.. This file is automatically updated at build time from man/ganeti-luxid.gen. .. Do not edit. ganeti-luxid ========================================== Name ---- ganeti-luxid - Ganeti query daemon Synopsis -------- **ganeti-luxid** [-f] [-d] [--syslog] [--no-user-checks] [--no-voting --yes-do-it] DESCRIPTION ----------- **ganeti-luxid** is a daemon used to answer queries related to the configuration and the current live state of a Ganeti cluster. Additionally, it is the authoritative daemon for the Ganeti job queue. Jobs can be submitted via this daemon and it schedules and starts them. For testing purposes, you can give the ``-f`` option and the program won't detach from the running terminal. Debug-level message can be activated by giving the ``-d`` option. Logging to syslog, rather than its own log file, can be enabled by passing in the ``--syslog`` option. The **ganeti-luxid** daemon listens on a Unix socket (``/usr/local/var/run/ganeti/socket/ganeti-query``) on which it exports a ``Luxi`` endpoint supporting the full set of commands. The daemon will refuse to start if the user and group do not match the one defined at build time; this behaviour can be overridden by the ``--no-user-checks`` option. The daemon will refuse to start if it cannot verify that the majority of cluster nodes believes that it is running on the master node. To allow failover in a two-node cluster, this can be overridden by the ``--no-voting`` option. As it this is dangerous, the ``--yes-do-it`` option has to be given as well. Only queries which don't require locks can be handled by the luxi daemon, which might lead to slightly outdated results in some cases. The config is reloaded from disk automatically when it changes, with a rate limit of once per second. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See **gnt-master**\(8). .. vim: set textwidth=72 : .. Local Variables: .. mode: rst .. fill-column: 72 .. End: