Package ganeti :: Module objects :: Class ConfigObject
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Class ConfigObject

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A generic config object.

It has the following properties:

Classes derived from this must always declare __slots__ (we use many config objects and the memory reduction is useful)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__getattr__(self, name) source code
__setstate__(self, state) source code
Validates the slots.
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Convert to a dict holding only standard python types.
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Convert to a dict holding only standard python types.
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Makes a deep copy of the current object and its children.
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Implement __repr__ for ConfigObjects.
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__eq__(self, other)
Implement __eq__ for ConfigObjects.
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Fill defaults for missing configuration values.
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Inherited from outils.ValidatedSlots: __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
FromDict(cls, val)
Create an object from a dictionary.
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Inherited from outils.ValidatedSlots: GetAllSlots

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Validates the slots.

This method returns None if the validation succeeds, or raises an exception otherwise.

This method must be implemented by the child classes.

Returns: NoneType
None, if the validation succeeds
  • Exception - validation fails
Overrides: outils.ValidatedSlots.Validate


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Convert to a dict holding only standard python types.

The generic routine just dumps all of this object's attributes in a dict. It does not work if the class has children who are ConfigObjects themselves (e.g. the nics list in an Instance), in which case the object should subclass the function in order to make sure all objects returned are only standard python types.


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Convert to a dict holding only standard python types.

The generic routine just dumps all of this object's attributes in a dict. It does not work if the class has children who are ConfigObjects themselves (e.g. the nics list in an Instance), in which case the object should subclass the function in order to make sure all objects returned are only standard python types.

FromDict(cls, val)
Class Method

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Create an object from a dictionary.

This generic routine takes a dict, instantiates a new instance of the given class, and sets attributes based on the dict content.

As for `ToDict`, this does not work if the class has children who are ConfigObjects themselves (e.g. the nics list in an Instance), in which case the object should subclass the function and alter the objects.

(Representation operator)

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Implement __repr__ for ConfigObjects.

Overrides: object.__repr__


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Fill defaults for missing configuration values.

This method will be called at configuration load time, and its implementation will be object dependent.