Safe Haskell | None |
Unittests for the SlotMap.
- genSlotLimit :: Gen Int
- genSlotCount :: Gen Int
- resampleFittingSlot :: Slot -> Gen Slot
- type TestKey = String
- genTestKey :: Gen TestKey
- listSizeGen :: Gen Int
- genSlotMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (SlotMap a)
- genCountMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (CountMap a)
- overfullKeys :: Ord a => SlotMap a -> Set a
- genFittingSlotMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (SlotMap a)
- case_isOverfull :: Assertion
- case_occupySlots_examples :: Assertion
- keyUnion :: Ord a => Map a b -> Map a c -> Set a
- prop_occupySlots :: Property
- case_hasSlotsFor_examples :: Assertion
- prop_hasSlotsFor_fitting :: Property
- prop_hasSlotsFor :: Property
- testSlotMap :: Test
genSlotLimit :: Gen IntSource
genSlotCount :: Gen IntSource
resampleFittingSlot :: Slot -> Gen SlotSource
genTestKey :: Gen TestKeySource
listSizeGen :: Gen IntSource
genSlotMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (SlotMap a)Source
genCountMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (CountMap a)Source
overfullKeys :: Ord a => SlotMap a -> Set aSource
Tells which keys of a SlotMap
are overfull.
genFittingSlotMap :: Ord a => Gen a -> Gen (SlotMap a)Source
Test cases
case_isOverfull :: AssertionSource
case_occupySlots_examples :: AssertionSource
prop_occupySlots :: PropertySource
case_hasSlotsFor_examples :: AssertionSource
prop_hasSlotsFor_fitting :: PropertySource
prop_hasSlotsFor :: PropertySource
testSlotMap :: TestSource