[("instance_name", None, ht.TString, "A required instance name (for si
ngle-instance LUs)"), ("instance_uuid", None, ht.TMaybeString, "An ins
tance UUID (for single-instance LUs)"), ("force_variant", False, ht.TB
ool, "Whether to force an unknown OS variant"), ("os_type", None, ht.T
MaybeString, "OS type for instance installation"), ("osparams", None,
ht.TMaybe(ht.TObject(ht.TAny)), "Temporary OS parameters (currently on
ly in reinstall, might be added to install as well)"), ("osparams_priv
ate", None, ht.TMaybe(ht.TObject(ht.TPrivate(ht.TAny))), "Private OS p