Script move_instance :: Class MoveDestExecutor
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Class MoveDestExecutor

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dest_client, mrt)
Destination side of an instance move.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
_SetImportInfo(mrt, impinfo)
Sets the remote import information and notifies source thread.
_CreateInstance(cl, name, pnode, snode, compress, iallocator, dest_disk_template, instance, expinfo, override_hvparams, override_beparams, override_osparams, override_nics)
Starts the instance creation in remote import mode.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dest_client, mrt)


Destination side of an instance move.

Overrides: object.__init__

_SetImportInfo(mrt, impinfo)
Static Method


Sets the remote import information and notifies source thread.

  • mrt (MoveRuntime) - Instance move runtime information
  • impinfo - Remote import information

_CreateInstance(cl, name, pnode, snode, compress, iallocator, dest_disk_template, instance, expinfo, override_hvparams, override_beparams, override_osparams, override_nics)
Static Method


Starts the instance creation in remote import mode.

  • cl (rapi.client.GanetiRapiClient) - RAPI client
  • name (string) - Instance name
  • pnode (string or None) - Name of primary node on destination cluster
  • snode (string or None) - Name of secondary node on destination cluster
  • compress (string) - Compression mode to use
  • iallocator (string or None) - Name of iallocator to use
  • dest_disk_template (string or None) - Disk template to use instead of the original one
  • instance (dict) - Instance details from source cluster
  • expinfo (dict) - Prepared export information from source cluster
  • override_hvparams (dict or None) - Hypervisor parameters to override
  • override_beparams (dict or None) - Backend parameters to override
  • override_osparams (dict or None) - OS parameters to override
  • override_nics (dict or None) - NICs to override
Job ID