

gnt-storage - Ganeti storage administration


gnt-storage {command} [arguments...]


The gnt-storage is used for managing the available storage inside the Ganeti cluster. At the moment, it manages only external storage (ExtStorage).




This command provides detailed information about the state of all ExtStorage providers available in the Ganeti cluster. The state of each provider is calculated per nodegroup. This means that a provider may be valid (meaning usable) for some nodegroups, and invalid (not usable) for some others. This command will help you see why an installed ExtStorage provider is not valid for a specific nodegroup. It could be that it is missing from a node, or is only partially installed. This command will show the details of all ExtStorage providers and the reasons they are or aren’t valid for every nodegroup in the cluster.



This command will list detailed information about each ExtStorage provider found in the cluster, including its nodegroup validity, the supported parameters (if any) and their documentations, etc.

For each ExtStorage provider only the valid nodegroups will be listed.

If run with no arguments, it will display info for all ExtStorage providers found in the cluster. If given ExtStorage provider’s names as arguments it will list info only for providers given.


In the future gnt-storage can be extended to also handle internal storage (such as lvm, drbd, etc) and also provide diagnostics for them too.

It can also be extended to handle internal and external storage pools, if/when this kind of abstraction is implemented inside Ganeti.