Package ganeti :: Package cmdlib :: Module instance_utils
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Module instance_utils

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Utility function mainly, but not only used by instance LU's.

Functions [hide private]
BuildInstanceHookEnv(name, primary_node_name, secondary_node_names, os_type, status, minmem, maxmem, vcpus, nics, disk_template, disks, bep, hvp, hypervisor_name, tags)
Builds instance related env variables for hooks
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BuildInstanceHookEnvByObject(lu, instance, secondary_nodes=None, disks=None, override=None)
Builds instance related env variables for hooks from an object.
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Reads the cluster domain secret.
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CheckNodeNotDrained(lu, node_uuid)
Ensure that a given node is not drained.
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CheckNodeVmCapable(lu, node_uuid)
Ensure that a given node is vm capable.
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RemoveInstance(lu, feedback_fn, instance, ignore_failures)
Utility function to remove an instance.
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RemoveDisks(lu, instance, target_node_uuid=None, ignore_failures=False)
Remove all disks for an instance.
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NICToTuple(lu, nic)
Build a tupple of nic information.
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NICListToTuple(lu, nics)
Build a list of nic information tuples.
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Makes a copy of a list of lock names.
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ReleaseLocks(lu, level, names=None, keep=None)
Releases locks owned by an LU.
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_ComputeIPolicyNodeViolation(ipolicy, instance, current_group, target_group, cfg, _compute_fn=ComputeIPolicyInstanceViolation)
Compute if instance meets the specs of the new target group.
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CheckTargetNodeIPolicy(lu, ipolicy, instance, node, cfg, ignore=False, _compute_fn=_ComputeIPolicyNodeViolation)
Checks that the target node is correct in terms of instance policy.
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Compute that text that should be added to the disk's metadata.
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CheckNodeFreeMemory(lu, node_uuid, reason, requested, hvname, hvparams)
Checks if a node has enough free memory.
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CheckInstanceBridgesExist(lu, instance, node_uuid=None)
Check that the brigdes needed by an instance exist.
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CheckNicsBridgesExist(lu, nics, node_uuid)
Check that the brigdes needed by a list of nics exist.
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UpdateMetadata(feedback_fn, rpc, instance, osparams_public=None, osparams_private=None, osparams_secret=None)
Updates instance metadata on the metadata daemon on the instance's primary node.
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CheckCompressionTool(lu, compression_tool)
Checks if the provided compression tool is allowed to be used.
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CheckInstanceExistence(lu, instance_name)
Raises an error if an instance with the given name exists already.
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Imports: logging, os, constants, errors, locking, network, objects, pathutils, utils, AnnotateDiskParams, ComputeIPolicyInstanceViolation, CheckDiskTemplateEnabled

Function Details [hide private]

BuildInstanceHookEnv(name, primary_node_name, secondary_node_names, os_type, status, minmem, maxmem, vcpus, nics, disk_template, disks, bep, hvp, hypervisor_name, tags)

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Builds instance related env variables for hooks

This builds the hook environment from individual variables.

  • name (string) - the name of the instance
  • primary_node_name (string) - the name of the instance's primary node
  • secondary_node_names (list) - list of secondary nodes as strings
  • os_type (string) - the name of the instance's OS
  • status (string) - the desired status of the instance
  • minmem (string) - the minimum memory size of the instance
  • maxmem (string) - the maximum memory size of the instance
  • vcpus (string) - the count of VCPUs the instance has
  • nics (list) - list of tuples (name, uuid, ip, mac, mode, link, vlan, net, netinfo) representing the NICs the instance has
  • disk_template (string) - the disk template of the instance
  • disks (list) - list of tuples (name, uuid, size, mode)
  • bep (dict) - the backend parameters for the instance
  • hvp (dict) - the hypervisor parameters for the instance
  • hypervisor_name (string) - the hypervisor for the instance
  • tags (list) - list of instance tags as strings
Returns: dict
the hook environment for this instance

BuildInstanceHookEnvByObject(lu, instance, secondary_nodes=None, disks=None, override=None)

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Builds instance related env variables for hooks from an object.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance for which we should build the environment
  • override (dict) - dictionary with key/values that will override our values
Returns: dict
the hook environment dictionary

CheckNodeNotDrained(lu, node_uuid)

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Ensure that a given node is not drained.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node_uuid - the node to check

CheckNodeVmCapable(lu, node_uuid)

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Ensure that a given node is vm capable.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node_uuid - the node to check

RemoveDisks(lu, instance, target_node_uuid=None, ignore_failures=False)

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Remove all disks for an instance.

This abstracts away some work from `AddInstance()` and `RemoveInstance()`. Note that in case some of the devices couldn't be removed, the removal will continue with the other ones.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance whose disks we should remove
  • target_node_uuid (string) - used to override the node on which to remove the disks
Returns: boolean
the success of the removal

NICToTuple(lu, nic)

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Build a tupple of nic information.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • nic (objects.NIC) - nic to convert to hooks tuple

NICListToTuple(lu, nics)

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Build a list of nic information tuples.

This list is suitable to be passed to _BuildInstanceHookEnv or as a return value in LUInstanceQueryData.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • nics (list of objects.NIC) - list of nics to convert to hooks tuples


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Makes a copy of a list of lock names.

Handles locking.ALL_SET correctly.

ReleaseLocks(lu, level, names=None, keep=None)

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Releases locks owned by an LU.

  • level - Lock level
  • names (list or None) - Names of locks to release
  • keep (list or None) - Names of locks to retain
  • lu (LogicalUnit)

_ComputeIPolicyNodeViolation(ipolicy, instance, current_group, target_group, cfg, _compute_fn=ComputeIPolicyInstanceViolation)

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Compute if instance meets the specs of the new target group.

  • ipolicy - The ipolicy to verify
  • instance - The instance object to verify
  • current_group - The current group of the instance
  • target_group - The new group of the instance
  • cfg (config.ConfigWriter) - Cluster configuration
  • _compute_fn - The function to verify ipolicy (unittest only)

CheckTargetNodeIPolicy(lu, ipolicy, instance, node, cfg, ignore=False, _compute_fn=_ComputeIPolicyNodeViolation)

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Checks that the target node is correct in terms of instance policy.

  • ipolicy - The ipolicy to verify
  • instance - The instance object to verify
  • node - The new node to relocate
  • cfg (config.ConfigWriter) - Cluster configuration
  • ignore - Ignore violations of the ipolicy
  • _compute_fn - The function to verify ipolicy (unittest only)

CheckNodeFreeMemory(lu, node_uuid, reason, requested, hvname, hvparams)

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Checks if a node has enough free memory.

This function checks if a given node has the needed amount of free memory. In case the node has less memory or we cannot get the information from the node, this function raises an OpPrereqError exception.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - a logical unit from which we get configuration data
  • node_uuid (str) - the node to check
  • reason (str) - string to use in the error message
  • requested (int) - the amount of memory in MiB to check for
  • hvname (string) - the hypervisor's name
  • hvparams (dict of strings) - the hypervisor's parameters
Returns: integer
node current free memory

UpdateMetadata(feedback_fn, rpc, instance, osparams_public=None, osparams_private=None, osparams_secret=None)

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Updates instance metadata on the metadata daemon on the instance's primary node.

If the daemon isn't available (not compiled), do nothing.

In case the RPC fails, this function simply issues a warning and proceeds normally.

  • feedback_fn (callable) - function used send feedback back to the caller
  • rpc (rpc.node.RpcRunner) - RPC runner
  • instance (objects.Instance) - instance for which the metadata should be updated
  • osparams_public (NoneType or dict) - public OS parameters used to override those defined in instance
  • osparams_private (NoneType or dict) - private OS parameters used to override those defined in instance
  • osparams_secret (NoneType or dict) - secret OS parameters used to override those defined in instance
Returns: NoneType

CheckCompressionTool(lu, compression_tool)

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Checks if the provided compression tool is allowed to be used.

  • compression_tool (string) - Compression tool to use for importing or exporting the instance
Returns: NoneType

CheckInstanceExistence(lu, instance_name)

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Raises an error if an instance with the given name exists already.

  • instance_name (string) - The name of the instance.

    To be used in the locking phase.