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OpCodes module
Note that this file is autogenerated using @src/hs2py@ with a header from @lib/ and a footer from @lib/
This module implements part of the data structures which define the cluster operations - the so-called opcodes.
Every operation which modifies the cluster state is expressed via opcodes.
OpCode Abstract OpCode. |
OpInstanceMultiAllocBase Allocates multiple instances. |
OpClusterPostInit Post cluster initialization. |
OpClusterDestroy Destroy the cluster. |
OpClusterQuery Query cluster information. |
OpClusterVerify Submits all jobs necessary to verify the cluster. |
OpClusterVerifyConfig Verify the cluster config. |
OpClusterVerifyGroup Run verify on a node group from the cluster. |
OpClusterVerifyDisks Verify the cluster disks. |
OpGroupVerifyDisks Verifies the status of all disks in a node group. |
OpClusterRepairDiskSizes Verify the disk sizes of the instances and fixes configuration mismatches. |
OpClusterConfigQuery Query cluster configuration values. |
OpClusterRename Rename the cluster. |
OpClusterSetParams Change the parameters of the cluster. |
OpClusterRedistConf Force a full push of the cluster configuration. |
OpClusterActivateMasterIp Activate the master IP on the master node. |
OpClusterDeactivateMasterIp Deactivate the master IP on the master node. |
OpClusterRenewCrypto Renews the cluster node's SSL client certificates. |
OpQuery Query for resources/items. |
OpQueryFields Query for available resource/item fields. |
OpOobCommand Interact with OOB. |
OpRestrictedCommand Runs a restricted command on node(s). |
OpNodeRemove Remove a node. |
OpNodeAdd Add a node to the cluster. |
OpNodeQueryvols Get list of volumes on node. |
OpNodeQueryStorage Get information on storage for node(s). |
OpNodeModifyStorage Modifies the properies of a storage unit |
OpRepairNodeStorage Repairs the volume group on a node. |
OpNodeSetParams Change the parameters of a node. |
OpNodePowercycle Tries to powercycle a node. |
OpNodeMigrate Migrate all instances from a node. |
OpNodeEvacuate Evacuate instances off a number of nodes. |
OpInstanceCreate Create an instance. |
OpInstanceMultiAlloc Allocates multiple instances. |
OpInstanceReinstall Reinstall an instance's OS. |
OpInstanceRemove Remove an instance. |
OpInstanceRename Rename an instance. |
OpInstanceStartup Startup an instance. |
OpInstanceShutdown Shutdown an instance. |
OpInstanceReboot Reboot an instance. |
OpInstanceReplaceDisks Replace the disks of an instance. |
OpInstanceFailover Failover an instance. |
OpInstanceMigrate Migrate an instance. |
OpInstanceMove Move an instance. |
OpInstanceConsole Connect to an instance's console. |
OpInstanceActivateDisks Activate an instance's disks. |
OpInstanceDeactivateDisks Deactivate an instance's disks. |
OpInstanceRecreateDisks Recreate an instance's disks. |
OpInstanceQueryData Compute the run-time status of instances. |
OpInstanceSetParams Change the parameters of an instance. |
OpInstanceGrowDisk Grow a disk of an instance. |
OpInstanceChangeGroup Moves an instance to another node group. |
OpGroupAdd Add a node group to the cluster. |
OpGroupAssignNodes Assign nodes to a node group. |
OpGroupSetParams Change the parameters of a node group. |
OpGroupRemove Remove a node group from the cluster. |
OpGroupRename Rename a node group in the cluster. |
OpGroupEvacuate Evacuate a node group in the cluster. |
OpOsDiagnose Compute the list of guest operating systems. |
OpExtStorageDiagnose Compute the list of external storage providers. |
OpBackupPrepare Prepares an instance export. |
OpBackupExport Export an instance. |
OpBackupRemove Remove an instance's export. |
OpTagsGet Returns the tags of the given object. |
OpTagsSearch Searches the tags in the cluster for a given pattern. |
OpTagsSet Add a list of tags on a given object. |
OpTagsDel Remove a list of tags from a given object. |
OpTestDelay Sleeps for a configured amount of time. |
OpTestAllocator Allocator framework testing. |
OpTestJqueue Utility opcode to test some aspects of the job queue. |
OpTestDummy Utility opcode used by unittests. |
OpNetworkAdd Add an IP network to the cluster. |
OpNetworkRemove Remove an existing network from the cluster. |
OpNetworkSetParams Modify Network's parameters except for IPv4 subnet |
OpNetworkConnect Connect a Network to a specific Nodegroup with the defined netparams (mode, link). |
OpNetworkDisconnect Disconnect a Network from a Nodegroup. |
OP_MAPPING = dict((v.OP_ID, v) for v in _GetOpList())
Imports: constants, ht, opcodes_base
Returns list of all defined opcodes. Does not eliminate duplicates by |
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Aug 22 10:43:32 2016 | |