[("instance_name", None, ht.TString, "A required instance name (for si
ngle-instance LUs)"), ("instance_uuid", None, ht.TMaybeString, "An ins
tance UUID (for single-instance LUs)"), ("force", False, ht.TBool, "Wh
ether to force the operation"), ("ignore_offline_nodes", False, ht.TBo
ol, "Whether to ignore offline nodes"), ("timeout", 120, ht.TNonNegati
ve(ht.TInt), "How long to wait for instance to shut down"), ("no_remem
ber", False, ht.TBool, "Do not remember instance state changes"), ("ad
min_state_source", None, ht.TMaybe(ht.TAdminStateSource), "Who last ch