Package ganeti :: Module _constants
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Source Code for Module ganeti._constants

   1  # This file is automatically generated, do not edit! 
   2  # 
   4  """Automatically generated constants for Python 
   6  Note that this file is autogenerated with @lib/ as a 
   7  header. 
   9  """ 
  11  # pylint: disable=C0301,C0324 
  12  # because this is autogenerated, we do not want 
  13  # style warnings 
  15  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htoolsProgs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  16  HTOOLS_PROGS = ["harep","hbal","hscan","hspace","hinfo","hcheck","hroller","hsqueeze","hail"] 
  17  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdBarriers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  18  DRBD_BARRIERS = "n" 
  19  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdNoMetaFlush' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  20  DRBD_NO_META_FLUSH = False 
  21  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lvmStripecount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  23  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hasGnuLn' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  24  HAS_GNU_LN = True 
  25  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  26  EXPORT_DIR = "/srv/ganeti/export" 
  27  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'backupDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  28  BACKUP_DIR = "/var/lib" 
  29  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osSearchPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  30  OS_SEARCH_PATH = ["/srv/ganeti/os"] 
  31  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esSearchPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  32  ES_SEARCH_PATH = ["/srv/ganeti/extstorage"] 
  33  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshConfigDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  34  SSH_CONFIG_DIR = "/etc/ssh" 
  35  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenConfigDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  36  XEN_CONFIG_DIR = "/etc/xen" 
  37  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sysconfdir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  38  SYSCONFDIR = "/etc" 
  39  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'toolsdir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  40  TOOLSDIR = "/usr/lib/ganeti/tools" 
  41  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'localstatedir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  42  LOCALSTATEDIR = "/var" 
  43  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'pkglibdir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  44  PKGLIBDIR = "/usr/lib/ganeti" 
  45  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sharedir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  46  SHAREDIR = "/usr/share/ganeti" 
  47  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'manPages' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  48  MAN_PAGES = {"ganeti":7, "ganeti-cleaner":8, "ganeti-confd":8, "ganeti-extstorage-interface":7, "ganeti-kvmd":8, "ganeti-listrunner":8, "ganeti-luxid":8, "ganeti-mond":8, "ganeti-noded":8, "ganeti-os-interface":7, "ganeti-rapi":8, "ganeti-watcher":8, "ganeti-wconfd":8, "gnt-backup":8, "gnt-cluster":8, "gnt-debug":8, "gnt-group":8, "gnt-instance":8, "gnt-job":8, "gnt-network":8, "gnt-node":8, "gnt-os":8, "gnt-storage":8, "hail":1, "harep":1, "hbal":1, "hcheck":1, "hinfo":1, "hroller":1, "hscan":1, "hspace":1, "hsqueeze":1, "htools":1, "mon-collector":7} 
  49  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'versionedsharedir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  50  VERSIONEDSHAREDIR = "/usr/share/ganeti/2.12" 
  51  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'gntScripts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  52  GNT_SCRIPTS = ["gnt-backup","gnt-cluster","gnt-debug","gnt-group","gnt-instance","gnt-job","gnt-network","gnt-node","gnt-os","gnt-storage"] 
  53  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'releaseVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  54  RELEASE_VERSION = "2.12.6" 
  55  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'versionMajor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  56  VERSION_MAJOR = 2 
  57  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'versionMinor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  58  VERSION_MINOR = 12 
  59  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'versionRevision' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  61  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dirVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  62  DIR_VERSION = "2.12" 
  63  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osApiV10' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  64  OS_API_V10 = 10 
  65  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osApiV15' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  66  OS_API_V15 = 15 
  67  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osApiV20' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  68  OS_API_V20 = 20 
  69  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osApiVersions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  70  OS_API_VERSIONS = frozenset([10,15,20]) 
  71  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  73  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rapiVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  74  RAPI_VERSION = 2 
  75  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'configMajor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  76  CONFIG_MAJOR = 2 
  77  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'configMinor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  78  CONFIG_MINOR = 12 
  79  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'configRevision' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  81  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'configVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  82  CONFIG_VERSION = 2120000 
  83  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'protocolVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  84  PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2120000 
  85  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemonsGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  86  DAEMONS_GROUP = "root" 
  87  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  88  ADMIN_GROUP = "root" 
  89  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterdUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  90  MASTERD_USER = "root" 
  91  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterdGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  92  MASTERD_GROUP = "root" 
  93  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'metadUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  94  METAD_USER = "root" 
  95  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'metadGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  96  METAD_GROUP = "root" 
  97  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rapiUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
  98  RAPI_USER = "root" 
  99  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rapiGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 100  RAPI_GROUP = "root" 
 101  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 102  CONFD_USER = "root" 
 103  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 104  CONFD_GROUP = "root" 
 105  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 106  WCONFD_USER = "root" 
 107  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 108  WCONFD_GROUP = "root" 
 109  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'kvmdUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 110  KVMD_USER = "root" 
 111  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'kvmdGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 112  KVMD_GROUP = "root" 
 113  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 114  LUXID_USER = "root" 
 115  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 116  LUXID_GROUP = "root" 
 117  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodedUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 118  NODED_USER = "root" 
 119  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodedGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 120  NODED_GROUP = "root" 
 121  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mondUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 122  MOND_USER = "root" 
 123  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mondGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 124  MOND_GROUP = "root" 
 125  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshLoginUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 126  SSH_LOGIN_USER = "root" 
 127  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshConsoleUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 128  SSH_CONSOLE_USER = "root" 
 129  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuPinningSep' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 130  CPU_PINNING_SEP = ":" 
 131  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuPinningAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 132  CPU_PINNING_ALL = "all" 
 133  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuPinningAllVal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 135  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuPinningOff' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 136  CPU_PINNING_OFF = [-1] 
 137  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuPinningAllXen' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 138  CPU_PINNING_ALL_XEN = "0-63" 
 139  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddCmd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 140  DD_CMD = "dd" 
 141  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxWipeChunk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 142  MAX_WIPE_CHUNK = 1024 
 143  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'minWipeChunkPercent' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 145  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'runDirsMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 146  RUN_DIRS_MODE = 509 
 147  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'secureDirMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 148  SECURE_DIR_MODE = 448 
 149  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'secureFileMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 150  SECURE_FILE_MODE = 384 
 151  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adoptableBlockdevRoot' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 152  ADOPTABLE_BLOCKDEV_ROOT = "/dev/disk/" 
 153  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'enableConfd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 154  ENABLE_CONFD = True 
 155  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'enableMond' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 156  ENABLE_MOND = True 
 157  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'enableMetad' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 158  ENABLE_METAD = True 
 159  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'enableRestrictedCommands' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 161  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssh' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 162  SSH = "ssh" 
 163  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'scp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 164  SCP = "scp" 
 165  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 166  CONFD = "ganeti-confd" 
 167  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 168  MASTERD = "ganeti-masterd" 
 169  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'metad' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 170  METAD = "ganeti-metad" 
 171  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mond' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 172  MOND = "ganeti-mond" 
 173  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'noded' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 174  NODED = "ganeti-noded" 
 175  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 176  WCONFD = "ganeti-wconfd" 
 177  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxid' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 178  LUXID = "ganeti-luxid" 
 179  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rapi' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 180  RAPI = "ganeti-rapi" 
 181  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'kvmd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 182  KVMD = "ganeti-kvmd" 
 183  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemonsMaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 184  DAEMONS_MASTER = frozenset(["ganeti-luxid","ganeti-rapi","ganeti-wconfd"]) 
 185  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemons' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 186  DAEMONS = frozenset(["ganeti-confd","ganeti-kvmd","ganeti-luxid","ganeti-masterd","ganeti-metad","ganeti-mond","ganeti-noded","ganeti-rapi","ganeti-wconfd"]) 
 187  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultConfdPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 188  DEFAULT_CONFD_PORT = 1814 
 189  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultMondPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 190  DEFAULT_MOND_PORT = 1815 
 191  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultMetadPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 193  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultNodedPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 194  DEFAULT_NODED_PORT = 1811 
 195  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultRapiPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 196  DEFAULT_RAPI_PORT = 5080 
 197  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemonsPorts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 198  DAEMONS_PORTS = {"ganeti-confd":("udp",1814), "ganeti-metad":("tcp",80), "ganeti-mond":("tcp",1815), "ganeti-noded":("tcp",1811), "ganeti-rapi":("tcp",5080), "ssh":("tcp",22)} 
 199  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'firstDrbdPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 200  FIRST_DRBD_PORT = 11000 
 201  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lastDrbdPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 202  LAST_DRBD_PORT = 14999 
 203  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemonsLogbase' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 204  DAEMONS_LOGBASE = {"ganeti-confd":"conf-daemon", "ganeti-kvmd":"kvm-daemon", "ganeti-luxid":"luxi-daemon", "ganeti-masterd":"master-daemon", "ganeti-metad":"meta-daemon", "ganeti-mond":"monitoring-daemon", "ganeti-noded":"node-daemon", "ganeti-rapi":"rapi-daemon", "ganeti-wconfd":"wconf-daemon"} 
 205  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'daemonsExtraLogbase' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 206  DAEMONS_EXTRA_LOGBASE = {"ganeti-mond":{"access":"monitoring-daemon-access", "error":"monitoring-daemon-error"}} 
 207  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'extraLogreasonAccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 208  EXTRA_LOGREASON_ACCESS = "monitoring-daemon-access" 
 209  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'extraLogreasonError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 210  EXTRA_LOGREASON_ERROR = "monitoring-daemon-error" 
 211  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'devConsole' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 212  DEV_CONSOLE = "/dev/console" 
 213  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'procMounts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 214  PROC_MOUNTS = "/proc/mounts" 
 215  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiEom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 216  LUXI_EOM = chr(3) 
 217  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiOverride' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 219  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiOverrideMaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 220  LUXI_OVERRIDE_MASTER = "master" 
 221  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiOverrideQuery' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 222  LUXI_OVERRIDE_QUERY = "query" 
 223  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 224  LUXI_VERSION = 2120000 
 225  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'syslogUsage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 226  SYSLOG_USAGE = "no" 
 227  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'syslogNo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 228  SYSLOG_NO = "no" 
 229  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'syslogYes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 230  SYSLOG_YES = "yes" 
 231  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'syslogOnly' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 232  SYSLOG_ONLY = "only" 
 233  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'syslogSocket' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 234  SYSLOG_SOCKET = "/dev/log" 
 235  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportConfFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 236  EXPORT_CONF_FILE = "config.ini" 
 237  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenBootloader' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 238  XEN_BOOTLOADER = "" 
 239  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenCmdXl' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 240  XEN_CMD_XL = "xl" 
 241  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenCmdXm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 242  XEN_CMD_XM = "xm" 
 243  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenInitrd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 244  XEN_INITRD = "/boot/initrd-3-xenU" 
 245  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'xenKernel' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 246  XEN_KERNEL = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU" 
 247  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'knownXenCommands' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 248  KNOWN_XEN_COMMANDS = frozenset(["xl","xm"]) 
 249  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'kvmPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 250  KVM_PATH = "/usr/bin/kvm" 
 251  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'kvmKernel' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 252  KVM_KERNEL = "/boot/vmlinuz-3-kvmU" 
 253  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'socatEscapeCode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 254  SOCAT_ESCAPE_CODE = "0x1d" 
 255  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'socatPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 256  SOCAT_PATH = "/usr/bin/socat" 
 257  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'socatUseCompress' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 259  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'socatUseEscape' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 260  SOCAT_USE_ESCAPE = True 
 261  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'consMessage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 262  CONS_MESSAGE = "msg" 
 263  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'consSpice' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 264  CONS_SPICE = "spice" 
 265  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'consSsh' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 266  CONS_SSH = "ssh" 
 267  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'consVnc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 268  CONS_VNC = "vnc" 
 269  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'consAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 270  CONS_ALL = frozenset(["msg","spice","ssh","vnc"]) 
 271  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsaKeyBits' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 272  RSA_KEY_BITS = 2048 
 273  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opensslCiphers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 275  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'x509CertCn' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 276  X509_CERT_CN = "" 
 277  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'x509CertDefaultValidity' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 278  X509_CERT_DEFAULT_VALIDITY = 1825 
 279  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'x509CertSignatureHeader' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 280  X509_CERT_SIGNATURE_HEADER = "X-Ganeti-Signature" 
 281  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'x509CertSignDigest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 282  X509_CERT_SIGN_DIGEST = "SHA1" 
 283  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iemExport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 284  IEM_EXPORT = "export" 
 285  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iemImport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 286  IEM_IMPORT = "import" 
 287  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecGzip' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 288  IEC_GZIP = "gzip" 
 289  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecGzipFast' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 290  IEC_GZIP_FAST = "gzip-fast" 
 291  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecGzipSlow' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 292  IEC_GZIP_SLOW = "gzip-slow" 
 293  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecLzop' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 294  IEC_LZOP = "lzop" 
 295  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 296  IEC_NONE = "none" 
 297  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 298  IEC_ALL = ["gzip","gzip-fast","gzip-slow","lzop","none"] 
 299  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecDefaultTools' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 300  IEC_DEFAULT_TOOLS = ["gzip","gzip-fast","gzip-slow"] 
 301  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iecCompressionUtilities' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 302  IEC_COMPRESSION_UTILITIES = {"gzip-fast":"gzip", "gzip-slow":"gzip"} 
 303  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ieCustomSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 304  IE_CUSTOM_SIZE = "fd" 
 305  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ieioFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 306  IEIO_FILE = "file" 
 307  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ieioRawDisk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 308  IEIO_RAW_DISK = "raw" 
 309  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ieioScript' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 310  IEIO_SCRIPT = "script" 
 311  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 312  VALUE_DEFAULT = "default" 
 313  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueAuto' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 314  VALUE_AUTO = "auto" 
 315  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueGenerate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 316  VALUE_GENERATE = "generate" 
 317  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 318  VALUE_NONE = "none" 
 319  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueTrue' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 320  VALUE_TRUE = "true" 
 321  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'valueFalse' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 322  VALUE_FALSE = "false" 
 323  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksNameCfgupdate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 324  HOOKS_NAME_CFGUPDATE = "config-update" 
 325  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksNameWatcher' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 326  HOOKS_NAME_WATCHER = "watcher" 
 327  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 328  HOOKS_PATH = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" 
 329  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksPhasePost' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 330  HOOKS_PHASE_POST = "post" 
 331  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksPhasePre' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 332  HOOKS_PHASE_PRE = "pre" 
 333  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hooksVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 334  HOOKS_VERSION = 2 
 335  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htypeCluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 337  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htypeGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 339  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htypeInstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 341  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htypeNetwork' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 343  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htypeNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 344  HTYPE_NODE = "NODE" 
 345  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hkrSkip' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 346  HKR_SKIP = 0 
 347  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hkrFail' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 348  HKR_FAIL = 1 
 349  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hkrSuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 350  HKR_SUCCESS = 2 
 351  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stBlock' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 352  ST_BLOCK = "blockdev" 
 353  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stDiskless' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 354  ST_DISKLESS = "diskless" 
 355  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stExt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 356  ST_EXT = "ext" 
 357  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 358  ST_FILE = "file" 
 359  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stSharedFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 360  ST_SHARED_FILE = "sharedfile" 
 361  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stGluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 362  ST_GLUSTER = "gluster" 
 363  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stLvmPv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 364  ST_LVM_PV = "lvm-pv" 
 365  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stLvmVg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 366  ST_LVM_VG = "lvm-vg" 
 367  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stRados' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 368  ST_RADOS = "rados" 
 369  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'storageTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 370  STORAGE_TYPES = frozenset(["blockdev","diskless","ext","file","gluster","lvm-pv","lvm-vg","rados","sharedfile"]) 
 371  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stsReport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 372  STS_REPORT = frozenset(["file","lvm-pv","lvm-vg"]) 
 373  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'stsReportNodeStorage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 374  STS_REPORT_NODE_STORAGE = frozenset(["file","gluster","lvm-pv","lvm-vg","sharedfile"]) 
 375  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 376  SF_NODE = "node" 
 377  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 378  SF_TYPE = "type" 
 379  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfAllocatable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 380  SF_ALLOCATABLE = "allocatable" 
 381  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfFree' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 382  SF_FREE = "free" 
 383  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 384  SF_NAME = "name" 
 385  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 386  SF_SIZE = "size" 
 387  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sfUsed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 388  SF_USED = "used" 
 389  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validStorageFields' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 390  VALID_STORAGE_FIELDS = frozenset(["allocatable","free","name","node","size","type","used"]) 
 391  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'modifiableStorageFields' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 392  MODIFIABLE_STORAGE_FIELDS = {"lvm-pv":frozenset(["allocatable"])} 
 393  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'soFixConsistency' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 394  SO_FIX_CONSISTENCY = "fix-consistency" 
 395  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validStorageOperations' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 396  VALID_STORAGE_OPERATIONS = {"lvm-vg":frozenset(["fix-consistency"])} 
 397  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfDev' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 398  VF_DEV = "dev" 
 399  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfInstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 400  VF_INSTANCE = "instance" 
 401  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 402  VF_NAME = "name" 
 403  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 404  VF_NODE = "node" 
 405  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfPhys' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 406  VF_PHYS = "phys" 
 407  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 408  VF_SIZE = "size" 
 409  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vfVg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 410  VF_VG = "vg" 
 411  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldsFaulty' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 412  LDS_FAULTY = 3 
 413  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldsOkay' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 414  LDS_OKAY = 1 
 415  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldsUnknown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 416  LDS_UNKNOWN = 2 
 417  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldsNames' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 418  LDS_NAMES = {1:"ok", 2:"unknown", 3:"faulty"} 
 419  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtDiskless' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 420  DT_DISKLESS = "diskless" 
 421  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 422  DT_FILE = "file" 
 423  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtSharedFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 424  DT_SHARED_FILE = "sharedfile" 
 425  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtPlain' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 426  DT_PLAIN = "plain" 
 427  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtBlock' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 428  DT_BLOCK = "blockdev" 
 429  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtDrbd8' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 430  DT_DRBD8 = "drbd" 
 431  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtRbd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 432  DT_RBD = "rbd" 
 433  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtExt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 434  DT_EXT = "ext" 
 435  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtGluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 436  DT_GLUSTER = "gluster" 
 437  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskTemplatePreference' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 438  DISK_TEMPLATE_PREFERENCE = ["blockdev","diskless","drbd","ext","file","plain","rbd","sharedfile","gluster"] 
 439  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskTemplates' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 440  DISK_TEMPLATES = frozenset(["blockdev","diskless","drbd","ext","file","gluster","plain","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 441  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultEnabledDiskTemplates' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 442  DEFAULT_ENABLED_DISK_TEMPLATES = ["drbd","plain"] 
 443  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mapDiskTemplateStorageType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 444  MAP_DISK_TEMPLATE_STORAGE_TYPE = {"blockdev":"blockdev", "diskless":"diskless", "drbd":"lvm-vg", "ext":"ext", "file":"file", "gluster":"gluster", "plain":"lvm-vg", "rbd":"rados", "sharedfile":"sharedfile"} 
 445  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsIntMirror' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 446  DTS_INT_MIRROR = frozenset(["drbd"]) 
 447  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsExtMirror' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 448  DTS_EXT_MIRROR = frozenset(["blockdev","diskless","ext","gluster","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 449  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsNotLvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 450  DTS_NOT_LVM = frozenset(["blockdev","diskless","ext","file","gluster","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 451  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsGrowable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 452  DTS_GROWABLE = frozenset(["drbd","ext","file","gluster","plain","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 453  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsMayAdopt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 454  DTS_MAY_ADOPT = frozenset(["blockdev","plain"]) 
 455  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsMustAdopt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 456  DTS_MUST_ADOPT = frozenset(["blockdev"]) 
 457  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsMirrored' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 458  DTS_MIRRORED = frozenset(["blockdev","diskless","drbd","ext","gluster","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 459  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsFilebased' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 460  DTS_FILEBASED = frozenset(["file","gluster","sharedfile"]) 
 461  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsCopyable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 462  DTS_COPYABLE = frozenset(["file","plain"]) 
 463  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsExclStorage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 464  DTS_EXCL_STORAGE = frozenset(["plain"]) 
 465  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsNoFreeSpaceCheck' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 466  DTS_NO_FREE_SPACE_CHECK = frozenset(["ext","file","gluster","rbd","sharedfile"]) 
 467  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsBlock' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 468  DTS_BLOCK = frozenset(["blockdev","drbd","ext","plain","rbd"]) 
 469  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsLvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 470  DTS_LVM = frozenset(["drbd","plain"]) 
 471  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsHaveAccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 472  DTS_HAVE_ACCESS = frozenset(["gluster","rbd"]) 
 473  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdHmacAlg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 474  DRBD_HMAC_ALG = "md5" 
 475  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDefaultNetProtocol' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 477  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMigrationNetProtocol' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 479  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdStatusFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 480  DRBD_STATUS_FILE = "/proc/drbd" 
 481  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdSecretLength' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 483  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMetaSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 484  DRBD_META_SIZE = 128 
 485  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdBDiskBarriers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 487  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdBDiskDrain' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 488  DRBD_B_DISK_DRAIN = "d" 
 489  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdBDiskFlush' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 490  DRBD_B_DISK_FLUSH = "f" 
 491  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdBNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 492  DRBD_B_NONE = "n" 
 493  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdValidBarrierOpt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 494  DRBD_VALID_BARRIER_OPT = frozenset([frozenset(["b"]),frozenset(["b","d"]),frozenset(["b","d","f"]),frozenset(["b","f"]),frozenset(["d"]),frozenset(["d","f"]),frozenset(["f"]),frozenset(["n"])]) 
 495  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rbdCmd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 496  RBD_CMD = "rbd" 
 497  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fdBlktap' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 498  FD_BLKTAP = "blktap" 
 499  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fdBlktap2' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 500  FD_BLKTAP2 = "blktap2" 
 501  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fdLoop' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 502  FD_LOOP = "loop" 
 503  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fdDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 504  FD_DEFAULT = "loop" 
 505  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fileDriver' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 506  FILE_DRIVER = frozenset(["blktap","blktap2","loop"]) 
 507  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dtsDrbd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 508  DTS_DRBD = frozenset(["drbd"]) 
 509  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskRdonly' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 510  DISK_RDONLY = "ro" 
 511  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskRdwr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 512  DISK_RDWR = "rw" 
 513  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskAccessSet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 514  DISK_ACCESS_SET = frozenset(["ro","rw"]) 
 515  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'replaceDiskAuto' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 516  REPLACE_DISK_AUTO = "replace_auto" 
 517  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'replaceDiskChg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 518  REPLACE_DISK_CHG = "replace_new_secondary" 
 519  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'replaceDiskPri' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 520  REPLACE_DISK_PRI = "replace_on_primary" 
 521  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'replaceDiskSec' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 522  REPLACE_DISK_SEC = "replace_on_secondary" 
 523  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'replaceModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 524  REPLACE_MODES = frozenset(["replace_auto","replace_new_secondary","replace_on_primary","replace_on_secondary"]) 
 525  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportModeLocal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 526  EXPORT_MODE_LOCAL = "local" 
 527  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportModeRemote' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 528  EXPORT_MODE_REMOTE = "remote" 
 529  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exportModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 530  EXPORT_MODES = frozenset(["local","remote"]) 
 531  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCreate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 532  INSTANCE_CREATE = "create" 
 533  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceImport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 534  INSTANCE_IMPORT = "import" 
 535  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRemoteImport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 536  INSTANCE_REMOTE_IMPORT = "remote-import" 
 537  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCreateModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 538  INSTANCE_CREATE_MODES = frozenset(["create","import","remote-import"]) 
 539  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieHandshake' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 540  RIE_HANDSHAKE = "Hi, I'm Ganeti" 
 541  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 542  RIE_VERSION = 0 
 543  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieCertValidity' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 544  RIE_CERT_VALIDITY = 86400 
 545  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieConnectAttemptTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 547  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieConnectRetries' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 549  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rieConnectTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 551  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'childLingerTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 553  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectBep' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 554  INISECT_BEP = "backend" 
 555  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectExp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 556  INISECT_EXP = "export" 
 557  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectHyp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 558  INISECT_HYP = "hypervisor" 
 559  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectIns' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 560  INISECT_INS = "instance" 
 561  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectOsp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 562  INISECT_OSP = "os" 
 563  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inisectOspPrivate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 564  INISECT_OSP_PRIVATE = "os_private" 
 565  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddmAdd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 566  DDM_ADD = "add" 
 567  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddmModify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 568  DDM_MODIFY = "modify" 
 569  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddmRemove' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 570  DDM_REMOVE = "remove" 
 571  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddmsValues' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 572  DDMS_VALUES = frozenset(["add","remove"]) 
 573  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddmsValuesWithModify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 574  DDMS_VALUES_WITH_MODIFY = frozenset(["add","modify","remove"]) 
 575  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitSuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 576  EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 
 577  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitFailure' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 578  EXIT_FAILURE = 1 
 579  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitNotcluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 581  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitNotmaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 582  EXIT_NOTMASTER = 11 
 583  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitNodesetupError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 585  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitConfirmation' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 587  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'exitUnknownField' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 589  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tagCluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 590  TAG_CLUSTER = "cluster" 
 591  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tagInstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 592  TAG_INSTANCE = "instance" 
 593  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tagNetwork' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 594  TAG_NETWORK = "network" 
 595  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tagNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 596  TAG_NODE = "node" 
 597  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tagNodegroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 598  TAG_NODEGROUP = "nodegroup" 
 599  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validTagTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 600  VALID_TAG_TYPES = frozenset(["cluster","instance","network","node","nodegroup"]) 
 601  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxTagLen' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 602  MAX_TAG_LEN = 128 
 603  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxTagsPerObj' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 604  MAX_TAGS_PER_OBJ = 4096 
 605  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultBridge' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 606  DEFAULT_BRIDGE = "xen-br0" 
 607  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultOvs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 608  DEFAULT_OVS = "switch1" 
 609  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'classicDrbdSyncSpeed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 611  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip4AddressAny' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 612  IP4_ADDRESS_ANY = "" 
 613  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip4AddressLocalhost' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 615  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip6AddressAny' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 616  IP6_ADDRESS_ANY = "::" 
 617  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip6AddressLocalhost' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 618  IP6_ADDRESS_LOCALHOST = "::1" 
 619  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip4Version' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 620  IP4_VERSION = 4 
 621  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ip6Version' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 622  IP6_VERSION = 6 
 623  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validIpVersions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 624  VALID_IP_VERSIONS = frozenset([4,6]) 
 625  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'tcpPingTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 626  TCP_PING_TIMEOUT = 10 
 627  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultVg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 628  DEFAULT_VG = "xenvg" 
 629  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultDrbdHelper' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 630  DEFAULT_DRBD_HELPER = "/bin/true" 
 631  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'minVgSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 632  MIN_VG_SIZE = 20480 
 633  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultMacPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 634  DEFAULT_MAC_PREFIX = "aa:00:00" 
 635  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultShutdownTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 637  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodeMaxClockSkew' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 638  NODE_MAX_CLOCK_SKEW = 150 
 639  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskTransferConnectTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 641  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskSeparator' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 642  DISK_SEPARATOR = ":" 
 643  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipCommandPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 644  IP_COMMAND_PATH = "/bin/ip" 
 645  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobIdsKey' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 646  JOB_IDS_KEY = "jobs" 
 647  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'runpartsErr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 648  RUNPARTS_ERR = 2 
 649  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'runpartsRun' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 650  RUNPARTS_RUN = 1 
 651  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'runpartsSkip' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 652  RUNPARTS_SKIP = 0 
 653  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'runpartsStatus' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 654  RUNPARTS_STATUS = [2,1,0] 
 655  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcEncodingNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 657  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcEncodingZlibBase64' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 659  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmoUrgent' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 660  RPC_TMO_URGENT = 60 
 661  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmoFast' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 662  RPC_TMO_FAST = 300 
 663  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmoNormal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 664  RPC_TMO_NORMAL = 900 
 665  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmoSlow' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 666  RPC_TMO_SLOW = 3600 
 667  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmo_4hrs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 668  RPC_TMO_4HRS = 14400 
 669  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcTmo_1day' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 670  RPC_TMO_1DAY = 86400 
 671  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rpcConnectTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 673  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptCreate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 674  OS_SCRIPT_CREATE = "create" 
 675  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptCreateUntrusted' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 676  OS_SCRIPT_CREATE_UNTRUSTED = "create_untrusted" 
 677  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptExport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 678  OS_SCRIPT_EXPORT = "export" 
 679  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptImport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 680  OS_SCRIPT_IMPORT = "import" 
 681  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptRename' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 682  OS_SCRIPT_RENAME = "rename" 
 683  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScriptVerify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 684  OS_SCRIPT_VERIFY = "verify" 
 685  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osScripts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 686  OS_SCRIPTS = ["create","create_untrusted","export","import","rename","verify"] 
 687  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osApiFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 688  OS_API_FILE = "ganeti_api_version" 
 689  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osVariantsFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 690  OS_VARIANTS_FILE = "variants.list" 
 691  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osParametersFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 692  OS_PARAMETERS_FILE = "parameters.list" 
 693  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osValidateParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 694  OS_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS = "parameters" 
 695  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'osValidateCalls' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 696  OS_VALIDATE_CALLS = frozenset(["parameters"]) 
 697  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionAttach' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 698  ES_ACTION_ATTACH = "attach" 
 699  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionCreate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 700  ES_ACTION_CREATE = "create" 
 701  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionDetach' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 702  ES_ACTION_DETACH = "detach" 
 703  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionGrow' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 704  ES_ACTION_GROW = "grow" 
 705  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionRemove' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 706  ES_ACTION_REMOVE = "remove" 
 707  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionSetinfo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 708  ES_ACTION_SETINFO = "setinfo" 
 709  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esActionVerify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 710  ES_ACTION_VERIFY = "verify" 
 711  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptCreate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 712  ES_SCRIPT_CREATE = "create" 
 713  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptRemove' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 714  ES_SCRIPT_REMOVE = "remove" 
 715  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptGrow' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 716  ES_SCRIPT_GROW = "grow" 
 717  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptAttach' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 718  ES_SCRIPT_ATTACH = "attach" 
 719  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptDetach' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 720  ES_SCRIPT_DETACH = "detach" 
 721  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptSetinfo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 722  ES_SCRIPT_SETINFO = "setinfo" 
 723  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScriptVerify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 724  ES_SCRIPT_VERIFY = "verify" 
 725  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esScripts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 726  ES_SCRIPTS = frozenset(["attach","create","detach","grow","remove","setinfo","verify"]) 
 727  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'esParametersFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 728  ES_PARAMETERS_FILE = "parameters.list" 
 729  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRebootSoft' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 730  INSTANCE_REBOOT_SOFT = "soft" 
 731  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRebootHard' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 732  INSTANCE_REBOOT_HARD = "hard" 
 733  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRebootFull' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 734  INSTANCE_REBOOT_FULL = "full" 
 735  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rebootTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 736  REBOOT_TYPES = frozenset(["full","hard","soft"]) 
 737  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRebootAllowed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 739  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceRebootExit' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 740  INSTANCE_REBOOT_EXIT = "exit" 
 741  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rebootBehaviors' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 742  REBOOT_BEHAVIORS = ["reboot","exit"] 
 743  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeBool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 744  VTYPE_BOOL = "bool" 
 745  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeInt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 746  VTYPE_INT = "int" 
 747  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeFloat' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 748  VTYPE_FLOAT = "float" 
 749  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeMaybeString' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 750  VTYPE_MAYBE_STRING = "maybe-string" 
 751  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 752  VTYPE_SIZE = "size" 
 753  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vtypeString' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 754  VTYPE_STRING = "string" 
 755  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'enforceableTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 756  ENFORCEABLE_TYPES = frozenset(["string","maybe-string","bool","size","int","float"]) 
 757  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ifaceNoIpVersionSpecified' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 759  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validSerialSpeeds' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 760  VALID_SERIAL_SPEEDS = [75,110,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,28800,38400,57600,115200,230400,345600,460800] 
 761  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvAcpi' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 762  HV_ACPI = "acpi" 
 763  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvBlockdevPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 764  HV_BLOCKDEV_PREFIX = "blockdev_prefix" 
 765  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvBootloaderArgs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 766  HV_BOOTLOADER_ARGS = "bootloader_args" 
 767  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvBootloaderPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 768  HV_BOOTLOADER_PATH = "bootloader_path" 
 769  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvBootOrder' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 770  HV_BOOT_ORDER = "boot_order" 
 771  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCdromImagePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 772  HV_CDROM_IMAGE_PATH = "cdrom_image_path" 
 773  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuCap' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 774  HV_CPU_CAP = "cpu_cap" 
 775  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuCores' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 776  HV_CPU_CORES = "cpu_cores" 
 777  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuMask' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 778  HV_CPU_MASK = "cpu_mask" 
 779  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuSockets' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 780  HV_CPU_SOCKETS = "cpu_sockets" 
 781  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuThreads' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 782  HV_CPU_THREADS = "cpu_threads" 
 783  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 784  HV_CPU_TYPE = "cpu_type" 
 785  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvCpuWeight' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 786  HV_CPU_WEIGHT = "cpu_weight" 
 787  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvDeviceModel' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 788  HV_DEVICE_MODEL = "device_model" 
 789  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvDiskCache' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 790  HV_DISK_CACHE = "disk_cache" 
 791  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvDiskType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 792  HV_DISK_TYPE = "disk_type" 
 793  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvInitrdPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 794  HV_INITRD_PATH = "initrd_path" 
 795  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvInitScript' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 796  HV_INIT_SCRIPT = "init_script" 
 797  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKernelArgs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 798  HV_KERNEL_ARGS = "kernel_args" 
 799  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKernelPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 800  HV_KERNEL_PATH = "kernel_path" 
 801  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKeymap' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 802  HV_KEYMAP = "keymap" 
 803  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmCdrom2ImagePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 804  HV_KVM_CDROM2_IMAGE_PATH = "cdrom2_image_path" 
 805  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmCdromDiskType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 806  HV_KVM_CDROM_DISK_TYPE = "cdrom_disk_type" 
 807  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmExtra' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 808  HV_KVM_EXTRA = "kvm_extra" 
 809  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmFlag' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 810  HV_KVM_FLAG = "kvm_flag" 
 811  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmFloppyImagePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 812  HV_KVM_FLOPPY_IMAGE_PATH = "floppy_image_path" 
 813  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmMachineVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 814  HV_KVM_MACHINE_VERSION = "machine_version" 
 815  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmMigrationCaps' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 816  HV_KVM_MIGRATION_CAPS = "migration_caps" 
 817  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 818  HV_KVM_PATH = "kvm_path" 
 819  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmDiskAio' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 820  HV_KVM_DISK_AIO = "disk_aio" 
 821  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceAudioCompr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 822  HV_KVM_SPICE_AUDIO_COMPR = "spice_playback_compression" 
 823  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceBind' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 824  HV_KVM_SPICE_BIND = "spice_bind" 
 825  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceIpVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 826  HV_KVM_SPICE_IP_VERSION = "spice_ip_version" 
 827  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceJpegImgCompr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 828  HV_KVM_SPICE_JPEG_IMG_COMPR = "spice_jpeg_wan_compression" 
 829  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceLosslessImgCompr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 830  HV_KVM_SPICE_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR = "spice_image_compression" 
 831  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpicePasswordFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 832  HV_KVM_SPICE_PASSWORD_FILE = "spice_password_file" 
 833  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceStreamingVideoDetection' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 834  HV_KVM_SPICE_STREAMING_VIDEO_DETECTION = "spice_streaming_video" 
 835  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceTlsCiphers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 836  HV_KVM_SPICE_TLS_CIPHERS = "spice_tls_ciphers" 
 837  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceUseTls' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 838  HV_KVM_SPICE_USE_TLS = "spice_use_tls" 
 839  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceUseVdagent' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 840  HV_KVM_SPICE_USE_VDAGENT = "spice_use_vdagent" 
 841  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmSpiceZlibGlzImgCompr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 842  HV_KVM_SPICE_ZLIB_GLZ_IMG_COMPR = "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression" 
 843  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmUseChroot' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 844  HV_KVM_USE_CHROOT = "use_chroot" 
 845  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmUserShutdown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 846  HV_KVM_USER_SHUTDOWN = "user_shutdown" 
 847  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMemPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 848  HV_MEM_PATH = "mem_path" 
 849  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationBandwidth' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 850  HV_MIGRATION_BANDWIDTH = "migration_bandwidth" 
 851  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationDowntime' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 852  HV_MIGRATION_DOWNTIME = "migration_downtime" 
 853  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 854  HV_MIGRATION_MODE = "migration_mode" 
 855  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 856  HV_MIGRATION_PORT = "migration_port" 
 857  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvNicType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 858  HV_NIC_TYPE = "nic_type" 
 859  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvPae' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 860  HV_PAE = "pae" 
 861  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvPassthrough' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 862  HV_PASSTHROUGH = "pci_pass" 
 863  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvRebootBehavior' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 864  HV_REBOOT_BEHAVIOR = "reboot_behavior" 
 865  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvRootPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 866  HV_ROOT_PATH = "root_path" 
 867  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvSecurityDomain' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 868  HV_SECURITY_DOMAIN = "security_domain" 
 869  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvSecurityModel' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 870  HV_SECURITY_MODEL = "security_model" 
 871  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvSerialConsole' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 872  HV_SERIAL_CONSOLE = "serial_console" 
 873  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvSerialSpeed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 874  HV_SERIAL_SPEED = "serial_speed" 
 875  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvSoundhw' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 876  HV_SOUNDHW = "soundhw" 
 877  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvUsbDevices' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 878  HV_USB_DEVICES = "usb_devices" 
 879  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvUsbMouse' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 880  HV_USB_MOUSE = "usb_mouse" 
 881  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvUseBootloader' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 882  HV_USE_BOOTLOADER = "use_bootloader" 
 883  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvUseLocaltime' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 884  HV_USE_LOCALTIME = "use_localtime" 
 885  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVga' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 886  HV_VGA = "vga" 
 887  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVhostNet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 888  HV_VHOST_NET = "vhost_net" 
 889  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVirtioNetQueues' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 890  HV_VIRTIO_NET_QUEUES = "virtio_net_queues" 
 891  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVifScript' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 892  HV_VIF_SCRIPT = "vif_script" 
 893  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVifType' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 894  HV_VIF_TYPE = "vif_type" 
 895  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvViridian' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 896  HV_VIRIDIAN = "viridian" 
 897  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVncBindAddress' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 898  HV_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS = "vnc_bind_address" 
 899  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVncPasswordFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 900  HV_VNC_PASSWORD_FILE = "vnc_password_file" 
 901  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVncTls' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 902  HV_VNC_TLS = "vnc_tls" 
 903  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVncX509' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 904  HV_VNC_X509 = "vnc_x509_path" 
 905  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVncX509Verify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 906  HV_VNC_X509_VERIFY = "vnc_x509_verify" 
 907  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvVnetHdr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 908  HV_VNET_HDR = "vnet_hdr" 
 909  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvXenCmd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 910  HV_XEN_CMD = "xen_cmd" 
 911  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvXenCpuid' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 912  HV_XEN_CPUID = "cpuid" 
 913  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvsParameterTitles' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 914  HVS_PARAMETER_TITLES = {"acpi":"ACPI", "boot_order":"Boot_order", "cdrom_image_path":"CDROM_image_path", "cpu_type":"cpu_type", "disk_type":"Disk_type", "initrd_path":"Initrd_path", "kernel_path":"Kernel_path", "nic_type":"NIC_type", "pae":"PAE", "pci_pass":"pci_pass", "vnc_bind_address":"VNC_bind_address"} 
 915  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvsParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 916  HVS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["acpi","blockdev_prefix","boot_order","bootloader_args","bootloader_path","cdrom2_image_path","cdrom_disk_type","cdrom_image_path","cpu_cap","cpu_cores","cpu_mask","cpu_sockets","cpu_threads","cpu_type","cpu_weight","cpuid","device_model","disk_aio","disk_cache","disk_type","floppy_image_path","init_script","initrd_path","kernel_args","kernel_path","keymap","kvm_extra","kvm_flag","kvm_path","machine_version","mem_path","migration_bandwidth","migration_caps","migration_downtime","migration_mode","migration_port","nic_type","pae","pci_pass","reboot_behavior","root_path","security_domain","security_model","serial_console","serial_speed","soundhw","spice_bind","spice_image_compression","spice_ip_version","spice_jpeg_wan_compression","spice_password_file","spice_playback_compression","spice_streaming_video","spice_tls_ciphers","spice_use_tls","spice_use_vdagent","spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression","usb_devices","usb_mouse","use_bootloader","use_chroot","use_localtime","user_shutdown","vga","vhost_net","vif_script","vif_type","viridian","virtio_net_queues","vnc_bind_address","vnc_password_file","vnc_tls","vnc_x509_path","vnc_x509_verify","vnet_hdr","xen_cmd"]) 
 917  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvsParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 918  HVS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"acpi":"bool", "blockdev_prefix":"string", "boot_order":"string", "bootloader_args":"string", "bootloader_path":"string", "cdrom2_image_path":"string", "cdrom_disk_type":"string", "cdrom_image_path":"string", "cpu_cap":"int", "cpu_cores":"int", "cpu_mask":"string", "cpu_sockets":"int", "cpu_threads":"int", "cpu_type":"string", "cpu_weight":"int", "cpuid":"string", "device_model":"string", "disk_aio":"string", "disk_cache":"string", "disk_type":"string", "floppy_image_path":"string", "init_script":"string", "initrd_path":"string", "kernel_args":"string", "kernel_path":"string", "keymap":"string", "kvm_extra":"string", "kvm_flag":"string", "kvm_path":"string", "machine_version":"string", "mem_path":"string", "migration_bandwidth":"int", "migration_caps":"string", "migration_downtime":"int", "migration_mode":"string", "migration_port":"int", "nic_type":"string", "pae":"bool", "pci_pass":"string", "reboot_behavior":"string", "root_path":"maybe-string", "security_domain":"string", "security_model":"string", "serial_console":"bool", "serial_speed":"int", "soundhw":"string", "spice_bind":"string", "spice_image_compression":"string", "spice_ip_version":"int", "spice_jpeg_wan_compression":"string", "spice_password_file":"string", "spice_playback_compression":"bool", "spice_streaming_video":"string", "spice_tls_ciphers":"string", "spice_use_tls":"bool", "spice_use_vdagent":"bool", "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression":"string", "usb_devices":"string", "usb_mouse":"string", "use_bootloader":"bool", "use_chroot":"bool", "use_localtime":"bool", "user_shutdown":"bool", "vga":"string", "vhost_net":"bool", "vif_script":"string", "vif_type":"string", "viridian":"bool", "virtio_net_queues":"int", "vnc_bind_address":"string", "vnc_password_file":"string", "vnc_tls":"bool", "vnc_x509_path":"string", "vnc_x509_verify":"bool", "vnet_hdr":"bool", "xen_cmd":"string"} 
 919  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationActive' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 920  HV_MIGRATION_ACTIVE = "active" 
 921  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationCancelled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 922  HV_MIGRATION_CANCELLED = "cancelled" 
 923  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationCompleted' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 924  HV_MIGRATION_COMPLETED = "completed" 
 925  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationFailed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 926  HV_MIGRATION_FAILED = "failed" 
 927  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationValidStatuses' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 928  HV_MIGRATION_VALID_STATUSES = frozenset(["active","cancelled","completed","failed"]) 
 929  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvMigrationFailedStatuses' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 930  HV_MIGRATION_FAILED_STATUSES = frozenset(["cancelled","failed"]) 
 931  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvKvmMigrationValidStatuses' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 932  HV_KVM_MIGRATION_VALID_STATUSES = frozenset(["active","cancelled","completed","failed"]) 
 933  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvNodeinfoKeyVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 934  HV_NODEINFO_KEY_VERSION = "hv_version" 
 935  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstCpuNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 936  HVST_CPU_NODE = "cpu_node" 
 937  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstCpuTotal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 938  HVST_CPU_TOTAL = "cpu_total" 
 939  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstMemoryHv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 940  HVST_MEMORY_HV = "mem_hv" 
 941  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstMemoryNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 942  HVST_MEMORY_NODE = "mem_node" 
 943  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstMemoryTotal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 944  HVST_MEMORY_TOTAL = "mem_total" 
 945  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstsParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 946  HVSTS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["cpu_node","cpu_total","mem_hv","mem_node","mem_total"]) 
 947  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 948  HVST_DEFAULTS = {"cpu_node":1, "cpu_total":1, "mem_hv":0, "mem_node":0, "mem_total":0} 
 949  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvstsParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 950  HVSTS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"cpu_node":"int", "cpu_total":"int", "mem_hv":"int", "mem_node":"int", "mem_total":"int"} 
 951  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dsDiskOverhead' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 952  DS_DISK_OVERHEAD = "disk_overhead" 
 953  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dsDiskReserved' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 954  DS_DISK_RESERVED = "disk_reserved" 
 955  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dsDiskTotal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 956  DS_DISK_TOTAL = "disk_total" 
 957  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dsDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 958  DS_DEFAULTS = {"disk_overhead":0, "disk_reserved":0, "disk_total":0} 
 959  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dssParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 960  DSS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"disk_overhead":"int", "disk_reserved":"int", "disk_total":"int"} 
 961  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dssParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 962  DSS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["disk_overhead","disk_reserved","disk_total"]) 
 963  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'dsValidTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 964  DS_VALID_TYPES = frozenset(["plain"]) 
 965  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beAlwaysFailover' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 966  BE_ALWAYS_FAILOVER = "always_failover" 
 967  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beAutoBalance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 968  BE_AUTO_BALANCE = "auto_balance" 
 969  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beMaxmem' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 970  BE_MAXMEM = "maxmem" 
 971  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beMemory' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 972  BE_MEMORY = "memory" 
 973  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beMinmem' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 974  BE_MINMEM = "minmem" 
 975  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beSpindleUse' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 976  BE_SPINDLE_USE = "spindle_use" 
 977  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'beVcpus' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 978  BE_VCPUS = "vcpus" 
 979  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'besParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 980  BES_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"always_failover":"bool", "auto_balance":"bool", "maxmem":"size", "minmem":"size", "spindle_use":"int", "vcpus":"int"} 
 981  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'besParameterTitles' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 982  BES_PARAMETER_TITLES = {"auto_balance":"Auto_balance", "maxmem":"ConfigMaxMem", "minmem":"ConfigMinMem", "vcpus":"ConfigVCPUs"} 
 983  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'besParameterCompat' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 984  BES_PARAMETER_COMPAT = {"always_failover":"bool", "auto_balance":"bool", "maxmem":"size", "memory":"size", "minmem":"size", "spindle_use":"int", "vcpus":"int"} 
 985  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'besParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 986  BES_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["always_failover","auto_balance","maxmem","minmem","spindle_use","vcpus"]) 
 987  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecMemSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 988  ISPEC_MEM_SIZE = "memory-size" 
 989  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecCpuCount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 990  ISPEC_CPU_COUNT = "cpu-count" 
 991  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecDiskCount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 992  ISPEC_DISK_COUNT = "disk-count" 
 993  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecDiskSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 994  ISPEC_DISK_SIZE = "disk-size" 
 995  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecNicCount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 996  ISPEC_NIC_COUNT = "nic-count" 
 997  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecSpindleUse' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
 998  ISPEC_SPINDLE_USE = "spindle-use" 
 999  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1000  ISPECS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"cpu-count":"int", "disk-count":"int", "disk-size":"int", "memory-size":"int", "nic-count":"int", "spindle-use":"int"} 
1001  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1002  ISPECS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["cpu-count","disk-count","disk-size","memory-size","nic-count","spindle-use"]) 
1003  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsMinmax' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1004  ISPECS_MINMAX = "minmax" 
1005  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsMax' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1006  ISPECS_MAX = "max" 
1007  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsMin' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1008  ISPECS_MIN = "min" 
1009  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsStd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1010  ISPECS_STD = "std" 
1011  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicyDts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1012  IPOLICY_DTS = "disk-templates" 
1013  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicyVcpuRatio' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1014  IPOLICY_VCPU_RATIO = "vcpu-ratio" 
1015  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicySpindleRatio' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1016  IPOLICY_SPINDLE_RATIO = "spindle-ratio" 
1017  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsMinmaxKeys' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1018  ISPECS_MINMAX_KEYS = frozenset(["max","min"]) 
1019  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicyParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1020  IPOLICY_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["spindle-ratio","vcpu-ratio"]) 
1021  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicyAllKeys' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1022  IPOLICY_ALL_KEYS = frozenset(["disk-templates","minmax","spindle-ratio","std","vcpu-ratio"]) 
1023  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndExclusiveStorage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1024  ND_EXCLUSIVE_STORAGE = "exclusive_storage" 
1025  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndOobProgram' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1026  ND_OOB_PROGRAM = "oob_program" 
1027  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndSpindleCount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1028  ND_SPINDLE_COUNT = "spindle_count" 
1029  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndOvs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1030  ND_OVS = "ovs" 
1031  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndOvsLink' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1032  ND_OVS_LINK = "ovs_link" 
1033  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndOvsName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1034  ND_OVS_NAME = "ovs_name" 
1035  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndSshPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1036  ND_SSH_PORT = "ssh_port" 
1037  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndCpuSpeed' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1038  ND_CPU_SPEED = "cpu_speed" 
1039  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1040  NDS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"cpu_speed":"float", "exclusive_storage":"bool", "oob_program":"string", "ovs":"bool", "ovs_link":"maybe-string", "ovs_name":"maybe-string", "spindle_count":"int", "ssh_port":"int"} 
1041  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1042  NDS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["cpu_speed","exclusive_storage","oob_program","ovs","ovs_link","ovs_name","spindle_count","ssh_port"]) 
1043  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsParameterTitles' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1044  NDS_PARAMETER_TITLES = {"exclusive_storage":"ExclusiveStorage", "oob_program":"OutOfBandProgram", "ovs":"OpenvSwitch", "ovs_link":"OpenvSwitchLink", "ovs_name":"OpenvSwitchName", "spindle_count":"SpindleCount"} 
1045  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpAccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1046  LDP_ACCESS = "access" 
1047  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpBarriers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1048  LDP_BARRIERS = "disabled-barriers" 
1049  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpDefaultMetavg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1050  LDP_DEFAULT_METAVG = "default-metavg" 
1051  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpDelayTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1052  LDP_DELAY_TARGET = "c-delay-target" 
1053  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpDiskCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1054  LDP_DISK_CUSTOM = "disk-custom" 
1055  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpDynamicResync' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1056  LDP_DYNAMIC_RESYNC = "dynamic-resync" 
1057  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpFillTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1058  LDP_FILL_TARGET = "c-fill-target" 
1059  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpMaxRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1060  LDP_MAX_RATE = "c-max-rate" 
1061  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpMinRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1062  LDP_MIN_RATE = "c-min-rate" 
1063  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpNetCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1064  LDP_NET_CUSTOM = "net-custom" 
1065  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpNoMetaFlush' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1066  LDP_NO_META_FLUSH = "disable-meta-flush" 
1067  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpPlanAhead' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1068  LDP_PLAN_AHEAD = "c-plan-ahead" 
1069  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1070  LDP_POOL = "pool" 
1071  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpProtocol' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1072  LDP_PROTOCOL = "protocol" 
1073  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpResyncRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1074  LDP_RESYNC_RATE = "resync-rate" 
1075  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ldpStripes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1076  LDP_STRIPES = "stripes" 
1077  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskLdTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1078  DISK_LD_TYPES = {"access":"string", "c-delay-target":"int", "c-fill-target":"int", "c-max-rate":"int", "c-min-rate":"int", "c-plan-ahead":"int", "default-metavg":"string", "disable-meta-flush":"bool", "disabled-barriers":"string", "disk-custom":"string", "dynamic-resync":"bool", "net-custom":"string", "pool":"string", "protocol":"string", "resync-rate":"int", "stripes":"int"} 
1079  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskLdParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1080  DISK_LD_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["access","c-delay-target","c-fill-target","c-max-rate","c-min-rate","c-plan-ahead","default-metavg","disable-meta-flush","disabled-barriers","disk-custom","dynamic-resync","net-custom","pool","protocol","resync-rate","stripes"]) 
1081  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdResyncRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1082  DRBD_RESYNC_RATE = "resync-rate" 
1083  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDataStripes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1084  DRBD_DATA_STRIPES = "data-stripes" 
1085  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMetaStripes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1086  DRBD_META_STRIPES = "meta-stripes" 
1087  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDiskBarriers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1088  DRBD_DISK_BARRIERS = "disk-barriers" 
1089  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMetaBarriers' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1090  DRBD_META_BARRIERS = "meta-barriers" 
1091  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDefaultMetavg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1092  DRBD_DEFAULT_METAVG = "metavg" 
1093  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDiskCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1094  DRBD_DISK_CUSTOM = "disk-custom" 
1095  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdNetCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1096  DRBD_NET_CUSTOM = "net-custom" 
1097  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdProtocol' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1098  DRBD_PROTOCOL = "protocol" 
1099  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDynamicResync' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1100  DRBD_DYNAMIC_RESYNC = "dynamic-resync" 
1101  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdPlanAhead' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1102  DRBD_PLAN_AHEAD = "c-plan-ahead" 
1103  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdFillTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1104  DRBD_FILL_TARGET = "c-fill-target" 
1105  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdDelayTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1106  DRBD_DELAY_TARGET = "c-delay-target" 
1107  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMaxRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1108  DRBD_MAX_RATE = "c-max-rate" 
1109  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'drbdMinRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1110  DRBD_MIN_RATE = "c-min-rate" 
1111  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lvStripes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1112  LV_STRIPES = "stripes" 
1113  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rbdAccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1114  RBD_ACCESS = "access" 
1115  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rbdPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1116  RBD_POOL = "pool" 
1117  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskDtTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1118  DISK_DT_TYPES = {"access":"string", "c-delay-target":"int", "c-fill-target":"int", "c-max-rate":"int", "c-min-rate":"int", "c-plan-ahead":"int", "data-stripes":"int", "disk-barriers":"string", "disk-custom":"string", "dynamic-resync":"bool", "host":"string", "meta-barriers":"bool", "meta-stripes":"int", "metavg":"string", "net-custom":"string", "pool":"string", "port":"int", "protocol":"string", "resync-rate":"int", "stripes":"int", "volume":"string"} 
1119  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskDtParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1120  DISK_DT_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["access","c-delay-target","c-fill-target","c-max-rate","c-min-rate","c-plan-ahead","data-stripes","disk-barriers","disk-custom","dynamic-resync","host","meta-barriers","meta-stripes","metavg","net-custom","pool","port","protocol","resync-rate","stripes","volume"]) 
1121  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddpLocalIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1122  DDP_LOCAL_IP = "local-ip" 
1123  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddpRemoteIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1124  DDP_REMOTE_IP = "remote-ip" 
1125  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddpPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1126  DDP_PORT = "port" 
1127  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddpLocalMinor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1128  DDP_LOCAL_MINOR = "local-minor" 
1129  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ddpRemoteMinor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1130  DDP_REMOTE_MINOR = "remote-minor" 
1131  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerOn' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1132  OOB_POWER_ON = "power-on" 
1133  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerOff' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1134  OOB_POWER_OFF = "power-off" 
1135  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerCycle' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1136  OOB_POWER_CYCLE = "power-cycle" 
1137  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerStatus' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1138  OOB_POWER_STATUS = "power-status" 
1139  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobHealth' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1140  OOB_HEALTH = "health" 
1141  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobCommands' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1142  OOB_COMMANDS = frozenset(["health","power-cycle","power-off","power-on","power-status"]) 
1143  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerStatusPowered' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1144  OOB_POWER_STATUS_POWERED = "powered" 
1145  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1146  OOB_TIMEOUT = 60 
1147  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobPowerDelay' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1148  OOB_POWER_DELAY = 2.0 
1149  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobStatusCritical' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1151  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobStatusOk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1152  OOB_STATUS_OK = "OK" 
1153  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobStatusUnknown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1155  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobStatusWarning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1157  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'oobStatuses' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1158  OOB_STATUSES = frozenset(["CRITICAL","OK","UNKNOWN","WARNING"]) 
1159  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ppDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1160  PP_DEFAULT = "default" 
1161  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicLink' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1162  NIC_LINK = "link" 
1163  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1164  NIC_MODE = "mode" 
1165  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicVlan' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1166  NIC_VLAN = "vlan" 
1167  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicsParameterTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1168  NICS_PARAMETER_TYPES = {"link":"string", "mode":"string", "vlan":"string"} 
1169  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicsParameters' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1170  NICS_PARAMETERS = frozenset(["link","mode","vlan"]) 
1171  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicModeBridged' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1172  NIC_MODE_BRIDGED = "bridged" 
1173  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicModeRouted' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1174  NIC_MODE_ROUTED = "routed" 
1175  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicModeOvs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1176  NIC_MODE_OVS = "openvswitch" 
1177  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicIpPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1178  NIC_IP_POOL = "pool" 
1179  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nicValidModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1180  NIC_VALID_MODES = frozenset(["bridged","openvswitch","pool","routed"]) 
1181  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'releaseAction' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1182  RELEASE_ACTION = "release" 
1183  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'reserveAction' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1184  RESERVE_ACTION = "reserve" 
1185  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskAdopt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1186  IDISK_ADOPT = "adopt" 
1187  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskMetavg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1188  IDISK_METAVG = "metavg" 
1189  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1190  IDISK_MODE = "mode" 
1191  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1192  IDISK_NAME = "name" 
1193  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1194  IDISK_SIZE = "size" 
1195  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskSpindles' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1196  IDISK_SPINDLES = "spindles" 
1197  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskVg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1198  IDISK_VG = "vg" 
1199  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskProvider' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1200  IDISK_PROVIDER = "provider" 
1201  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskParamsTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1202  IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES = {"adopt":"string", "metavg":"string", "mode":"string", "name":"maybe-string", "provider":"string", "size":"size", "spindles":"int", "vg":"string"} 
1203  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'idiskParams' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1204  IDISK_PARAMS = frozenset(["adopt","metavg","mode","name","provider","size","spindles","vg"]) 
1205  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'modifiableIdiskParamsTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1206  MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS_TYPES = {"mode":"string", "name":"string"} 
1207  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'modifiableIdiskParams' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1208  MODIFIABLE_IDISK_PARAMS = frozenset(["mode","name"]) 
1209  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicBridge' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1210  INIC_BRIDGE = "bridge" 
1211  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1212  INIC_IP = "ip" 
1213  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicLink' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1214  INIC_LINK = "link" 
1215  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicMac' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1216  INIC_MAC = "mac" 
1217  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1218  INIC_MODE = "mode" 
1219  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1220  INIC_NAME = "name" 
1221  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicNetwork' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1222  INIC_NETWORK = "network" 
1223  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicVlan' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1224  INIC_VLAN = "vlan" 
1225  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicParamsTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1226  INIC_PARAMS_TYPES = {"bridge":"maybe-string", "ip":"maybe-string", "link":"string", "mac":"string", "mode":"string", "name":"maybe-string", "network":"maybe-string", "vlan":"maybe-string"} 
1227  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inicParams' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1228  INIC_PARAMS = frozenset(["bridge","ip","link","mac","mode","name","network","vlan"]) 
1229  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htXenPvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1230  HT_XEN_PVM = "xen-pvm" 
1231  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htFake' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1232  HT_FAKE = "fake" 
1233  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htXenHvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1234  HT_XEN_HVM = "xen-hvm" 
1235  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1236  HT_KVM = "kvm" 
1237  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htChroot' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1238  HT_CHROOT = "chroot" 
1239  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htLxc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1240  HT_LXC = "lxc" 
1241  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hyperTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1242  HYPER_TYPES = frozenset(["chroot","fake","kvm","lxc","xen-hvm","xen-pvm"]) 
1243  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htsReqPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1244  HTS_REQ_PORT = frozenset(["kvm","xen-hvm"]) 
1245  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vncBasePort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1246  VNC_BASE_PORT = 5900 
1247  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vncDefaultBindAddress' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1249  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicE1000' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1250  HT_NIC_E1000 = "e1000" 
1251  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicI82551' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1252  HT_NIC_I82551 = "i82551" 
1253  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicI8259er' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1254  HT_NIC_I8259ER = "i82559er" 
1255  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicI85557b' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1256  HT_NIC_I85557B = "i82557b" 
1257  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicNe2kIsa' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1258  HT_NIC_NE2K_ISA = "ne2k_isa" 
1259  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicNe2kPci' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1260  HT_NIC_NE2K_PCI = "ne2k_pci" 
1261  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicParavirtual' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1262  HT_NIC_PARAVIRTUAL = "paravirtual" 
1263  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicPcnet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1264  HT_NIC_PCNET = "pcnet" 
1265  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htNicRtl8139' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1266  HT_NIC_RTL8139 = "rtl8139" 
1267  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htHvmValidNicTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1268  HT_HVM_VALID_NIC_TYPES = frozenset(["e1000","ne2k_isa","ne2k_pci","paravirtual","rtl8139"]) 
1269  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidNicTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1270  HT_KVM_VALID_NIC_TYPES = frozenset(["e1000","i82551","i82557b","i82559er","ne2k_isa","ne2k_pci","paravirtual","pcnet","rtl8139"]) 
1271  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htHvmVifIoemu' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1272  HT_HVM_VIF_IOEMU = "ioemu" 
1273  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htHvmVifVif' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1274  HT_HVM_VIF_VIF = "vif" 
1275  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htHvmValidVifTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1276  HT_HVM_VALID_VIF_TYPES = frozenset(["ioemu","vif"]) 
1277  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskIde' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1278  HT_DISK_IDE = "ide" 
1279  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskIoemu' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1280  HT_DISK_IOEMU = "ioemu" 
1281  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskMtd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1282  HT_DISK_MTD = "mtd" 
1283  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskParavirtual' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1284  HT_DISK_PARAVIRTUAL = "paravirtual" 
1285  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskPflash' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1286  HT_DISK_PFLASH = "pflash" 
1287  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskScsi' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1288  HT_DISK_SCSI = "scsi" 
1289  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htDiskSd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1290  HT_DISK_SD = "sd" 
1291  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htHvmValidDiskTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1292  HT_HVM_VALID_DISK_TYPES = frozenset(["ioemu","paravirtual"]) 
1293  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidDiskTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1294  HT_KVM_VALID_DISK_TYPES = frozenset(["ide","mtd","paravirtual","pflash","scsi","sd"]) 
1295  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htCacheDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1296  HT_CACHE_DEFAULT = "default" 
1297  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htCacheNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1298  HT_CACHE_NONE = "none" 
1299  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htCacheWback' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1300  HT_CACHE_WBACK = "writeback" 
1301  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htCacheWthrough' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1302  HT_CACHE_WTHROUGH = "writethrough" 
1303  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htValidCacheTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1304  HT_VALID_CACHE_TYPES = frozenset(["default","none","writeback","writethrough"]) 
1305  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmAioThreads' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1306  HT_KVM_AIO_THREADS = "threads" 
1307  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmAioNative' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1308  HT_KVM_AIO_NATIVE = "native" 
1309  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidAioTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1310  HT_KVM_VALID_AIO_TYPES = frozenset(["native","threads"]) 
1311  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htMouseMouse' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1312  HT_MOUSE_MOUSE = "mouse" 
1313  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htMouseTablet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1314  HT_MOUSE_TABLET = "tablet" 
1315  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidMouseTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1316  HT_KVM_VALID_MOUSE_TYPES = frozenset(["mouse","tablet"]) 
1317  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htBoCdrom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1318  HT_BO_CDROM = "cdrom" 
1319  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htBoDisk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1320  HT_BO_DISK = "disk" 
1321  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htBoFloppy' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1322  HT_BO_FLOPPY = "floppy" 
1323  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htBoNetwork' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1324  HT_BO_NETWORK = "network" 
1325  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidBoTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1326  HT_KVM_VALID_BO_TYPES = frozenset(["cdrom","disk","floppy","network"]) 
1327  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoGlz' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1329  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprAutoLz' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1331  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprGlz' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1333  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprLz' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1335  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprOff' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1337  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLosslessImgComprQuic' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1339  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceValidLosslessImgComprOptions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1340  HT_KVM_SPICE_VALID_LOSSLESS_IMG_COMPR_OPTIONS = frozenset(["auto_glz","auto_lz","glz","lz","off","quic"]) 
1341  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAlways' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1343  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprAuto' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1345  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceLossyImgComprNever' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1347  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceValidLossyImgComprOptions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1348  HT_KVM_SPICE_VALID_LOSSY_IMG_COMPR_OPTIONS = frozenset(["always","auto","never"]) 
1349  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1351  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionFilter' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1353  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceVideoStreamDetectionOff' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1355  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmSpiceValidVideoStreamDetectionOptions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1356  HT_KVM_SPICE_VALID_VIDEO_STREAM_DETECTION_OPTIONS = frozenset(["all","filter","off"]) 
1357  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htSmNone' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1358  HT_SM_NONE = "none" 
1359  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htSmPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1360  HT_SM_POOL = "pool" 
1361  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htSmUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1362  HT_SM_USER = "user" 
1363  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmValidSmTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1364  HT_KVM_VALID_SM_TYPES = frozenset(["none","pool","user"]) 
1365  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmDisabled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1366  HT_KVM_DISABLED = "disabled" 
1367  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmEnabled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1368  HT_KVM_ENABLED = "enabled" 
1369  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htKvmFlagValues' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1370  HT_KVM_FLAG_VALUES = frozenset(["disabled","enabled"]) 
1371  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htMigrationLive' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1372  HT_MIGRATION_LIVE = "live" 
1373  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htMigrationNonlive' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1374  HT_MIGRATION_NONLIVE = "non-live" 
1375  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'htMigrationModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1376  HT_MIGRATION_MODES = frozenset(["live","non-live"]) 
1377  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'verifyNplusoneMem' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1378  VERIFY_NPLUSONE_MEM = "nplusone_mem" 
1379  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'verifyOptionalChecks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1380  VERIFY_OPTIONAL_CHECKS = frozenset(["nplusone_mem"]) 
1381  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvTcluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1382  CV_TCLUSTER = "cluster" 
1383  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvTgroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1384  CV_TGROUP = "group" 
1385  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvTnode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1386  CV_TNODE = "node" 
1387  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvTinstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1388  CV_TINSTANCE = "instance" 
1389  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvWarning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1391  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1392  CV_ERROR = "ERROR" 
1393  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclustercert' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1394  CV_ECLUSTERCERT = ("cluster","ECLUSTERCERT","Cluster certificate files verification failure") 
1395  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclusterclientcert' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1396  CV_ECLUSTERCLIENTCERT = ("cluster","ECLUSTERCLIENTCERT","Cluster client certificate files verification failure") 
1397  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclustercfg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1398  CV_ECLUSTERCFG = ("cluster","ECLUSTERCFG","Cluster configuration verification failure") 
1399  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclusterdanglinginst' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1400  CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST = ("node","ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST","Some instances have a non-existing primary node") 
1401  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclusterdanglingnodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1402  CV_ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES = ("node","ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES","Some nodes belong to non-existing groups") 
1403  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEclusterfilecheck' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1404  CV_ECLUSTERFILECHECK = ("cluster","ECLUSTERFILECHECK","Cluster configuration verification failure") 
1405  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEgroupdifferentpvsize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1406  CV_EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE = ("group","EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE","PVs in the group have different sizes") 
1407  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancebadnode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1408  CV_EINSTANCEBADNODE = ("instance","EINSTANCEBADNODE","Instance marked as running lives on an offline node") 
1409  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancedown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1410  CV_EINSTANCEDOWN = ("instance","EINSTANCEDOWN","Instance not running on its primary node") 
1411  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancefaultydisk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1412  CV_EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK = ("instance","EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK","Impossible to retrieve status for a disk") 
1413  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancelayout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1414  CV_EINSTANCELAYOUT = ("instance","EINSTANCELAYOUT","Instance has multiple secondary nodes") 
1415  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancemissingcfgparameter' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1416  CV_EINSTANCEMISSINGCFGPARAMETER = ("instance","EINSTANCEMISSINGCFGPARAMETER","A configuration parameter for an instance is missing") 
1417  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancemissingdisk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1418  CV_EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK = ("instance","EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK","Missing volume on an instance") 
1419  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancepolicy' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1420  CV_EINSTANCEPOLICY = ("instance","EINSTANCEPOLICY","Instance does not meet policy") 
1421  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancesplitgroups' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1422  CV_EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS = ("instance","EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS","Instance with primary and secondary nodes in different groups") 
1423  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstanceunsuitablenode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1424  CV_EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE = ("instance","EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE","Instance running on nodes that are not suitable for it") 
1425  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEinstancewrongnode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1426  CV_EINSTANCEWRONGNODE = ("instance","EINSTANCEWRONGNODE","Instance running on the wrong node") 
1427  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodedrbd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1428  CV_ENODEDRBD = ("node","ENODEDRBD","Error parsing the DRBD status file") 
1429  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodedrbdhelper' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1430  CV_ENODEDRBDHELPER = ("node","ENODEDRBDHELPER","Error caused by the DRBD helper") 
1431  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodedrbdversion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1432  CV_ENODEDRBDVERSION = ("node","ENODEDRBDVERSION","DRBD version mismatch within a node group") 
1433  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodefilecheck' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1434  CV_ENODEFILECHECK = ("node","ENODEFILECHECK","Error retrieving the checksum of the node files") 
1435  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodefilestoragepaths' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1436  CV_ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS = ("node","ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS","Detected bad file storage paths") 
1437  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodefilestoragepathunusable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1439  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodehooks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1440  CV_ENODEHOOKS = ("node","ENODEHOOKS","Communication failure in hooks execution") 
1441  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodehv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1442  CV_ENODEHV = ("node","ENODEHV","Hypervisor parameters verification failure") 
1443  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodelvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1444  CV_ENODELVM = ("node","ENODELVM","LVM-related node error") 
1445  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnoden1' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1446  CV_ENODEN1 = ("node","ENODEN1","Not enough memory to accommodate instance failovers") 
1447  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodenet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1448  CV_ENODENET = ("node","ENODENET","Network-related node error") 
1449  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeoobpath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1450  CV_ENODEOOBPATH = ("node","ENODEOOBPATH","Invalid Out Of Band path") 
1451  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeorphaninstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1452  CV_ENODEORPHANINSTANCE = ("node","ENODEORPHANINSTANCE","Unknown intance running on a node") 
1453  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeorphanlv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1454  CV_ENODEORPHANLV = ("node","ENODEORPHANLV","Unknown LVM logical volume") 
1455  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeos' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1456  CV_ENODEOS = ("node","ENODEOS","OS-related node error") 
1457  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnoderpc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1458  CV_ENODERPC = ("node","ENODERPC","Error during connection to the primary node of an instance") 
1459  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodesetup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1460  CV_ENODESETUP = ("node","ENODESETUP","Node setup error") 
1461  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodesharedfilestoragepathunusable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1463  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeglusterstoragepathunusable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1465  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodessh' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1466  CV_ENODESSH = ("node","ENODESSH","SSH-related node error") 
1467  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodetime' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1468  CV_ENODETIME = ("node","ENODETIME","Node returned invalid time") 
1469  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeuserscripts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1470  CV_ENODEUSERSCRIPTS = ("node","ENODEUSERSCRIPTS","User scripts not present or not executable") 
1471  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvEnodeversion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1472  CV_ENODEVERSION = ("node","ENODEVERSION","Protocol version mismatch or Ganeti version mismatch") 
1473  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvAllEcodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1474  CV_ALL_ECODES = frozenset([("cluster","ECLUSTERCERT","Cluster certificate files verification failure"),("cluster","ECLUSTERCFG","Cluster configuration verification failure"),("cluster","ECLUSTERFILECHECK","Cluster configuration verification failure"),("group","EGROUPDIFFERENTPVSIZE","PVs in the group have different sizes"),("instance","EINSTANCEBADNODE","Instance marked as running lives on an offline node"),("instance","EINSTANCEDOWN","Instance not running on its primary node"),("instance","EINSTANCEFAULTYDISK","Impossible to retrieve status for a disk"),("instance","EINSTANCELAYOUT","Instance has multiple secondary nodes"),("instance","EINSTANCEMISSINGCFGPARAMETER","A configuration parameter for an instance is missing"),("instance","EINSTANCEMISSINGDISK","Missing volume on an instance"),("instance","EINSTANCEPOLICY","Instance does not meet policy"),("instance","EINSTANCESPLITGROUPS","Instance with primary and secondary nodes in different groups"),("instance","EINSTANCEUNSUITABLENODE","Instance running on nodes that are not suitable for it"),("instance","EINSTANCEWRONGNODE","Instance running on the wrong node"),("node","ECLUSTERDANGLINGINST","Some instances have a non-existing primary node"),("node","ECLUSTERDANGLINGNODES","Some nodes belong to non-existing groups"),("node","ENODEDRBD","Error parsing the DRBD status file"),("node","ENODEDRBDHELPER","Error caused by the DRBD helper"),("node","ENODEDRBDVERSION","DRBD version mismatch within a node group"),("node","ENODEFILECHECK","Error retrieving the checksum of the node files"),("node","ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHS","Detected bad file storage paths"),("node","ENODEFILESTORAGEPATHUNUSABLE","File storage path unusable"),("node","ENODEGLUSTERSTORAGEPATHUNUSABLE","Gluster storage path unusable"),("node","ENODEHOOKS","Communication failure in hooks execution"),("node","ENODEHV","Hypervisor parameters verification failure"),("node","ENODELVM","LVM-related node error"),("node","ENODEN1","Not enough memory to accommodate instance failovers"),("node","ENODENET","Network-related node error"),("node","ENODEOOBPATH","Invalid Out Of Band path"),("node","ENODEORPHANINSTANCE","Unknown intance running on a node"),("node","ENODEORPHANLV","Unknown LVM logical volume"),("node","ENODEOS","OS-related node error"),("node","ENODERPC","Error during connection to the primary node of an instance"),("node","ENODESETUP","Node setup error"),("node","ENODESHAREDFILESTORAGEPATHUNUSABLE","Shared file storage path unusable"),("node","ENODESSH","SSH-related node error"),("node","ENODETIME","Node returned invalid time"),("node","ENODEUSERSCRIPTS","User scripts not present or not executable"),("node","ENODEVERSION","Protocol version mismatch or Ganeti version mismatch")]) 
1475  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cvAllEcodesStrings' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1477  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvBridges' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1478  NV_BRIDGES = "bridges" 
1479  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvClientCert' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1480  NV_CLIENT_CERT = "client-cert" 
1481  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvDrbdhelper' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1482  NV_DRBDHELPER = "drbd-helper" 
1483  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvDrbdversion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1484  NV_DRBDVERSION = "drbd-version" 
1485  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvDrbdlist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1486  NV_DRBDLIST = "drbd-list" 
1487  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvExclusivepvs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1488  NV_EXCLUSIVEPVS = "exclusive-pvs" 
1489  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvFilelist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1490  NV_FILELIST = "filelist" 
1491  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvAcceptedStoragePaths' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1492  NV_ACCEPTED_STORAGE_PATHS = "allowed-file-storage-paths" 
1493  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvFileStoragePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1494  NV_FILE_STORAGE_PATH = "file-storage-path" 
1495  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvSharedFileStoragePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1496  NV_SHARED_FILE_STORAGE_PATH = "shared-file-storage-path" 
1497  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvGlusterStoragePath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1498  NV_GLUSTER_STORAGE_PATH = "gluster-storage-path" 
1499  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvHvinfo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1500  NV_HVINFO = "hvinfo" 
1501  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvHvparams' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1502  NV_HVPARAMS = "hvparms" 
1503  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvHypervisor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1504  NV_HYPERVISOR = "hypervisor" 
1505  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvInstancelist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1506  NV_INSTANCELIST = "instancelist" 
1507  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvLvlist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1508  NV_LVLIST = "lvlist" 
1509  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvMasterip' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1510  NV_MASTERIP = "master-ip" 
1511  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvNodelist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1512  NV_NODELIST = "nodelist" 
1513  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvNodenettest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1514  NV_NODENETTEST = "node-net-test" 
1515  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvNodesetup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1516  NV_NODESETUP = "nodesetup" 
1517  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvOobPaths' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1518  NV_OOB_PATHS = "oob-paths" 
1519  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvOslist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1520  NV_OSLIST = "oslist" 
1521  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvPvlist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1522  NV_PVLIST = "pvlist" 
1523  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvTime' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1524  NV_TIME = "time" 
1525  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvUserscripts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1526  NV_USERSCRIPTS = "user-scripts" 
1527  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1528  NV_VERSION = "version" 
1529  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvVglist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1530  NV_VGLIST = "vglist" 
1531  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nvNonvmnodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1532  NV_NONVMNODES = "nonvmnodes" 
1533  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststAdmindown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1535  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststAdminoffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1537  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststErrordown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1539  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststErrorup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1541  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststNodedown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1542  INSTST_NODEDOWN = "ERROR_nodedown" 
1543  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststNodeoffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1544  INSTST_NODEOFFLINE = "ERROR_nodeoffline" 
1545  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststRunning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1546  INSTST_RUNNING = "running" 
1547  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststUserdown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1548  INSTST_USERDOWN = "USER_down" 
1549  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststWrongnode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1550  INSTST_WRONGNODE = "ERROR_wrongnode" 
1551  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'inststAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1552  INSTST_ALL = frozenset(["ADMIN_down","ADMIN_offline","ERROR_down","ERROR_nodedown","ERROR_nodeoffline","ERROR_up","ERROR_wrongnode","USER_down","running"]) 
1553  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminstDown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1554  ADMINST_DOWN = "down" 
1555  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminstOffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1556  ADMINST_OFFLINE = "offline" 
1557  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminstUp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1558  ADMINST_UP = "up" 
1559  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminstAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1560  ADMINST_ALL = frozenset(["down","offline","up"]) 
1561  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminSource' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1562  ADMIN_SOURCE = "admin" 
1563  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'userSource' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1564  USER_SOURCE = "user" 
1565  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'adminStateSources' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1566  ADMIN_STATE_SOURCES = frozenset(["admin","user"]) 
1567  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrDrained' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1568  NR_DRAINED = "D" 
1569  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrMaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1570  NR_MASTER = "M" 
1571  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrMcandidate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1572  NR_MCANDIDATE = "C" 
1573  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrOffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1574  NR_OFFLINE = "O" 
1575  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrRegular' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1576  NR_REGULAR = "R" 
1577  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nrAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1578  NR_ALL = frozenset(["C","D","M","O","R"]) 
1579  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sslCertExpirationError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1581  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sslCertExpirationWarn' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1583  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1585  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorDirIn' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1586  IALLOCATOR_DIR_IN = "in" 
1587  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorDirOut' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1588  IALLOCATOR_DIR_OUT = "out" 
1589  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validIallocatorDirections' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1590  VALID_IALLOCATOR_DIRECTIONS = frozenset(["in","out"]) 
1591  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorModeAlloc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1592  IALLOCATOR_MODE_ALLOC = "allocate" 
1593  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorModeChgGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1594  IALLOCATOR_MODE_CHG_GROUP = "change-group" 
1595  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorModeMultiAlloc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1596  IALLOCATOR_MODE_MULTI_ALLOC = "multi-allocate" 
1597  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorModeNodeEvac' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1598  IALLOCATOR_MODE_NODE_EVAC = "node-evacuate" 
1599  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorModeReloc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1600  IALLOCATOR_MODE_RELOC = "relocate" 
1601  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validIallocatorModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1602  VALID_IALLOCATOR_MODES = frozenset(["allocate","change-group","multi-allocate","node-evacuate","relocate"]) 
1603  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocatorSearchPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1604  IALLOCATOR_SEARCH_PATH = ["/usr/lib/ganeti/iallocators"] 
1605  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultIallocatorShortcut' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1607  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultOpportunisticRetryInterval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1609  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodeEvacPri' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1610  NODE_EVAC_PRI = "primary-only" 
1611  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodeEvacSec' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1612  NODE_EVAC_SEC = "secondary-only" 
1613  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodeEvacAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1614  NODE_EVAC_ALL = "all" 
1615  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'nodeEvacModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1616  NODE_EVAC_MODES = frozenset(["all","primary-only","secondary-only"]) 
1617  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobQueueVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1619  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobQueueSizeHardLimit' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1621  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobQueueFilesPerms' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1623  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobNotchanged' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1624  JOB_NOTCHANGED = "nochange" 
1625  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusQueued' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1626  JOB_STATUS_QUEUED = "queued" 
1627  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusWaiting' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1628  JOB_STATUS_WAITING = "waiting" 
1629  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusCanceling' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1630  JOB_STATUS_CANCELING = "canceling" 
1631  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusRunning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1632  JOB_STATUS_RUNNING = "running" 
1633  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusCanceled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1634  JOB_STATUS_CANCELED = "canceled" 
1635  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusSuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1636  JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS = "success" 
1637  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1638  JOB_STATUS_ERROR = "error" 
1639  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobsPending' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1640  JOBS_PENDING = frozenset(["canceling","queued","waiting"]) 
1641  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobsFinalized' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1642  JOBS_FINALIZED = frozenset(["canceled","error","success"]) 
1643  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jobStatusAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1644  JOB_STATUS_ALL = frozenset(["canceled","canceling","error","queued","running","success","waiting"]) 
1645  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusCanceling' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1646  OP_STATUS_CANCELING = "canceling" 
1647  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusQueued' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1648  OP_STATUS_QUEUED = "queued" 
1649  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusRunning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1650  OP_STATUS_RUNNING = "running" 
1651  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusWaiting' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1652  OP_STATUS_WAITING = "waiting" 
1653  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusCanceled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1654  OP_STATUS_CANCELED = "canceled" 
1655  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1656  OP_STATUS_ERROR = "error" 
1657  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opStatusSuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1658  OP_STATUS_SUCCESS = "success" 
1659  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opsFinalized' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1660  OPS_FINALIZED = frozenset(["canceled","error","success"]) 
1661  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioLowest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1662  OP_PRIO_LOWEST = 19 
1663  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioHighest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1664  OP_PRIO_HIGHEST = -20 
1665  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioLow' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1666  OP_PRIO_LOW = 10 
1667  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioNormal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1668  OP_PRIO_NORMAL = 0 
1669  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioHigh' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1670  OP_PRIO_HIGH = -10 
1671  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioSubmitValid' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1672  OP_PRIO_SUBMIT_VALID = frozenset([-10,0,10]) 
1673  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opPrioDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1674  OP_PRIO_DEFAULT = 0 
1675  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'locksAppend' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1676  LOCKS_APPEND = "append" 
1677  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'locksReplace' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1678  LOCKS_REPLACE = "replace" 
1679  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lockAttemptsMaxwait' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1681  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lockAttemptsMinwait' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1683  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'lockAttemptsTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1685  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'elogMessage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1686  ELOG_MESSAGE = "message" 
1687  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'elogRemoteImport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1688  ELOG_REMOTE_IMPORT = "remote-import" 
1689  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'elogJqueueTest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1690  ELOG_JQUEUE_TEST = "jqueue-test" 
1691  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'elogDelayTest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1692  ELOG_DELAY_TEST = "delay-test" 
1693  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'etcHostsAdd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1694  ETC_HOSTS_ADD = "add" 
1695  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'etcHostsRemove' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1696  ETC_HOSTS_REMOVE = "remove" 
1697  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtMsgprefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1699  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtExec' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1700  JQT_EXEC = "exec" 
1701  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtExpandnames' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1702  JQT_EXPANDNAMES = "expandnames" 
1703  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtLogmsg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1704  JQT_LOGMSG = "logmsg" 
1705  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtStartmsg' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1706  JQT_STARTMSG = "startmsg" 
1707  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jqtAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1708  JQT_ALL = frozenset(["exec","expandnames","logmsg","startmsg"]) 
1709  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrCluster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1710  QR_CLUSTER = "cluster" 
1711  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrExport' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1712  QR_EXPORT = "export" 
1713  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrExtstorage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1714  QR_EXTSTORAGE = "extstorage" 
1715  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrGroup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1716  QR_GROUP = "group" 
1717  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrInstance' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1718  QR_INSTANCE = "instance" 
1719  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrJob' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1720  QR_JOB = "job" 
1721  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrLock' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1722  QR_LOCK = "lock" 
1723  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrNetwork' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1724  QR_NETWORK = "network" 
1725  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1726  QR_NODE = "node" 
1727  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrOs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1728  QR_OS = "os" 
1729  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrViaOp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1730  QR_VIA_OP = frozenset(["cluster","extstorage","os"]) 
1731  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrViaLuxi' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1732  QR_VIA_LUXI = frozenset(["export","group","instance","job","lock","network","node"]) 
1733  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrViaRapi' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1734  QR_VIA_RAPI = frozenset(["export","group","instance","job","lock","network","node"]) 
1735  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qrViaRapiPut' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1736  QR_VIA_RAPI_PUT = frozenset(["job","lock"]) 
1737  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftBool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1738  QFT_BOOL = "bool" 
1739  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftNumber' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1740  QFT_NUMBER = "number" 
1741  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftNumberFloat' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1742  QFT_NUMBER_FLOAT = "float" 
1743  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftOther' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1744  QFT_OTHER = "other" 
1745  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftText' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1746  QFT_TEXT = "text" 
1747  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftTimestamp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1748  QFT_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" 
1749  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftUnit' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1750  QFT_UNIT = "unit" 
1751  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftUnknown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1752  QFT_UNKNOWN = "unknown" 
1753  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qftAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1754  QFT_ALL = frozenset(["bool","float","number","other","text","timestamp","unit","unknown"]) 
1755  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsNodata' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1756  RS_NODATA = 2 
1757  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsNormal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1758  RS_NORMAL = 0 
1759  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsOffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1760  RS_OFFLINE = 4 
1761  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsUnavail' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1762  RS_UNAVAIL = 3 
1763  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsUnknown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1764  RS_UNKNOWN = 1 
1765  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rsAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1766  RS_ALL = frozenset([0,1,2,3,4]) 
1767  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'rssDescription' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1768  RSS_DESCRIPTION = {1:("(unknown)","??"), 2:("(nodata)","?"), 3:("(unavail)","-"), 4:("(offline)","*")} 
1769  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxDisks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1770  MAX_DISKS = 16 
1771  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxNics' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1772  MAX_NICS = 8 
1773  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssconfFileprefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1774  SSCONF_FILEPREFIX = "ssconf_" 
1775  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssClusterName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1776  SS_CLUSTER_NAME = "cluster_name" 
1777  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssClusterTags' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1778  SS_CLUSTER_TAGS = "cluster_tags" 
1779  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssFileStorageDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1780  SS_FILE_STORAGE_DIR = "file_storage_dir" 
1781  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssSharedFileStorageDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1782  SS_SHARED_FILE_STORAGE_DIR = "shared_file_storage_dir" 
1783  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssGlusterStorageDir' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1784  SS_GLUSTER_STORAGE_DIR = "gluster_storage_dir" 
1785  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterCandidates' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1786  SS_MASTER_CANDIDATES = "master_candidates" 
1787  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterCandidatesIps' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1788  SS_MASTER_CANDIDATES_IPS = "master_candidates_ips" 
1789  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterCandidatesCerts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1790  SS_MASTER_CANDIDATES_CERTS = "master_candidates_certs" 
1791  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1792  SS_MASTER_IP = "master_ip" 
1793  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterNetdev' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1794  SS_MASTER_NETDEV = "master_netdev" 
1795  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterNetmask' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1796  SS_MASTER_NETMASK = "master_netmask" 
1797  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMasterNode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1798  SS_MASTER_NODE = "master_node" 
1799  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNodeList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1800  SS_NODE_LIST = "node_list" 
1801  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNodePrimaryIps' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1802  SS_NODE_PRIMARY_IPS = "node_primary_ips" 
1803  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNodeSecondaryIps' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1804  SS_NODE_SECONDARY_IPS = "node_secondary_ips" 
1805  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNodeVmCapable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1806  SS_NODE_VM_CAPABLE = "node_vm_capable" 
1807  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssOfflineNodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1808  SS_OFFLINE_NODES = "offline_nodes" 
1809  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssOnlineNodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1810  SS_ONLINE_NODES = "online_nodes" 
1811  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssPrimaryIpFamily' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1812  SS_PRIMARY_IP_FAMILY = "primary_ip_family" 
1813  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssInstanceList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1814  SS_INSTANCE_LIST = "instance_list" 
1815  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssReleaseVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1816  SS_RELEASE_VERSION = "release_version" 
1817  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHypervisorList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1818  SS_HYPERVISOR_LIST = "hypervisor_list" 
1819  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssMaintainNodeHealth' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1820  SS_MAINTAIN_NODE_HEALTH = "maintain_node_health" 
1821  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssUidPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1822  SS_UID_POOL = "uid_pool" 
1823  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNodegroups' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1824  SS_NODEGROUPS = "nodegroups" 
1825  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssNetworks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1826  SS_NETWORKS = "networks" 
1827  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsPref' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1828  SS_HVPARAMS_PREF = "hvparams_" 
1829  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenChroot' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1830  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_CHROOT = "hvparams_chroot" 
1831  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenFake' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1832  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_FAKE = "hvparams_fake" 
1833  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenHvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1834  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_HVM = "hvparams_xen-hvm" 
1835  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenKvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1836  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_KVM = "hvparams_kvm" 
1837  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenLxc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1838  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_LXC = "hvparams_lxc" 
1839  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssHvparamsXenPvm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1840  SS_HVPARAMS_XEN_PVM = "hvparams_xen-pvm" 
1841  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validSsHvparamsKeys' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1842  VALID_SS_HVPARAMS_KEYS = frozenset(["hvparams_chroot","hvparams_fake","hvparams_kvm","hvparams_lxc","hvparams_xen-hvm","hvparams_xen-pvm"]) 
1843  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssFilePerms' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1844  SS_FILE_PERMS = 292 
1845  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssEnabledUserShutdown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1846  SS_ENABLED_USER_SHUTDOWN = "enabled_user_shutdown" 
1847  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ssSshPorts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1848  SS_SSH_PORTS = "ssh_ports" 
1849  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultEnabledHypervisor' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1851  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvcDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1852  HVC_DEFAULTS = {"kvm":{"acpi":True, "boot_order":"disk", "cdrom2_image_path":"", "cdrom_disk_type":"", "cdrom_image_path":"", "cpu_cores":0, "cpu_mask":"all", "cpu_sockets":0, "cpu_threads":0, "cpu_type":"", "disk_aio":"threads", "disk_cache":"default", "disk_type":"paravirtual", "floppy_image_path":"", "initrd_path":"", "kernel_args":"ro", "kernel_path":"/boot/vmlinuz-3-kvmU", "keymap":"", "kvm_extra":"", "kvm_flag":"", "kvm_path":"/usr/bin/kvm", "machine_version":"", "mem_path":"", "migration_bandwidth":32, "migration_caps":"", "migration_downtime":30, "migration_mode":"live", "migration_port":8102, "nic_type":"paravirtual", "reboot_behavior":"reboot", "root_path":"/dev/vda1", "security_domain":"", "security_model":"none", "serial_console":True, "serial_speed":38400, "soundhw":"", "spice_bind":"", "spice_image_compression":"", "spice_ip_version":0, "spice_jpeg_wan_compression":"", "spice_password_file":"", "spice_playback_compression":True, "spice_streaming_video":"", "spice_tls_ciphers":"HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH", "spice_use_tls":False, "spice_use_vdagent":True, "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression":"", "usb_devices":"", "usb_mouse":"", "use_chroot":False, "use_localtime":False, "user_shutdown":False, "vga":"", "vhost_net":False, "virtio_net_queues":1, "vnc_bind_address":"", "vnc_password_file":"", "vnc_tls":False, "vnc_x509_path":"", "vnc_x509_verify":False, "vnet_hdr":True}, "xen-pvm":{"blockdev_prefix":"sd", "bootloader_args":"", "bootloader_path":"", "cpu_cap":0, "cpu_mask":"all", "cpu_weight":256, "cpuid":"", "initrd_path":"", "kernel_args":"ro", "kernel_path":"/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU", "migration_mode":"live", "migration_port":8002, "reboot_behavior":"reboot", "root_path":"/dev/xvda1", "soundhw":"", "use_bootloader":False, "vif_script":"", "xen_cmd":"xm"}, "chroot":{"init_script":"/ganeti-chroot"}, "xen-hvm":{"acpi":True, "blockdev_prefix":"hd", "boot_order":"cd", "cdrom_image_path":"", "cpu_cap":0, "cpu_mask":"all", "cpu_weight":256, "cpuid":"", "device_model":"/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm", "disk_type":"paravirtual", "kernel_path":"/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader", "migration_mode":"non-live", "migration_port":8002, "nic_type":"rtl8139", "pae":True, "pci_pass":"", "reboot_behavior":"reboot", "soundhw":"", "use_localtime":False, "vif_script":"", "vif_type":"ioemu", "viridian":False, "vnc_bind_address":"", "xen_cmd":"xm"}, "lxc":{"cpu_mask":""}, "fake":{"migration_mode":"live"}} 
1853  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hvcGlobals' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1854  HVC_GLOBALS = frozenset(["migration_bandwidth","migration_mode","migration_port","xen_cmd"]) 
1855  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'becDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1856  BEC_DEFAULTS = {"always_failover":False, "auto_balance":True, "maxmem":128, "minmem":128, "spindle_use":1, "vcpus":1} 
1857  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndcDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1858  NDC_DEFAULTS = {"cpu_speed":1.0, "exclusive_storage":False, "oob_program":"", "ovs":False, "ovs_link":"", "ovs_name":"switch1", "spindle_count":1, "ssh_port":22} 
1859  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndcGlobals' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1860  NDC_GLOBALS = frozenset(["exclusive_storage"]) 
1861  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultDelayTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1863  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultDiskCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1865  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultDiskResync' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1867  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultFillTarget' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1869  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultMinRate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1870  DEFAULT_MIN_RATE = 4096 
1871  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultNetCustom' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1873  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultPlanAhead' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1875  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'defaultRbdPool' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1876  DEFAULT_RBD_POOL = "rbd" 
1877  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskLdDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1878  DISK_LD_DEFAULTS = {"file":{}, "sharedfile":{}, "plain":{"stripes":1}, "blockdev":{}, "drbd":{"c-delay-target":1, "c-fill-target":0, "c-max-rate":61440, "c-min-rate":4096, "c-plan-ahead":20, "default-metavg":"xenvg", "disable-meta-flush":False, "disabled-barriers":"n", "disk-custom":"", "dynamic-resync":False, "net-custom":"", "protocol":"C", "resync-rate":61440}, "rbd":{"access":"kernelspace", "pool":"rbd"}, "ext":{}, "gluster":{"access":"kernelspace", "host":"", "port":24007, "volume":"gv0"}} 
1879  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskDtDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1880  DISK_DT_DEFAULTS = {"diskless":{}, "file":{}, "sharedfile":{}, "plain":{"stripes":1}, "blockdev":{}, "drbd":{"c-delay-target":1, "c-fill-target":0, "c-max-rate":61440, "c-min-rate":4096, "c-plan-ahead":20, "data-stripes":1, "disk-barriers":"n", "disk-custom":"", "dynamic-resync":False, "meta-barriers":False, "meta-stripes":1, "metavg":"xenvg", "net-custom":"", "protocol":"C", "resync-rate":61440}, "rbd":{"access":"kernelspace", "pool":"rbd"}, "ext":{}, "gluster":{"access":"kernelspace", "host":"", "port":24007, "volume":"gv0"}} 
1881  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'niccDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1882  NICC_DEFAULTS = {"link":"xen-br0", "mode":"bridged", "vlan":""} 
1883  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ispecsMinmaxDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1884  ISPECS_MINMAX_DEFAULTS = {"max":{"cpu-count":8, "disk-count":16, "disk-size":1048576, "memory-size":32768, "nic-count":8, "spindle-use":12}, "min":{"cpu-count":1, "disk-count":1, "disk-size":1024, "memory-size":128, "nic-count":1, "spindle-use":1}} 
1885  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipolicyDefaults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1886  IPOLICY_DEFAULTS = {"disk-templates":["blockdev","diskless","drbd","ext","file","gluster","plain","rbd","sharedfile"], "minmax":[{"max":{"cpu-count":8, "disk-count":16, "disk-size":1048576, "memory-size":32768, "nic-count":8, "spindle-use":12}, "min":{"cpu-count":1, "disk-count":1, "disk-size":1024, "memory-size":128, "nic-count":1, "spindle-use":1}}], "spindle-ratio":32.0, "std":{"cpu-count":1, "disk-count":1, "disk-size":1024, "memory-size":128, "nic-count":1, "spindle-use":1}, "vcpu-ratio":4.0} 
1887  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterPoolSizeDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1889  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'partMargin' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1890  PART_MARGIN = 1.0e-2 
1891  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'partReserved' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1892  PART_RESERVED = 2.0e-2 
1893  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidJobqueuePollInterval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1895  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidMaximalRunningJobsDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1897  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidMaximalTrackedJobsDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1899  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidRetryForkCount' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1901  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxidRetryForkStepUS' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1902  LUXID_RETRY_FORK_STEP_U_S = 500000 
1903  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdDeathdetectionIntervall' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1905  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdDefCtmo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1906  WCONFD_DEF_CTMO = 10 
1907  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdDefRwto' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1908  WCONFD_DEF_RWTO = 60 
1909  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'wconfdLivelockPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1910  WCONFD_LIVELOCK_PREFIX = "wconf-daemon" 
1911  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdProtocolVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1913  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqPing' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1914  CONFD_REQ_PING = 0 
1915  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqNodeRoleByname' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1917  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqNodePipByInstanceIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1919  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqClusterMaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1921  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqNodePipList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1923  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqMcPipList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1925  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqInstancesIpsList' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1927  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqNodeDrbd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1929  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqNodeInstances' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1931  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqInstanceDisks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1933  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1934  CONFD_REQS = frozenset([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9]) 
1935  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqfieldName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1937  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqfieldIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1939  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqfieldMnodePip' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1941  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReplStatusOk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1943  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReplStatusError' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1945  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReplStatusNotimplemented' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1947  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReplStatuses' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1948  CONFD_REPL_STATUSES = frozenset([0,1,2]) 
1949  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdNodeRoleMaster' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1951  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdNodeRoleCandidate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1953  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdNodeRoleOffline' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1955  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdNodeRoleDrained' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1957  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdNodeRoleRegular' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1959  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdErrorUnknownEntry' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1961  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdErrorInternal' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1963  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdErrorArgument' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1965  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqqLink' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1966  CONFD_REQQ_LINK = "0" 
1967  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqqIp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1968  CONFD_REQQ_IP = "1" 
1969  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqqIplist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1970  CONFD_REQQ_IPLIST = "2" 
1971  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdReqqFields' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1972  CONFD_REQQ_FIELDS = "3" 
1973  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdMaxClockSkew' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1975  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdConfigReloadTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1977  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdConfigReloadRatelimit' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1979  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdMagicFourcc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1980  CONFD_MAGIC_FOURCC = "plj0" 
1981  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdDefaultReqCoverage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1983  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'confdClientExpireTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1985  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'maxUdpDataSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1986  MAX_UDP_DATA_SIZE = 61440 
1987  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'uidpoolUidMin' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1988  UIDPOOL_UID_MIN = 0 
1989  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'uidpoolUidMax' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1990  UIDPOOL_UID_MAX = 4294967295 
1991  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'pgrep' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1992  PGREP = "pgrep" 
1993  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'initialNodeGroupName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1994  INITIAL_NODE_GROUP_NAME = "default" 
1995  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'allocPolicyLastResort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1996  ALLOC_POLICY_LAST_RESORT = "last_resort" 
1997  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'allocPolicyPreferred' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
1998  ALLOC_POLICY_PREFERRED = "preferred" 
1999  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'allocPolicyUnallocable' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2000  ALLOC_POLICY_UNALLOCABLE = "unallocable" 
2001  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'validAllocPolicies' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2002  VALID_ALLOC_POLICIES = ["preferred","last_resort","unallocable"] 
2003  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'blockdevDriverManual' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2004  BLOCKDEV_DRIVER_MANUAL = "manual" 
2005  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qemuimgPath' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2006  QEMUIMG_PATH = "/usr/bin/qemu-img" 
2007  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'iallocHail' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2008  IALLOC_HAIL = "hail" 
2009  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fakeOpMasterTurndown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2011  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'fakeOpMasterTurnup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2013  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoTypeSslDigest' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2015  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoTypeSsh' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2016  CRYPTO_TYPE_SSH = "ssh" 
2017  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2018  CRYPTO_TYPES = frozenset(["ssl"]) 
2019  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoActionGet' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2020  CRYPTO_ACTION_GET = "get" 
2021  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoActionCreate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2022  CRYPTO_ACTION_CREATE = "create" 
2023  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoActionDelete' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2024  CRYPTO_ACTION_DELETE = "delete" 
2025  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoActions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2026  CRYPTO_ACTIONS = frozenset(["create","delete","get"]) 
2027  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoBootstrap' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2028  CRYPTO_BOOTSTRAP = "bootstrap" 
2029  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoOptionCertFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2030  CRYPTO_OPTION_CERT_FILE = "cert_file" 
2031  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cryptoOptionSerialNo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2032  CRYPTO_OPTION_SERIAL_NO = "serial_no" 
2033  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshkDsa' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2034  SSHK_DSA = "dsa" 
2035  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshkEcdsa' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2036  SSHK_ECDSA = "ecdsa" 
2037  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshkRsa' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2038  SSHK_RSA = "rsa" 
2039  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshkAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2040  SSHK_ALL = frozenset(["dsa","ecdsa","rsa"]) 
2041  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshakDss' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2042  SSHAK_DSS = "ssh-dss" 
2043  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshakRsa' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2044  SSHAK_RSA = "ssh-rsa" 
2045  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshakAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2046  SSHAK_ALL = frozenset(["ssh-dss","ssh-rsa"]) 
2047  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshsClusterName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2048  SSHS_CLUSTER_NAME = "cluster_name" 
2049  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshsSshHostKey' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2050  SSHS_SSH_HOST_KEY = "ssh_host_key" 
2051  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshsSshRootKey' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2052  SSHS_SSH_ROOT_KEY = "ssh_root_key" 
2053  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshsNodeDaemonCertificate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2054  SSHS_NODE_DAEMON_CERTIFICATE = "node_daemon_certificate" 
2055  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostDsaPriv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2056  SSH_HOST_DSA_PRIV = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key" 
2057  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostDsaPub' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2058  SSH_HOST_DSA_PUB = "/etc/ssh/" 
2059  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostEcdsaPriv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2060  SSH_HOST_ECDSA_PRIV = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" 
2061  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostEcdsaPub' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2062  SSH_HOST_ECDSA_PUB = "/etc/ssh/" 
2063  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostRsaPriv' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2064  SSH_HOST_RSA_PRIV = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" 
2065  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshHostRsaPub' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2066  SSH_HOST_RSA_PUB = "/etc/ssh/" 
2067  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'sshDaemonKeyfiles' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2068  SSH_DAEMON_KEYFILES = {"dsa":("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key","/etc/ssh/"), "ecdsa":("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key","/etc/ssh/"), "rsa":("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key","/etc/ssh/")} 
2069  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsClusterName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2070  NDS_CLUSTER_NAME = "cluster_name" 
2071  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsNodeDaemonCertificate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2072  NDS_NODE_DAEMON_CERTIFICATE = "node_daemon_certificate" 
2073  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsSsconf' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2074  NDS_SSCONF = "ssconf" 
2075  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsStartNodeDaemon' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2076  NDS_START_NODE_DAEMON = "start_node_daemon" 
2077  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsNodeName' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2078  NDS_NODE_NAME = "node_name" 
2079  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ndsAction' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2080  NDS_ACTION = "action" 
2081  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vClusterEtcHosts' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2082  V_CLUSTER_ETC_HOSTS = "/etc/hosts" 
2083  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vClusterVirtPathPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2085  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vClusterRootdirEnvname' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2087  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vClusterHostnameEnvname' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2089  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'vClusterVpathWhitelist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2090  V_CLUSTER_VPATH_WHITELIST = frozenset(["/etc/hosts"]) 
2091  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcClient' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2092  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_CLIENT = "gnt:client" 
2093  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant '_opcodeReasonSrcDaemon' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2094  _OPCODE_REASON_SRC_DAEMON = "gnt:daemon" 
2095  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant '_opcodeReasonSrcMasterd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2096  _OPCODE_REASON_SRC_MASTERD = "gnt:daemon:masterd" 
2097  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcNoded' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2098  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_NODED = "gnt:daemon:noded" 
2099  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcOpcode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2100  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_OPCODE = "gnt:opcode" 
2101  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcPickup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2102  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_PICKUP = "gnt:daemon:masterd:pickup" 
2103  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcWatcher' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2104  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_WATCHER = "gnt:watcher" 
2105  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcRlib2' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2106  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_RLIB2 = "gnt:library:rlib2" 
2107  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSrcUser' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2108  OPCODE_REASON_SRC_USER = "gnt:user" 
2109  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReasonSources' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2110  OPCODE_REASON_SOURCES = frozenset(["gnt:client","gnt:daemon:masterd:pickup","gnt:daemon:noded","gnt:library:rlib2","gnt:opcode","gnt:user","gnt:watcher"]) 
2111  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'randomUuidFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2112  RANDOM_UUID_FILE = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid" 
2113  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairTagPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2114  AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_PREFIX = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:" 
2115  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairTagEnabled' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2116  AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_ENABLED = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:" 
2117  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairTagPending' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2118  AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_PENDING = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:pending:" 
2119  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairTagResult' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2120  AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_RESULT = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:result:" 
2121  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairTagSuspended' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2122  AUTO_REPAIR_TAG_SUSPENDED = "ganeti:watcher:autorepair:suspend:" 
2123  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairFailover' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2124  AUTO_REPAIR_FAILOVER = "failover" 
2125  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairFixStorage' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2126  AUTO_REPAIR_FIX_STORAGE = "fix-storage" 
2127  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairMigrate' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2128  AUTO_REPAIR_MIGRATE = "migrate" 
2129  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairReinstall' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2130  AUTO_REPAIR_REINSTALL = "reinstall" 
2131  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairAllTypes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2132  AUTO_REPAIR_ALL_TYPES = frozenset(["failover","fix-storage","migrate","reinstall"]) 
2133  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairEnoperm' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2134  AUTO_REPAIR_ENOPERM = "enoperm" 
2135  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairFailure' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2136  AUTO_REPAIR_FAILURE = "failure" 
2137  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairSuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2138  AUTO_REPAIR_SUCCESS = "success" 
2139  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'autoRepairAllResults' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2140  AUTO_REPAIR_ALL_RESULTS = frozenset(["enoperm","failure","success"]) 
2141  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'builtinDataCollectorVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2143  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeReason' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2144  OPCODE_REASON = "reason" 
2145  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'opcodeSequential' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2146  OPCODE_SEQUENTIAL = "sequential" 
2147  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskstatsFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2148  DISKSTATS_FILE = "/proc/diskstats" 
2149  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'statFile' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2150  STAT_FILE = "/proc/stat" 
2151  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuavgloadBufferSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2153  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'cpuavgloadWindowSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2155  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mondTimeInterval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2157  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'mondLatestApiVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2159  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskUserspace' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2160  DISK_USERSPACE = "userspace" 
2161  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskKernelspace' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2162  DISK_KERNELSPACE = "kernelspace" 
2163  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskValidAccessModes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2164  DISK_VALID_ACCESS_MODES = frozenset(["kernelspace","userspace"]) 
2165  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'upgradeQueueDrainTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2167  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'upgradeQueuePollInterval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2169  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugActionAdd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2170  HOTPLUG_ACTION_ADD = "hotadd" 
2171  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugActionRemove' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2172  HOTPLUG_ACTION_REMOVE = "hotremove" 
2173  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugActionModify' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2174  HOTPLUG_ACTION_MODIFY = "hotmod" 
2175  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugAllActions' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2176  HOTPLUG_ALL_ACTIONS = frozenset(["hotadd","hotmod","hotremove"]) 
2177  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugTargetNic' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2178  HOTPLUG_TARGET_NIC = "hotnic" 
2179  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugTargetDisk' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2180  HOTPLUG_TARGET_DISK = "hotdisk" 
2181  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'hotplugAllTargets' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2182  HOTPLUG_ALL_TARGETS = frozenset(["hotdisk","hotnic"]) 
2183  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskRemoveRetryTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2185  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'diskRemoveRetryInterval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2187  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'uuidRegex' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2188  UUID_REGEX = "^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$" 
2189  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiSocketPerms' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2190  LUXI_SOCKET_PERMS = 432 
2191  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiKeyMethod' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2192  LUXI_KEY_METHOD = "method" 
2193  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiKeyArgs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2194  LUXI_KEY_ARGS = "args" 
2195  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiKeySuccess' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2196  LUXI_KEY_SUCCESS = "success" 
2197  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiKeyResult' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2198  LUXI_KEY_RESULT = "result" 
2199  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiKeyVersion' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2200  LUXI_KEY_VERSION = "version" 
2201  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqSubmitJob' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2202  LUXI_REQ_SUBMIT_JOB = "SubmitJob" 
2203  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqSubmitJobToDrainedQueue' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2204  LUXI_REQ_SUBMIT_JOB_TO_DRAINED_QUEUE = "SubmitJobToDrainedQueue" 
2205  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqSubmitManyJobs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2206  LUXI_REQ_SUBMIT_MANY_JOBS = "SubmitManyJobs" 
2207  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqWaitForJobChange' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2208  LUXI_REQ_WAIT_FOR_JOB_CHANGE = "WaitForJobChange" 
2209  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqPickupJob' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2210  LUXI_REQ_PICKUP_JOB = "PickupJob" 
2211  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqCancelJob' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2212  LUXI_REQ_CANCEL_JOB = "CancelJob" 
2213  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqArchiveJob' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2214  LUXI_REQ_ARCHIVE_JOB = "ArchiveJob" 
2215  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqChangeJobPriority' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2216  LUXI_REQ_CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY = "ChangeJobPriority" 
2217  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqAutoArchiveJobs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2218  LUXI_REQ_AUTO_ARCHIVE_JOBS = "AutoArchiveJobs" 
2219  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQuery' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2220  LUXI_REQ_QUERY = "Query" 
2221  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryFields' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2222  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_FIELDS = "QueryFields" 
2223  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryJobs' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2224  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_JOBS = "QueryJobs" 
2225  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryInstances' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2226  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_INSTANCES = "QueryInstances" 
2227  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryNodes' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2228  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_NODES = "QueryNodes" 
2229  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryGroups' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2230  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_GROUPS = "QueryGroups" 
2231  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryNetworks' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2232  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_NETWORKS = "QueryNetworks" 
2233  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryExports' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2234  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_EXPORTS = "QueryExports" 
2235  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryConfigValues' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2236  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_CONFIG_VALUES = "QueryConfigValues" 
2237  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryClusterInfo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2238  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_CLUSTER_INFO = "QueryClusterInfo" 
2239  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqQueryTags' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2240  LUXI_REQ_QUERY_TAGS = "QueryTags" 
2241  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqSetDrainFlag' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2242  LUXI_REQ_SET_DRAIN_FLAG = "SetDrainFlag" 
2243  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqSetWatcherPause' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2244  LUXI_REQ_SET_WATCHER_PAUSE = "SetWatcherPause" 
2245  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiReqAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2246  LUXI_REQ_ALL = frozenset(["ArchiveJob","AutoArchiveJobs","CancelJob","ChangeJobPriority","PickupJob","Query","QueryClusterInfo","QueryConfigValues","QueryExports","QueryFields","QueryGroups","QueryInstances","QueryJobs","QueryNetworks","QueryNodes","QueryTags","SetDrainFlag","SetWatcherPause","SubmitJob","SubmitJobToDrainedQueue","SubmitManyJobs","WaitForJobChange"]) 
2247  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiDefCtmo' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2248  LUXI_DEF_CTMO = 10 
2249  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiDefRwto' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2250  LUXI_DEF_RWTO = 60 
2251  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiWfjcTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2253  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiLivelockPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2254  LUXI_LIVELOCK_PREFIX = "luxi-daemon" 
2255  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'luxiCancelJobTimeout' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2257  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterVotingRetries' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2259  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'masterVotingRetryIntervall' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2261  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpAnd' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2262  QLANG_OP_AND = "&" 
2263  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpOr' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2264  QLANG_OP_OR = "|" 
2265  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpNot' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2266  QLANG_OP_NOT = "!" 
2267  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpTrue' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2268  QLANG_OP_TRUE = "?" 
2269  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpContains' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2270  QLANG_OP_CONTAINS = "=[]" 
2271  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpEqual' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2272  QLANG_OP_EQUAL = "=" 
2273  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpGe' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2274  QLANG_OP_GE = ">=" 
2275  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpGt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2276  QLANG_OP_GT = ">" 
2277  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpLe' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2278  QLANG_OP_LE = "<=" 
2279  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpLt' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2280  QLANG_OP_LT = "<" 
2281  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpNotEqual' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2282  QLANG_OP_NOT_EQUAL = "!=" 
2283  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangOpRegexp' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2284  QLANG_OP_REGEXP = "=~" 
2285  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangFilterDetectionChars' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2286  QLANG_FILTER_DETECTION_CHARS = frozenset(["\t","\n","\v","\f","\r"," ","!","\"","'","(",")","/","<","=",">","\\","~"]) 
2287  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'qlangGlobDetectionChars' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2288  QLANG_GLOB_DETECTION_CHARS = frozenset(["*","?"]) 
2289  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeEnviron' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2290  ERRORS_ECODE_ENVIRON = "environment_error" 
2291  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeExists' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2292  ERRORS_ECODE_EXISTS = "already_exists" 
2293  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeFault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2294  ERRORS_ECODE_FAULT = "internal_error" 
2295  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeInval' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2296  ERRORS_ECODE_INVAL = "wrong_input" 
2297  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeNoent' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2298  ERRORS_ECODE_NOENT = "unknown_entity" 
2299  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeNores' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2300  ERRORS_ECODE_NORES = "insufficient_resources" 
2301  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeNotunique' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2302  ERRORS_ECODE_NOTUNIQUE = "resource_not_unique" 
2303  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeResolver' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2304  ERRORS_ECODE_RESOLVER = "resolver_error" 
2305  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeState' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2306  ERRORS_ECODE_STATE = "wrong_state" 
2307  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeTempNores' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2308  ERRORS_ECODE_TEMP_NORES = "temp_insufficient_resources" 
2309  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'errorsEcodeAll' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2310  ERRORS_ECODE_ALL = frozenset(["already_exists","environment_error","insufficient_resources","internal_error","resolver_error","resource_not_unique","temp_insufficient_resources","unknown_entity","wrong_input","wrong_state"]) 
2311  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'jstoreJobsPerArchiveDirectory' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2313  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterHost' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2314  GLUSTER_HOST = "host" 
2315  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterHostDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2317  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterVolume' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2318  GLUSTER_VOLUME = "volume" 
2319  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterVolumeDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2321  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterPort' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2322  GLUSTER_PORT = "port" 
2323  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'glusterPortDefault' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2325  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationDoc' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2326  INSTANCE_COMMUNICATION_DOC = "Enable or disable the communication mechanism for an instance" 
2327  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationMacPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2329  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationNetwork4' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2331  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationNetwork6' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2333  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationNetworkLink' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2335  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationNetworkMode' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2337  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'instanceCommunicationNicPrefix' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2338  INSTANCE_COMMUNICATION_NIC_PREFIX = "ganeti:communication:" 
2339  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'privateParametersBlacklist' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2340  PRIVATE_PARAMETERS_BLACKLIST = ["osparams_private","osparams_secret","osparams_private_cluster"] 
2341  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'debugModeConfidentialityWarning' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2342  DEBUG_MODE_CONFIDENTIALITY_WARNING = "ALERT: %s started in debug mode.\n Private and secret parameters WILL be logged!\n" 
2343  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'statSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2344  STAT_SIZE = "size" 
2345  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'helperVmStartup' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2346  HELPER_VM_STARTUP = 300 
2347  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'helperVmShutdown' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2348  HELPER_VM_SHUTDOWN = 7200 
2349  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'zeroingTimeoutPerMib' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2351  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipv4NetworkMinSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs' 
2353  # Generated automatically from Haskell constant 'ipv4NetworkMaxSize' in file 'src/Ganeti/Constants.hs'