module Ganeti.DataCollectors.XenCpuLoad
( dcName
, dcVersion
, dcFormatVersion
, dcCategory
, dcKind
, dcReport
, dcUpdate
) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import System.Process (readProcess)
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import System.Time (ClockTime, getClockTime, addToClockTime)
import Ganeti.BasicTypes (GenericResult(..), Result, genericResult, runResultT)
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
import Ganeti.DataCollectors.Types
import Ganeti.Utils (readMaybe, clockTimeToUSec, diffClockTimes)
dcName :: String
dcName = C.dataCollectorXenCpuLoad
dcVersion :: DCVersion
dcVersion = DCVerBuiltin
dcFormatVersion :: Int
dcFormatVersion = 1
dcCategory :: Maybe DCCategory
dcCategory = Nothing
dcKind :: DCKind
dcKind = DCKPerf
readXentop :: IO (Result String)
readXentop =
runResultT . liftIO $ readProcess C.xentopCommand ["-f", "-b", "-i", "1"] ""
parseXentop :: String -> Result (Map.Map String Double)
parseXentop s = do
let values = map words $ lines s
case values of
[] -> Bad "No output received"
(name_header:_:cpu_header:_):vals -> do
when (name_header /= "NAME" || cpu_header /= "CPU(sec)")
$ Bad "Unexpected data format"
return . Map.fromList
$ mapMaybe
(\ dom -> case dom of
name:_:cpu:_ -> if name /= "Domain-0"
then liftM ((,) name) $ readMaybe cpu
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Bad "Insufficient number of output columns"
combineWithRollover :: Seq.Seq (ClockTime, Double)
-> Seq.Seq (ClockTime, Double)
-> Seq.Seq (ClockTime, Double)
combineWithRollover new old | Seq.null new || Seq.null old = new Seq.>< old
combineWithRollover new old =
let (t2, x2) = Seq.index new $ Seq.length new 1
(t1, x1) = Seq.index old 0
in if x2 >= x1
then new Seq.>< old
else let delta_t = diffClockTimes t2 t1
deltax = x2 x1
old' = (addToClockTime delta_t *** (+ deltax))
<$> Seq.drop 1 old
in new Seq.>< old'
dcUpdate :: Maybe CollectorData -> IO CollectorData
dcUpdate maybeCollector = do
let oldData = case maybeCollector of
Just (InstanceCpuLoad x) -> x
_ -> Map.empty
now <- getClockTime
newResult <- liftM (>>= parseXentop) readXentop
let newValues = (Seq.singleton . (,) now)
$ genericResult (const Map.empty) id newResult
sampleSizeUSec = fromIntegral C.cpuavgloadWindowSize * 1000000
combinedValues = Map.unionWith combineWithRollover newValues oldData
withinRange =
((<) sampleSizeUSec
. (clockTimeToUSec now )
. clockTimeToUSec . fst))
withoutOld = Map.filter
(liftA2 (&&) (not . Seq.null)
$ (>) (fromIntegral $ C.xentopAverageThreshold * 1000000)
. (clockTimeToUSec now ) . clockTimeToUSec
. fst . flip Seq.index 0)
return $ InstanceCpuLoad withoutOld
loadAverage :: Seq.Seq (ClockTime, Double) -> Maybe Double
loadAverage observations = do
when (Seq.null observations) Nothing
let (t2, cpu2) = Seq.index observations 0
(t1, cpu1) = Seq.index observations $ Seq.length observations 1
tUsec2 = clockTimeToUSec t2
tUsec1 = clockTimeToUSec t1
when (tUsec2 tUsec1 < (fromIntegral C.xentopAverageThreshold * 1000000))
return $ 1000000 * (cpu2 cpu1) / fromIntegral (tUsec2 tUsec1)
dcReport :: Maybe CollectorData -> IO DCReport
dcReport maybeCollector =
let collectedData = case maybeCollector of
Just (InstanceCpuLoad x) -> x
_ -> Map.empty
loads = Map.mapMaybe loadAverage collectedData
in buildReport dcName dcVersion dcFormatVersion dcCategory dcKind
. J.JSObject . J.toJSObject . Map.toAscList $ J.showJSON loads