Package ganeti :: Module rpc
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Module rpc

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Inter-node RPC library.

Classes [hide private]
RPC Result class.
RPC runner class.
RPC wrappers for job queue.
RPC wrappers for bootstrapping.
RPC wrappers for calls using only DNS.
RPC wrappers for config.
Functions [hide private]
Initializes the module-global HTTP client manager.
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Stops the module-global HTTP client manager.
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_ConfigRpcCurl(curl) source code
RPC-wrapper decorator.
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_Compress(_, data)
Compresses a string for transport over RPC.
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list of tuple; (string, string)
_SsconfResolver(ssconf_ips, node_list, _, ssc=ssconf.SimpleStore, nslookup_fn=netutils.Hostname.GetIP)
Return addresses for given node names.
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_CheckConfigNode(node_uuid_or_name, node, accept_offline_node)
Checks if a node is online.
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_NodeConfigResolver(single_node_fn, all_nodes_fn, node_uuids, opts)
Calculate node addresses using configuration.
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_ObjectToDict(_, value)
Converts an object to a dictionary.
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_ObjectListToDict(node, value)
Converts a list of objects to dictionaries.
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_PrepareFileUpload(getents_fn, node, filename)
Loads a file and prepares it for an upload to nodes.
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_PrepareFinalizeExportDisks(_, snap_disks)
Encodes disks for finalizing export.
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_EncodeBlockdevRename(_, value)
Encodes information for renaming block devices.
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_AddSpindlesToLegacyNodeInfo(result, space_info)
Extracts the spindle information from the space info and adds it to the result dictionary.
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_AddStorageInfoToLegacyNodeInfoByTemplate(result, space_info, disk_template)
Extracts the storage space information of the disk template from the space info and adds it to the result dictionary.
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MakeLegacyNodeInfo(data, disk_template)
Formats the data returned by rpc.RpcRunner.call_node_info.
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_AnnotateDParamsDRBD(disk, (drbd_params, data_params, meta_params))
Annotates just DRBD disks layouts.
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_AnnotateDParamsGeneric(disk, (params,))
Generic disk parameter annotation routine.
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AnnotateDiskParams(disks, disk_params)
Annotates the disk objects with the disk parameters.
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_GetExclusiveStorageFlag(cfg, node_uuid) source code
list of tuples (string, string, list)
_AddExclusiveStorageFlagToLvmStorageUnits(storage_units, es_flag)
Adds the exclusive storage flag to lvm units.
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GetExclusiveStorageForNodes(cfg, node_uuids)
Return the exclusive storage flag for all the given nodes.
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PrepareStorageUnitsForNodes(cfg, storage_units, node_uuids)
Return the lvm storage unit for all the given nodes.
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Variables [hide private]
  _RPC_CLIENT_HEADERS = ["Content-type: %s" % http.HTTP_APP_JSON...
  _OFFLINE = object()
Special value to describe an offline host
  _ENCODERS = {rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT: _ObjectToDict, rpc_defs....
Generic encoders

Imports: logging, zlib, base64, pycurl, threading, copy, utils, objects, http, serializer, constants, errors, netutils, ssconf, runtime, compat, rpc_defs, pathutils, vcluster, _generated_rpc, ganeti

Function Details [hide private]


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Initializes the module-global HTTP client manager.

Must be called before using any RPC function and while exactly one thread is running.


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Stops the module-global HTTP client manager.

Must be called before quitting the program and while exactly one thread is running.


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RPC-wrapper decorator.

When applied to a function, it runs it with the RPC system initialized, and it shutsdown the system afterwards. This means the function must be called without RPC being initialized.

_Compress(_, data)

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Compresses a string for transport over RPC.

Small amounts of data are not compressed.

  • data (str) - Data
Returns: tuple
Encoded data to send

_SsconfResolver(ssconf_ips, node_list, _, ssc=ssconf.SimpleStore, nslookup_fn=netutils.Hostname.GetIP)

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Return addresses for given node names.

  • ssconf_ips (bool) - Use the ssconf IPs
  • node_list (list) - List of node names
  • ssc (class) - SimpleStore class that is used to obtain node->ip mappings
  • nslookup_fn (callable) - function use to do NS lookup
Returns: list of tuple; (string, string)
List of tuples containing node name and IP address

_CheckConfigNode(node_uuid_or_name, node, accept_offline_node)

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Checks if a node is online.

  • node_uuid_or_name (string) - Node UUID
  • node (objects.Node or None) - Node object

_NodeConfigResolver(single_node_fn, all_nodes_fn, node_uuids, opts)

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Calculate node addresses using configuration.

Note that strings in node_uuids are treated as node names if the UUID is not found in the configuration.

_ObjectToDict(_, value)

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Converts an object to a dictionary.

Note: See objects.

_AddSpindlesToLegacyNodeInfo(result, space_info)

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Extracts the spindle information from the space info and adds it to the result dictionary.

  • result (dict of strings) - dictionary holding the result of the legacy node info
  • space_info (list of dicts of strings) - list, each row holding space information of one storage unit
Returns: None
does not return anything, manipulates the result variable

_AddStorageInfoToLegacyNodeInfoByTemplate(result, space_info, disk_template)

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Extracts the storage space information of the disk template from the space info and adds it to the result dictionary.

See Also: _AddSpindlesToLegacyNodeInfo for parameter information.

MakeLegacyNodeInfo(data, disk_template)

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Formats the data returned by rpc.RpcRunner.call_node_info.

Converts the data into a single dictionary. This is fine for most use cases, but some require information from more than one volume group or hypervisor.

AnnotateDiskParams(disks, disk_params)

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Annotates the disk objects with the disk parameters.

  • disks - The list of disks objects to annotate
  • disk_params - The disk parameters for annotation
A list of disk objects annotated

_AddExclusiveStorageFlagToLvmStorageUnits(storage_units, es_flag)

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Adds the exclusive storage flag to lvm units.

This function creates a copy of the storage_units lists, with the es_flag being added to all lvm storage units.

  • storage_units (list of pairs (string, string)) - list of 'raw' storage units, consisting only of (storage_type, storage_key)
  • es_flag (boolean) - exclusive storage flag
Returns: list of tuples (string, string, list)
list of storage units (storage_type, storage_key, params) with the params containing the es_flag for lvm-vg storage units

GetExclusiveStorageForNodes(cfg, node_uuids)

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Return the exclusive storage flag for all the given nodes.

  • cfg (config.ConfigWriter) - cluster configuration
  • node_uuids (list or tuple) - node UUIDs for which to read the flag
Returns: dict
mapping from node uuids to exclusive storage flags

PrepareStorageUnitsForNodes(cfg, storage_units, node_uuids)

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Return the lvm storage unit for all the given nodes.

Main purpose of this function is to map the exclusive storage flag, which can be different for each node, to the default LVM storage unit.

  • cfg (config.ConfigWriter) - cluster configuration
  • storage_units (list of pairs (string, string)) - list of 'raw' storage units, e.g. pairs of (storage_type, storage_key)
  • node_uuids (list or tuple) - node UUIDs for which to read the flag
Returns: dict
mapping from node uuids to a list of storage units which include the exclusive storage flag for lvm storage

Variables Details [hide private]


["Content-type: %s" % http.HTTP_APP_JSON, "Expect:",]


Generic encoders

{rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT: _ObjectToDict, rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT_LIST:\
 _ObjectListToDict, rpc_defs.ED_COMPRESS: _Compress, rpc_defs.ED_FINAL\
IZE_EXPORT_DISKS: _PrepareFinalizeExportDisks, rpc_defs.ED_BLOCKDEV_RE\
NAME: _EncodeBlockdevRename,}