module Ganeti.Metad.WebServer (start) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, readMVar)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (catch, throwIO)
import Control.Exception.Base (Exception)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString (pack, unpack)
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Util.FileServe
import Snap.Http.Server
import Text.JSON (JSValue, Result(..), JSObject)
import qualified Text.JSON as JSON
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Ganeti.Daemon
import qualified Ganeti.Constants as Constants
import qualified Ganeti.Logging as Logging
import Ganeti.Runtime (GanetiDaemon(..), ExtraLogReason(..))
import qualified Ganeti.Runtime as Runtime
import Ganeti.Metad.Config as Config
import Ganeti.Metad.Types (InstanceParams)
type MetaM = Snap ()
data MetaMExc = MetaMExc String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception MetaMExc
throwError :: MonadBase IO m => String -> m a
throwError = throwIO . MetaMExc
split :: String -> [String]
split str =
case span (/= '/') str of
(x, []) -> [x]
(x, _:xs) -> x:split xs
lookupInstanceParams :: MonadBase IO m => String -> Map String b -> m b
lookupInstanceParams inst params =
case Map.lookup inst params of
Nothing -> throwError $ "Could not get instance params for " ++ show inst
Just x -> return x
error404 :: MetaM
error404 = do
modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus 404 "Not found"
writeBS "Resource not found"
error405 :: [Method] -> MetaM
error405 ms = modifyResponse $
addHeader ( "Allow") (ByteString.pack . intercalate ", " $ map show ms)
. setResponseStatus 405 "Method not allowed"
maybeResult :: MonadBase IO m => Result t -> (t -> m a) -> m a
maybeResult (Error err) _ = throwError err
maybeResult (Ok x) f = f x
serveOsParams :: String -> Map String JSValue -> MetaM
serveOsParams inst params =
do instParams <- lookupInstanceParams inst params
maybeResult (Config.getOsParamsWithVisibility instParams) $ \osParams ->
writeBS .
ByteString.pack .
JSON.encode $ osParams
serveOsPackage :: String -> Map String JSValue -> String -> MetaM
serveOsPackage inst params key =
do instParams <- lookupInstanceParams inst params
maybeResult (JSON.readJSON instParams >>=
Config.getPublicOsParams >>=
getOsPackage) $ \package ->
serveFile package `catch` \err ->
throwError $ "Could not serve OS package: " ++ show (err :: IOError)
where getOsPackage osParams =
case lookup key (JSON.fromJSObject osParams) of
Nothing -> Error $ "Could not find OS package for " ++ show inst
Just x -> JSON.readJSON x
serveOsScript :: String -> Map String JSValue -> String -> MetaM
serveOsScript inst params script =
do instParams <- lookupInstanceParams inst params
maybeResult (getOsType instParams) $ \os ->
if null os
then throwError $ "There is no OS for " ++ show inst
else serveScript os Constants.osSearchPath
where getOsType instParams =
do obj <- JSON.readJSON instParams :: Result (JSObject JSValue)
case lookup "os" (JSON.fromJSObject obj) of
Nothing -> Error $ "Could not find OS for " ++ show inst
Just x -> JSON.readJSON x :: Result String
serveScript :: String -> [String] -> MetaM
serveScript os [] =
throwError $ "Could not find OS script " ++ show (os </> script)
serveScript os (d:ds) =
serveFile (d </> os </> script)
\err -> do let _ = err :: IOError
serveScript os ds
:: MVar InstanceParams -> Method -> String -> String -> String -> MetaM
handleMetadata _ GET "ganeti" "latest" "meta_data.json" =
liftIO $ Logging.logInfo "ganeti metadata"
handleMetadata params GET "ganeti" "latest" "os/os-install-package" =
do remoteAddr <- ByteString.unpack . rqRemoteAddr <$> getRequest
instanceParams <- liftIO $ do
Logging.logInfo $ "OS install package for " ++ show remoteAddr
readMVar params
serveOsPackage remoteAddr instanceParams "os-install-package"
\err -> do
let MetaMExc e = err
liftIO .
Logging.logWarning $ "Could not serve OS install package: " ++ e
handleMetadata params GET "ganeti" "latest" "os/package" =
do remoteAddr <- ByteString.unpack . rqRemoteAddr <$> getRequest
instanceParams <- liftIO $ do
Logging.logInfo $ "OS package for " ++ show remoteAddr
readMVar params
serveOsPackage remoteAddr instanceParams "os-package"
handleMetadata params GET "ganeti" "latest" "os/parameters.json" =
do remoteAddr <- ByteString.unpack . rqRemoteAddr <$> getRequest
instanceParams <- liftIO $ do
Logging.logInfo $ "OS parameters for " ++ show remoteAddr
readMVar params
serveOsParams remoteAddr instanceParams `catch`
\err -> do
let MetaMExc e = err
liftIO . Logging.logWarning $ "Could not serve OS parameters: " ++ e
handleMetadata params GET "ganeti" "latest" script | isScript script =
do remoteAddr <- ByteString.unpack . rqRemoteAddr <$> getRequest
instanceParams <- liftIO $ do
Logging.logInfo $ "OS package for " ++ show remoteAddr
readMVar params
serveOsScript remoteAddr instanceParams (last $ split script) `catch`
\err -> do
let MetaMExc e = err
liftIO . Logging.logWarning $ "Could not serve OS scripts: " ++ e
where isScript =
(`elem` [ "os/scripts/create"
, "os/scripts/export"
, "os/scripts/import"
, "os/scripts/rename"
, "os/scripts/verify"
handleMetadata _ GET "ganeti" "latest" "read" =
liftIO $ Logging.logInfo "ganeti READ"
handleMetadata _ _ "ganeti" "latest" "read" =
error405 [GET]
handleMetadata _ POST "ganeti" "latest" "write" =
liftIO $ Logging.logInfo "ganeti WRITE"
handleMetadata _ _ "ganeti" "latest" "write" =
error405 [POST]
handleMetadata _ _ _ _ _ =
routeMetadata :: MVar InstanceParams -> MetaM
routeMetadata params =
route [ (providerRoute1, dispatchMetadata)
, (providerRoute2, dispatchMetadata)
] <|> dispatchMetadata
where provider = "provider"
version = "version"
providerRoute1 = ByteString.pack $ ':':provider ++ "/" ++ ':':version
providerRoute2 = ByteString.pack $ ':':version
getParamString :: String -> Snap String
getParamString =
fmap (maybe "" ByteString.unpack) . getParam . ByteString.pack
dispatchMetadata =
do m <- rqMethod <$> getRequest
p <- getParamString provider
v <- getParamString version
r <- ByteString.unpack . rqPathInfo <$> getRequest
handleMetadata params m p v r
defaultHttpConf :: DaemonOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Config Snap ()
defaultHttpConf opts accessLog errorLog =
maybe id (setBind . ByteString.pack) (optBindAddress opts) .
setAccessLog (ConfigFileLog accessLog) .
setCompression False .
setErrorLog (ConfigFileLog errorLog) .
setPort (maybe Constants.defaultMetadPort fromIntegral (optPort opts)) .
setVerbose False $
start :: DaemonOptions -> MVar InstanceParams -> IO ()
start opts params = do
accessLog <- Runtime.daemonsExtraLogFile GanetiMetad AccessLog
errorLog <- Runtime.daemonsExtraLogFile GanetiMetad ErrorLog
httpServe (defaultHttpConf opts accessLog errorLog) (routeMetadata params)