ganeti :: hypervisor :: hv_lxc :: LXCHypervisor :: Class LXCHypervisor
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Class LXCHypervisor

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LXC-based virtualization.

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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Ensures all the directories needed for LXC use exist.
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_SaveInstanceStash(self, instance_name, data)
Save data to the instance stash file in serialized format.
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_LoadInstanceStash(self, instance_name)
Load information stashed in file which was created by _SaveInstanceStash.
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_CleanupInstance(self, instance_name, stash)
Actual implementation of the instance cleanup procedure.
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CleanupInstance(self, instance_name)
Cleanup after a stopped instance.
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ListInstances(self, hvparams=None)
Get the list of running instances.
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tuple of strings
GetInstanceInfo(self, instance_name, hvparams=None)
Get instance properties.
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(string, string, int, int, HvInstanceState, int)
GetAllInstancesInfo(self, hvparams=None)
Get properties of all instances.
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_CreateConfigFile(self, instance, sda_dev_path)
Create an lxc.conf file for an instance.
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_SpawnLXC(self, instance, log_file, conf_file)
Execute lxc-start and wait until container health is confirmed.
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StartInstance(self, instance, block_devices, startup_paused)
Start an instance.
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StopInstance(self, instance, force=False, retry=False, name=None, timeout=None)
Stop an instance.
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RebootInstance(self, instance)
Reboot an instance.
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BalloonInstanceMemory(self, instance, mem)
Balloon an instance memory to a certain value.
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GetNodeInfo(self, hvparams=None)
Return information about the node.
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Verify(self, hvparams=None)
Verify the hypervisor.
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MigrateInstance(self, cluster_name, instance, target, live)
Migrate an instance.
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GetMigrationStatus(self, instance)
Get the migration status
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Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: AcceptInstance, FinalizeMigrationDst, FinalizeMigrationSource, HotAddDevice, HotDelDevice, HotModDevice, HotplugSupported, MigrationInfo, VerifyHotplugSupport

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
_InstanceDir(cls, instance_name)
Return the root directory for an instance.
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_InstanceConfFilePath(cls, instance_name)
Return the configuration file for an instance.
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_InstanceLogFilePath(cls, instance)
Return the log file for an instance.
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_InstanceConsoleLogFilePath(cls, instance_name)
Return the console log file path for an instance.
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_InstanceStashFilePath(cls, instance_name)
Return the stash file path for an instance.
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_MountCgroupSubsystem(cls, subsystem)
Mount the cgroup subsystem fs under the cgroup root dir.
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Return the directory that should be the base of cgroup fs.
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_GetOrPrepareCgroupSubsysMountPoint(cls, subsystem)
Prepare cgroup subsystem mount point.
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Return the dict of cgroup subsystem hierarchies this process belongs to.
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_GetCgroupSubsysDir(cls, subsystem)
Return the directory of the cgroup subsystem we use.
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_GetCgroupParamPath(cls, param_name, instance_name=None)
Return the path of the specified cgroup parameter file.
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_GetCgroupInstanceValue(cls, instance_name, param_name)
Return the value of the specified cgroup parameter.
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_SetCgroupInstanceValue(cls, instance_name, param_name, param_value)
Set the value to the specified instance cgroup parameter.
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_IsCgroupParameterPresent(cls, parameter, hvparams=None)
Return whether a cgroup parameter can be used.
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_GetCgroupCpuList(cls, instance_name)
Return the list of CPU ids for an instance.
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_GetCgroupCpuUsage(cls, instance_name)
Return the CPU usage of an instance.
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_GetCgroupMemoryLimit(cls, instance_name)
Return the memory limit for an instance
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_IsInstanceAlive(cls, instance_name)
Return True if instance is alive.
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_GetInstanceDropCapabilities(cls, hvparams)
Get and parse the drop capabilities list from the instance hvparams.
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Return cgroup subsystems list that are enabled in current kernel.
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_EnsureCgroupMounts(cls, hvparams=None)
Ensures all cgroup subsystems required to run LXC container are mounted.
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_PrepareInstanceRootFsBdev(cls, storage_path, stash)
Return mountable path for storage_path.
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_WaitForInstanceState(cls, instance_name, state, timeout)
Wait for an instance state transition within timeout
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_VerifyDiskRequirements(cls, block_devices)
Insures that the disks provided work with the current implementation.
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GetInstanceConsole(cls, instance, primary_node, node_group, hvparams, beparams)
Return a command for connecting to the console of an instance.
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_GetLXCVersionFromCmd(cls, from_cmd)
Return the LXC version currently used in the system.
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Verify the validity of lxc command line tools.
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PowercycleNode(cls, hvparams=None)
LXC powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.
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Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: CheckParameterSyntax, GetAncillaryFiles, LinuxPowercycle, ValidateParameters

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: GetLinuxNodeInfo, VersionsSafeForMigration

Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor (private): _FormatVerifyResults

Class Variables [hide private]
  _ROOT_DIR = pathutils.RUN_DIR+ "/lxc"
  _LOG_DIR = pathutils.LOG_DIR+ "/lxc"
  _INSTANCE_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/instance"
  _CGROUP_ROOT_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/cgroup"
  _PROC_CGROUPS_FILE = "/proc/cgroups"
  _PROC_SELF_CGROUP_FILE = "/proc/self/cgroup"
  _LXC_COMMANDS_REQUIRED = ["lxc-console", "lxc-ls", "lxc-start"...
  _DIR_MODE = 0755
  _STASH_KEY_ALLOCATED_LOOP_DEV = "allocated_loopdev"
  _MEMORY_PARAMETER = "memory.limit_in_bytes"
  _MEMORY_SWAP_PARAMETER = "memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes"
  PARAMETERS = {constants.HV_CPU_MASK: hv_base.OPT_CPU_MASK_CHEC...
a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
  _REQUIRED_CGROUP_SUBSYSTEMS = ["cpuset", "memory", "devices", ...

Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: ANCILLARY_FILES, ANCILLARY_FILES_OPT, CAN_MIGRATE

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

_InstanceLogFilePath(cls, instance)
Class Method

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Return the log file for an instance.


_InstanceStashFilePath(cls, instance_name)
Class Method

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Return the stash file path for an instance.

The stash file is used to keep information needed to clean up after the destruction of the instance.

_MountCgroupSubsystem(cls, subsystem)
Class Method

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Mount the cgroup subsystem fs under the cgroup root dir.

  • subsystem (string) - cgroup subsystem name to mount @rtype string @return path of subsystem mount point

_CleanupInstance(self, instance_name, stash)

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Actual implementation of the instance cleanup procedure.

  • instance_name (string) - instance name
  • stash (dict(string:any)) - dict that contains desired information for instance cleanup

CleanupInstance(self, instance_name)

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Cleanup after a stopped instance.

  • instance_name - instance name to cleanup after
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.CleanupInstance

_GetOrPrepareCgroupSubsysMountPoint(cls, subsystem)
Class Method

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Prepare cgroup subsystem mount point.

  • subsystem (string) - cgroup subsystem name to mount @rtype string @return path of subsystem mount point

Class Method

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Return the dict of cgroup subsystem hierarchies this process belongs to.

The dictionary has the cgroup subsystem as a key and its hierarchy as a value. Information is read from /proc/self/cgroup.

_GetCgroupSubsysDir(cls, subsystem)
Class Method

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Return the directory of the cgroup subsystem we use.

  • subsystem (string) - cgroup subsystem name
Returns: string
path of the hierarchy directory for the subsystem

_GetCgroupParamPath(cls, param_name, instance_name=None)
Class Method

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Return the path of the specified cgroup parameter file.

  • param_name (string) - cgroup subsystem parameter name
Returns: string
path of the cgroup subsystem parameter file

_GetCgroupInstanceValue(cls, instance_name, param_name)
Class Method

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Return the value of the specified cgroup parameter.

  • instance_name (string) - instance name
  • param_name (string) - cgroup subsystem parameter name @rtype string @return value read from cgroup subsystem fs

_SetCgroupInstanceValue(cls, instance_name, param_name, param_value)
Class Method

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Set the value to the specified instance cgroup parameter.

  • instance_name (string) - instance name
  • param_name (string) - cgroup subsystem parameter name
  • param_value (string) - cgroup subsystem parameter value to be set

_IsCgroupParameterPresent(cls, parameter, hvparams=None)
Class Method

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Return whether a cgroup parameter can be used.

This is checked by seeing whether there is a file representation of the parameter in the location where the cgroup is mounted.

  • parameter (string) - The name of the parameter.
  • hvparams - dict
  • hvparams - The hypervisor parameters, optional.
Returns: boolean

ListInstances(self, hvparams=None)

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Get the list of running instances.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.ListInstances

GetInstanceInfo(self, instance_name, hvparams=None)

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Get instance properties.

  • instance_name (string) - the instance name
  • hvparams (dict of strings) - hvparams to be used with this instance
Returns: tuple of strings
(name, id, memory, vcpus, stat, times)
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetInstanceInfo

GetAllInstancesInfo(self, hvparams=None)

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Get properties of all instances.

  • hvparams (dict of strings) - hypervisor parameter
Returns: (string, string, int, int, HvInstanceState, int)
[(name, id, memory, vcpus, stat, times),...]
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetAllInstancesInfo

_GetInstanceDropCapabilities(cls, hvparams)
Class Method

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Get and parse the drop capabilities list from the instance hvparams.

  • hvparams (dict of strings) - instance hvparams @rtype list(string) @return list of drop capabilities

_PrepareInstanceRootFsBdev(cls, storage_path, stash)
Class Method

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Return mountable path for storage_path.

This function creates a partition mapping for storage_path and returns the first partition device path as a rootfs partition, and stashes the loopback device path. If storage_path is not a multi-partition block device, just return storage_path.

_WaitForInstanceState(cls, instance_name, state, timeout)
Class Method

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Wait for an instance state transition within timeout

Return True if an instance state changed to the desired state within timeout secs.

StartInstance(self, instance, block_devices, startup_paused)

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Start an instance.

For LXC, we try to mount the block device and execute 'lxc-start'. We use volatile containers.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.StartInstance

StopInstance(self, instance, force=False, retry=False, name=None, timeout=None)

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Stop an instance.

  • instance - instance to stop
  • force - whether to do a "hard" stop (destroy)
  • retry - whether this is just a retry call
  • name - if this parameter is passed, the the instance object should not be used (will be passed as None), and the shutdown must be done by name only
  • timeout - if the parameter is not None, a soft shutdown operation will be killed after the specified number of seconds. A hard (forced) shutdown cannot have a timeout
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.StopInstance

RebootInstance(self, instance)

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Reboot an instance.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.RebootInstance

BalloonInstanceMemory(self, instance, mem)

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Balloon an instance memory to a certain value.

  • instance (objects.Instance) - instance to be accepted
  • mem (int) - actual memory size to use for instance runtime
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.BalloonInstanceMemory

GetNodeInfo(self, hvparams=None)

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Return information about the node.

See BaseHypervisor.GetLinuxNodeInfo.

  • hvparams - hypervisor parameters
a dict with at least the following keys (memory values in MiB):
  • memory_total: the total memory size on the node
  • memory_free: the available memory on the node for instances
  • memory_dom0: the memory used by the node itself, if available
  • cpu_total: total number of CPUs
  • cpu_dom0: number of CPUs used by the node OS
  • cpu_nodes: number of NUMA domains
  • cpu_sockets: number of physical CPU sockets
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetNodeInfo

GetInstanceConsole(cls, instance, primary_node, node_group, hvparams, beparams)
Class Method

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Return a command for connecting to the console of an instance.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetInstanceConsole

_GetLXCVersionFromCmd(cls, from_cmd)
Class Method

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Return the LXC version currently used in the system.

Version information will be retrieved by command specified by from_cmd.

  • from_cmd (string) - the lxc command used to retrieve version information
Returns: LXCVersion
a version object which represents the version retrieved from the command

Class Method

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Verify the validity of lxc command line tools.

Returns: list(str)
list of problem descriptions. the blank list will be returned if there is no problem.

Verify(self, hvparams=None)

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Verify the hypervisor.

For the LXC manager, it just checks the existence of the base dir.

  • hvparams (dict of strings) - hypervisor parameters to be verified against; not used here
Problem description if something is wrong, None otherwise
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.Verify

PowercycleNode(cls, hvparams=None)
Class Method

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LXC powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.

  • hvparams (dict of strings) - hypervisor params to be used on this node
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.PowercycleNode

MigrateInstance(self, cluster_name, instance, target, live)

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Migrate an instance.

  • cluster_name (string) - name of the cluster
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance to be migrated
  • target (string) - hostname (usually ip) of the target node
  • live (boolean) - whether to do a live or non-live migration
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.MigrateInstance

GetMigrationStatus(self, instance)

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Get the migration status

Returns: objects.MigrationStatus
the status of the current migration (one of constants.HV_MIGRATION_VALID_STATUSES), plus any additional progress info that can be retrieved from the hypervisor
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetMigrationStatus

Class Variable Details [hide private]


["lxc-console", "lxc-ls", "lxc-start", "lxc-stop", "lxc-wait",]


a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
  • the required flag (boolean)
  • a function to check for syntax, that will be used in CheckParameterSyntax, in the master daemon process
  • an error message for the above function
  • a function to check for parameter validity on the remote node, in the ValidateParameters function
  • an error message for the above function
{constants.HV_CPU_MASK: hv_base.OPT_CPU_MASK_CHECK, constants.HV_LXC_D\
EVICES: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants.HV_LXC_DROP_CAPABILITIES: hv_base.\
NO_CHECK, constants.HV_LXC_EXTRA_CGROUPS: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants.\
HV_LXC_EXTRA_CONFIG: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants.HV_LXC_NUM_TTYS: hv_b\


["cpuset", "memory", "devices", "cpuacct",]