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Utility functions for X509.
string |
tuple; (OpenSSL.crypto.X509, string) |
tuple; (OpenSSL.X509 object, string) |
callable |
HEX_CHAR_RE = r"[a-zA-Z0-9]"
VALID_X509_SIGNATURE_SALT = re.compile("^%s+$" % HEX_CHAR_RE,
X509_SIGNATURE = re.compile(r"^%s:\s*(?P<salt>%s+)/(?P<sign>%s
_ASN1_TIME_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(\d+)([-+]\d\d)(\d\d)$") ASN1 time regexp |
Imports: time, OpenSSL, re, datetime, calendar, errno, logging, errors, constants, pathutils, utils_text, utils_io, utils_hash
Parses an ASN1 GENERALIZEDTIME timestamp as used by pyOpenSSL.
Returns the validity period of the certificate.
Verifies certificate validity.
Verifies a certificate for LUClusterVerify.
Sign a X509 certificate. An RFC822-like signature header is added in front of the certificate.
Verifies a signed X509 certificate.
Generates a self-signed X509 certificate.
Legacy function to generate self-signed X509 certificate.
Generates a signed (but not self-signed) X509 certificate.
Extracts the certificate from a PEM-formatted string.
Function for verifying certificate with a certain private key.
Checks the local node daemon certificate against given certificate. Both certificates must be signed with the same key (as stored in the local pathutils.NODED_CERT_FILE file). No error is raised if no local certificate can be found.
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Aug 22 10:43:33 2016 | |