module Test.Ganeti.Locking.Locks (testLocking_Locks) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import System.Posix.Types (CPid)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.JSON
import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
import Test.Ganeti.Types ()
import Ganeti.Locking.Locks
import Ganeti.Locking.Types
instance Arbitrary GanetiLocks where
arbitrary = oneof [ return BGL
, return ClusterLockSet
, return InstanceLockSet
, Instance <$> genFQDN
, return NodeGroupLockSet
, NodeGroup <$> genUUID
, return NodeResLockSet
, NodeRes <$> genUUID
, return NodeLockSet
, Node <$> genUUID
, return NetworkLockSet
, Network <$> genUUID
prop_ReadShow :: Property
prop_ReadShow = forAll (arbitrary :: Gen GanetiLocks) $ \a ->
readJSON (showJSON a) ==? Ok a
prop_ImpliedOrder :: Property
prop_ImpliedOrder =
forAll ((arbitrary :: Gen GanetiLocks)
`suchThat` (not . null . lockImplications)) $ \b ->
counterexample "Implied locks must be earlier in the lock order"
. flip all (lockImplications b) $ \a ->
a < b
prop_ImpliedIntervall :: Property
prop_ImpliedIntervall =
forAll ((arbitrary :: Gen GanetiLocks)
`suchThat` (not . null . lockImplications)) $ \b ->
forAll (elements $ lockImplications b) $ \a ->
forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` liftA2 (&&) (a <) (<= b)) $ \x ->
counterexample ("Locks between a group and a member of the group"
++ " must also belong to the group")
$ a `elem` lockImplications x
instance Arbitrary LockLevel where
arbitrary = elements [LevelCluster ..]
prop_ReadShowLevel :: Property
prop_ReadShowLevel = forAll (arbitrary :: Gen LockLevel) $ \a ->
readJSON (showJSON a) ==? Ok a
instance Arbitrary ClientType where
arbitrary = oneof [ ClientOther <$> arbitrary
, ClientJob <$> arbitrary
prop_ReadShow_ClientType :: Property
prop_ReadShow_ClientType = forAll (arbitrary :: Gen ClientType) $ \a ->
readJSON (showJSON a) ==? Ok a
instance Arbitrary CPid where
arbitrary = liftM fromIntegral (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
instance Arbitrary ClientId where
arbitrary = ClientId <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
prop_ReadShow_ClientId :: Property
prop_ReadShow_ClientId = forAll (arbitrary :: Gen ClientId) $ \a ->
readJSON (showJSON a) ==? Ok a
testSuite "Locking/Locks"
[ 'prop_ReadShow
, 'prop_ImpliedOrder
, 'prop_ImpliedIntervall
, 'prop_ReadShowLevel
, 'prop_ReadShow_ClientType
, 'prop_ReadShow_ClientId