
          arbitrary <*> (genTags >>= mapM mkNonEmpty)
        OpCodes.OpNetworkRemove <$> genNameNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpNetworkSetParams <$> genNameNE <*>
          genMaybe genIp4Addr <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing <*>
          genMaybe genMacPrefix <*> genMaybe (listOf genIp4Addr) <*>
          genMaybe (listOf genIp4Addr)
        OpCodes.OpNetworkConnect <$> genNameNE <*> genNameNE <*>
          arbitrary <*> genNameNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpNetworkDisconnect <$> genNameNE <*> genNameNE
        OpCodes.OpNetworkQuery <$> genFieldsNE <*> genNamesNE <*> arbitrary
        OpCodes.OpRestrictedCommand <$> arbitrary <*> genNodeNamesNE <*>
          return Nothing <*> genNameNE
      _ -> fail $ "Undefined arbitrary for opcode " ++ op_id

-- | Generates one element of a reason trail
genReasonElem :: Gen ReasonElem
genReasonElem = (,,) <$> genFQDN <*> genFQDN <*> arbitrary

-- | Generates a reason trail
genReasonTrail :: Gen ReasonTrail
genReasonTrail = do
  size <- choose (0, 10)
  vectorOf size genReasonElem

instance Arbitrary OpCodes.CommonOpParams where
  arbitrary = OpCodes.CommonOpParams <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*>
                arbitrary <*> resize 5 arbitrary <*> genMaybe genName <*>

-- * Helper functions

-- | Empty JSObject.
emptyJSObject :: J.JSObject J.JSValue
emptyJSObject = J.toJSObject []

-- | Empty maybe unchecked dictionary.
emptyMUD :: Gen (Maybe (J.JSObject J.JSValue))
emptyMUD = genMaybe $ pure emptyJSObject

-- | Generates an empty container.
genEmptyContainer :: (Ord a) => Gen (GenericContainer a b)
genEmptyContainer = pure . GenericContainer $ Map.fromList []

-- | Generates list of disk indices.
genDiskIndices :: Gen [DiskIndex]
genDiskIndices = do
  cnt <- choose (0, C.maxDisks)
  genUniquesList cnt arbitrary

-- | Generates a list of node names.
genNodeNames :: Gen [String]
genNodeNames = resize maxNodes (listOf genFQDN)

-- | Generates a list of node names in non-empty string type.
genNodeNamesNE :: Gen [NonEmptyString]
genNodeNamesNE = genNodeNames >>= mapM mkNonEmpty

-- | Gets a node name in non-empty type.
genNodeNameNE :: Gen NonEmptyString
genNodeNameNE = genFQDN >>= mkNonEmpty

-- | Gets a name (non-fqdn) in non-empty type.
genNameNE :: Gen NonEmptyString
genNameNE = genName >>= mkNonEmpty

-- | Gets a list of names (non-fqdn) in non-empty type.
genNamesNE :: Gen [NonEmptyString]
genNamesNE = resize maxNodes (listOf genNameNE)

-- | Returns a list of non-empty fields.
genFieldsNE :: Gen [NonEmptyString]
genFieldsNE = genFields >>= mapM mkNonEmpty

-- | Generate a 3-byte MAC prefix.
genMacPrefix :: Gen NonEmptyString
genMacPrefix = do
  octets <- vectorOf 3 $ choose (0::Int, 255)
  mkNonEmpty . intercalate ":" $ map (printf "%02x") octets

-- | Arbitrary instance for MetaOpCode, defined here due to TH ordering.
$(genArbitrary ''OpCodes.MetaOpCode)

-- | Small helper to check for a failed JSON deserialisation
isJsonError :: J.Result a -> Bool
isJsonError (J.Error _) = True
isJsonError _           = False

-- * Test cases

-- | Check that opcode serialization is idempotent.
prop_serialization :: OpCodes.OpCode -> Property
prop_serialization = testSerialisation

-- | Check that Python and Haskell defined the same opcode list.
case_AllDefined :: HUnit.Assertion
case_AllDefined = do
  let py_ops = sort C.opcodesOpIds
      hs_ops = sort OpCodes.allOpIDs
      extra_py = py_ops \\ hs_ops
      extra_hs = hs_ops \\ py_ops
  HUnit.assertBool ("Missing OpCodes from the Haskell code:\n" ++
                    unlines extra_py) (null extra_py)
  HUnit.assertBool ("Extra OpCodes in the Haskell code code:\n" ++
                    unlines extra_hs) (null extra_hs)

-- | Custom HUnit test case that forks a Python process and checks
-- correspondence between Haskell-generated OpCodes and their Python
-- decoded, validated and re-encoded version.
-- Note that we have a strange beast here: since launching Python is
-- expensive, we don't do this via a usual QuickProperty, since that's
-- slow (I've tested it, and it's indeed quite slow). Rather, we use a
-- single HUnit assertion, and in it we manually use QuickCheck to
-- generate 500 opcodes times the number of defined opcodes, which
-- then we pass in bulk to Python. The drawbacks to this method are
-- two fold: we cannot control the number of generated opcodes, since
-- HUnit assertions don't get access to the test options, and for the
-- same reason we can't run a repeatable seed. We should probably find
-- a better way to do this, for example by having a
-- separately-launched Python process (if not running the tests would
-- be skipped).
case_py_compat_types :: HUnit.Assertion
case_py_compat_types = do
  let num_opcodes = length OpCodes.allOpIDs * 100
  opcodes <- genSample (vectorOf num_opcodes
                                   (arbitrary::Gen OpCodes.MetaOpCode))
  let with_sum = map (\o -> (OpCodes.opSummary $
                             OpCodes.metaOpCode o, o)) opcodes
      serialized = J.encode opcodes
  -- check for non-ASCII fields, usually due to 'arbitrary :: String'
  mapM_ (\op -> when (any (not . isAscii) (J.encode op)) .
                HUnit.assertFailure $
                  "OpCode has non-ASCII fields: " ++ show op
        ) opcodes
  py_stdout <-
     runPython "from ganeti import opcodes\n\
               \import sys\n\
               \from ganeti import serializer\n\
               \op_data = serializer.Load(sys.stdin.read())\n\
               \decoded = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(o) for o in op_data]\n\
               \for op in decoded:\n\
               \  op.Validate(True)\n\
               \encoded = [(op.Summary(), op.__getstate__())\n\
               \           for op in decoded]\n\
               \print serializer.Dump(encoded)" serialized
     >>= checkPythonResult
  let deserialised =
        J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [(String, OpCodes.MetaOpCode)]
  decoded <- case deserialised of
               J.Ok ops -> return ops
               J.Error msg ->
                 HUnit.assertFailure ("Unable to decode opcodes: " ++ msg)
                 -- this already raised an expection, but we need it
                 -- for proper types
                 >> fail "Unable to decode opcodes"
  HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned opcodes"
    (length decoded) (length with_sum)
  mapM_ (uncurry (HUnit.assertEqual "Different result after encoding/decoding")
        ) $ zip decoded with_sum

-- | Custom HUnit test case that forks a Python process and checks
-- correspondence between Haskell OpCodes fields and their Python
-- equivalent.
case_py_compat_fields :: HUnit.Assertion
case_py_compat_fields = do
  let hs_fields = sort $ map (\op_id -> (op_id, OpCodes.allOpFields op_id))
  py_stdout <-
     runPython "from ganeti import opcodes\n\
               \import sys\n\
               \from ganeti import serializer\n\
               \fields = [(k, sorted([p[0] for p in v.OP_PARAMS]))\n\
               \           for k, v in opcodes.OP_MAPPING.items()]\n\
               \print serializer.Dump(fields)" ""
     >>= checkPythonResult
  let deserialised = J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [(String, [String])]
  py_fields <- case deserialised of
                 J.Ok v -> return $ sort v
                 J.Error msg ->
                   HUnit.assertFailure ("Unable to decode op fields: " ++ msg)
                   -- this already raised an expection, but we need it
                   -- for proper types
                   >> fail "Unable to decode op fields"
  HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned opcodes"
    (length hs_fields) (length py_fields)
  HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in defined OP_IDs"
    (map fst hs_fields) (map fst py_fields)
  mapM_ (\((py_id, py_flds), (hs_id, hs_flds)) -> do
           HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in OP_ID" py_id hs_id
           HUnit.assertEqual ("Mismatch in fields for " ++ hs_id)
             py_flds hs_flds
        ) $ zip py_fields hs_fields

-- | Checks that setOpComment works correctly.
prop_setOpComment :: OpCodes.MetaOpCode -> String -> Property
prop_setOpComment op comment =
  let (OpCodes.MetaOpCode common _) = OpCodes.setOpComment comment op
  in OpCodes.opComment common ==? Just comment

-- | Tests wrong tag object building (cluster takes only jsnull, the
-- other take a string, so we test the opposites).
case_TagObject_fail :: Assertion
case_TagObject_fail =
  mapM_ (\(t, j) -> assertEqual (show t ++ "/" ++ J.encode j) Nothing $
                    tagObjectFrom t j)
    [ (TagTypeCluster,  J.showJSON "abc")
    , (TagTypeInstance, J.JSNull)
    , (TagTypeNode,     J.JSNull)
    , (TagTypeGroup,    J.JSNull)
    , (TagTypeNetwork,  J.JSNull)

-- | Tests wrong (negative) disk index.
prop_mkDiskIndex_fail :: QuickCheck.Positive Int -> Property
prop_mkDiskIndex_fail (Positive i) =
  case mkDiskIndex (negate i) of
    Bad msg -> printTestCase "error message " $
               "Invalid value" `isPrefixOf` msg
    Ok v -> failTest $ "Succeeded to build disk index '" ++ show v ++
                       "' from negative value " ++ show (negate i)

-- | Tests a few invalid 'readRecreateDisks' cases.
case_readRecreateDisks_fail :: Assertion
case_readRecreateDisks_fail = do
  assertBool "null" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON J.JSNull::J.Result RecreateDisksInfo)
  assertBool "string" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON (J.showJSON "abc")::J.Result RecreateDisksInfo)

-- | Tests a few invalid 'readDdmOldChanges' cases.
case_readDdmOldChanges_fail :: Assertion
case_readDdmOldChanges_fail = do
  assertBool "null" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON J.JSNull::J.Result DdmOldChanges)
  assertBool "string" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON (J.showJSON "abc")::J.Result DdmOldChanges)

-- | Tests a few invalid 'readExportTarget' cases.
case_readExportTarget_fail :: Assertion
case_readExportTarget_fail = do
  assertBool "null" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON J.JSNull::J.Result ExportTarget)
  assertBool "int" $
    isJsonError (J.readJSON (J.showJSON (5::Int))::J.Result ExportTarget)

testSuite "OpCodes"
            [ 'prop_serialization
            , 'case_AllDefined
            , 'case_py_compat_types
            , 'case_py_compat_fields
            , 'prop_setOpComment
            , 'case_TagObject_fail
            , 'prop_mkDiskIndex_fail
            , 'case_readRecreateDisks_fail
            , 'case_readDdmOldChanges_fail
            , 'case_readExportTarget_fail