[("node_name", None, ht.TNonEmptyString, "A required node name (for si
ngle-node LUs)"), ("node_uuid", None, ht.TMaybeString, "A node UUID (f
or single-node LUs)"), ("force", False, ht.TBool, "Whether to force th
e operation"), ("hv_state", None, ht.TMaybe(ht.TObject(ht.TAny)), "Set
hypervisor states"), ("disk_state", None, ht.TMaybe(ht.TObject(ht.TAn
y)), "Set disk states"), ("master_candidate", None, ht.TMaybeBool, "Wh
ether the node should become a master candidate"), ("offline", None, h
t.TMaybeBool, "Whether to mark the node offline"), ("drained", None, h